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12548426 No.12548426 [Reply] [Original]

This is probably an unusual thread for these parts but I'll give it a try. I have a 6 year old son who is a fairly advanced reader for his age. He's been reading for two years, reads no-picture chapter books (as well as picture books obviously,) etc.

I'm looking for recommendations for books that teach logic and critical thinking. It can be direct or indirect teaching, picture books or not, and the reading level can vary from 1st-4th.

I know this might be outside /lit/'s ken, but any ideas?

>> No.12548440

Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald
Mein Kamph by Adolf Hitler

>> No.12548446

The Bible.
He sounds too young to understand anything that doesn't pertain to his reason of being.

>> No.12548482

You're quite a joker.

>> No.12548490

He already reads Bible stories but that doesn't exactly promote critical thinking or logic. It's more a series of stories and morals, which are valuable, but not what I'm specifically seeking here.

>> No.12548743

both meme books for underage retards

>> No.12548752
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Finnegans wake. Unironically. It’ll open his mind to imagination in coloring outside the lines.

>> No.12548758

poderes mágicos amigos para siempre

>> No.12549461

Sure, right after he finishes Ulysses.

>> No.12549521

I have no idea what this is.

>> No.12549557

Have you tried ‘The Hobbit’? Everyone loves it, and if he’s as advanced a reader as you say, so would he.

>> No.12549579


Alice in Wonderland.

>> No.12549583

>ooks that teach logic and critical thinking
>to a 6 yo
Come the fuck on
Critical thinking is a meme, "think freely but only how I want you to"
For logic you get him some Aristotle or Boole.

>> No.12549598

Seconding this.

>> No.12549690

The Phantom Tollbooth is full of math references and absurd situations. Every kid has to read The Phantom Tollbooth.

>> No.12549712
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>> No.12549736

How can anyone buy this unironically?

>> No.12549740

I was planning on having him read that in maybe 2 years.

>> No.12549750


The Number Devil is a fun intro to math, especially the concepts beyond basic elementary school adding.

>> No.12549766

Coincido. Verás, los poderes, cuando mágicos, y usados con amigos (para siempre) son de lo mejor.

>> No.12549774

That's a bit of a preposterous title but is it good?

>> No.12549788

I think the Hobbit would be a bit challenging for him right now. Maybe in a year or two

This might work. It'd stretch him but I think he could do it.

>> No.12549818

I don't believe critical thinking is a meme but this isn't the place for that discussion.

Are you aware of any books tht present Aristotelian or Boolean logic in a simple fashion for young children?

>> No.12550023

ok good

>> No.12550032


>> No.12550046

Dude, I was fucking joking with the logic, even adults struggle with it and its practical value is minimal. Your kid is not a little Einstein, just give him good, intelligent books for younger people. Some nonfictional books would be good too, stuff about animals, nature, history and some easy science, giving him a basis for later on.

>> No.12550112

I know you were joking, but learning about fundamentals of logic isn't something unattainable for 6 year olds.

He reads a wide variety of books already. I was just looking for something a little more philosophically suited.

>> No.12550233
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A Series of Unfortunate Events rivals some of the best made children's lit out there. From the narration and prose to the use of language, to the genuine character development and themes and emotional concepts explored in the novels.The genre/aesthetic is interesting and somewhat unique among modern children's lit too. To top all of that off, the few illustrations in the books - and the covers especially - are all wonderful.

I read them as they were coming out when I was growing up and even going back to them as an adult, I think they still offer a good amount of value.

>> No.12550276

aesop's fables

>> No.12550329

Tom's Midnight Garden.

>> No.12550379
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The story is decent but the grammar is shit. Everything he reads at this point should be culled for proper grammar, as his current reading is the foundation for his own grammar. The Phantom Tollbooth was mentioned quite a ways down pic related. He can read Poe and Twain and whatever other gobbledygook he wants after he builds his foundation.

>> No.12550439

Already gone through those twice and he likes them and they normally provoke a discussion or two.

>> No.12550455

Seconding this

>> No.12550466

They would be easy reads for your kid it sounds like, but maybe some Chris Van Allsburg books would be good "philosophical" material (The Wretched Stone, The Sweetest Fig, Wreck of the Zephyr). That, and the artwork in them is beautiful.

>> No.12550535

Aesop's Fables and Greek/Norse mythology.

>> No.12550813

This but also Smullyan's Alice books which are logic puzzles with less nonsense and politics.
I remember that being about ice skating not logic?

>> No.12550968
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>> No.12552022

something else kathryn cave
rouletabosse Robert escarpit

>> No.12553250

I'll check out those Alice books. They look good.