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12544498 No.12544498[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i'm not a marxist, a christian or a feminist anymore
but i'm not a capitalist either

>> No.12544511


>> No.12544525

also, books for this feel? where do i go from here?

>> No.12544590

>putting yourself in the prison of ideology
He is right

>> No.12544748

Non Marxist socialists/communists/anti-capitalists exist.

MLK never publicly identified as a marxist, neither did edward said, or noam chomsky.

>> No.12544767

Evola checks off all of those boxes.

>> No.12544806
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>> No.12544811

Anprim senpai?

>> No.12544818

Arguable on MLK

>> No.12544820

Welcome anon actually made it passed surface-level “reality is this single, simple principle! Buy now!” analysis.

Now you’re in the lonely camp of nuanced opinions, basically your only options are reading academic research and phenomenology. Also, keep your troll game up so you can still interact with people in the real world.

>”Better dead than red”
>”Actually you can found a lot of socialist policies within a broadly capitalist (although not orthodox, like the fake Austrian Ayn Rand bullshit) system, using, for example, the concept of “externalities” which create the grounds for a reasonable third way between the two extremes and more efficien.... where’d you go?? You were looking for answers right?? ...Mom?”

>> No.12544830

if you're religious look into distributism
private property + small scale markets + local communities

>> No.12544835

You read some Fiction

>> No.12544838

>go fascist
i'm of jewish descent though
this would be a regression from marxism
thanks anon, i hope i can find or create an authentic mode of interpretation and not just descend into nihilism, which is perhaps what attracts people to such illustrious prefabricated ideas in the first place
>keep your troll game up so you can still interact with people in the real world.
pretty based advice, interacting with people irl is pretty much everybody just trolling each other, yeah. you need to have thick skin. this site helps with that lol. good post btw

>> No.12545021

anarchism. Start with proudhon

>> No.12545051
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Same. It’s not so bad you can easily psychoanalyze anyone you come into contact with especially women. Get some cunt.

>> No.12545056

MLK thought rock and roll and dancing was bad and just like literally every other successful speaker for the black community he’s highly right wing and highly religious. But I guess Che Guevara thought rock music and fun was decadent bullshit too so ya know, maybe you aren’t wrong bud.

>> No.12545066

It doesn't matter what you are anon, your ideology will never see the light if its obscure.
You either pick a side from the well established movements or ignore politics all together

>> No.12545071

that's good

>> No.12545118

>i'm of jewish descent though

>He doesn't know about the Lehi

>> No.12545121
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Read Aleksandr Dugin.

>> No.12545124

Chomsky is an Anarchist of course.

>> No.12545399

I despise it when pseuds try to wash MLK's history and make it seem as if he were a right winger despite of all the extreme leftist positions he had.
If MLK was alive today the same people who pseuds who try to call him a right winger would want him dead and call him a scummy commie

>> No.12545408

Give it 50 years and the right will try to claim that bernie sanders was actually right wing.

>> No.12545517

I know dat feel, anon. Feels empty, puposeless. What now?

>> No.12545526


>> No.12545529

The point your missing is that in 50 years, Bernie will be right wing.

>> No.12545535

NazBol or strasserism

>> No.12545541

What is the difference between ideology and pill?

>> No.12545553

Ideology appeals to the elites in one way or another, pills don't

>> No.12545622

thank you all for your replies

>this would be a regression from marxism
i always get fed up with people and explain their behaviour to them.
doesn't seem relevant to me as a canadian
accept it, think
nah i'm really not down to go fascist
pills are pseudo-ideologies, niche memefied subjectivations

>> No.12545637

>pills don't

>> No.12545645


>> No.12545651

based communitarian

>> No.12545765
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Relate and I’m slowly losing my mind into stronger derealization. I’ve slowly started disliking capital production as it feeds on the faults of the human condition and uses humanities excess energy for consumption and destruction. Surfacing the capital creation of worldwide hyper reality I find myself so disconnected, how everything feels like a symbol with the value of value placed into it. Other people feel like they have lost themselves and do everything for an abstract hierarchy and the feeling of false accomplishment and being good. I’m beginning to believe non corrupted children with language have life already figured out as they are true to themselves and noncomprehensive reality.

>> No.12545768

Seriously on my list. I heard it's basically autistic reasoning into buddhism, is that right?

>> No.12545786


Mind elaborating? I feel the same way.

>> No.12545822

felt like i was losing my mind too but it was due to ideological pressures. feel u re: feeling alienated from or disillusioned towards semiocapital exchange/circulation in the simulated reality of our neoliberal global village/marketplace. people want power, they like what gives them a feeling of power; even if they're just being had by their bosses and by capital, they're too stupid to know, understand, or care. do you mean children without language? i agree that children being true to themselves and non-comprehensive reality have it figured out, but i feel averse to choosing to participate in the same experience of being-together-with-others we had as child now as an adult with other adults, because it seems childish or because i'm too insecure

>> No.12545983

>I'm Jewish
>I'm Canadian

Typical behaviour

>> No.12546168
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As a child without corruption you’re in no way afraid of what you are and others. Taking an example is that you don’t care for your own nudity or others because the abstract ideas and ethics of it haven’t been implemented into you but it can be corrupted into the symbol of pornography early, as anything can be. I remember sleeping and cuddling with my friends as a child and there was no false fear of possibly being homosexual like we see so much now, we were just two in being. Energy and any concrete thing can be given a symbol. I remember a recent dream where I was walking with a nude man and woman on a mountain, because of the nature of the non corruptable subconscious none of us felt any false symbol of taboo. The Greeks are so important because you’ll see that the human condition is non changing energy that can learn and so much of philosophy is coping for the non understandable.
So many teens and adults are lost but because of power and social hierarchies they put on an image that’s not. Seeing this I felt much more comfortable around others. As all non corrupted children are true I believe humans can be saved. Try to create a dual consciousness within your mono, in the way of understanding opposites. I recently realized that I have often been afraid of different human experiences that have the possibility of corruption but reading Jüngers writings on drugs and war or Battailles on the erotic changed that deliberately. I came a footstep away from suicide 4 years ago because of hyper reality and trauma before a wind blew me backwards as I leaned forward and I decided to at least try to realize why. I’m beginning to believe that the idea of nothing is even a human construct built on falsehood. Even if humanity can’t be saved, groups and individuals still can so that’s what you should try, building strong friendships and beautiful situations with others like you and yourself. Or build up situations that strike at the leviathan and show faults on it. Humans have the incredible importance of inner consciousness, but with capital and many other created abstract things we are made to see only the outside. Really what I’m trying to say is don’t hate but don’t fear strength, war, taboos or the collective you are a part of either. Accept the human condition, help yourself and others close to you.

>> No.12546230

Just no, I can't even tell how did someone manage to come up with as autistic claim as that

>> No.12546339


Reminds me a lot of the last story in Salingers 9 stories book where the kid keeps mentioning how the rest of the people ate the apple.

I do not understand the part about dual consciousness though. What do You mean by that?

I am basically stuck on the Nothingness, but Nothing also being a creation/concept makes sense to me as well. I really wish to exit this nihilst hole but the only way out I see is as You through the realization of the Nothing as a concept and immediate focus on quality relationships and sticking it to the system.