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12545573 No.12545573 [Reply] [Original]

>read philosophy
>become essentialist Muslim Leninist
Anyone else?

>> No.12545580
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>Muslim Leninist

whatever the hell that means

>> No.12545583

you're still young

>> No.12545585

im essentialist af

>> No.12545588
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>Muslim Leninist

>> No.12545652


>> No.12545763

Welcome to the faith, brother in الغوبلين اليباني
بأسم هتلر الموت الشيطان الكبير

>> No.12545908


>> No.12545920
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I'm not really sure how you came to that conclusion.

>> No.12546170


>> No.12546193


>> No.12546249

could someone kindly explain to a brainlet what exactly marxism and leninism is?

>> No.12546279

Marxism is a critique of political economy, Leninism is a revolutionary strategy.

>> No.12546414
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>"Oh boy, a group of Iranians founded a communist/leninist party! That means there MUST be muslim communists out there!"

>> No.12546476
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>the existence of islamig gommunisds does not imply the existence of islamig gommunisds

>> No.12546503
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>implying considering yourself both a Muslim and a Communist at the same time isn't totally incongruous & completely contradicts the ideology of one another

what are you smoking my mans

>> No.12546657
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Islamic communist here. Marx's criticisms of religion are related to their role in a capitalist system and how they make the masses complacent. There is nothing inherently anti religious about Marxism. In fact religion can be used to rally the proletariat against the borgueise. This was the historical role of both Christianity and Islam.

>> No.12546819 [DELETED] 

Fair enough.

Still doesn't make much sense though, as you're basically ascribing yourself to be an adherent to both the final divine word of God & a completely man-made ideology.

>> No.12546835

>be me, edgy teenage atheist
>get into philosophy
>become a big-brained monist chad years later as a result
Anyone else post-agonistic here?

>> No.12546837

>no true scottsman

>> No.12546851

Read Persepolis, learn about leftism in the middle east and shut the fuck up

>> No.12546898

You are literally contradicting Marx lol:

"Religion is the opium of the people."

>> No.12546915

Once I read Marx for so long that when I looked in the mirror that's what I saw

>> No.12546916

>opium is automatically a bad thing
what shallow interpretative skills you have. Why do you think islamic extremists attacked the world TRADE centre of all places? has it never occurred to you that part of their attitude towards the west is entangled in anti-capitalist sentiment?

>> No.12546925
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Yes but this is in the context of a capitalist system. It is their "opium" in that it makes them complacent that the superiority of the burgeiouse is a divine truth. Religion is not limited to this context and Islam has some very pro proletariat stances.

>> No.12546928
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>> No.12546931
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>read political philosophy
>become libertarian stalinist
anyone else?

>> No.12546936

Once I read Hegel for so long that when I looked in the mirror I saw Marx upside-down

>> No.12546943

it doesn't though? islam is the most compatible abr*hamic religion with gommunism

>> No.12546946

That quote isn't even anti religion, he just says it's numbing them so they don't want to stand up for anything. Marxism is a philosophy/set of ideas and is versatile to be combined with other things.

>> No.12546947

>getting this buttblasted for no reason

All I said was that coalescing these two different ideologies together is just simply incongruous, that's all.

Islam and marxism may not be all that radically different to each other in terms of achieving endgoals of social justice, advancement of the proletariat class, etc. But at the end of the day, Islam (at its ABSOLUTE core) teaches that one should not be a Muslim and yet simultaneously follow a completely man-made ideology that wasn't ordained by God to begin with. At that point it's basically inadvertant polytheism.

Maybe if you studied the theological aspects of Islam a little bit more instead of just only reading books on the Iranian Revolution, you'd probably know that by now.

>> No.12546974

You can be a Muslim and disagree with little things in the Quran just like Christians disregard 90% of the bible. No one has the same view on what the religions even are.

>> No.12546975

Of course I don't believe in Marx's metaphysics just enough of his sociopolitical and economic ideas. I don't think any Islamic Communist/Socialist does.

>> No.12546979

>Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.
>The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness.To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions. The criticism of religion is, therefore, in embryo, the criticism of that vale of tears of which religion is the halo.

>> No.12546987

Yeah I guess Islamic-Marxists don't agree with it entirely but take a lot of other base things

>> No.12547006

>Islam (at its ABSOLUTE core) teaches that one should not be a Muslim
think you might have made a typo here, not sure what you're getting at. Regardless, your focus on Islam as an absolute theology is totally detached from both its political context and lived reality. Just because different doctrines (whether marxist or islamic) are incompatible at an abstract level doesn't mean there isn't a large population who straddle that divide. Not all muslims are fundamentalists in the same way that not all christians are

>> No.12547008

The first quote is literally just saying religion is what destitute people turn towards. The second quote is somewhat anti religious but once again you have to regard the way religion was being used when Karl Marx was alive. Once again Islamic Socialism/Communism doesn't embrace Marx's metaphysics.

>> No.12547013
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>Muslim Leninist

>> No.12547017

>muslim leninist
i'm all in favor of muslims ruining their own lives.

>> No.12547029

>yfw ppl hate america so much marxism and islamism looks the same to them

this may come as a surprise but not all anti-american stuff is the same

>> No.12547063

Except you can't, you ignoramus. That literally just goes against one another.

Now when it comes down to my personal (unorthodox) Islamic views however, I follow & try to analyze the Qur'an to the best of my ability, while simultaneously rejecting all secondary/"complementary" scriptures altogether (i.e. Hadith literature), as I believe that they're simply man-made apocrypha (for the most part), and a lot of what's on there is merely sectarian, superstitious, contradictory nonsense that goes against the very essence of the Qur'an IMO.

But as for the Qur'an in AND of itself, I literally cannot say that I disagree with basically anything that's on there. Otherwise I'd be shooting myself in the foot by in essence, going against one of the most integral tenets of being a Muslim in the first place.

>> No.12547096

>Islam (at its ABSOLUTE core) teaches that one should not be a Muslim AND yet simultaneously follow a completely man-made ideology that wasn't ordained by God to begin with

Probably should've emphasized the "and" there at first

>> No.12547102

>while simultaneously ignoring all Hadith
What the fuck? You can't understand Islam without the Hadith.

>> No.12547114 [DELETED] 

>You can't understand Islam without the Hadith

Common retarded fallacy that has been holding Sunni Islam back for the past 1200 years now.

>> No.12547133

>You can't understand Islam without the Hadith

Common retarded fallacy that has been holding Sunni Muslims back for the past 1200 years now.