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/lit/ - Literature

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12532549 No.12532549 [Reply] [Original]

edgycore like NfU, Whatever and Conspiracy against the Human RAce aren't cutting it anymore. i am sick of philosophizing and reading treatise on the sentiment. i am already experiencing it firsthand, the explanations aren't wanted or needed.


>> No.12532900

If you're struggling with isolation, do some charitable voluntary work.

>> No.12532926

There's John Dolan's Pleasant Hell but it is a book about isolation and resenting life so I'm not sure if it's good for coping with that. It is really good though.

>> No.12532952

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

>> No.12532984

I can't leave my home, I don't even work

>> No.12533022

glad i'm not the only one

only stuff that i can think of are, like
notes from underground
the metamorphosis
no longer human
and maybe:
the goalie's anxiety at the penalty kick
child of god

>> No.12533031

My take on "The Little Prince"

The first thing the little prince connects with the snake first and we don't know how long and how deep their bond becomes before the little shit meets the pilot. I see the Little shit as a conceptual protrusion that hijacks the pilots hierarchy of priorities if the little shit had not showed up the pilot would have fixed the plane in time and would have been on his way. The story is a suicide note/story from the author because the little shit is his demons in his head that took over and at the end he allows the snake to take him the author gave in to his minds darkness and committed suicide and the story is his suicide note.

>> No.12533053

im op, i agree unironically

i have a response but it belongs more on r9k than lit.

i think this is something god wants me to assail but idk how. im in the old testament right now and it's all just political history.

same, im in grad school. the only time i need to leave the house and show my face is a weekly meeting

>> No.12533449


>> No.12533458

>thinks NfU supports his shitty cope identity
Man you cunts are stupid lmao

>> No.12533572

The Catcher in the Rye. Whether or not you enjoy it will likely hinge solely on if you like Holden.

>> No.12533588

>forgot how to laugh or cry

damn that hits hard

>> No.12533597
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I feel like I'm too old to be a doomer. I'm 27 I should be getting my shit together by now right?

>> No.12533604

you're too young actually

>> No.12533639

No. no one in this thread is proud of their resemblance to him. And i'm even worse than underground man because i am stupider.

>> No.12533656

Get some fucking exercise

>> No.12533710

Yeah i get it, you and all these other run of the mill losers are bad people and you realise it. How does that make you view other people? Don't worry about answering because I know that too. ;^)

>> No.12533720

Some other people are great. They are upright, and have surpassed (or at least avoided the demise from) underground-man-type mental degenerations. Like Jesus Christ and Paul the Apostle

But (You) aren't one of those. ;^(

>> No.12533729
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>> No.12533799
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This lame thread again.

>> No.12534561
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Has there been anything like the doomer phenomenon in other generations, or is it unique to us

>> No.12534753
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>Books to cope
Everything concerned with the real is going to be a reflection of your mundane relation to it and just make ya feel worse. That's why escapism is most valuable in this situation. Find out what you can still enjoy and go wild as long as you still can. If there's nothing left you can still force it with invasive mediums like TV or Youtube binging, but since this is /lit/ I should also lie and say that comfy books are the solution for everyone.

>> No.12535309


>> No.12535318

Ever heard of fin de siecle?

>> No.12535414

Read Sun and Steel by Mishima. Good for Doomer intellectual types who think they can think their way towards understanding life but don't actually do anything.

>> No.12535433

I'm sure it has always existed in the intellectual class, as long as it has existed. People that work hard everyday to survive don't become Doomers.

>> No.12535583
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How /doomed/ are you bros
I can't remember the last time I brushed my teeth. They're starting to turn dark gray. I've been drunk for the last four days straight. I can't hold down a job. I can barely think straight. My brain is fried from years of pot smoking, LSD, and DXM abuse. I just got diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder and I'm getting kicked out of the military.

>> No.12536036


>> No.12536182
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yolo lmao

>> No.12536243

based and blackpilled

>> No.12536248

what the fuck. im op.

brush your teeth you absolute scum. even homeless people know to do this

>> No.12536265
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If you are mentally stable enough to take care of yourself and have good hygiene then you are a normalfaggot and you need to leave.

>> No.12536274

Just got written out of school, for not being there for 6 months. This is the second time this has happened to me.
my parents no longer talk to me, my mother cries almost every time she sees me and my father refuses to look at me.
I steal their alcohol every day and they know it, they have just given up and dont want to acknowledge it.
I was blackout drunk today and vomited on the kitchen floor while they were eating dinner.
I weigh 98 pounds and im a 19 year old male.
P-pretty doomed right?

>> No.12536293
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not bad anon. you're only 19 though so as far as I'm concerned you're an underage faggot. come back when you're at least 24 and a legitimate doomer

>> No.12536299

i know part of what made you write this is a meme but like, seriously man, cut it out. what the fuck. just fucking brush your teeth.

go do it right now

>> No.12536635

I wasn't memeing. You are a normalfaggot. Get out.

>> No.12536782

based and savagepilled
they will ignore it

>> No.12536961

anything of Arthur Schopenhauer

>> No.12536969

wtf for real

>> No.12537049


>> No.12537053

can't stop reading it with an indian accent.

>> No.12537153

>This is the second time this has happened to me
hey anon I cant offer much but I want to say that I ghosted out of college twice by 21 as well. I was peak doomer by the second time. Literally spent my last dollars for food on 40s and cigarettes and smoked/drank/jerked off in a dark basement for a week straight until I was facing eviction and suicide. I broke down to my parents and begged them for forgiveness and submitted to their every request (school, chores, sobriety, manners, etc.) and began the long process of recovery. Now Im on the honor roll, getting scholarships, have a good job and a positive and selfless outlook on life. Im not perfect but my individuality returned and I have genuine potential. I took the time to write this all out to make you aware that your not fucked, you can still turn your life around. This goes for all doomers.

>> No.12537160

tell us your tale, friend

>> No.12537189

the Burnout Society

>> No.12537197

Anyone have any recs that deal with giving up porn. I can still masturbate without the use of it, but the draw to watch is really enticing. Please no religious texts; something that'll scare me straight

>> No.12537205

stop posting these twitter-tier memes

>> No.12537217
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I would assume you are pretty smart and proably don't need this info considering your mentioned grad school, but when you read the Bible, you should not read it chronologically your first time through. It is scripture, not a novel or a history textbook. You would get much more from reading the Gospels and Genesis first, then the major prophets, and then going for a full chronological read.
Wishing you the best, friend

>> No.12537221

This is /lit/ you realize, on cuckchan of all places

>> No.12537232

you deserve all of your misfortune lol

>> No.12537240

Your problem is caused by your neurotic modern male paradigm and your solution is to read books about it?
Do you see the issue now I've phrased it that way?
Your problem is not enough body and instinct and too much mind. I don't have any model of the self or eastern philosophy I'm basing this off of or anything, I just happen to know a lot of a specific type of navel-gazing guy who shares a lot of your sentiment and all of them would be doing better if they played more, fucked more, and did some cardio.

>> No.12537242

learn to draw or play an instrument and do it for no reason but because freedom

>> No.12537253
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stop masturbating
stop drinking
start meditating

>> No.12537273

Try living without your device for a day. It's totally doable. Nothing in life is so important that it can't wait one day (unless you work on-call). Give it a genuine attempt. 24 hours without your phone / computer. If you survive, try 48 hours. Then bump it up to a week.

>> No.12537276

Its not much of a tale and I imagine the decline part is relatively standard. Barely passed Highschool as a fuckwit, became a stoner who wanted to be in a band. Had no discipline and chose to smoke weed and watch porn instead of really anything else. I was living in the basements of friends who would let me rent at this time. Wageslaved, tried college for computer science, ghosted and dropped it, wage slaved again, tried another college for music theory, ghosted, dropped, went into debt, spent last dollars on intoxicants. Thus was the decline.

Parents suggested I move to the Southwest and try school and work to pay off my debt on the condition that I truly want to succeed. This was a Choice. At this crossroads, which doomers reach everyday btw, I had to either choose to move and continue being a degenerate NEET-like or move and actually pursue a fulfilling life. There were other options but they were just prolonging the inevitable or rapidly hastening the most inevitable (death).

Turns out school isnt hard if you do the work and Choose to learn. FAFSA and scholarships arent hard if you bother to do them and learn how they work. Habits are easier to beat when you Choose to dedicate yourself to something you value like reading, studying, etc.

I have no friends, am a bit of a hermit, but I might make something of myself if I keep Choosing to. The biggest mistake of my life was romanticizing the doomer experience and condemning the Earth. No great man had it good or ideal circumstances. Some of them were degenerates too. But all great men made a Choice at somepoint that set them on a pth for greatness.

/blog, that was more than you asked for and less interesting than im sure you expected

>> No.12537287

I'm not watching porn daily, just when I do decide to watch it and masturbate I feel absolute disgust because of hyper imagery that is involved.

>> No.12537289
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Thank you for writing your story anon. Keep fighting the good fight.

>> No.12537301

You're quite humble, it was exactly what I asked for and more interesting than I expected. Great to hear of your transformation, your decision to say yes to life or however you yourself understand it

>> No.12537306

I was this guy a few years ago. And still am to some degree.

>> No.12537478

The Lost Generation and the Beat Generation were all doomers in the 20s and the 50s respectively.

>> No.12537484

Dude, you're 19. Get your shit together before you're 21 and you'll be just fine. If you're in your early 20s and you don't have a kid or a criminal record, you can do whatever the fuck you want with your life. The world is yours. Don't fuck yourself up, dude.

>> No.12537601
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I wish someone had told me this when I was 19. I'm 24 now. It's too late for me. My life is damaged beyond repair.

>> No.12537778

fix your life m8, or you'll kill yourself

>> No.12538444

literally me

>> No.12538669


i'm 26 there's still time isn't there? i mean i have no high school experience, no college experience & have spent the last six years on welfare out my mind on drugs. but it's okay isn't it?

>> No.12538740
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i LOVE that image

>> No.12538748

I'm 32, you have plenty of time.

>> No.12538782

what kind of country's military allows this

>> No.12538806
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I think a lot of this is anxiety bros. I have it too, just haven't done the work to get therapy and/or meds. (A month or two off effort like I've done isn't enough, just like a fad diet isn't enough to get healthy for good.) Therapy alone should help. I'm thinking of picking up a self help cognitive behavioral therapy book, I came across this one recommended by medical professionals


>> No.12538812
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apparently there is an updated edition? maybe worth a look as well.

>> No.12539516

This gives me hope actually.

>> No.12540178
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Escapism through cheesy Japanese cartoon teen romance.

Take the shoujo-pill

>> No.12540429

this actually makes me sad because I never experienced it. Never experienced any kind of romance whatsoever actually.

>> No.12540840

Remember gen Xoomers?

Yeah neither do I.

>> No.12542093

12 rules to life

>> No.12543886

read it the first week it came out, its self-help-smutty but also very good.

>> No.12543929

>How /doomed/ are you bros

About 9/10. I'd say 10/10 if the bullets kill me

>> No.12543945

read some cs lewis

>> No.12543959

Judging from Dostoyevsky's work, his generation seems to have been split down the middle between the 19th century Russian version of Doomers and SJWs.
Like this anon >>12534561 said, Fitzgerald's generation was really doom-y. They all partied themselves to death. More recently, Gen X seems to have been pretty doom-y, watch Richard Linklater's Slackers. They were more comfortable than us, though, because they could have had jobs if they wanted them.

>> No.12544111
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Yeah but those generations had some hope. Like you said, gen x had jobs and a future. What have we got? There's no future for us. It's over. Has there ever been a generation as hopelessly doomed as we are?

>> No.12544136

Nice digits, but many generations thought they were totally fucking doomer. You know that song "Eve of Destruction" from the 1960s? Or "God Save the Queen" in the 70s (the one where Johnny Rotten sneers "Nooooo future!")? They all thought they were doomed, and life went on.

By the way, OP, you could consider reading a book that does NOT in anyway relate to your life. Like a work of philosophy in a branch you don't usually read. If you read a shit ton of Nietzsche, pick up Descartes and Hume. Or a work of history about an era that you're interested in. This way you'll 1) distract yourself from your own misery, 2) resist projecting yourself on the book you're reading, and 3) learn something new and so grow as a person, even if only in a minor way.

>> No.12544500

hey anon, i'm 26 too, wasn't on welfare but spent all my time fucked up and chronically depressed, the only positive thing i had going for me is that i like to read and learn

half a year ago i left my whole life behind and started over in a new city, immediately began attending a community college, and i'm transferring in 1 1/2-2 years to an actual good college. should be done by 31, and by then another 2 years for a master's degree really won't seem too long... but who knows what i'll really want, and who i'll be by then.

all i do is work and read and self-study
i'm so fucking lonely
but i know this is the only path that will lead me to reaching at least a healthy fraction of my full potential

when i look back to 6 years ago, i think about all the things i could've done differently, and feel shame knowing that all it would've taken was picking a path and staying persistent.

sometimes i'm embarrassed to think that i'll be in my 30's when i finally obtain a bachelors degree.

a bachelors is like the new highschool diploma, man. in the first world, it's hard not to get stuck in a lifestyle of peasantry without one.

so yeah, i may be a little late here, but at least i won't be as fucking angry with myself when i look back, 6 years from now.

sorry to ramble, but seriously man, please don't give up, i don't know you, but i promise if you take notice of all the different possible versions of yourself branching off into the future, there's going to be at least one that really calls to you. it'll more than likely require sacrifice, but no matter what, digging yourself out of a hole is going to require energy and effort, you know?

whichever path you choose, it'll be unique to you. and it doesn't have to be education either, that's just what personally calls to me, don't pressure yourself to do shit you truly and intrinsically don't want to do, that isn't a life worth living. so yeah, maybe it's school, maybe it's the army, or simply getting clean, or devoting yourself to a hobby or political movement or charity, or meeting someone and settling down, etc. etc. etc.

whatever it is, there's definitely something for you, there's no fucking way there isn't

>> No.12544697

good wholesome post

>> No.12544729

>Hemingway absolutely hated his generation's boomers

>> No.12545076

reality is we'll probably keep grinding by for another 300 shitty mundane years and individual consciousness will continue dwindling

could be a good thing or a bad thing

>> No.12545321

Spotted the larper. Please leave.

>> No.12545343

This. Godspeed anon.

>> No.12546192

You can always hope for a nuclear war. Then again the Cold War failed to deliver...

>> No.12546252

>too late
I bet so many people told you when you were 19; you just were to stubborn to pay attention.

>> No.12546303
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My Diary Desu or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Schizoid Life

When you stop trying to be a normie life can be wonderful.

>> No.12546723

The cure for doomers.

>> No.12546760


>> No.12547199
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I basically only leave my house to get coffee these days and i hardly cook for myself unless its ramen. The only people i ever see are my roommates when we pass eachother in the shared living spaces. Girls are generally interested in me so that is fine. But I have no time or will to do anything or see anyone. Im in my last semester of a bachelors degree and all I do is homework, literally all day, i wake up at 8am and i just do homework until i fall asleep at 1 or 2am. I have basically no will to live, im severely underweight, the only thing im looking forward to is that i'll be graduating this summer and then im on my own getting a job to pay rent and thats my life. hopefully i can have time to read what im interested in and watch movies and stuff thats all i want. i just want to enjoy my life and have just a little bit of time to do anything that makes me happy.

on a related note, what sort of jobs could i apply for where I dont have to talk to anybody or be yelled at by some retard fuckin manager? I'm sick of going in to work and having to pretend I want to talk to anyone, i really dont give a shit i just want to make money and then leave.

>> No.12547609

honestly i read job postings that say how "our ideal candidate will understand how entrepreneurial spirit will help us all succeed" and it makes me want to unironically vomit

>> No.12547693

Why LARP an anime with your dumb white flour and artificial flavour diet?

Even just eating beans straight out of the can would be way better for you and even less work. And cooking actual meals that are healthy isn't a lot of work either and doesn't need to take a lot of time and would actually make you more productive.

>> No.12548210

A nasty nihilist in disguise as a bloomer. As long as you get your shit together before the arbitrary age of 21 the world is yours. But afterwards I guess you may as well kill yourself right.