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12538989 No.12538989[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is Stefan Molyneux the greatest intellectual of the 21st century?

>> No.12539003


>> No.12539020

women no longer have financial dependency to men since they got married to the welfare state. as a result, large number of males became incels.

>> No.12539023


>> No.12539027

this shit is so fucking gay. mgtow incels are a disgrace to men everywhere.

>> No.12539036

Which percentage of Molymeme's 'fans' takes him seriously, and which just enjoys watching a senile old man ramble about stoopid womyns?

>> No.12539046
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>mgtow incels are a disgrace to men everywhere.
and yet one of them is the greatest living writer.

>> No.12539070

Don't forget him inching towards unironic /pol/ every day

>> No.12539101

Look at the fucking state of you

>> No.12539126

didn't know Billy Corgan was into gender politics

>> No.12539130

This isn't even a mgtow thing. It's simply true.
Stating the simple truth is never cringey, but sure, many guys react cringily.

>> No.12539131


You incels are really just delusional lool

>> No.12539145

Are you arguing that every woman that’s rejected your ugly mug has been doing so because they’re taking government welfare? Are you saying that you’d rather attract a woman through forcing financial dependency on her than through physical attraction? I knew Molycuck himself was a retard loser... I suppose his devotees just being a reflection of that isn’t a surprise.

>> No.12539146

Society doesn't let guys get away with that kind of mindset, meanwhile the whole society will applaud this line of thinking. >>12539101

>> No.12539154

Lol, how does the whole of society applaud that line of thinking? You only have to look at laws surrounding abortion and rape to see that victim-blaming and shaming women for being single mothers is still massively prevalent. Incels are unironically some of the most privileged members of society - white, male and typically middle class. They will never to have worry about anything beyond getting a job, unlike women who are constantly under threat from toxic masculinity and rape threats. Have you ever had to walk home at night, scared for your life, clutching your keys in your hand so that if someone does attack you, you might just have a slim chance of scaring him off and surviving? Didn’t think so.

>> No.12539155

Actually, I'm asexual

>> No.12539163

you're oppressed because you couldn't close your legs? lmfao

>> No.12539165

you meant to write you can't get laid

>> No.12539166

Oh well carry on then fren

>> No.12539174

>what is rape
>what is irresponsible fathers fleeing in the face of a child
>what is abortion laws preventing a termination leading to women having to keep unwanted or ill-begotten children

>> No.12539180

>When you lack agency so you blame external circumstances for your personal failures

>> No.12539181


>> No.12539182

>Murdering babies

>> No.12539185

kek, stay mad, whore.

>> No.12539190

you mean regret?
>irresponsible fathers
maybe you shouldn't have married a black guy. it's not my fault you have terrible personality judgment.
>abortion laws
close your legs, whore

>> No.12539192

>terminating unwanted pregnancies to prevent a child being born into a world where it isn’t wanted is bad

>> No.12539193

>Assuming their life will be bad

>> No.12539198

How can you unironically hold Daily Stormer-tier views like that and then be surprised that nobody, especially women, want to be around you?

>> No.12539201

I think putting up a child conceived through rape for adoption and leaving them to rot in a nameless orphanage somewhere is a pretty bad start in life anon, don’t you?

>> No.12539202

Go back to your brothel whore

>> No.12539205

>>you mean regret?

what did he mean by this

>> No.12539206

Just because someone has a rough start does not mean they have a chance. If they think their life is shit, at least let them decide on their own to commit suicide.

>> No.12539209

lmfao stay mad virgin!!

>> No.12539214

But equally a woman shouldn’t be obliged to give birth to a child conceived through rape. I can understand your argument if it was a pregnancy that came about for lack of using protection or just general carelessness, though.

>> No.12539215

>a woman-hating incel pretending to care about babies
yeah, that's gonna be a "yikes" from me

>> No.12539221

I suppose, a rape baby is good for no one

>> No.12539228

>I have no argument
>I'll call him an incel

>> No.12539230

I spy with my little eye somebody who's involuntarily celibate

>> No.12539233
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>> No.12539234

Well, you are an incel, so either way they win, right?

>> No.12539238

epic /pol/chart virgin! steal any of your sister’s panties today?

>> No.12539240

Nah, I'm homosexual

>> No.12539241


>> No.12539243

So you yourself are complicit in the murdering of children lmao

>> No.12539248

I mean, your own original argument was just to call me a ‘whore’, so you’re not exactly mentally superior in any way, really.

>> No.12539251

In your case, it's the same thing

>> No.12539253

the whore comment was in response to you making a hole argument.

>> No.12539265

Lol, I don’t think so.
Your argument here has no substance to it whatsoever beyond just strawmanning and calling me a whore. Just admit you’ve been beaten by a woman and sit down, incel.

>> No.12539271

imagine not getting laid
>I can't

>> No.12539275

Good job /lit/.
This is one of the worst threads I've ever seen. Put me in the reddit screencap.

>> No.12539276

you have no arguments, just unmerited self-pity.

>> No.12539289

amazing response virgin, you just proved me right! you really are the biggest imbecile ive met on here in quite a while, and that’s saying something! would you like to point out where the unmerited self-pity is in the fact that in huge parts of the world women are still forced to give birth to children conceived through rape? or how women are unfairly discriminated against in the workplace for having to take time off to care for their children, and subsequently losing pay over male colleagues? or are these cases actually just two of a multitude of examples of real and identifiable gender-based discrimination and injustice?

>> No.12539301

roastie is toastie

>> No.12539307

umad lol

>> No.12539312

They should make a new chart entitled ‘arguing with incels’ and just use you as a case-study for how mentally inferior your type is.

>> No.12539314

The roast has officially been toast

>> No.12539320

>when you know you’ve been btfo

>> No.12539322
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>this god damn thread

>> No.12539325

>inching towards
He's a 'WHITE GENOCIDE' moron already

>> No.12539328

I genuinely used to follow his podcast because it was an exercise in picking apart the arguments of someone with a worldview that I probably mean towards.

He's also a low-level cult leader, so it's also interesting from that perspective.

>> No.12539330

>you have no agency over the way you look buy you should also be shamed and deprived of things for it
t. roastie

>> No.12539336

>women should be forced to ignore their biological imperative and sleep with genetically inferior men because otherwise their feelings will be hurt

Sorry bro, evolutions a bitch

>> No.12539343

next time, provide actual arguments instead of the shit you heard on tumblr.

>> No.12539347

>people should act like dumb animals with no agency, but only when it benefits me
t. toast is burning

>> No.12539349

I didn't know welfare was part of evolution.

>> No.12539353

next try nerd

>> No.12539355

lmao still waiting for you to actually give an argument beyond just calling mine ‘tumblr’ or calling me a ‘whore’

>> No.12539361
File: 39 KB, 720x644, 0C524FB5-0FF4-4AFF-A61E-5F156BD1A7DD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women should be forced to have sex with me to avoid destitution


>> No.12539369

He is currently married for the third time in his life

>> No.12539375

I can parrot some pointless mgtow talking points too, but I'm not bothered to argue with insecure holes.

>> No.12539381
File: 66 KB, 700x700, 0DF17AD5-67BC-4936-8946-8B3155982E74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can parrot some pointless mgtow talking points too, but I'm not bothered to argue with insecure holes.

>> No.12539384


>> No.12539387

Mandatory watch for anybody who wants to get redpilled on women.

>> No.12539389


>> No.12539391
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>> No.12539395

Unironically, this is how society functions.
If we try to interpret our base sexual drivers, menn, want to nut in a plethora of random women.
Women want one man to nut in then and help them take care of a baby.
They want maximum utilisation of his resources. They don't want him nutting in other women, because those resources will be spread around.

The concept of marriage acts as a compromise between these mindsets.

For men, you don't get a low percentage of high quality men getting the majority of the reproductive opportunity, leading to a society full of listless (a potentially disruptive) male majority. We're not that different physically. 1 Chad is going to get his shit pushed in by a group of 4 Thads.

For women, they get a man who will give them a baby and allows them to monopolise his resources, in return for a monopoly on reproductive opportunities with her.

You can't really unrestrict women without men also being unrestricted, leading to a greater variance in reproductive success.

It would be interesting to see if this
"fuckboi" and "incel" phenomenon has come about as society has become less controlling of female sexuality or if it was always in the background at the same rate, just recently named.

>> No.12539397

seething hole

>> No.12539403

You’ve been badly BTFO bro, just give up

>> No.12539405

if this is the greatest living writer im finna hang myself. he sucks all kinds of ass

>> No.12539409


>> No.12539412

>Women should depend on mediocre men for survival, and that;s a GOOD thing

>> No.12539415

read above you LOL

>> No.12539419

point to it, hole

>> No.12539423

>being this delusional

>> No.12539431

If they dont want to be future cool wine aunts, low quality women deserve low quality men

>> No.12539433

being this hole

>> No.12539445


Given the current configuration of societal structures the cool wine aunt lifestyle may very well be preferable, for the low quality woman, to being stuck with a low quality man.

>> No.12539453

incels have always existed and will always exist, even if their genes don't get passed on, kind of like homosexuals.

>> No.12539472

this is why white race is dying

>> No.12539487

Lmao its why we literally have to import foreigners that actually give a shit about starting families. I got over my poltier obsession with white people not long ago. Absolute meme of a race that only thinks of themselves.

>> No.12539496

Yes but it was straight in the cuck zone because if you dont fuck the girl she gets married off to some other dude.

>> No.12539517

it's really sad that you're giving up on the white race so easily. low birthrates are only temporary, conservatives are still having babies above the replacement level, we could still reverse the trend.

>> No.12539520

I don't doubt that. I just want to know if there are more than in the past.
Even 10 years ago, incels and fuckbois were not a defined thing, but they host represent extremes you would expect to increase in a society of women who exercise greater sexual agency.

Men who are unable to get any reproductive opportunities and men who have so many that they cannot and will not commit to any one woman.

>> No.12539540

It’s true that these last few generations are having less sex. I think incels have found a home on the internet that makes them much louder than they really are, though.

>> No.12539554

I definitely think there are many more incels these days and the reasons are innumerable, both from the female and the male perspective, but foremost it's that marriage has lost its value. Back in the day the male would go and work, while the female would provide food and sex. Food isn't really a scarcity in the capitalist system and sex can be replaced by porn and sex toys.

>> No.12539567
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People like you just make me hate roasties even more.
Protip bitch: your keys will just make tyrone curbstomp you after. And we both know it will be a tyrone that rapes you.

>> No.12539569

Hello incel

>> No.12539570

>conservatives are still having babies above the replacement level, we could still reverse the trend.
Not going to happen since conservatives usually block measures that would making having children more affordable, which is the main barrier.

>> No.12539575

Maybe you should raise YOUR child then you vapid cunt. Just because you were eaped does not absolve you of responsibility and permit you to ruin or end another person's life.

>> No.12539577

what measures?

>> No.12539582

>men should be forced to ignore their biological imperative and not rape women because otherwise their feelings will be hurt
The absolute state of a blown out roasty

>> No.12539585

...yes it does. A child conceived through rape is unlawfully trespassing on my body without my permission and I reserve the right to kill it.

>> No.12539589

It's not illegal to be a rape baby you stupid cunt

>> No.12539592

>women who won’t have sex with me deserve to be raped

Very intelligent response

>> No.12539593

I love that you become a libertarian when you want to kill a baby, but not when you take male taxpayer money.

>> No.12539594

errr yes it is, why else do you think it’s okay to abort them?

>> No.12539598

>you mean regret?

You're an idiot.

>> No.12539600

It's your """argument""" gender flipped you stupid cunt

>> No.12539602

Subsidised nurseries, measures to arrest rent increases so families have more disposable income, more parental leave after having the actual child, subsidised housing dependent on number of children. Essentially anything that would improve the financial situation of the majority of a country and thus make their situation stable enough (not only financially but time wise in the form of childcare) to contemplate having more children. Pretty much everything but banning abortions

>> No.12539603


>> No.12539604

you base your moral structure on US laws?

>> No.12539605

Anyone who has an abortion should be sterilised right after desu. Id say incels too but its redundant

>> No.12539608

look up mattress girl

>> No.12539610

Please show me the legislation outlawing being a rape baby.
It's not okay to muder them by the way.

>> No.12539614

>finding someone attractive or unattractive is the same as wanting to rape someone

wow! Huge brain!

>> No.12539620

lol why is it legal to abort them then?

>> No.12539624

Imagine being such a virgin that you make this jpg. Then imagine being such a pathetic virgin who saves this, and unironically posts it.

>> No.12539626

I'm sorry dude, but those measures will just increase hispanic birthrates. A better measure would be to revert to a more conservative society with traditional gender roles.

>> No.12539627

>different genders don't have different reproductive strategies and only mine should be appealed to with a naturalistic fallacy
Dumb cunt

>> No.12539631

The irony is that higher hispanic birthrates would probably lead to a more conservative society but you're too obsessed with race to see it.

>> No.12539633

your feigned disbelief isn't an argument

>> No.12539637

rape = disproven!!!

how one anon stopped rape globally with one simple trick!

>> No.12539639

Do you think all children are illegal or something?
The murder of children is allowed because men fucked up when they let selfish air headed holes like you vote.

>> No.12539641

>women finding disgusting mutts like myself unattractive is a naturalistic fallacy and therefore I should be allowed to rape them!

Imagine being this dumb hahahah

>> No.12539645

it's not outside the realm of possibility. just look at the kavanaugh debacle, and the bitch got away scot-free despite almost ruining a man's life with false allegations.

>> No.12539650

I reserve the right to kill any children who infringe on my bodily rights, so in a way, yes they are illegal

>> No.12539657


>> No.12539662

aye yeah because rape has never been used as a weapon of war on countless occassions, and women are never spiked and date-raped, or sold into sexual slavery, or kidnapped and raped in basements, it just doesn’t happen - all because of my one (1) Wikipedia article!

>> No.12539669

You murdering them infringes their rights far more than they infringe yours. They are your responsibility and you will face retribution for your actions.
Also look up what illegal means you dumb cunt.

>> No.12539670

(You) have lost the argument

>> No.12539673

it's not just matter of conservative society. most of africa is conservative, doesn't do them much good. the fact is that white people are responsible for 98% of scientific advancements and the industrial revolution that brought half the planet out of poverty, while also doubling everybody's lifespans. it's clear that if the planet earth was a book, white people would be the main protagonists.

>> No.12539674

>a trespassers right to life supersedes my right to protect my property


>> No.12539678

I've never understood this line of thinking. Men are at a much greater risk of violent assault.

Speaking anecdotally, beyond the usual fights and beating experienced by guys on school, I knew 3 boys (personally, on some level) who were stabbed (2 to death) during my time at school.

For a period, there was a gang of guys who'd hang around outside our school gates and rob any guy who walked past them. Girls kept their possessions

I can deadlift over 250kg and I've spent years training martial arts (I can literally, precisely kill a man with my bare hands and I practice doing so multiple times a week). I have enough introspection to know that this is in part driving by my anxiety and the actual lived reality of violence in my youth.

If all you're doing is holding keys, you're not that worried and clearly.havent experienced much (because keys aren't stopping anyone).

>> No.12539679

it happens the least in white countries, which is where you live. so stop stealing victims cards from people who actually need it.

>> No.12539680

>He think he's superior to Mexicans because rich people invented shit a few centuries ago
nice larp

>> No.12539683

>a child that you are responsible for creating (even if accidental, or as a result of rape) is a trespasser and not a respnsibility
just lmao

>> No.12539684

Macabre point. Translated into nonautistic real human language: were there friend zones when women were unfree and dependent?

>> No.12539687

I accept your concession :^)

>> No.12539689

You're the one who invoked evolution.
>women are just acting naturally!
Same with every piece of trash walking the earth.

>> No.12539693

The difference being that women in 99.9% of all cases will always be vastly physically inferior to the aggressor. They have no chance of winning a fight, and are therefore far more vulnerable than men. Equally, men aren’t raped as often as women, and don’t have to worry about that.

>> No.12539695

it's not just superstition, it's backed up by race and IQ data. The Bell Curve does a good job of explaining this.

>> No.12539700

Stop larping as muh "whypypo". You weren't part of those inventions, nigger. The dominat class that invented the modern world, and they interbreed between themselves distancing themselves genetically from filth like you. You are slightly above a spic or a nigger, but don't think that you are anything special. If there was a book in which humanity could only save a few of its inhabitants, lower middle class niggers like you would definitely not be the protagonists.

>> No.12539702

>it’s unnatural to find ugly men ugly

Sorry, am I wrong?

>> No.12539704

>The Bell Curve

>> No.12539707

Women are inferior in pretty much every aspect though. You haven't explained why men should make concessions for their benefit though.

>> No.12539708

So rape doesn’t exist because it doesn’t happen where you live? ...interesting, interesting.

>> No.12539711

Are you just bait posting?

>> No.12539712

Yeah but it could easily have the reverse effect but whites are to prideful and to busy cucking themselves.

>> No.12539716


>> No.12539720

Are you? Lmao do you honestly think you’re entitled to women’s affections despite being a bitter incel?

>> No.12539725

Probably because without women there wouldn’t be men

>> No.12539728

These are two very different statements

>> No.12539732


I literally lolled.

I haven't paid him a lot of attention but I think the alt right skimming version of himself that he's lately become is the closest he's ever been to kino philosophy

>> No.12539733

Follow the comment chain back up until you realise you're """arguing""" a point that nobody made then kill yourself for being a blown out child murdering roasty

>> No.12539735

yes, that's what I'm saying.

>> No.12539738

No, it's just that it's a strawman to conflate physical ugliness with all male dissatisfaction in the realm of dating/women. That knife cuts both ways, so feminism must be the grievances of ugly spinsters right?

>> No.12539739

Women are much less likely to find themselves in a fight with a man or victim of a violent assault or murder in the first place.
And whether women are raped more, honestly that depends on how your defining it. I'd concede if we're talking violent rape and ignoring male prisons. But I'd also say that it's much less likely to happen than than being violently attacked.

We're talking about fears Vs reality and men definitely have a fear of assault (unless they have lived quite sheltered lives).

>> No.12539746

So? Treating women like garbage won't have an appreciable effect on that. There'd probably be even more men if the option of consequence free child murder was taken away from roasties and reproductive decisions were entirely made by men.

>> No.12539747

The original argument was that women are biologically programmed to find attractive men attractive (just as men are with women), and yet that seems to be a yuge problem for you incels. So much of a problem, in fact, that you make the false equivalency that a desire to rape is the same as the desire to find an attractive mate (it isn’t). You’re an autistic freak, and should definitely throw yourself off a bridge.

>> No.12539753

kek okay incel

>> No.12539755

I can get pretty nerve racked walking the streets at night too anyone is vulnerable yo a surprise attack. Its kinda just one of the consequences of living anywhere with a big population. To many variations and variables of people. Its like they say though if you cant handle the heat get out of the fucking kitchen.

>> No.12539765

That does seem to be the crux of the argument here though.

>women should be forced to have sex with me or face destitution, because I can’t get pussy otherwise

>> No.12539768

>false equivalency that a desire to rape is the same as the desire to find an attractive mate
Nice try, hole.
specifically the word 'different'

>> No.12539782

kek, ‘rape’ and ‘finding someone attractive’ aren’t two different reproductive strategies you dumb incel

>> No.12539791

Huh? Never had a women eagerly hop onto your lap and start grinding?

>> No.12539793

okay, hole
I hope you get assraped by a pack of niggers