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12538282 No.12538282 [Reply] [Original]

What book will make me stop hate everyone and everything? It's getting real tiresome

>> No.12538285

The New Testament

>> No.12538288
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No book can make you stupider, anon, but there are books out there that can help direct your anger in a productive way.

>> No.12538305
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Maintain the hate intensity, but concentrate it where it belongs

>> No.12538328

>three anti-semitic books
>three unique posters (not including OP)
Uhh... are we being raided?

>> No.12538334

This book actually scared the shit out of me.

>> No.12538338
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No, we're just waking up

>> No.12538341

This is the new bronies.

>> No.12538375

>rage of the virgin
Would have made a better title for his manifesto desu

>> No.12538387

It should.

>> No.12538457

I fixed mine by helping who I hate. It was hard at first. I subscribe to far-left and preach about why socialism, diversity and communism are necessary everyday. You will teach your brain to start looking at everyone you hate as good. It's magic. Then all you need to do is not start the habit of hating again and you're done. It's one of those things where you have to try it yourself then see if it works. If your hung up against it you need to realize (I did too so not knocking you) that you are just one person. You could spend your whole life fighting for the 'bad guys' and the result would be the exact same. It doesn't matter who you support. 1 vote doesn't mean shit. Be happy that you don't need to be full of hate and absorbing information like you're responsible for everyone and have to fix this mess. Rejoice in giving up. It's part of maturing. Happiness will mean more to you than this.

It's the pic. If he didn't have elliot rodger in the OP it would be different.

>> No.12538719
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Anti-semites are the same as blacks who keep saying "It's the white man's fault for putting us down."