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12536756 No.12536756 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best scriptures in the bible to read while on psychedelics?

>> No.12536764

Anything about Goetic demons and Canaanites.

>> No.12536770

2 tabs of acid doesn't do anything to you. shit just seems wavier, that's it.

>> No.12536779

Revelations, obviously.

>> No.12536789
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I'm probably going to do shrooms in the woods desu.

I really don't want to turn to drugs, but my inner strength is really starting to dwindle.

Why Revelations? I want wisdom, and a reason to live. Not "IT'S HAPPENING!" I already had my /pol/ phase.

>> No.12536797
File: 23 KB, 221x350, kjv-bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How will I grow as a person by reading these parts? and where are they?

>> No.12536803


>> No.12536822
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Because vanity & ego stands in the way of learning from others.

But for real. Why should I read revelations then?

>> No.12536825
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And pride.

>> No.12536824

Old Testament. Realize that you are a fucked up dude who possesses the very same traits as the Canaanites who worshiped, summoned, and sacrificed on the reg to these Goetic entities. Now realize by summoning I mean you take the aspect of consciousness/personality you associate with the specific aspect of Goetia you want to embody and attempt to manifest it as a psychological machination. Now once you realize you have all these different aspects of your consciousness that are undeniably fucked up and evil, transcend baby. Hit that Gnostic literature and read some Hermes.

>> No.12536828

>drugs work the same way every time every amount for every person ever

>> No.12536832

there's a margin of error, but it's just that: a margin. you can't see god on two tabs of acid. never happened, never will.

>> No.12536837

Why don't you read something like the philokalia or Gregory Palamas instead? They will illuminate scripture far more than you could on your own. And don't do drugs

>> No.12536866

I would imagine that the account of the crucifixion might be especially powerful.

Regardless, whether you are traditionally religious or new age, you are very likely to simply be deluded by using psychedelics for artificial spiritual experience. I think psychedelics are interesting, but they are little more than escapism.
Alan Watts himself discouraged drug use and said it is nothing in comparison to the ego death of prayer/meditation. On the traditional side of things, it is relatively self-explanatory

>> No.12536868
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Is Philokalia better in Latin or English?

>> No.12536871

>2 tabs of acid is a universal measurement for the contents of said tabs of acid
Why are people this retarded?

>> No.12536877

>Taking introspective catalysts to focus on an external book.
>Taking a pathological deconditioner to reaffirm old cognitive structures.

Psychedelic fail.

>> No.12536881

>I've never done anything harder than liquor or weed: the post

>> No.12536880

pretty sure the industry standard is 150 micrograms

>> No.12536882
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Are we going to forgive this dude or are we just going to keep shaming him?

>> No.12536886
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Song of Solomon for uplifting messages of love and union.

Ecclesiastes for hard-hitting wisdom about suffering and the ephemerality of life.

Book of Wisdom if you have a non-Protestant bible to tie it all together.

>> No.12536894
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Screencapped. Thanks, Anon.

>> No.12536895

>the industry standard
Ah, yes, the famed "acid" industry. Known for it's steep regulatory processes and product consistency, of course.
Yo bro, what is this?
Ah man dont worry about its some good acid!
is it LSD?
I took two tabs and it was good d00d!

>> No.12536897
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>> No.12536906

For us to forgive him, he would have to be able to forgive himself, and he most likely is not aware of his fault.
I hope one day you find yourself walking around SF in search of acid, only to find a man with thinning hair and an even thinner mustache upon his lip wearing a tie-dyed Grateful Dead '75 tour shirt, he will tell you he has the best shit, you will believe him, he will sell you NBOMe, you will tell your friends you had the cleanest LSD of your life.

>> No.12536911

>all tabs are the same strength

>> No.12536917

Be honest, is there a minimal age required to do psychedelics? I'm really interested in the introspection, reflection and mental benefits most people say they bring, but I once heard one of my friends say "You have to be at least 25, or it will fry your brain's development" and I never found anyone or anything to disprove it, neither him, it was sort of a bro-drug science thing.

>> No.12536924

hey guys check me out, i'm an experienced drug user and i'm here to tell you your low dosages are very uncool and would have no effect on me.

what do you have low tolerance or something? what do you approach psychedelics with an open and receptive mind and not a detached cynicism based on appearing sober as possible at as high as dose as possible? very un-cool

>> No.12536927

Read William Blake's "Marriage of Heaven and Hell", which, of course, is just Willy's fictionalized account of an idealized convergence of moral relativity present within the Good Book. Physically engraved on tablets and painted quite elegantly, the prose poem wields a beautiful Miltononic overtone and an infinite individualistic outlook. No need to read passages from the Bible when you can read facetious wessles do it for you, lol!

>> No.12536929

This is why I made this post. I wrote this yesterday, and I'm trying to cope.
Why am I here, I’m left in confusion.
Confusion & anger.
Other people’s standards, impossible to meet.
But now I’m a hypocrite.

Where is the flow?
If I’m trying to meet everyone else’s expectations
Where’s the uniqueness and genuinity
When I’m constantly being compared to everyone else

I want to grow and I want to learn.
But where is the forgiveness, and where is the love?

Because all I feel is pain, pain from all these projections.
Projections and judgements of what & who I should be
I want to paint the world, I want to build the world.
I want to bring peace, and I want to spread the light.
Harmony & Equality, why are we afraid?

Those in control, they keep me down
With standards that only bring me pain.
I just want everyone to be happy.
But I’m afraid to show that I care.
And I’m afraid to get others hopes up.
Because I don’t want to let them down.
And I don’t want to hurt them.

Will I ever be good enough?
Or am I forever stuck on a treadmill?

Even then, why do I continue to blame?
The world is not the problem.
I am.
I am.
I am.

My priorities are shit & my will is week.
My time management skills are shit.
I can’t keep track of what I’m supposed to do and when.
Everything is shit, and it’s all falling apart.

I genuinely don’t want to be alive.
I was dealt the long stick by one.
But drew the short stick on another.

I don’t know how.
I don’t know why I can’t take it.
This stress is too much.
I’m frozen & stuck.
I’m doing the wrong thing at the wrong time;

According to everyone else;
Time is running out.

And now I’m torn.

As I slowly begin to fall behind.
Because the pain distracts me from that which needs done.
Should I even let anyone in?
It sounds too painful.

>> No.12536930

>Be honest, is there a minimal age required to do psychedelics?
Preferably after your brain has stopped developing and your hormones have leveled out. So probably should wait till your like almost 30 at least.

>> No.12536934

that's not high tolerance. that's normal tolerance

>> No.12536942
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That's true. Surpassing the aspect of shaming, you are being a bad influence by subconsciously telling people to up the dose.

That being said, So is OP for bringing psychedelics up. But it is also counterbalanced w/ The Bible...

>> No.12536964

Jesus christ people.

The door of perception by Huxley:

"Wow them flowers der on dat table aren't just flowers der on dat table dey are actually the Mary Magdalene porking that fat guy from Seinfeld."

Its ALL self referential. Unless, of course, it isn't.


>> No.12536976

you can live one of two ways, and that's pragmatically or poetically. the world in either light grants truth.

>> No.12536983
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>take two hits
>250ug each

>> No.12536992
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>two years later.
>Finally leveling out.

>> No.12537064

>uses black and white terms such as "best" that is relative per individual & context.

>> No.12537067
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How would Dante's Inferno be to read while tripping?

>> No.12537108

Probably pretty damn good. I get chills anytime I see it. And that's in English.

>> No.12537133

I'm watching this now. Maybe Paradiso would be a good choice as well...

>> No.12537237


Read the King James bible. Has some of the nicest poetry ive ever seen.

>> No.12537246
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Don't read while on psychedelics you retard. Read the damn scriptures (all of them) and THEN take the damn psychedelics as you reflect on what you've read. Taking psychedelics without a basic foundation to build upon is a fucking waste. I had the best experience with psychedelics after reading the Dhammapada and the Tao Te Ching, like a true pleb.

>> No.12537266
File: 36 KB, 585x311, annunaki-in-the-bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone desire to take a gander on who El and the Elohim were? Who was Yahweh? All the events of the OT, including Genesis, what did it all mean? To what was it referring to? The mentions of tents and smoke surrounding Moses and "God" definitely could suggest higher-dimensional beings (think the kind that stoners have seen on DMT), which Moses or others could have seen thanks to certain hallucinogens. But we need to go deeper. WHAT was all of this written for? How much of it was real, and of the real, how real exactly? Was there really a city, Sodom and Gomorrah? Were humans truly created in Eden, and later banished? Where did all of these narratives come from, and what do they really refer to?

>> No.12537292

>I want wisdom, and a reason to live. Not "IT'S HAPPENING!"
Avoid LSD

>> No.12537334

ive read homer on lsd over the span of a summer i must have dosed 25 times.the seriousness and gnosis of it set me in a good mindset as opposed to butterflies and rainbows tier aesthetics associated with lsd users.

>> No.12537523

i'm gonna do my first 2 tab acid trip soon, very excited. 3.5g of mushrooms has put me in a genuinely transcendent feeling state of contemplation and peace. i've not experienced anything like that on acid, mostly just an intense body high, a calmer kind of clarity while peaking, and general silliness. will 2 tabs give me a similar experience to what i've gotten from mushrooms or does acid work differently on the mind altogether? would it be a bad move to jump from 1 tab to 3 tabs?

ps i know these are dumb questions you can't answer

>> No.12537528
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>> No.12537543

>Those chakra's represent sin except as an eastern representation in terms of energy.

You want to ascend/transcend into purity.

The heart is the gateway to heaven. Then go higher from there. But remember to stay balanced.

>> No.12537568

why are you trying to show off that you buy terrible quality acid?

>> No.12537578
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>Shows off
>While posting anonymously

>> No.12537655

Are you implying this doesn't happen? Are you implying we do not identify ourselves with the posts we make online and thereby feel the a degree of the same social responses to those posts as one does to actual people approving of or disapproving of things we say in real life?

Of course you're showing off while posting anonymously.

>> No.12537672

>i'm gonna do my first 2 tab acid trip soon
Is this a fucking meme? Second retard ITT to talk like this. WHAT UG FUCK WIT?

>> No.12537741
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>Guys I graduated to trying meth in order to fit in!

>> No.12537747

>If I do acid im apart of the woke counter culture and my brain work good
Again, why does your retard brain equate "2 tabs" with some universal system of measurement? Microgram is already the universal system of measurement used for this.

>> No.12537752
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>Did someone say "woke counter-culture????"

>> No.12537772

Yeah, I recommend you do as much acid as you can physically get a hold of. Your brain is useless.

>> No.12537793

A bible or a page?

>> No.12537797

What do I do about the fact that I feel I'll be struck with mortal terror and / or lose my mind the next time I do psychedelics? I've done all kinds of them repeatedly and only had one or two "bad trips", so I'm not inexperienced, but I have a huge sense of dread about doing them again

>> No.12537813

Is social engineering for the greater good ethical???

>> No.12537821
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It can go many of ways.

It can be big!
It can be small!

>> No.12537828

Just go straight to permanent ego death and blow your brains out.

>> No.12537843
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That's not the rainbow way!

>> No.12537872 [DELETED] 
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We are a conscious civilization, not savages!

>> No.12537877
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We are a conscious civilization, not savages!


>> No.12537895

guy said 150ug, i doubt he actually knew any better than i do

>> No.12537896

Ego death is such a tragedy, friends. Never get there, for your sake. It is the most saddening event in your life, to realize that you were never a person at all. That your most cherished of possessions were never yours and will never be yours. To know that you are forever, but this identity and all its beloved attachments only a garment you wore. Don't do it bros, please. I'm trying to help you. Stay in the illusion of a being a person. While bliss awaits those who overcome the suffering inherent to ego-consciousness, much suffering does too, a type of suffering not found within the bliss inherent to ignorance. Don't do it, guys. "Hang onto your ego", as Brian Wilson says on the terrific album Pet Sounds. Please heed these words.

>> No.12537908

I'm falling in love as I read these words that describe the beauty of realizing that I was never a person at all and the private property is an illusion.

>> No.12537916

Are you being sarcastic? Insulting me, perhaps? :(

>> No.12537917

>private property is an illusion.
Incorrect. If you construct something physically with your own hands it is yours. That's a basic masonic principle routed in Gnosticism. That other anon is like half right.

>> No.12537923
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All that remains is my heart.

Because God is love.


>> No.12537924

Yes, but you admit to it.

>> No.12537927
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Nice counter argument.

But I will emphasize the concept of sharing.

>Because sharing is caring.

Join my cult gui's.

>> No.12537933

Sharing is perfectly "acceptable." However, if I construct something, whether it be a bridge or a passage, it is still mine, even if it is yours to use and read. Whatever emotion derived from the passage would be my own creation, thats part of the transmutation of the soul. To bridge the gap between your own knowledge and anothers understanding, and constructs are a great way of doing such.

>> No.12537948

I wasn't speaking of private property, guys. Though technically it is included. I was referring to everything you think you consist of - your body, your name, your family, your friends, your pet, your favorite music, your favorite stories, your greatest passion, your past and future lovers, your memories, and everything else - all of it is an illusion. You are not any of these things. You, in what you ultimately are, are not attached to any of these. You presently are, and they comprise your "identity". But if you detach enough to reach an ego death, you come to realize you were only the awareness behind it all, seeing everything. And it's the most tragic of realizations to someone like me, who saw a glimpse of it but still lives on the other side, of the ego, and now know a taste of the blissful despair to these lives of ours, the bittersweet truth behind it all.

>> No.12537949


This post is weird. Bliss and suffering come from ego-death. A different kind of suffering comes from ignorance. Yet you somehow focus on the situation that /only/ contains suffering? If you saw all that and didn’t simultaneously see the liberation within it then you either 1) didn’t actually experience ego death 2) did a shitty job of integrating that experience with the rest of your concious reality. Outcome (2) can happen fairly often in the case of people using drugs to achieve ego-death. If you feel that you contain within yourself calmness, then you’ll likely be fine using drugs, but the safest (and long term most productive) means of attaining ego death is via meditation.

Yes, ego-death is not the cessation of suffering. It is an important waypoint towards the cessation of suffering. Just keep taking steps on the path anon, you’re doing yourself a disservice by trying to dissuade others.

>> No.12537959

I will agree with this anon. My relationship with my blood family is pretty shot.

That being said I didn't hook up w/ the (best of the) rainbow family and instead of identifying w/ the ideological concept of love, I've learned what love 'actually' feels like.

It's a painful form of ascension...

>> No.12537963
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>Only good gathering is the Mt. Shasta California world healers gathering as of the last few years.
I guess there are good ones in Europe as well.


>> No.12537970

best not to read while tripping anon

>> No.12537973
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I disagree.

>> No.12537986


As I said in the post above, anon, I'm still on the other side, of the ego, hence why the ego still in me finds despair at the realization it has seen. I was primarily venting there, though a bit careless I now see, because others may take my advice when they should be looking to people of far greater spiritual advancement than me. But while I personally would like to say I did experience ego death and that you're only right about 2), I can't know for sure. I'll just say I agree with 2). I only recently underwent/am undergoing the experience, and am still not sure of how to progress in my life from here, knowing what I know of. That all of it was illusion. Myself, my family, my friends, my favorite restaurants, my passions, everything I've ever known. I was deeper into the ego-death a week or so ago, I have since reattached myself more to my previous/usual identity in order to let me better function in this worldly world. But you're right, I have not integrated it well at all, it's only spurred me into a new form of despair, and one that I need to pick the pieces up from on that path we're all on called "self-growth". I'm just not there yet. I'm still recoiling from what I've seen. And I didn't do drugs either, by the way, I came to it sober through personal reflection. Maybe that's part of it, the fact it wasn't premeditated and I wasn't therefore prepared for it.

To the anons here, ignore my initial comment regarding "avoiding ego death". That's just my ego speaking childishly, out of the fear of what it has seen and in many ways wishes it hasn't. Ignore it and look to real spiritual teachers to help you on your path. I'm just a whining fool. Just a stupid, clueless, whining fool.

>> No.12537995

Ego-death is suffering at times.

>> No.12538004

First what I recommend is to "balance your chakras" or ascend, purifying yourself of all concepts of sin. (Use Rainbow Family, if you must, but be careful. The rainbow is great until it ends.)

Second, recognize that now you are no longer an individual but rather a product of our environment, a collective.

Strategically place yourself in the best environment possible that will push you the furthest, both in regards to ambition and personal growth.

I chose Gainesville, Florida because it's progressive & environmentally sustainable. There's also a high-quality university with high-quality people. I have my own view of the world, as do you.

>Then Tai Lopez 67 steps was the cult I joined after that!

>> No.12538015
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I think the next cult I join will require me to learn Latin.


>> No.12538022

Oh, I misread the part about drugs. Yeah, I didn't do any, but I guess my reaction has been what you described is typical of people who do. I'm sure I could progress further out of personal identity through dedicated meditation, but my experience has ironically only backfired in some ways and made me desire the experience of "being a person" even more, which I'm now clinging to in a way I couldn't have before, or rather, was clinging to without knowing there was something being clung to. I'm a fool, truly. Drama queen. I just can't detach yet. I can't. My memories are sacred to me. I don't want to lose them. I can't. I want to be someone. I'm a stupid drama queen. I see no solutions at present. I just wish the material realm could be without dissolution, that we could be in these identities forever, instead of it only being the awareness that is forever...

>> No.12538026

>Be the best drama queen you can be.

>> No.12538068

>First what I recommend is to "balance your chakras" or ascend, purifying yourself of all concepts of sin.
And by this I mean, heart chakra is the gateway to heaven.

[see jpeg]
Reaffirming reference/wisdom
Deeper understanding. (Part 1 of 3 book series.)

>> No.12538079

I'm at a crossroads between love & power.
Fuxing w/ the United Nations.

>walk this way, into the light.
But go your own way, and do it in your own style.

>> No.12538113

Ok yea, a week is /very/ fresh. The first time I had such an experience it was via LSD and I was in a manic whirlwind for like 2 months. I thought I had “finished” philosophy and I was all ecstatic about how anyone could do the same if they tried and that everyone was attached to their suffering for no reason at all. Basically, I was an insufferable fuck. This cooled off after a while until I more or less forgot about it. I would remember the experience with a kind of regret, thinking “whatever became of that, huh?” It was years later when I was on my first Vipassana retreat that I had the same experience again, but sober. The second time around, it felt like I had recovered something very precious. The first time around, it was like giving a child a gold coin. Something that they’ll get excited about, but not understand the value of, letting it get lost. That second time I “rediscovered” that gold coin.

But yea, the experience is really disorienting. Your vision of the world just got much, much larger, but at the same time you realize how illusory it is. But the really distressing part is that no one will understand if they havn’t experienced it themselves. Regardless of how much you try and explain - people will just look at you funny. And that feels infinitely lonely.

Let the experience continue to bloom. Realize that there are in fact people who have been there - and that there are people who have gone even further. Squint your eyes and you’ll see signs of it in your day to day world. Realize too that because these identifications are “arbitrary”, you can mold them in the same way you mold clay. This doesn’t imply that the molding is easy to accomplish, you’re still the poor stupid fuck you were yesterday, but understanding the clay to be clay is the starting point for wonderful things (even if life is and always will be suffering).

>> No.12538138
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Op's going to bed. I'll probably be back here tomorrow if you guys keep it alive.

Have a good night goyim.

>> No.12538165

all this talk about ego dissolving and look at the state of this thread

>> No.12538170
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How do you know he's sleeping...

>> No.12538184


The fear that you’re feeling right now is totally and completely natural. Part of you has come to understand that your memories and personhood will one day cease to exist. But that day is not likely going to be today. Nor will it be tomorrow. As long as you’re not doing drugs or that left-hand path shit then your progress on the path is going to happen at whatever pace you choose for yourself. Sometimes progress happens in these large “aha!” moments like ego-death, but the vast majority is just slow, gradual dissolution.

In the grand scheme, these are all wonderful problems to have.

>> No.12538201

But ya know, that’s like, my opinion, man.

>> No.12538214

Remember, The Rainbow Family is an accepting environment.

(Though the sketchy ones will probably think you're a cop.)

Stay away from the camps w/ booze.

>> No.12538223

Hey man i really appreciate your counsel. it's nice to know that others on here have gone through similar experiences. I've definitely seen how difficult it is to translate the experience to others, both on my part through language itself as well as simply on their own part in letting go of biases enough to receive the information being given to them. Every individual really does have to experience it for themselves, in the end. And yeah I agree regarding it being "clay"like, in that, to one who has now been made aware of said clay, they can shape it with conscious effort now as opposed to previously doing so unconsciously, unaware to it. I have so many questions, though, bro. The problem of evil, for example. If everything is ultimately a oneness-bliss-consciousness, how did our material world, and its manifold sufferings, come to be? I'm not asking you, sorry, it's just an example of where my musings have turned to in light of what I've seen. I've unironically been contemplating Demiurges and such now, asking myself how a reality which is ultimately one of bliss could somehow become the one of the many evil elements we find in front of ourselves.

I was originally going to head down the path you earlier described, involving meditation, and was going to look into learning it properly and all that. But honestly, I'm kind of...spooked, now, and want to abstain from this path for a bit too. I'm just somewhat scared, that I may reach a precipice that I fall down from and can never return from - losing my self-identity permanently and irrecoverably. I need to properly read into Buddhism and Hinduism now, and anything else related, if I'm to pursue anything further. That's what I've decided, since I hadn't previously been looking into them and was going about my path on my own. I've also, believe it or not, become able to see what I imagine are higher-light-frequencies, so "auras" and many other strange phenomena of light all-surrounding me. On my walls (did you see the "static" on LSD? It began as that, but as time went on I started seeing more and more, what began as "static" became tiny "particles" of light dancing on the walls, and now I see it everywhere in the air around me, like a subtle dust of light), around every object, in the air, literally everywhere. It's genuinely messed up, and I don't know how to deal with it. All of this is too new for me, completely out of my range of understanding, and I'm deeply concerned I won't be able to re-adjust into a normal, worldly life. Another reason why I'm due to read into Buddhism soon, since they comment on such phenomena if I have understood correctly. Anyway you take care, but respond to me if you can. It's nice having someone else here who shares in these experiences.

>> No.12538227

Cool lovecraftian concept of ego-death, but isn't it just tripping so hard you can't form coherent thoughts?

>> No.12538249

pretty sure the Rainbow Family is a legit cult. I had a friend get in with them and they wanted him to move to Costa Rica to help start a commune. a suspiciously large number of people involved with them have died or disappeared.

>> No.12538251

No, it refers to your sense-of-identity dissolving into a state of identityless awareness. The sense of "you" which you have always seen from disappears, and all that remains is the "seeing".

>> No.12538266

Calling something a cult = their beliefs trigger you

>> No.12538269

Odds are they are off the grid smoking weed in a hammock.

>> No.12538294

no, I'm a dirty hippy who loves doing acid; they are another level of weird. some of the stories he told me were fucking batty, and they are listed on a few cult-watchlist sites. my friend said he watched a shaman or magician or something manipulate a woman's energies to make her cum without touching her, like they were doing it as a display of their powers
very weird stuff. pretty sure a documentary is in the works rn about a few of the murders that have happened at gatherings

>> No.12538300

That's why I said Mt. Shasta is the better of gatherings.

Highly recommend hooking up with the family. Calling out logical fallacies and being skeptical is okay.

But you never know. You could learn a lot about love, it could be the next illuminati, it could be the rainbow to heaven...

Just saying.

That being said, I am taking a break from the gatherings until morale improves.

>> No.12538315

>You could learn a lot about love, it could be the next illuminati, it could be the rainbow to heaven...
anon this sounds like what Jim Jones would have said when he was doling out the kool-aid

>> No.12538317

>reddit spacing
<shilling for a cult
ok bud

>> No.12538318

Skepticism 101, good job. Now keep it up & learn to know what love feels like.

>> No.12538321

>Mt. Shasta

>> No.12538323

So in this case you feel threatened by someone transfiguring your excuse for indolence into something useful.

>> No.12538342

pretending acid gave you magic powers isn't useful anon. also don't give me that indolence bullshit. my friend who was into it was the laziest person I know who has probably worked a total of 24 months in his 26 years on earth, and mostly wanted to go to Costa Rica to help set up the commune because he didn't want to work (then gave up on it when it started to sound like too much work)

>> No.12538386

That's a good video. Thanks for the share.

Looks like a healthy cultural exchange between cultures. ;)

>> No.12538399

Nice spooks you got there kid.

>> No.12538416

Excuse me?

>> No.12538422

Also, how did you stumble upon this?

>> No.12538459

You're just suffering from depersonalization. Ego death is a beautiful experience

>> No.12538476

>My drugs are shit and I need to pay 70$ for baseline effects.

>> No.12538599


How old are you? Depends on the dose and the specific drug. No harm in waiting, rushing to do them at a young age is not a good mindset for it anyway.