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/lit/ - Literature

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12535129 No.12535129 [Reply] [Original]

currently reading and last song you listened to

The Recognitions by William Gaddis

Weezer - Undone (The Sweater Song)

>> No.12535133

Where to start with Weezer? All I know is Island in the Sun.

>> No.12535176

>The Collected Poetry of W.B. Yeats
>Fredo Santana - History

>> No.12535185

Start at their debut and move forward from there.

>> No.12535198

>The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald
>Everything Will Be OK by G-Eazy
Judge me you faggots

>> No.12535202

Roxana - Defoe
Roxanne - Police

>> No.12535203
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I am also reading the recognitions along with 900 other books
>My Morning Jacket - Golden

>> No.12535205

Inbetween the bibble and some literary criticism books

DJ Healer - I'm Alright

>> No.12535207

The Leopard
Flare - Happy End (from the Boogiepop Soundtrack)

>> No.12535219

Death to all zoomers.

>> No.12535227

Homage to Catalonia

The Sound - Heyday

>> No.12535229

>start reading this book
>read the introduction
>"so many people will start it only to give up halfway through, leave it sitting on a shelf in an attempt to impress guests"
>lol whatever
>get to the halfway mark
>take a break
>2 years later
>still sitting on my shelf with a bookmark

>> No.12535250

Please continue with it! Gaddis himself said he purposely wanted the reader to work for it and for the work to be challenging. Take it one day at a time. It is definitely a book worth re reading over the years.

>> No.12535273

History of Western Philosophy, Russell.
Ever Fallen In Love, Buzzcocks.

>> No.12535275

thanks anon. i was expecting to get shit for posting that, but you've convinced me. i'll give it another shot

>> No.12535293

Linear Algebra - Georgi Shilov (an upper undergrad/graduate level text, not just basics of matrices and vector spaces for engineers)

Saetia - Becoming the Truth

>> No.12535296

The Magician's Nephew - C.S. Lewis
Built then Burnt (Hurrah Hurrah) - Thee Silver Mt. Zion

>> No.12535316
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Yeah fuck the trolls here. I try to be a positive as possible. Literature should be a beautiful and engaging work if sometimes challenging (ie my relationship with Joyce). So always try and always continue to fall in love!
Based choices
Haven’t read Lewis in forever, is it worth starting again? Also I dig Thee I saw GY!BE three years ago and it was awesome.

>> No.12535363

is Gaddis any good at all?
Where should I start with the dude?

>> No.12535384
File: 73 KB, 748x724, 1B2068E4-C1AA-4E1A-BE72-2475F6F98353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes he is a titan of post modern lit. Start with the recognitions and move forward through his bibliography (JR, Carpenters gothic, Frolic, Agape). He will be challenging but extremely rewarding and ultimately give you bragging rights for reading his work. Franzen and Gass and maybe DFW (and possibly Pynchon) were all big vocal fans.

>> No.12535403

Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World
Neil Young - On the Beach

>> No.12535404
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Villette - Bronte (re-read)

It's been a while since I listened to Weezer this song pops in my head every so often. How far into Recognitions are you? It was one of my slowest reads but I don't regret it.

How are you liking Russell? Buzzcocks is great but I wouldn't be able to listen to them while reading.

GY!BE is one of my all time favorites, where did you see them? They only play in my area when I'm out of the country and it kills me. I dig your positivity anon, that's a good attitude to take with some of the behemoth novels we like to pass around here.

>> No.12535455
File: 50 KB, 278x365, 60A2DB44-E3E0-4233-A96B-6DA56BBB99F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, positivity is the key to happiness (as hippie-ish BS as that sounds. If we want /lit/ to stay good then we can’t turn into the shithole that is most of 4chan). I saw them in Nashville, ‘‘twas awesome with all the visuals. The tomes of post modernism deserve proper patience and large amounts of discussion because the authors were very purposeful in their intent for the material and also its enjoyment. I love the book but I work a lot and don’t have time to read it as quickly as I like (along with me reading 900 other books at the same time such as swans way which I am loving).

>> No.12535457
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What's the point in these threads?
To show off your middlebrow tastes?

>> No.12535460
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Super based choices right here. Love me some Neil, esp his ditch trillogy

>> No.12535502

alright thanks

>> No.12535512

His stripped down instrumental style, often atonal singing, and sparse lyrics, represents the unique North American musical outlook. When I hear his stuff, especially Everybody Knows This is Nowhere, I always think of rich soil. He sounds like he was born from the soil, and traveled with the wind across the entire fresh continent.

>> No.12535527
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Definitely agree! This is also true of Tonights the night and stars n bars and rust never sleeps/live rust.

>> No.12535540

Show sounds great anon, pray they come back to my area soon. Would you see them again if given the chance? What was the setlist? I think we'd make good friends, let me know if you have a goodreads.

Doesn't it get confusing reading several books at once? Swann's Way felt like the more consumable volume of that series, I put it on pause about halfway through Sodom and Gomorrah. The whole dialogue on the impact of sleep hit pretty close to home since I was suffering from a bad case of insomnia at the time. One day I'll get back to it!

See what people like, maybe pick up a few new books or artists to check out for yourself, and occasionally make a friend or two to talk books with. I'm surprised there aren't more classical or ambient pieces posted since they go well with a lot of the titles circulating /lit/.

>> No.12535582
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The set list was a mix of newer material and 1 or 2 older songs and the visuals and such. If I can find my profile I’ll post it. Nashville is hit or miss with what I like (and when I can see shows due to my work schedule). I am loving Proust so far and he is everything I expected Joyce to be (one day I’ll truly love Joyce like I am Proust).

>> No.12535584

The Glory of the Empire - Jean d'Ormesson
Impulse nyrb purchase, a nice break between translating Latin/Greek for a Classics MA program.

album not song: Flower Boy by Tyler the Creator this morning walking to uni. Never really gave it a chance after writing off early OF attempts, but after loving Earl's Some Rap Songs I'm giving it another shot

>> No.12535600

The latter era OF solo work is great, it holds up water better than their earlier work. Earl is the king though (I guess maybe Frank could be?)

>> No.12535889

You might find this reader's guide helpful:


>> No.12536479

Infinite Jest (russian translation)

Xinlisupreme - I Am Not Shinzo Abe

>> No.12537640

based russiangazer

>> No.12537876

>Anniversaries a year in the life of Gesine Cresspahl
>Para One- When the night

>> No.12537892

>Little, Big and The First Person and Other Stories
>Bumblebee Unlimited - Lady Bug

>> No.12538023

Odyssey - Homer

I'm So Free - Lou Reed

>> No.12538151

The Count of Monte Cristo
Was bumping some Curtis Mayfield earlier but idk what was the last song I heard.

Blue Album and Pinkerton. If you don't like either of those two albums you probably won't like anything else.

>> No.12538159

Jazz Sepulchre

>> No.12538160

No, in all honesty he is not that great as the person that replied to you with parroted opinions thinks.

>> No.12538168

Beloved by Toni Morrison

Big K.R.I.T - Cadillactica

>> No.12538765

selected notes 2008-2011, sloterdijk
one day you will ache like i ache, full of hell/the body

>> No.12538770

Sorrows of Young Werther - Goethe
Bones - JonathanTaylorThomas

>> No.12538793

All about H.Hatter- G.V. Desani
Midnight Train -David Rawlings

>> No.12538808
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Sevastopol in May 1855
Partita No. 2 in D Minor, BWV 1004: I. Allemanda

>> No.12539014

Anna Karenina
Clarence Clarity - Bipolar Rainbows

>> No.12539031
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>> No.12539601
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If on a winter's night a traveler
The Drones - You're Acting Like It's The End Of The World

>> No.12539714

Revolutionary Road
Nick Drake - One Of These Things First

>> No.12539742

one hundred years of solitude
bob dylan - tom thumb blues

>> No.12539800

Descartes - The Philosophical Writings Volume II

Tristan und Isolde prelude

>> No.12540367

Heaven or Las Vegas

>> No.12540806

Excellent song choice

>> No.12540922

very nice

imo flower boy is overrated, even as a fan of earl and tyler. but gl

never got the collabos, i feel like trumpeting ecstasy just btfos both projects, but maybe im just trash. foh x merz is also a favorite for me. and what are sloterdijks notes? ive only heard of his thoughts on UBI and marxism recycled.

im reading theories modern art - hersschel b chipp, and being and time
listening to WODG by bladee

>> No.12541589

I've seen The Recognitions described as difficult before, what is it that makes it so hard?

>> No.12541599

tower of glass by robert silverberg and santa clara by the national

>> No.12541635
File: 10 KB, 225x163, D3F092E6-4B3A-4AE4-BD76-DC971D50E1F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic is unrelated I just find it funny. So it’s a mixture of Gaddis’ dialogue style, his way of telling a story (changing narrative viewpoints, not making clear choices as to when a scene starts and ends, making things oblique). The first three chapters are all different in feeling and reading style. Chapter 1 is relatively straight forward it has little to no dialogue, chapter 2 is almost all description yet feels very different than chapter 1, chapter 3 is mainly dialogue with some change of story telling style. Idk it’s a mixture of all of it. Not sayings it’s insanly hard it just takes some getting used to and once you pay attention you pick up on a good number of things as it goes on. Personally I’m a fan of it. I did know that I was in for a wild ride when Gass in the introduction noted a pun that Gaddis made and I read it..and didn’t get the pun and just moved on. Fucc.jpeg. Still enjoying it though! Also I commented a shit ton in this thread and super glad to see that it’s still going!
The national is great.
The end of satellite of love with Bowie’s high vocals make me cry

>> No.12541655

Why cant /lit/ and by extension /mu/ into electronic music?

>> No.12541661

Nietzsche - Thus Spoke Zarathustra (4th book)
Can - Spoon

>> No.12541705

thomas bernhard the corrections and john ross unintended consequences
doin it right- daftpunk ft pandabear

>> No.12541712
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I speak for both and say there is a large contingent, yet silent group of /mu/ that is of the 00’s era p4k and resident advisor crowd. They probably just mesh in with the shit memes and all that garbage. Someone here mentioned listening to ambient and jazz while reading which is what I occasionally do.
Tried reading TPZ but didn’t get too far into it. I liked what I read but it didn’t make too much sense (I had one of those college versions that explains everything and I couldn’t see how proto nazis found a greater imagine within it to hate Jews and be nationalistic within what is essentially a fantasy metaphor and also how it is considered a great philosophical work but if I took another crack at reading it and the university version that had all the footnotes and stuff it would make it easier.). Although entering nietzsche through TSZ and expecting to learn his main philosophy is a fools errand because TSZ is a novel and his other work is well..his more philosophical based work. Sorry for the rant, also can is amazing.

>> No.12541763

Sea of Rust by C. Robert Cargill, it's alright, though the robots just talk like American teenagers which is not how I'm deciding to imagine them.

Some pop song on the radio as I drove home

>> No.12541906


On the Kabbalah and its Symbolism
Slipped Disc - Lizzie Mercier Descloux

>> No.12541925

>Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious - Jung

>> No.12541932

Okay music choice. How are you liking the Calvino, though? That's one of my favorite books desu, I'm planning to reread it soon

>> No.12543778

>Someone here mentioned listening to ambient and jazz while reading which is what I occasionally do.

>> No.12543806

hes not post modern you dingbag fuck