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/lit/ - Literature

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12535283 No.12535283 [Reply] [Original]

What type of books do you think is absolutely waste of time reading?

>> No.12535300


Harry Potter

>> No.12535302

the bible unironically

>> No.12535366

bait too obvious

>> No.12535373

Everything not a technical manual.

>> No.12535566
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Christcucks get the rope first.

>> No.12535580

It depends on who or what's "time" is being "wasted" eg reading fiction may be a waste of time to the self that must work - and that usually has the self that must eat barrelling down on it - very weighty. But to find yourself reading only to feel that time has been wasted? One self wanted to read - it may even KNOW that fiction does *something*, but the cold articulations of the self that must work, weighing against the reader the rabid self that must eat, all unknowingly steered along BY THE SELF THAT MUST DO; THE SELF THAT MUST LIVE, UNSHATTERABLE HOLY RELIC, KNOWLEDGE OF DEATH KEPT NAIVELY FORBIDDEN TO SERVE A BANAL EFFICIENCY TO NO END OTHER THAN THE ONLY ONE IT *DOESNT WANT* ALL OF THE SELVES SOMEHOW CONVINCED THAT ONLY THEY HAVE THE ANSWER - ALWAYS TOO SERIOUS BUT NEVER SERIOUS ENOUGH

>> No.12535629

even if you're not a christcuck it's still worth reading because it's a huge portion of history and philosophy. literally everyone living outside of east asia should have read at least some portion of the bible.
one day you'll grow out of your arrogant teenage shell and realize even shit you don't agree with is worth listening to.

>> No.12535633

On my death bed, I feel like I'll realize everything was a waste of time, even productive activities.

>> No.12536327
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>> No.12536332

Realism. Just go outside.

>> No.12536348

philosophy that isn't christian or in the form of narrative fiction. i'd rather read bronze age mindset again over some sperg dyel thinking people care about his diary entries

>> No.12536369

Not a type of book, but Animal Farm seemed quite a waste of time as it just was a big metaphor about communism

>> No.12536426

Books that only serve to affirm some pre-conceived notion of identity. So for below average performing 4chan losers this would be anything on the doomer charts.

>> No.12536449

most fiction

>> No.12536458
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Any work that depends on the Labor Theory of Value, so all Marxist and almost all post-Marxist alienation-theory works.

>> No.12536482

anything related to the holocaust

>> No.12536520

what about books that debunk it?

>> No.12536546

Comedy is fine

>> No.12536552


>> No.12536560

The most pleb opinion in this thread. The bible is one of the foundational texts of literature. It has shaped the history of mankind. Countless philosophers and artists have taken from it and/or commented on it. You can't fully appreciate art, philosophy or history without reading the bible.

>> No.12536564

your pic

>> No.12536568

Anything written by atheists. If your whole worldview is materialistic with no conception of the soul or metaphysics, then your opinions can be safely discarded.

>> No.12536584
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>> No.12536600

Self-help and business books. 90% of books tagged with NYTimes best seller. Non-fiction books that don't interest you in the slightest.

>> No.12536603

Any of that Deleuze, Guattari, Foucault, Barthes, Baudrillard, Adorno, Walter Benjamin, Derrida, Lacan stuff.

>> No.12536620


>> No.12536621


he thinks this word means anything

>> No.12536625

also Smith and Ricardo

>> No.12536646

Basically "that" outgroup stuff.

>> No.12536703

>Your opinions have to be rooted in wishful thinking, totally unfalsifiable, and confirm every bias of my worldview to be worth something.

You should be gassed.

>> No.12536719

so the Wealth of Nations?

>> No.12536727

>thread is nothing but brainlet cope
surprise surprise

>> No.12536733

the labor theory of value does not say "workers deserve all the money"

>> No.12536827

It isn’t a coincidence that all the great writers were religious men. If you’re an atheist you lack a special insight in both the world and human beings to be worth reading. If you can name me an atheist who’s deeper than Dostoevsky I’ll reconsider.

>> No.12536835

brainlet bugperson

>> No.12536836

DFW doorstoppers

>> No.12536845

retard nigger

>> No.12536849


>> No.12536855

the real "wishful thinking" is you thinking your sins will go unpunished

>> No.12536864

he's just pre-marxist, so yes

>> No.12536870
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a lot of them are though desu. take the average person who identifies as a New Atheist (ie redditor) and I guarantee you they'll have all the new fucking toys.
t. atheist

>> No.12536872

he supported the Labor Theory of Value

>> No.12536873

no u

>> No.12536887

Post-modernism was a mistake.

>> No.12536892

oh look, it's another episode of my favorite show: "How A 19th Century German Economist Is Responsible for Everything I Don't Like."

>> No.12536896

fuck off kike

>> No.12536903

all economists are gay. economics is inherently homosexual

>> No.12536905

friendly reminder that freud was completely right about the oedipus and elektra complexes in their basic kernel that a boy's first love is his mother and a girl's her father. i went through it firsthand so i speak from experience. freud is laughed at today as a kook but he was very right about a few things. based freud

>> No.12536908

economics is the math you use to make buildings and empires. how the fuck is that gay?

>> No.12536912

becuase of the implication of butt sex

>> No.12536918


He thinks this word means anything

>> No.12536936


>> No.12536938


>> No.12536952

>girl loves her father.
that's not how it works. men experience "castration anxiety" so they become jealous of the father, thus making them unconsciously wanting to fuck their mothers. the daughters, on the other hand, gets "penis envy". since she is jealous of both the woman and the man, she directs it at herself, giving her passivity and a general boredom with phallic activity.

>> No.12536968
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Autobiographies obviously

>> No.12536970

Orwell's autobiography on Spain was pretty good.

>> No.12536975

None, honestly. People can get something out of just about everything. Just keep thinking and pushing yourself.

>> No.12536987
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all of them

>> No.12536995

yeah i disagree w all that, i specified the "kernel" of boys first love is his mom, and conversely for a girl and her dad

>> No.12536997

>The medium is the..
oh, wait

>> No.12537007


>> No.12537008

Freud or anyone who has monstrously influenced the way [we] think now is not a waste of time like it or not. This seems obvious.

>> No.12537009

it happens to boys but it doesn't happen to girls. girls experience penis envy.

>> No.12537026
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>> No.12537028

seems like its the bois who have the bussy envy these days

>> No.12537032

ones you dont enjoy or which dont serve a basis of knowledge to the reading of a book you will enjoy

>> No.12537043

only the ones that didn't have a proper oedipal family. maybe their father was too much of a cuck.

>> No.12537058

Came here just to see if this was posted already. The only right answer.

>> No.12537059
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surprised no one's said it yet, but unironically anything written by a woman.

>> No.12537063


>> No.12537087

I bet you love evola.

>> No.12537092

>not reading the Bible for aesthetic reasons
überpleb, I bet you read Dawkins.

>> No.12537100

what if I really want to know about how the ancient jews killed non-virgin brides on their father's doorstep though?

>> No.12537179

Anything Jewish.

>> No.12537409


Shirley Jackson is a quality writer desu

>> No.12537427

SEETHING christcucks

>> No.12537454
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excuse me

>> No.12537462

which book of his talks the most about phallic mothers?

>> No.12537503

Atheism hasn't been around anywhere near as long as religions have and atheists have never been as common as religious people. Of course there would be few or no atheistic writers on the level of Dostoevsky. Most people would agree he's an elite, world class writer. To completely condemn atheist writers forever because they aren't religious is absurd.

>> No.12537508


>> No.12537517

That post shows him coping fine

>> No.12537710

no atheists are just brainlets

>> No.12538137

remember this from when I had to memorize a passage of the letter from birmingham jail for my high school english class

>> No.12538152

>people I disagree with about things no one can prove are stupid
you are a true example of humanity's best

>> No.12538179

>no atheists are just brainlets

The word "just" isn't necessary though

>> No.12538236

The Alexiad is great you shut your fucking mouth.

>> No.12538351

Just turn your brain off bro

>> No.12538843


>> No.12539730

Marx sure seems to think It does.

>> No.12540012

Animal Farm is a book you can finish in a hour and its not even a bad book either cmon guys....

>> No.12540043


>> No.12541458

Shut up nerd

>> No.12541475

This, today the bible is a gigantic waste of ones time. There is no aesthetic worth of saving, every single aspect of the bible have been explored better and to exaustion by better writers.

>> No.12541488

the greeks