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12530732 No.12530732 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone read this? I'm a leftist (non American) but i'm curious about this "beyond the left and right, but against the centre" thought.

>> No.12530737

yes, what do you want to know about it?

>> No.12530748

Is it actually a new theory and something credible? Or just standard fascism?

>> No.12530813

it is not exactly a theory as much as it is a critique of all modernist political theory. all of these theories (liberalism, communism, fascism) to him hinge on the notion of historical "progress", which view history linearly from the perspective of a chosen subject, and that the position of that subject must be elevated in the world. this to him is most true of the anglosphere & american empire with its universalism and imposition onto other nations; it sees its way of being as the best way of being that has ever been and that there is no reason for anyone else not to want it. he makes a postmodernist argument for basic equality of cultures, and a leftist anti-imperialist argument here.
what he wants is not *really* fascism, but a sort of cultural conservatism with left-wing labor policy where the globe is subdivided into cultural spheres, but the book is not all that concerned with formulating a perfect state. he is mostly concerned with critiquing postmodernity and the american empire, and looking for holes where those on the periphery can unify against its power center.
hope this helps. i think it's worth reading if you are interested in any kind of radical politik.

>> No.12530817
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>a sort of cultural conservatism with left-wing labor policy

>> No.12530848

In my estimation is an attempt to propose a political theory around what Heidegger called "the inner truth and greatness" of National Socialism. Latter he saw NS's as having strayed away from task.

Instead of the "individual" of liberalism he proposeds"Dasein" as the proper political subject. Thats basically it, Eurasian authoritarianism under the guise of traditionalism.

>> No.12530856

he saw the NS project as blatantly suicidal and flawed from square one because of its notions about race (as in, the aryan race as historical subject progressing linearly through time) and conquest. i definitely sense some racial bias too but i think his critique is reasonable: fascism didn't work because it was in its basic conceptions not a viable way to steer modernity's ship.

>> No.12530862


Not really what I was expecting from it but I'm still going to give it a read.

Know of anything else that is a good critique of modernist political theory?

>> No.12530896

evola's "men among the ruins" is a pretty straightforward anti-progressive text.

>> No.12531383

It's honestly pretty good. However, it seems that he is often more concerned with critiquing others than posing his own ideas. The first 3/4 of the book is very solid and the last part is mainly philosophical ramblings. I'm not the smartest guy in the world, so maybe it is just beyond me, but it is certainly less strictly political than the rest. It's been a while since I've read it so I can't recall too many specifics.

>> No.12531406

It's a lot of word salad to disguise the fact that in practice, he's just a basic bitch Russian Nationalist.

>> No.12531431

This is the impression I get.

>> No.12531467

t. person who ''definitely'' read the book

>> No.12532120


He advocates Russia aligning with China against Europe.

Yeah sure sounds like he cares about future of the White Race

hes another blowhard political puppet

>> No.12532444

i wouldn't want zog nwo organizations like nato and the eu fucking with me either if i could help it

>> No.12532474

Yes. Dugin is more about making room for non-fascist, non-communist, non-liberal ideas, than actually saying what those ideas are. So, making a new blank box, rather than trying to awkwardly over-stuff the current three boxes we have.

The Left in particular has worked very hard to characterize anything outside of itself to be "Fascist". The Liberal centre likes things as they are and wants to help the Left in this endeavor. Dugin is most certainly not fascist, though. That is the main misinformation you will see, until you've read him.

>> No.12532492

Kind of in the same way as American """conservatives""" (regressive liberals) referring to everything they don't like as "liberal".
>Catholic reaction

The only thing that isn't fascist is supposedly a communism with room for transsexuals and obese fetishists to lay idle, while supported by the Liberal state, or so I'm told.

>> No.12533247

Greg Johnson's White Nationalist Manifesto is well worth reading, despite the rather crude title.

>> No.12533338

China is out for world domination in exactly the same way as ZOG is, it is stupid and naive to propose any kind of alliance with them.

>> No.12534428

The Great Delusion by Mearsheimer if you want a book that's less edgy pseudofascism and more focused on foreign policy

>> No.12534462
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>communism supported by the liberal state

>> No.12534465

when did anyone say anything about the 'White Race' tm

>> No.12534471

>another /pol/nigger who belives the meme of worker-friendly fashism.

>> No.12534525


>> No.12534634

Until they entered into the war and the ensuing shortages, deterioration and invasion, Fascist Italy actually made a number of very progressive and innovative reforms in worker-related areas. Mussolini was seen as an icon and most of the most famous major western politicians from Churchill to FDR were quoted as praising and admiring him in the early 1930's. The New Deal as largely based on the changes and programs Mussolini initiated in Italy. German NS had similar elements but of course was very different in practice.

>> No.12535950

Anything that claims to be "beyond capitalism, communism and fascism" is almost always fascism.

>> No.12536020
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I didn't read it, but he's close to Alain De Benoist. I recommend pic related anyway, it's nice and short.

>> No.12536034

>Know of anything else that is a good critique of modernist political theory?
In addition to the other recommendations and >>12536020
I also recommend Moldbug: https://www.unqualified-reservations.org/

>> No.12536336

OP here. Didn't expect the thread to still be up, thanks for recommendations.

>> No.12536374
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its so obvious that the ideal political subject needs to be God, whether you think he's real or not. expecting normies to worship "dasein" is fucking retarded

>> No.12537044

i'd much rather pay tribute to xi than have zog dropping somali bio weapons on my cities randomly

>> No.12537071

yes, it's not very good