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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 139 KB, 750x750, 7E5289DB-03BE-475B-9BEC-9B6174E7148B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12526696 No.12526696 [Reply] [Original]

What books do arthoes read?

>> No.12526706

Judging from your picture, "Milk and [unreadable]".

Based on this I recommend Stirner.

>> No.12526711

entry level poetry and shit by women promoted by oprah

>> No.12526712

Did Donna Tart have a daughter with way worse taste than her?

>> No.12526717

Sylvia Plath
Anne Sexton
YA shit
you know, the typical sentimental, unreadable crap that women tend to produce and consume

>> No.12526733

Sappho was a genius, you should the fuck up.

>> No.12526740
File: 440 KB, 750x717, A4302783-9FD9-40B0-9151-B803D1E35DAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will reading those writers spontaneously give me a n art hoe gf?

>> No.12526743

books that tell them they are special for having a vagina. arthoes are children grown older, that's all. and that is why it doesn't matter what they read.

>> No.12526744

I dated this one and she had bought valerie solanas manifesto on paperback, shit that was disgusting

>> No.12526760

Valerie Solanas is based, she tried to kill Andy Warhol.

>> No.12526765


>> No.12526766

andy warhol was cool as fuck and she was a raving idiot lunatic

>> No.12526768

Lemme guess you learned everything about her from amerimutt trash story

>> No.12526769

This but unironically. College educated lefty w*men are a special kind of cancer; their existence is like a cosmic joke that the universe is playing on the rest of us who are forced to tolerate their existence.

>> No.12526776

Solanas was the only true performance artist anon
Also she hated the feminist movement.

>> No.12526779

She was a himeless schizo and had no opinions about anything besides her next meal.

>> No.12526785

>Sweet mother, I can’t do my weaving/Aphrodite has crushed me with desire/for a tender youth.
Rupi Kaur tier

>> No.12526790
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But what books will give me an art hoe gf?

>> No.12526792

>Women are just children meme


>> No.12526801

What are the pros and cons of dating an arthoe?

>> No.12526802

I mean he's not wrong. W*men are encouraged to remain in a perpetual state of prolonged adolescence and this is only enabled by society at large through institutions like colleges, public schools, even corporate workplaces.

>> No.12526809

>women in their late 20s and 30s
>posting their ass on instagram like a teenager
wow i'm btfo you're totally right anon women today are totally adults

>> No.12526811
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>> No.12526818

Sometimes during the winter I like to make a hot cup of tea and gold it in my hand for a little while, then I cup my balls with that warmed up hand. Feelsgoodman.

>> No.12526821

>using schizo as a pejorative


>> No.12526823

you clearly don't understand art hoes. books are a feminine accessory / social symbol. you will have an art hoe gf when you can do ten pullups and one hundred pushups and run two miles in thirteen minutes.

>> No.12526830

Aristotle considered her THE poet on friendship and love. He cites her more in Book VI of the Nicomachean Ethics than he cites all other poets in the rest of the book combined. You smarter than Aristotle, bro?

And you're also ignoring "phanetai moi kenos isos theoisin..."

>> No.12526832
File: 96 KB, 660x969, 1548101922620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone here know how to find girls that will love and nurture you, and accept you in spite of your flaws? i have ADHD, and it's quite hard to function in many aspects bc of it. will thr b any girls out there who will understand this and still love me anyway, even helping me where i struggle?

>> No.12526835

>does anyone here know how to find girls that will love and nurture you, and accept you in spite of your flaws?
This isn't hard if you look like Chad Brady (Tom Brady), Chad Pratt, Chad Boemer, Chad Cavill, Chad Hemsworth or Chadding Tatum.

Literally any flaw or shortcoming a man can possess will be overlooked by a w*man if the man looks like Chad

>> No.12526838

Ok, post some of her best poems then. Oh, that's right, you can't lol.
>le one surviving poem woman

>> No.12526842

Toni Morrison
Rupi Kaur
Isabel Allende
Margaret Atwood
Alice Walker

>> No.12526846
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Disregard art hoes, how do I get a wife that looks like this, bros?

>> No.12526851

depends on the "arthoe" but most are just vapid self-pitying whores who think "quirky" clothes and confessional poetry make them more authentic or unique
there are the occasional arthoes with actual intelligence and taste but they will still try to get you into an "open" relationship so they can fuck Tyrone and Stacy without consequences.

>> No.12526852

step 1 be young and wealthy

>> No.12526855

Go to Europe

>> No.12526857

it's milk and honey, a book full of shitty pintrest tier poems w/ little drawings next to them. books are an accessory to art hoes .

>> No.12526873

local arthoe at my bar unironically reads the meme trilogy

>> No.12526879

no bro ur spreading ur vitriol in numerous threads, dont do it bro come to the light, women are sweethearts. Pls remember this

>> No.12526881

Who ironically reads the meme trilogy?

>> No.12526884

Eat shit retard

>> No.12526888

This, most arthoes have good taste in books, you guys just have a habit of hanging out with pseuds.

>> No.12526889

Just do what I do and learn how to paint so you can invent your own personal waifus

>> No.12526890

women are a meme
daily reminder

>> No.12526891

You cant prove me wrong so far though, all you can do is say "that's wrongthink, stop it"

>> No.12526899


>> No.12526902
File: 1.85 MB, 1626x2472, 1790E0DC-7772-4AF7-9D1B-DBD3DE8D698E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to learn to paint?

>> No.12526910

Warhol was an histrionic hack. Duchamp was way more based.

>> No.12526913

ur points are such shallow TRP garbage that go even try to prove them wrong would be to prove my own position wrong. r u gonna pull up some evopsych for us now too? anon ur better than this. Uve just had a hard time w women n u shud spend time on their positive sides to help u clear that impression. Go watch some wonderful girl ASMR. okay? Want some of my fav vids? Ill send u them

Why r u being so mean to me?

they are Queens, not memes

>> No.12526918
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>they are Queens, not memes

>> No.12526920

>can't even write "women" without autistically censoring it

Imagine being this retarded.

They'll read what you told them is worth reading, if your literary taste and self-assertiveness are strong enough.

>> No.12526927

>all women in their 20s are instagram hoes

Nice assessment you got there buddy.

>> No.12526930

>ur points are such shallow TRP garbage that go even try to prove them wrong would be to prove my own position wrong. r u gonna pull up some evopsych for us now too? anon ur better than this. Uve just had a hard time w women n u shud spend time on their positive sides to help u clear that impression. Go watch some wonderful girl ASMR. okay? Want some of my fav vids? Ill send u them
This really isnt much of an argument. All you're saying is "your points are wrongthink and wrongthink BAD! wymyn are QUEENZ, worship them NOW!"


Theres a literal logical fallacy that's been named for what you're doing. You pretend w*men are all puerile delicate princesses/queens that need to be worshiped simply because "uhhhh duhhhh they look pretty, here check out this ASMR video". You hypocritically lack an absurd amount of epistemological insight taking into account what you're chiding me about/for.

It's a meme, grandma

>> No.12526934

implying royalty isnt the biggest meme of history

>> No.12526935

Not him but ill take the asmr

>> No.12526936

Why doesnt anyone ever call out fat 30-something lesbian social-work majors for spouting off their "ugh all men are trash" generalizations? Hypocrite.

>> No.12526951

>most are just vapid self-pitying whores who think "quirky" clothes and confessional poetry make them more authentic or unique

For some reason I feel this is the perfect description of the female equivalent of the typical /lit/erati.

>> No.12526952

I tried learning to draw a few years ago with that purpose but it was pretty daunting. I'll try again though, this time taking classes.

>> No.12526956

So you're unironically claiming that all women, if you don't look like some model which only 1% of the male population even resemble, will treat you poorly? This is your actual position? How do I respond to that? It is so cartoonish I really can't. I agree that I'm too much of an idealist (I'm like Luke), and you're too much of a doomer (like Darth Vader). I am on the side of light and you on darkness, and we are both tryna convert the other to his position. But in reality u have some validity and so do i, but me moreso, and u need to come to the light my brother. Shall i give u some cutie ASMR vids?

>> No.12526957

>there are the occasional arthoes with actual intelligence and taste but they will still try to get you into an "open" relationship so they can fuck Tyrone and Stacy without consequences.

I met one like that except that instead of Tyrone it was another beta autist like me. It felt strange, like I'd cucked myself weirdly hot too

>> No.12526960

>Star Wars analogy/reference
Oh no

its retarded

>> No.12526970

Jackie ? I thought I'd buried your retard ass in the yard years ago.

>> No.12526975

>Jackie ? I thought I'd buried your retard ass in the yard years ago.
I dont know who that is but you need to take your pills or come up with an actual argument instead of referencing your schizophrenic imaginary head-canon

>> No.12526990

>a counterargument
>quick, summon another slightly-related problem so that I can pretend I didn't hear

With such sloppy argumentative habits your intellect will neve develop properly anon. I've never heard that kind of generalizing lesbian irl or on 4chan, but if I do my above comment will work just as well. Learn to generalize a bit ffs.

>> No.12526993

here bro

she's really cute and feminine

she's really cute, artsy and wholesome

>> No.12526996

>"d-do as we say, not as we do! stupid prole!"

>> No.12527003

You're the one who called me grandma, Jackie.


Neither you nor you contradictor have much of an argument, Jackie. That whole debate is futile and idiotic, like the scholastic "controversy on women" in the Middle Age, but without the rhetorical ingenuity. Stop LARPing and get a job.

>> No.12527008

calling women hoes is kinda immature

t. asexual

>> No.12527011

How id that in any way related to my point ? Explain or I will have to assume you can't read anon.

>> No.12527013

I work 40h a week in a skilled in-demand trade. Please seek help and stop referencing the imaginary friends from your schizophrenic head-canon. This is an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.12527020

>generalizing is only okay when WE do it! learn to generalize more (read: learn to generalize against the right people)
Baseless & bluepilled hypocrite.

>> No.12527023


>> No.12527055

lol based

>> No.12527079

handmaid tales

>> No.12527113

I'm not the one going around calling other posters grandma, Jackie. Do I need to quote your own post ?

Still, it's good that you're doing something with your life, I hope you don't work in a pleb field.

It seems you actually have trouble reading. See >>12526990
>I've never heard that kind of generalizing lesbian irl or on 4chan, but if I do my above comment will work just as well.
>but if I do my above comment will work just as well.

The "generalize" was used in the mathematical sense, here it means learn to understand when an argument that applies to idiotic misogynist on 4chan also applies to idiotic lesbian on twitter/tumblr.

>WE do it

Who is "we" ? I'm not even liberal you turdfaggot.

> learn to generalize against the right people

Exactly the opposite of what I was saying. Anyway I'm done babysitting you (or biting your bait, which is most likely what I've been doing until now). Good night anon.

>> No.12527114

Take your medication. Seek help.

>> No.12527115

Exactly :^)

>> No.12527121

Go to work Jackie.

>> No.12527135

this thread is fucking cursed

>> No.12527140

I'm union you retard, I work M-F dayshifts. You really need to stop referencing the imaginary friends from your schizo headcanon

>> No.12527145

Pretty fitting for a thread about girls who LARP as cursed artists.

>> No.12527151

Then go do something useful of your week end, volunteer or something. Quit wasting my time Jackie.

>> No.12527158

/ic/ has a book thread with lots of resources in there that might help ya out, other than that keep at it, get that mileage in and you'll make it lad. Don't give up.

>> No.12527159

Who is jackie and how did she hurt you? You're positively seething

>> No.12527371

Large format picture books by Phaidon, T&H, Gombrich etc. It's not really reading but close enough I suppose.

>> No.12527460

The balls are warm

>> No.12527511
File: 3.14 MB, 1334x750, 6FC56732-A23F-4E64-A8D9-12384C7605D8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the sheer amount of coping w*men in this thread

>> No.12527513

I have a female friend who loves middle eastern writers. She's asexual though.

>> No.12527523
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W*men are the least shallow gender though boyim

>> No.12527931

Milk and fucker
By rupi fucker

>> No.12527982

how do i get an arthoe gf /lit/, i already wear long coats and doc martens

>> No.12527985

Are you the closet tranny that's always going on about how soft women are?

>> No.12527992

Jackie is my grandson and he was supposed to be dead. Not much of a waste, quite frankly. The poor kid was positively retarded.

>> No.12527996

>tfw murderfetish is a thing

The world never ceases to amaze me.

>> No.12528001

I think he's more probably the mommygf poster who like to LARP as an innocent kid.

Perhaps the most perversely corrupted anon on /lit/, and I say that as a degenerate atheistic jew.

>> No.12528044

doc martens are trash

>> No.12528101

uh oh
look at this guy
he hates popular things
normies wanna be him, the establishment DESPISES him, he's the coolest kid on the block and he's gonna steal your gf

>> No.12528118

no dude
they're poorly constructed and made from cheap materials
anyway, you don't dress like your quarry; they'll just think you're gay or weird

>> No.12528164


>> No.12528176

They leaf through my diary after I wine, dine and fuck em.

>> No.12528185
File: 52 KB, 500x695, ‘MESTIZO DE SANGLEY’ WOMAN, TERM FOR PERSON OF CHINESE ANCESTRY IN THE PHILIPPINES (1875).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume you mean art students/artists.
I honestly don't know a single one who wouldn't laugh at that Milk & Honey bullshit.
undergrads: sylvia plath, ayn rand
master's: kathy acker, natsuo kirino
adult female: emily dickinson, margaret atwood, walt whitman

>> No.12528189

You don't truly think this do you?
t. European

>> No.12528208

Based mommyposter

>> No.12528211

This, and they deliberately read classics to find something in them to complain about and they also read Murakami.

>> No.12528212

Well, you wont find her in Burgerland.

>> No.12528223

I went out with an art hoe recently

She had this style, they're all clones
>red hair cut in a bob
>small nose ring
>pierced nipple
>fashion sense clearly based around imitating suits for some reason

If she's anything to go on, they're great in bed, but surprisingly aren't that attached to leftism as you'd imagine, they kind of just want to settle down eventually, but ride the benis in their 20s

Small sample size though so w/e

>> No.12528227

Looks Romanian

>> No.12528316

That's the one, he's also come out as an autogynephile.

>> No.12528323

Sorry, he's this guy

>> No.12528345

milk and titties

>> No.12528367

sappho is based, buddy

>> No.12528381

kind of

>> No.12528396

good post

>> No.12528422
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>> No.12528442

That's awfully childish. Why would you give him ammo?

>> No.12528449

>control f "lolita"

do you people even know art hoes?

>> No.12528452

wow wtf not reading bataille anymore

>> No.12528455

>wanting an arthoe gf
you and i both know they don't read. just spout something pseud in front of them while reading naked lunch, then ask her if she wants to drop some acid and fuck.

>> No.12528518


I like your post, friend.

>> No.12528522

underappreciated post

>> No.12528536

They buy and take selfies with them and then put them back or return them to what ever cuck they borrowed them from.

>> No.12528541

wtf i love french degenerati conspiracy now

>> No.12528761

>calls himself european

>> No.12528794

Lmao I can do all of this where's my gf???

>> No.12528815

just do it regularly until you're not shit

>> No.12528830

I've had this image on my computer for a while, she's so incredibly beautiful.

>> No.12528864

Where do you get drugs?

>> No.12528869

she cute

>> No.12528871

I mean I agree anon but the way you said it is really autistic

>> No.12529039

Source? Can't find it

>> No.12529124

Based and fempilled.

Imagine how dark the world would be without women. I couldn't bare the thought.

>> No.12529138

That post is my property. Don't touch it.

>> No.12529142

He's right but should add that slavery is what peak male performance looks like.

>> No.12529205
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>I mean I agree anon but the way you said it is really autistic

>> No.12529233

Fuck I hate these women

>> No.12529332
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>generic art thots

>> No.12529368

Not single full poem of hers survives, how can you begin to argue she's a genius when we can't even see her genius on display?

>> No.12529443
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no im sincere and not putting on a larp

thas not me

yeah i was just telling the other anon to express himself bc i saw many times now that he said he has femininity in himself which he wants to express

personally i dont know what autogynephialia is, or what TERFs are or these other terms on /lgbt/, and im not a closet tranny. But i recently became a bit upset at being born a boy without dominant masculine traits and thought maybe i should deidentify with being a boy which i want to forget about rigbht now and instead create an alter ego that's female that i identify with and maybe write journal entries from the POV of? as a writing exercise and also to help me to forget my real identity as a depressed boy, so i choose something radically different to me like that of a girl. does that make me AGP? im not trans and dont want to be a girl. but i just want to forget about my true worldly identity for some time because its too depressing to remember what a failure i am in my life. want to escape into a new persona. preferably female so that its farther from my real world identity, which is a boy, and also bc im very saddened with girls right now bc all the anons tell me that my fantasy girlfriend who loves me the way i write about is just that, a fantasy, and will never come true. so im sad bc of it

>> No.12529452

>But i recently became a bit upset at being born a boy without dominant masculine traits and thought maybe i should deidentify with being a boy which i want to forget about rigbht now and instead create an alter ego that's female that i identify with and maybe write journal entries from the POV of?

Anon is autogynephilic alright

>> No.12529486

I'm surprised you based this list on Plath and Sappho.

>> No.12529498

None books, just equip yourself with the appropriate trappings. She's devoted her entire persona to a role, so play a complementary role.
IDK grow your hair out or shave it, get some piercings or tats, wear a mix between milsurp and designer clothing that allows you to show off a ripped bod.
Start hanging out with art people (hardest part), going to shows and parties, generally fawning over whatever mediocre-ass famous artists your city has produced.
Hook up with her at a party. The best you can do with an art hoe is turn a party hookup into a regular fuckbuddy thing, so good luck I guess.
Honestly these girls suck.

>> No.12529506

As tiring as the he-man-woman-haters club is, this is still 4chan and I don't take it too seriously

>> No.12529514

It's tough to be a man. Maybe you should try harder, it's worth it

>> No.12529521

nope that's your own projection, you yourself are AGP and want me to be as well, but im not. my condition is different

>> No.12529524

In my experience Nabokov and Borges

>> No.12529525

there's no point, i can't make myself something im not innately. i cant *become* dominant or suddenly grow tall

>> No.12529566

>nope thats your own projection
You even argue like an effeminate failed male lmao. It's not projection; im posting based off of things you yourself admitted.

>> No.12529580

im not effeminate pls im a boy but im depressed at being one since im invisible to girls and have always been my whole life. im just sad at that fact and trying to remedy it through new outlets

>> No.12529582

is there any other kind?

>> No.12529583

Most men aren't tall. Tall is distinguished from average height because most men are average height.

>> No.12529617

>wow she's just like me!

>> No.12529625

you still need charisma, autist

>> No.12529639
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They write their own books of Slam Poetry

>> No.12529654

The suicide notes where I’ll accuse them for being complicit in my death because they never gave me sex

>> No.12529684
File: 68 KB, 580x800, 1531676878631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew a girl who was doing her major in philosophy that looked like this. I wish I had asked her out.

>> No.12529692

women.. am I right men?

>> No.12529708

>I don't know anything about Bataille or the context he said it but I will post this quote because it sounds cool

>> No.12529716

okay but im also from a pretty unwanted racial group that i wont say bc 4chan will make fun of me.

>> No.12529725

Lolita is classic art hoe-core, alongside The Great Gatsby and Dharma Bums

>> No.12529726

Don't listen to /pol/. A large majority of /lit/ posters are Jewish

>> No.12529739

Funny how the taste degrades over time

>> No.12529776

All of them. We are parasitic, we reproduce through language.

>> No.12529807

im from a different one actually. i wont say it bc ill be harassed automatically. but yeah in real life girls really dont seem to be fond of me in any regard. it sucks but i wont complain further. ill just try out my experiment of creating a female altar ego and writing from her POV. being a boy is too depressing and i dont want to live so miserably anymore, all of my desires in life involving women going unsatisfied

>> No.12529811

U a Flip, anon?
I’m so sorry

>> No.12529836

I knew a French art hoe who couldn't walk into a bookstore without having bought a copy of Lolita, even if she's already got the same edition, with the same cover, from the same press. She has at least a hundred copies of that book and reads it at least a dozen times per year.

>> No.12529857

Now that's some weird form of OCD. Or possibly an exotic and unknown mental disorder.

>> No.12529864

Believe it or not, actual woman here. I had a boyfriend with Aspergers who I loved (and still am friends with) who I encouraged and supported as he finished up his law degree. We broke up for other reasons, but there are girls who will support and love you.

>> No.12529865

I don’t mean to offend you, anon, but pretending to be a girl for enjoyment is a pretty AGP characteristic. I’m not calling you trans or anything like that, but it’s clear that your admiration of women has left you fascinated with their lifestyle. As I explained in previous threads, I totally relate to that, as I’m going through similar experiences. Keep doing it for as long as it makes you happy doing it.

You also might feel better if you stopped being so sad. Rejoice in the fact that you exist on the same planet as so many amazing women and that you can interact with them even as friends.

>> No.12529867

nope. lets not discuss it, im done with being a sadsack in this thread

>> No.12529930
File: 501 KB, 750x768, 6FD87718-AEA4-4DFB-B620-A1625CA978F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's she doing now?

>> No.12529937

but i dont want to do it for enjoyment or sexual arousal like AGP entails, i just want to escape this identity im emprisoned in as a boy who will never get what he desires in life regarding women and to just put on altar egos that i can reidentify with and better forget my real one. some of these can be female but i could also do other male ones as well. basically mine is a desire to psychically reidentify with something new and thereby forget of my existing existence. its part of the reason that fictional literature interests me, the thought of being able to lose yourself into new worlds and new personalities and thereby forget about your real one. i dont want to be "me" anymore, i want to become someone else

wow you must be such a sweetheart. bless your soul anonette. u are an example of how amazing women can be and im sure that ur boyfriend appreciates it so much. i wish u the best in ur life, maybe if im really lucky ill one day find a girl as kind as you are. take care

>> No.12530046

My mistake, then. Still, you need to learn to love yourself, I’m trying to say this for your own good. Who would love you if you can’t first love yourself?

From your posts, you seem like a genuinely good person who’d make a girl VERY happy one day, but you can’t do that without being able to smile confidently and say “This is who I am”.

Perhaps I’m the one who’s closer to being AGP, since my love of women comes from their entire demeanour and mindset. Even so, I’m putting so much effort in trying to get through to you because I don’t like seeing another admirer of women suffer. We can see the greatness of women, anon. Let’s be happy with that fact and continue to admire women for who they are.

>> No.12530059

They don't really read.

>> No.12530061


>> No.12530095

get yourself a fat chick, my man. They got no standards at all.

>> No.12530109

not like that

>> No.12530150

>there are girls who will support and love you
Only if those girls think you're attractive. Women are the most shallow gender.

>> No.12530168

In comparison to all multiple other genders?

>> No.12530176
File: 103 KB, 223x231, Screen_Shot_20180621_at_3.52.55_AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

objectively, yes.

>> No.12530236

Painting student here.
I recommend buying expensive acrylics and using a retarder medium (acrylics dry extremely fast by default which can be frustrating for a beginner because you must work fast and organized, retarder mediums slow the drying process and the expensive kind also dries slower and doesn't change brightness when dry as much as student grade paint - another source of frustration for a beginner) or use oil paint (there's lots of options for controlling the drying time and it allows a more intuitive approach).

Without a good foundation in drawing (understanding perspective, construction, shapes etc.) painting (which brings in the elements of color and light/tone) will be much harder and overwhelming, except if you want to do abstract art (then focus more on understanding composition, the materials and color theory - there are many great abstract painters who cannot paint jack shit realistically, it's two different worlds practically, but it's easier to go into abstraction from understanding traditional stuff).

I recommend the books Keys to drawing and Perspective made easy.
Oh, and be aware that you'll progress much faster if you always play around a little and not just exercise you skills.
+ never use anime, cartoons and fanart as guidelines, follow proper painters (from the renaissance to postmodern art; if you plan on being only a traditional fag you're better off learning some other skill)

>> No.12530270
File: 45 KB, 500x500, livia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Livia - "Go to the kitchen, take the knife from the ham and stab me right here, in the chest! makes stabbing motion while sobbing"

>> No.12530285

All this over a piece of gabbagool?

>> No.12530381
File: 357 KB, 1086x1671, infobloss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk but pic related includes dedications to multiple arthoes

>> No.12530386

I alwyas found it weird he was entertaining Americans while hs own countrymen were dying by the hundredthousands in the trenches.

>> No.12530399

you think it would have made more sense for him to join his compatriots on the slaughter-bench? rather than acquiring money and fame and access to pliant american tail?

>> No.12530402

or just use oils lol

>> No.12530424

> or use oil paint (there's lots of options for controlling the drying time and it allows a more intuitive approach).


>> No.12530441

sorry didnt read it properly.
t. also painting student

>> No.12530462

Sweet. Where you studying? Are you doing anything traditional or is it full blown contemporary stuff like in most schools?

>> No.12530599
File: 1.22 MB, 1439x1423, Screenshot_20190203-181455_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the painting is in the modern art museum here in my city (São Paulo- Brazil), it is quite small but really gorgeous live.

>> No.12530764
File: 1.00 MB, 768x768, 1547847775146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.12530773

this feels several years out of date
everything is more hostile and depressing now

>> No.12530785

This observation is way more lucid and real than it should be.

>> No.12530807
File: 45 KB, 311x353, E00B3A45ECD346C5B5896DD76BBF2434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12530932

i love women but this image made me laugh

>> No.12531027
File: 898 KB, 487x560, 1534661784366.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw know a girl who looks EXACTLY like op's pic
I wasn't into that look before. What's happening to me?

>> No.12531083
File: 85 KB, 804x802, 1487094854749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How about you update it then, eh smart-ass? Ha! He he..yeah... our society is doomed, isn't it?

>> No.12531101


you're right anonfren but i've given up at this point. u don't have to lend your counsel any further, i really have given up. i'm going to take a break from 4chan and life in general. i'm too down. ideally try to leave 4ch for good. as for your AGP i dont have much advice other than to look into relevant resources for it since i dont know much abt that realm. also be careful and ensure u know what ur getting into. Ive heard stories of ppl who take hormones etc and later regret it. determine if u consider it healthy or not to even want to be girly in the first place. but yeah just research into it a lot and see what you think about what u want to do. also thanks for those compliments you gave to me, i appreciate that

no that's ok

>> No.12531198
File: 134 KB, 640x640, B2D1D915-4907-49D2-A9B1-4322B1106B36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's she like?

>> No.12531234

you'll never have Donna Tart and her qt daughter spit in your face as they take turns jerking you off.

>> No.12531246

They like /lit/ dont actually read they just wiki skim

>> No.12531262



>> No.12531286


How do you suppose men like you and me should dress?

>> No.12531299
File: 456 KB, 750x738, 5AE763A5-A69A-4D78-A65C-86E1A9849769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could try a reverse image search...

>> No.12531344


Tried it and failed. Help me out here, anon.

>> No.12531365


>> No.12531395

Her lipstick is bad

>> No.12531397
File: 507 KB, 750x723, EDDD7E0F-BDFC-4A05-90B1-732EDA236060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

@b.fp on insta. please learn to not rely on being spoonfed by other anons.

>> No.12531498

Ok bud

>> No.12531532

A girl that cute will never like me

>> No.12531801

It's 2019, there's always hope in online dating. It's what I plan to do, but I'll only look in the US and Canada.

>> No.12531821

>It's 2019, there's always hope in online dating.
Factually wrong. Online dating has a "no uglies allowed" bar of entry. If you're unattractive then you basically have no hope or chance with online dating.

>> No.12531839

She doesn't seem like an arthoe. Just a regular hoe who likes Rupi Kaur.

>> No.12531853

we need another Ted Bundy, God

>> No.12532034

I browsed Okcupid out of curiosity and most of the people there, men and women, were average looking. I wonder how people who call themselves unattractive really look. Most of them are just unhealthy from what I've seen. The ponytailed neckbeard and BlacksOpscel for example: both would be average if they lost and gained weight respectively.

>> No.12532039

She's a good Christian girl, artsy, and laughs at my stupid jokes. She's into vintage clothes and dresses exactly like OP's picture. No piercings besides her ears. She wears really cute hats from the 1940's. Imagine a wholesome version of the girl in OP's pic.

>> No.12532040

>both would be average if they lost and gained weight respectively
The BlackOpsCel would still be just as unattractive if he gained weight. Dishonest opinion.

>> No.12532042

pomo-shit like Mark Leyner

>> No.12532056

There are unattractive guys who get gfs.
And I have to clarify my online dating comment: when I said that I meant if you want a gf with the same interests as you, like literature and arts. Rare to find girls like that in person, especially where I live. It may work better for me because I don't care about looks so much as long as they're healthy. But if you have high standards it would be tough.

>> No.12532081

The whole "lower your standards" meme is pretty ineffectual when women have a literal catalog of male models to choose from online (yes even OKC counts).

>> No.12532135

Why do you assume it's not just called Milk and

>> No.12532182

lol no, typical retard obsessed with genitals and fucking (woman)

>> No.12532213
File: 86 KB, 455x675, 1548874300343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>missing out on sex because of someone's taste in literature

/lit/ in a nutshell

>> No.12532217


this but unironically

>> No.12532220

Blessed post

>> No.12532221

what context makes that quote mean something other than what it seems

>> No.12532246

They are. They watch children's films, read childish lit, they stop watching or communicating about subjects if they disagree with the subject matter, they are emotional, petty, they throw tantrums.

Haven't you ever wondered why 50 year old women still watch Disney movies?

>> No.12532256

>You smarter than Aristotle, bro?
Prob lol

>> No.12532264

Your argument reeks of mildew and high school, but I'll take the vids regardless

>> No.12532271

>nope that's your own projection
These are levels of post-freudianism I cant comprehend.

>> No.12532517

But anon, men are the ones behind the great, cinematic-infantilization we see today. The ones who brought Marvel, Star Wars, DC and all the rest of the dreck to the heights they stand at in modern culture. Men are the ones who live addicted to video games and other outlets which they began as children. Men are the ones who argue over these as if they were serious subjects. Not saying women don't also do these things, but how can you make such claims as if they were true for women alone?

she seems really sweet

she's more feisty but if you can handle that then here u go

that was just a silly comment i was making to him. but anyway freud was very correct regarding the oedipus complex imo. the notions that a boys first love is his mother and the converse for a girl. i believe that completely

>> No.12532524

Men are also the ones who climb utility poles to provide electricity to thousands of people in every city. W*men dont really even have the "we make babies" leg to stand on anymore considering how much they fetishize abortion.

>> No.12532612

you people are so fucking gay

>> No.12532656
File: 13 KB, 242x242, DtcGa-lX4AEnSQZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon I love you and I find your style of posting to be an endearing turn from the legitimate vitriol we have otherwise seen here. Your comments have character to them, both from your asterisk on "women" and the remarks themselves. Don't worry friend, whatever evils you perceive women as furthering in today's world, I assure you it's merely a trend and that many of them are not in support of what you are commenting on. It's merely that bad apples are leading the movement and serving as its face, and that's what you've ended up seeing. Don't worry dude. Everything will be okay. We're all going to one day have loving, nurturing, kind, sweet, caring, wholesome, girlfriends who love us for who we are. Well, I won't. But you, my friend, absolutely will. And on that day, the asterisk will come off, and you'll resume posting here, except every comment will be one of praise for the fairer sex, and if you ever use asterisks again, it'll be for the m*n who have dared to mistreat the wonderful species we call women throughout our past history and continuing in the present day. I love you dude. You'll get a wonderful girlfriend some day, and I hope she lights up your life once she's in it.

>> No.12532661
File: 443 KB, 400x296, 1520351676070.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12532677

Can I have her contact info?

>> No.12532680

nice haircut *PFFFFFT*

>> No.12532739
File: 68 KB, 1010x897, 1548845008206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for being sincere but the asterisk isnt coming off for a long time

>> No.12532742
File: 16 KB, 236x365, arthoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12532775

her eyelids look like a dogged out vagina giving birth to an eyeball and the corner of her eye looks like a greasy little butthole lol

>> No.12532826

Was it autism?

>> No.12532842


>> No.12532991

what was she thinking

>> No.12533002

this image is really cute

>> No.12533012

Based, don't let the plebs get to you

>> No.12533021

>everything is more hostile and depressing now
what do you mean exactly? like, how does that manifest in basic bitch culture, for example?

>> No.12533035

I want to murder this ugly cunt

>> No.12533041

Why do women do this to themselves? It's sad to say, but it seems to be split on cultural or political lines. You never see some conservative girl from a nice and loving family doing this shit. They make themselves intentionally ugly, for what purpose?

>> No.12533049

>You never see some conservative girl from a nice and loving family doing this shit
because they don't want to draw attention to themselves and people who were raised poorly (call them liberals or whatever you want) do outrageous things for attention and pleasure cause they never learned to control themselves or too feel shame

>> No.12533224

it's pure sadness you retard

>> No.12533415
File: 6 KB, 268x284, 1548927009453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12533438

>Online dating has a "no uglies allowed" bar of entry
Not true unless you're truly repulsive. I look like a hobo, with long unwashed hair and an unkempt beard, and I managed to get a gf after 7 months on Tinder.

>> No.12533446

Based hobo anon. Good job friend.

>> No.12533459

Learn to meditate and your ADHD will go away

>> No.12533860

Not that anon, but how do I focus when meditating? I used to do it daily about 6 years ago. Nowadays, I'm only able to sit for couple of days, before giving up on it

>> No.12533964

I don't get what's so bad about this picture, those all seem like worthwhile experiences. I can see a guy who never leaves his house looking at this and laughing at those stupid thots.

>> No.12534027
File: 494 KB, 750x774, 018E7480-B48B-44BA-B05C-78E9CD3A10C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you talking anout her hair? I think it looks cute.

>> No.12534261
File: 37 KB, 748x748, 22228612_10214378566279155_3237489917468425135_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12534268
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art hoes like OP pic's look retarded a fuck
look at her retarded a fucking face, stupida fucking bitch

Pic related, what a real literary gentleman should shoot for

>> No.12534293
File: 184 KB, 1280x720, default.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent taste.

>> No.12534443

Why are virgins so drawn to /lit/ ?

>> No.12534453

4chan has always attracted social outcasts

>> No.12535222

I can sniff your unwashed vag from here. you know the rules. pander us with lit descriptions of your breasts or get the fuck off!

>> No.12535627
File: 516 KB, 750x804, C090214E-5DDD-4862-AB6C-2640CB1A1B50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boring blond stacy tbqhywf.

>> No.12535638

slightly fictional biographies on famous painters.

>> No.12535685

Only arthoe I know was reading pedagogy of the oppressed recently. She probably didn't finish though.

>> No.12535734
File: 27 KB, 640x233, goodnight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12535966


>> No.12535994

rupi kaur
cassandra clare

>> No.12535995

Contemporary in the Netherlands. I do some traditional stuff in my free time.

>> No.12536370

Lekker, pik. Hou 'em overeind.

>> No.12536376

best laugh i've had in awhile ty

>> No.12536392
File: 117 KB, 736x736, pige.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no bully

>> No.12536433

>Judging a person by the number of their sex partners

Neck thyself

>> No.12536453
File: 58 KB, 512x438, 9E8434DA-52BF-48B5-A45A-376F90318FDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A woman's loyalty decreases as her amount of sexual partners increases

>> No.12536467

Or was her loyalty fairly shite to begin with?

>> No.12536517
File: 90 KB, 696x800, 72D9CA73-D63E-4B99-9DFB-4F1A58A5B47D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it’s real.

>> No.12536583

>95% after 1 man
women with no prior sex partners are today's unicorns
>basically 50/50 chance after 2 and up to 19 men
so you get better chances betting half your money on one colour in a game of roulette
>that massive drop after men number 20
that's bullshit but I believe it

>> No.12536601

So basically only virgins are to be trusted? The 13% difference between 2 and 20+ seems rather negligible compared to 38% between 1 and 2... I think this is a ridiculous statistic to infer anything worthwhile from. Goodluck finding your abstinent christian gf, buddy.

>> No.12536705

Ideally she'd be an atheist because god doesn't exist

>> No.12536834

I had a Romanian gf but it was unrequited and Eastern Europeans are cold and don't give a fuck about you

>> No.12536851
File: 68 KB, 640x640, 1517332289148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I look like a hobo, with long unwashed hair and an unkempt beard
None of that is unattractive to women

>> No.12536867

ugly art thot who should be curbstomped tbqh

same goes for you, ugly faggot I can smell you from here

>> No.12536891
File: 294 KB, 750x742, 33B7159E-F9C0-4896-91C0-D4F267B8D8FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just took a shower

>> No.12537023

>not yuna


>> No.12537066

the numbers show a similar downward trend for men as they do for women though

>> No.12537070

>reading the alchemist is a worthwhile experience
leave this place and tell not a soul you came here

>> No.12537077


>> No.12537090
File: 83 KB, 640x800, ri9RCWrTQtgPqgpdZrsJWjKYeEqDAFphh-STIwsm7zk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bitch most likely has an STD bois, all whores like her do

>> No.12537946

You need to be euthanized

>> No.12537971

You need to go do something with your life.

>> No.12537982

what would you know about that eh

>> No.12538017

why does her neck look like its made out of scrotum tissue

>> No.12538032

>jpg (134 KB, 640x640)

>> No.12538036

a chick like this sucked my dick
she had hairy legs

>> No.12538047
File: 125 KB, 968x681, hunter-s-thompson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've brought tears to my eyes. Blessed post.

>> No.12538069

did she spit or swallow

>> No.12539025

Spot on

So many of the art hoe types at my uni are obsessed with Murakami

>> No.12539052

i like sylvia plath, what does it say about me

>> No.12539090

>translations of poetry

>> No.12539495

But they’re still like 20% more loyal. Are you blind?

>> No.12539503

whiteknight back on >>>/r/eddit

>> No.12539519

Sport girls are better, and actually read more

>> No.12539531
File: 82 KB, 512x645, aa100_openlearn_fig1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12539597

Just make a tulpa

>> No.12540063

Madam Bovary she posted the book

>> No.12540067

good taste

>> No.12540087

I don't get why girls with messy hair who like the arts make people so furious. Is this the /lit/ equivalent of FAKE GAMER GIRL!!1! or something?

Conservative families can be as unloving as any other, m8

>> No.12540093


Probably no woman would admit to more than the 11 to 19 category.

>> No.12540108

If you want the real answer, then I'll give it to you.
They (((do experiments))) with their identity to find out more about themselves.
This is why they are more fun to be around if they have a sense of humour too.

>> No.12540269

i didnt cum, but she spat
then she asked me to eat her out and it was fucking disgusting bc she was queefing the whole time

>> No.12540365

Is that real? I never heard about that before

>> No.12540417


>> No.12540556


>> No.12540569

Sappho I is complete (though not free from corruption) as far as we can tell, and several other extended passages of brilliance have survived. This, combined with her unparalleled reputation among those who knew in the ancient world, allows us to say that she is a genius.

>> No.12540591

The first step towards true happiness is the acceptance of the Art Hoe (or any other product of human vanity) as such; the second step is the acceptance that she is not for you.

>> No.12540705

Pseud detected

>> No.12540795

They're real to you

>> No.12541016

Like the Holocaust™?

>> No.12541048

This is probably the gayest shit I've ever read on this site.

>> No.12541084

I work in an in-demand skilled trade that's never being automated or outsourced. Project more.

>> No.12541607

Reminder that human flourishing can only begin with the sublimation of horniness.

>> No.12541624

Humanity is a disease and the H-bomb the cure.

>> No.12541671

You sound overly horny.

>> No.12541704

Maybe a little H-bomby