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/lit/ - Literature

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12522698 No.12522698 [Reply] [Original]

Post the book that impacted your life the most

>> No.12522876

Really want to read this but it's fucking expensive

>> No.12522902
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Libraries are your friend, anon.

>> No.12522911

Is it better or worse than BAP book

>> No.12522968
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>> No.12523003

BAP book?

>> No.12523016

Wtf, why is is £130 on amazon?

>> No.12523025

I think it’s a copyright issue and only first editions exist

>> No.12523064

checked out that exact edition from my university library a few months ago. Really beautiful book.

>> No.12523091

Bronze Age Mindset by Bronze Age Pervert, he draws heavily from Sun and Steel

>> No.12523094

How has it actually impact your life? Did it turn you into an armpit-licking faggotron or are you planning a coup in your shithole of a country? Fucking LARPers.

>> No.12523114
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The book is pretty much showing how body and mind work together in unison. I’m a really blackpilled person and books like this provide a silver lining to the incoming dark age. Here’s an excerpt

>> No.12523128

what does that even mean

>> No.12523134

Will I get self disciplined if I read it? Seems like that sort of book

>> No.12523141

>tfw you bought it in the sweet spot where it was being memed on /lit/ along with Sailor Who Fell From Grace with the Sea but before it escaped to bb.com/misc and /fit/ for 6 dollars.

>> No.12523162
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>> No.12523187
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>tfw oldfag riding meme waves

>> No.12523208

/fitlit/ without acknowledging the value of the sentimental.

>> No.12523222

Humans loss of passion and spirituality paired with climate change, plastics in the environment, mental illnesses, and loss of cultural and historical preservation.

>> No.12523285
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So it impacted your life... Anon’s life... did you actually read it? Do you really know what he’s talking about? If you walked a similar path and took a similar bath, you wouldn’t be impacted at all. If you did neither of those things, you’re a LARPer. Also Bester’s translation isn’t very good. It’s a typical translation of a lifelong English Oxfordian academic who has never lifted a weight or seen the sun or tested himself in any way besides maybe academically. How do you expect Bester to convey what Mishima really meant?

By the way to everyone else in the thread it’s available online for free. It’s out of print. Mostly because it never sold hardly a copy. Vast sections of the book are garbly jarbly nonsense. Bester was trying to be too literal - missing the forest for the trees.

>> No.12523298

No, it's not a manual. It's a guy trying to explain his worldview and the principles behind his style. It's confessional. It's like an I-novel. The confession will resonate with you if you're already leaning his way.

>> No.12523361

this is true desu, ive been /fit/ 6 hours a week for 5-6 years and i still dont understand destroying your body after you go over the hill.

>Vast sections of the book are garbly jarbly nonsense
This is also true, it is not a fun read, and it is basically a suicide note along with the last volume of the tetrology

>> No.12523380

>you have to have mishima’s brain to understand, be influenced, or relate to the book

You’re being a fag anon. I’m a Mishima nut and I’m also really into self-reliance, weight lifting, homesteading, hunting etc.

>> No.12523433

>tfw haven't been to the gym in 2 weeks because it's too cold outside and subway is fucked up by the snow

>> No.12523447

Or maybe you're just looking for something to say to be because you're disagreeable. Where'd I say you need his brain? No, I said you need to be like him. By your list of hobbies you might be like him in spirit. That's great. But the idea that this "treatise" is anything but a view into the man's brain needs to be nipped in the bud. Holding this book up as a manual is like when r9kers look at Yozo and say "yeah, that's me" or intellectually gelded vain young men look at Bateman and say "that's fucking groovy" and then ape it. Dumping another man's sweaty bathwater on yourself is gross.

>> No.12523489

It means that your a miserable faggot that no one can stand to be around.

>> No.12523556

I made the brain reference because you’re implying that I’m treating this as my own manifesto or a bible of some sort. I feel very similar to him in a lot of ways and sun and steel is only furthering that feeling. I don’t want to be Mishima, I do look up to him and hold his work and life at a high standard. Will I ritual suicide and try to coup? Probably not. Do I understand why he would do that and do I judge him negatively for it? No

>> No.12523570

reminder how homoerotic this book is

>> No.12523625

Could you imagine being so gay that you think that bodybuilding, struggling, and masculinity is homoerotic? You’re the worst kind of person

>> No.12523631 [DELETED] 

No, I'm implying that besides maybe a couple of the really good nuggets in the book, it's translated like garbage and you could not possibly have understood it because the first like 15 pages and a few sections of the middle are Greenspeak. And about the last rhetorical, if you could not understand why he did what he did after reading the intelligible parts, then you especially could not understand.. and do not understand.. so it was not very impactful at all, after all. No reason to get defensive either. But if this "impacted" your life "the most", you should read more books. If you are interested in what makes identity, which is all what Mishima is talking about relative to himself, you might enjoy Kimifusa Abe's two most famous books - Face of Another and Woman in the Dunes. If you like interesting stories of machismo and adventure, try A Time of Gifts (Fermor) or Hunting Trips of a Ranchman/Wilderness Hunter (Roosevelt). If you are interested in the thing that Mishima was raging against, the changes in society and probably feeling left behind, then Tanizaki Junichiro's Fool's Love might interest you. That one is really good, one of my most favorites.

>> No.12523686

Sun and Steel is way better. The thing about Mishima is that he actually has a heart. His pathos is what elevates him above these other "fitness ubermenschen," goons. It gives a richness to his work and it gives a richness to the life he suggests for us.

>> No.12523790

welcome to 2019: everyone who's not down with child dragqueens, female hypergamy and polyamorous open relationships is just an insecure far-right toxic homo in the closet

>> No.12523903
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>> No.12523957
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Ligotti is a fraud because he refuses to commit suicide. If you're going to engage in the facile gesture of quantifying something like pain and suffering and then postulating we ought to participate in the extinction of our species as a consequence of pain being a certainty, as opposed to pleasure being a certainty, then you better live by those beliefs and blow your brains out. Otherwise you're just a depressive acting out his self-loathing in an externalized form and fashion.

>> No.12523985

It means that you have realized certain truths, but you've come to a temporary and incorrect conclusion about them.

>> No.12524540

The Bible.

>> No.12524552

>I’m a really blackpilled person
Saying this unironically makes you a faggot desu

>> No.12524602

Books don't have the ability to tangibly impact someone's life. You might meme yourself into adopting a different ideological framework, but it will be in no way actionable or pragmatic.

>> No.12524643

this argument is explicitly addressed in that book

people who think theyre blackpilled just because theyre dumb racists who wish they could be gay samurais or whatever need to read this book and then ideally kill themselves

>> No.12524652

>loss of cultural and historical preservation.

just admit youre mad you cant say the n word so nobody has to bother taking you seriously when you pretend to care about climate change, which will overwhelmingly kill people who you hate anyway

>> No.12525075

Seeing the modern world as a dull wasteland makes me a fag?

How about you stop projecting homeboy

>> No.12525204

gymfagging is benign and feminine, do some full contact striking sport and stop being a bussy

>> No.12525242

better yet just assault random people on the street

>> No.12525359
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assault random people at the gym

>> No.12525387


One Hundred Years of Solitude
War and Peace
Emily Dickinson

>> No.12525514

based and redpilled

>> No.12525575

the illiad

>> No.12525909
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Is Yukio Mishima what uncured manlet rage eventually does to a man?

>> No.12525935

Plato - Politeia
Dieter Bohlen - Nichts als die ganze Wahrheit

>> No.12525971

It’s basically dissociative personality disorder. Though some who have this report a strange sense of peace as they simply “exist” moment to moment. Blackpill generally means a confrontation with the utter purposelessness of life. Once this is seen it milks all the beauty and majesty from acts in your life to simply random events that occur as you wait to not exist anymore.

>> No.12525975

One is you versus another person.
The other is you versus yourself.

>> No.12525988
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>> No.12526027

You summed it up best.

>> No.12526362

If you're not already disciplined it won't help you with that. He's just laying out his thought process. To form self discipline start with one practice that puts you closer to being the person you want to become, could be lifting or writing or spending less time online. Hold your self accountable for doing that one thing and as you develop a good habit you'll start to reinforce it with other good habits.

>> No.12526847
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Year of The Black Rainbow by Claudio Sanchez.

>> No.12526864

Vonnegut. Slaughterhouse Five

>> No.12527224


>> No.12527415
