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12523691 No.12523691 [Reply] [Original]

It's Ayn Rand's birthday lads, let's discuss metacap phil.
In celebration I have created a playlist of Leonard Peikoff's History of Philosophy lectures for accessibility (as all vids are unlisted) and as an answer to those who like to assert that Rand somehow misunderstood the philosophy she dissented with.
Rand was a great lass, but her philosophy in it's totality is only grasped in the span of her entire writings. She left the formalizing of her philosophy to her intellectual heir Leonard Peikoff. This playlist series begins from Thales on through the greeks, then the rest of phil history to Kant. Rand immediately follows.
These videos are a great refutation to the assertion that Rand's assessment of the likes of Kant and Hume amounts to a misinterpretation. A good love letter to Aristotle too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANV57jEuwvg
One should "start with the greeks" after all. This playlist is for doing just that, and as argumentative augment. Single videos range from 4-15 minutes long.

To the Kantians of /lit/ in particular: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLNYoUh3DLs&list=PLUo37wPD7sqYZGzlkhCldY2mpx4hjYk50 onwards.

>> No.12523742

Actions and thoughts are fundamentally driven by feelings, not by rationality.

>> No.12523818

Here it is valuable to reference her distiction of the different capacities of classes of living organism.
Rand identified that their are fundamentally 4 classes of living entity and they are subsumed under these 4 words:
Function (plants and similar organisms)
Sensation (the lower animals)
Perception (the higher animals)
Conception (man & sapient aylmaos wherever they are)
The 4th class of living entity possesses all 4 of these faculties… the 3rd it's unique faculty + the lower 2, and so on.
The clearest manner in which to understand what she is talking about on the differences betseen the faculties of man and animals is this part from TVOS. This is my favorite peice of her writing of all time and is actually the best way to understand her epistemology from the ground up.
Yes at root they are influenced by feelings but the crucial point to identify here is that the conceptual faculty's prescence I man lends it a potency beyond that of base feelings. Man's mind is an integrating mechanism that integrates the material of these feelings into something higher.

>> No.12524173


>> No.12524232

I'm sympathic to objectivism but this is just sad. Go and start a buisness instead of being a moocher or something.

>> No.12524306

And her distinctions are bullshit. There is nothing man does that can't be explained more simply by assuming he is an instinctive animal rather than inserting a very bogus idea of rationality into the equation

>> No.12524347

Happy birthday

>> No.12524371

>more simply by assuming he is an instinctive animal
>bogus idea of rationality
Imagine not understanding the difference between sentience and sapience.

>> No.12524400
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>that quote by Aristotle
Hot damn Aristotle was some good stuff, the Greeks seem like such healthy think compared to today's intelligensia.

>> No.12524492

No he understands, he's just one of those faggots that thinks man's intellgence amounts to a higher degree of sentience compared to the lower animals.
What you need to understand is that sapience is something that occurs once a "critical mass" of sorts of sentient wetware is configured in the right way.
Man's conceptual faculty is such that even in a state of barbarity it cannot be fully suppressed. This almost subhuman creature is driven by largely perceptual reactions but firings and overarching framing of conception cannot be avoided. For example Hellen Keller's conceptual faculty was horrifically stunted but even in her case it could not be utterly non-present. Associational connections her case were haphazard, which is why such an achievement to further her conceptual faculty was of the impresssive magnitude it was.
Man possesses both the perceptual and conceptual faculties, but that doesn't mean that because sentience is present in animals in a certain form it is in that same form in man. The mere presence of the conceptual faculty in man semi-overides it according to degree of development. Yes in *hierarchy* perception is prior to conception, but in *operance* conception's very prescence lends it primacy over the lesser faculty.

>> No.12524650

That part in The Fountainhead where some guy rolls upon a bike, looks at his development and says 'thank you' to Howard hit me so hard. I might be misremembering it slightly, being that it's been years since I've read the book, but I strongly identify with that kid on the bike. I love all that is well-wrought, and want to heap adoration on those who create it.


>> No.12524897
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>I love all that is well-wrought, and want to heap adoration on those who create it.
My brother from another mother. I know that feel.

>> No.12525580

Happy b day jew woman.

>> No.12526341

If it's gay to wax romantic about your favorite type of literature I don't want to be straight.

>> No.12526478

Read rand when I was young. Thought it was decent. Now I understand why she isn’t necessarily a good writer. Her characters are predictable etc. What I don’t understand is why Huxley is regarded as being a better writer than her? The same issues are apparent with him.

>> No.12526964

More urgent to smear meta-capitalist philosopher you see. I wish other Randfags would stop trying to defend Rand in response to people saying her prose is shit by asserting its excellent. She's no Tolstoy. Her prose is simply sufficient to the task. That's it.