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File: 127 KB, 640x738, owuziyy6p6wz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12522179 No.12522179 [Reply] [Original]

>did you have a reading sam harris phase?
>what was the cringiest part about it?
>who did you move onto?

>> No.12522207

Your question is cringe but no I didn’t

>> No.12522402

I'm proud to announce that I'm asexual.

>> No.12522409

I still listen to his podcast

>> No.12522622

I see nothing wrong with that image

>> No.12522645

I never read him, I got the impression all his books are basically opinion pieces. It was funny when Ben Affleck got angry at him for insulting Islam, though.

>> No.12522648
File: 895 KB, 920x2492, 1549045500363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12522653

I see a lot wrong with you, useful idiot.

>> No.12522690

who are you quoting?

>> No.12522709

Ok fella

>> No.12522736

I hate everything in the top and agree with many of the things on the bottom.

Not sure what to do with that except maybe kill myself.

>> No.12522738
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, TUCKERDAYOFTHEROPE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get herr tucker off of this image NOW

>> No.12522742

I've had a phase where I was a neoliberal centre-left dumbass who read the Economist and Why Nations Fail and genuinely believed in the view that "evidence-based" policies and small changes to capitalism would make world a better place. I know, I still cringe thinking about it.

>> No.12522868

On the off-chance that you aren't being ironic, what do you believe now? I spent years and years LARPing as some unholy combination of a Platonist and Heideggerean and have only come back around to... centre-left dumbassery that endorses "evidence-based" policies and small changes to capitalism.

>> No.12522920

I wasn't being ironic. I even planned on majoring in economics which would have been a terrible mistake. These days I try to avoid cluttering my mind with politics.

>> No.12523051

I had an edgy socialist atheist phase where I read shit like Dawkins and Hitchens. Still embarrassed by it. I once got into an argument with a christian from my class over it.

>> No.12523061

Someone is probably more a tool if they don't have an edgy atheist phase at some point, to be honest.

>> No.12523077

It's easy to see why. Your entire worldview is determined by youtube and facebook.

>> No.12523090

I feel this in my bones. I know some christians and they are legitimately some of the most social-media tier people in existence. None of them read or can hold a conversation about anything other than their shitty jobs, their shitty expertise, and their shitty feuds with coworkers and colleagues.

>> No.12523229

americans ruin everything, they cant even be reactionaries properly without being cringey superficial faggots

>> No.12523240

i don't follow ecelebs or watch any form of media but most of the quotes are reasonable

>> No.12523246


>> No.12523261

lol what was the argument about? What happened? What's your sexuality?

t. asexual bro

>> No.12523317

kill leftists

>> No.12523340

I think I thought Stephen Crowder was kind of cute and funny when his channel was brand new, because I subbed to him for years not watching all of his videos so never realizing what a dunce he was until Trump was elected, then his videos got weird titles, dumb screencaps ... get this shit outta here.

>> No.12523398

>LARPing as some unholy combination of a Platonist and Heideggerean
I'm a Zoomer and am doing this. What's wrong with this?