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12515581 No.12515581 [Reply] [Original]

What's the biggest redpill in the bible?

>> No.12515590

God is male.

>> No.12515607

adam and eve are punished for gaining knowledge which god says is forbidden fruit. this represents knowledge as taboo and accurately is reflected by the fact you have to ignore knowledge to believe god exists. it also touches on why there's never been an enlightened abrahamic believer and won't be. the goal of abrahamic religions is ignorance and blind belief out of greed to try and go back to paradise.

it reflects the cowardly nature of people who believe it.

>> No.12515612

Revelation 7 and literally everytime the word is Israel is used

>> No.12515616

>conveniently leaving out bits of info to suit his argument
If you will shitpost, at least try harder. It's the tree of knowledge of good and evil, not just knowledge. I know you are an edgetheist but stop lying mate.

>> No.12515620

faith without works is dead

get shitted on proddy cunts

>> No.12515623

>there's never been an enlightened abrahamic believer and won't be
Do you not know who Leibniz was or?

>> No.12515634

>if i say good and evil this matters because good = good and evil = bad
>everybody knows bad is ouchy and naughty so we don't like that, right?
somebody that's not enlightened. you will never be enlightened as a christian it's as simple as that.

>> No.12515662

Are you retarded? The moral of the story was that mankind should have never gained that knowledge because it results in moral subjectivism, meaning one will use morality as they see fit to justify everything. You get the very first example when God asked Adam what did he do and he immediately blamed Eve, who blamed the snake instead of taking responsibility for their actions.

>> No.12515666

Leave him be. Fedoras are like NPCs. They are programmed to think that way. Not gonna change anytime soon.

>> No.12515683

what you're saying doesn't even make sense retard. if adam and eve took responsibility originally or had moral objectivity to begin with then they wouldn't have ate the fruit, moron. you retards seriously can't understand basic logical sequence.

you're just a greedy retard who wants to live in paradise and thinks closing your eyes will get you there.

>> No.12515696
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>that projection
That happened after they ate the fruit, edgetard. But sure, whatever fits your NPC delusions. And why would that be greed in the first place?

>> No.12515719

>too stupid to articulate coherent logical points
>think saying "you fedora npc edge bady bad baddist naughty boy" means something to people who aren't retards
read your own post and realize you're actually talking to yourself

>> No.12515725
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Answer my question , oh enlightened one.

>> No.12515762

you said after they ate the fruit they gained moral subjectivism. that would imply that had moral objectivity before they ate the fruit? if not what did they have? no morals? no objective or subjective? if they were good boys and girls before eating why did they eat it? you don't even understand the fuck you're saying. describe the state they were before they ate it.

why is it greed? you know exactly why. what the fuck did you do in this life to ever earn paradise? you read a jew story about paradise and decided you deserve it? nice. good luck with that

>> No.12515791

I never said anything about objectivity. I said that God told them not to eat from that tree because humans wouldn't know how to apply that knowledge for the benefit of all, which is shown time and time again even today.

As for the greed thing. You got the basis of your non-argument wrong. No one earns paradise with their actions. It's not up to me or anybody else. Humans can't earn paradise because of their turncoat personality and their moral subjectivism they twist for their purpose. Only God decides who is worthy and who isn't. Also
>muh jews
That should have been a sign. But I gave you the benefit of doubt. Oh well.

>> No.12515794

>accurately is reflected by the fact you have to ignore knowledge to believe god exists.
Oh please

>> No.12515819

>being arrogantly ignorant
The serpent in the garden L I E D

>> No.12515861

>throw out random ontology about subjective and objective morality
>refuse to define what came before it or how it works with objectivity
>feign offense because i said the abrahamic judaic story is jewish ignoring how the old testament/genesis is literally about israeli jews and based off the hebrew bible
gotta say this is pathetic, but what else is there? i said you're a coward and your religion is all about ignorance worship so you decided to prove it.

all you did was prove i'm right and it's a story to reflect how abrahamic believers are morons who take pride in being ignorant

>> No.12515886

He said the subjectivism came from the fruit of knowledge they were tricked into eating. Also he wasn't offended, he was telling you to grow up because it doesn't matter who wrote the words or for what reason. Overall it's gonna be a big yikes from me Fedora Tim

>> No.12515942
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>fishing for (you)s this hard
At this point I won't even bother. You are smart. We are all stupid. Hooray and good for you.

>> No.12515950
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When will the christcuck meme finally end.

>> No.12515965

In what way? Derogatory or religion?

>> No.12515969

Judeo-christian hypothesis is false.

>> No.12515977

>source: my ass

>> No.12515984
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This one.

>> No.12516070

The one where a bunch of guys surround a house and demand to gang rape a guy but instead the homeowner offers his daughters to get gang raped instead. Good to know women are fucking chattel according to the Bible

>> No.12516075

>read OT
>God is evil, calls himself jealous, and kills people for literally no reason
>incest is encouraged
>cuckoldry is encouraged

>> No.12516083

What do you think were actually going through their heads when they got the word that he resurrected?

>> No.12516085

that the only truthful words are uttered by pontus pilate

>> No.12516086


>> No.12516094

What did you expect? It is a Jewish book.

>> No.12516101

take the Samson pill

>> No.12516105

not knowledge per se, pleb. knowledge of good and evil, i.e., morality. they could not sin before they ate of the tree, because they didn't know what sin was. they were naked both before and after they ate the fruit, but it was only after that they sinned.

>> No.12516125
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Back to /pol/.

>> No.12516134

I guess feminism was what we needed.

>> No.12516142

For a modern person, probably simply the fact that God exists and that he will hold you accountable for your actions.

>> No.12516153

Knowledge is not intrinsically good.

>> No.12516163

Cain did nothing wrong. Noah and Job are bad people.

>> No.12516165

The bit where the two sluts bang their dad and the men try to have sex with angels (male)

>> No.12516174
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This tree of knowledge shit is the second stupidest headcanon I've seen regarding the Bible. The first of course being everything is a metaphor.

>> No.12516181

There's tons of references to AI.

Habakkuk 2:19
>Woe to him who says to a wooden thing, Awake; to a silent stone, Arise!
>Can this teach? Behold, it is overlaid with gold and silver, and there is no breath at all in it.

>> No.12516186

I don't know about redpills, but the entire book of Ecclesiastes is basically a black pill. Saying that no matter what you do, you'll still die. It even denies the existence of an afterlife a few times.

>> No.12516192

>The first of course being everything is a metaphor.
B-b-but if I interpret it literally then my atheist friends will think I'm stupid...

>> No.12516203

>I only read the parts of Ecclesiastes that I liked as an atheist and ignored everything else
The only blackpill is that you're going to hell.
>Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil. (Eccles. 12:13-14)

>> No.12516204

Interdasting. Are there more, or are "tons" just two?

>> No.12516225

Whoops, you left out some context. Here we go:
>18 What profiteth the graven image that the maker thereof hath graven it; the molten image, and a teacher of lies, that the maker of his work trusteth therein, to make dumb idols?
>19 Woe unto him that saith to the wood, Awake; to the dumb stone, Arise, it shall teach! Behold, it is laid over with gold and silver, and there is no breath at all in the midst of it.
>20 But the Lord is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before him.
Oh, look, it's talking about idols, not AI.

>> No.12516237

What is AI if not an idol?

>> No.12516254

That doesn't mean it's discussing AI.

>> No.12516270

>Shall the axe vaunt itself over him who hews with it, or the saw magnify itself against him who wields it?
>As if a rod should wield him who lifts it, or as if a staff should lift him who is not wood!
>You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
>Then the Lord said to Joshua, “Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Take the whole army with you, and go up and attack Ai.
>The idols of the nations are silver and gold, the work of human hands.
>They have mouths, but do not speak; they have eyes, but do not see;
>they have ears, but do not hear, nor is there any breath in their mouths.
>Those who make them become like them, so do all who trust in them.

>> No.12516659

This is what I came here to post, fucking based.

"What is truth?" is the only redpill in the Bible.

>> No.12516688

>demand to gang rape a guy
Angels, actually.

>> No.12516724

This is a bigger redpill:

>Jesus answered, “You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin.”

Given from above? hmm I wonder who is he talking about...

>> No.12516747

>"What is truth?" is the only redpill in the Bible.
John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

>> No.12516753

Women ruined the world within the first seven pages.

>> No.12516760

in job where god is like

>> No.12516780

Where did the people in the Land of Nod come from

>> No.12516783

>“You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.”
So based on your post he interpretation is:
>“You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to myself. Everyone on my own side listens to me.”


>> No.12516805

Yes, that's correct. What is your problem? Christ is the truth, he is God, he testifies to God.

>> No.12516809

The biggest redpill is indeed the fall of man in the genesis, but your interpretation is wrong. Man upon gaining the ability to conceptualize and divide expelled himself from paradise which is the undivided wholeness of creation. Its mystic metaphor

>> No.12516812

Celibacy makes you superhuman.

>> No.12516815

>What's the biggest redpill in the bible?
That God loves me (and you) [\spoiler]

>> No.12516817

How do you interpret >>12516724 then, who is guilty of this "greater sin"?

>> No.12516819

Only if it's voluntary

>> No.12516828

Except is the "tree of knowledge of good and evil", not general knowledge.
Go actually read something instead of spreading your uninformed highschooler opinions over the internet, ty.

>> No.12516853

Jesus is referring to Pilate's position as a civil magistrate, which is an office ordained by God (Rom. 9:1-7). The people guilty of the greater sin are the ones who delivered Christ to Pilate, i.e. the Jews (John 18:35-36). As for the last bit where you rephrased "Everyone on my own side listens to me", see
>My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me (John 10:27)

>> No.12516876

From John Calvin's commentary on John
>"Therefore he who delivered me to thee." Some think that this declares the Jews to be more guilty than Pilate, because, with wicked hatred and malicious treachery, they are enraged against an innocent man, that is, those of them who were private individuals, and not clothed with lawful authority. But I think that this circumstance renders their guilt more heinous and less excusable on another ground, that they constrain a divinely appointed government to comply with their lawless desires; for it is a monstrous sacrilege to pervert a holy ordinance of God for promoting any wickedness. The robber, who, with his own hand, cuts the throat of a wretched passenger, is justly held in abhorrence; but he who, under the forms of a judicial trial, puts to death an innocent man, is much more wicked. Yet Christ does not aggravate their guilt, for the purpose of extenuating that of Pilate; for he does not institute a comparison between him and them, but rather includes them all in the same condemnation, because they equally pollute a holy power. There is only this difference, that he makes direct attack on the Jews, but indirectly censures Pilate, who complies with their wicked desire.

>> No.12516972
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"And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"

>> No.12516981


I'm talking about the time it happens in Judges, not when it happens to Lot

>> No.12516982

Jews are evil.

>> No.12517342


>> No.12517626

Knowledge is not wisdom. You will never know enough to be certain. But still you must decide. To pursue knowledge as the ultimate solution is to die. It is an unending pursuit which will never resolve issues of love, peace, and harmony. Any species which picks knowledge as their survival strategy will go extinct. Life does not prosper by knowledge, but wisdom.

>> No.12518423

Greed is one of the worst sins and god hates rich people.
James 5 is a good example for this.

>> No.12519906

The tree of knowledge is consciousness. Once we became aware of our selves and our mortality, we were banished from animalistic "paradise". Eden is ignorance of death.

>> No.12519917

>Getting mad at the Bible for sexism
damn son I'd recommend not studying history if I were you.

>> No.12521071

God-fucking awful wrong interpretation my bud

>> No.12521096

The Book of Job is one. Chesterton's essay on it is quite brilliant imo:

>the speech of God, which is the culmination of the inquiry ... represents all human skeptics routed by a higher skepticism. It is this method ... has ever since been the logical weapon of the true mystic. Socrates, as I have said, used it when he showed that if you only allowed him enough sophistry he could destroy all sophists. Jesus Christ used it when he reminded the Sadducees, who could not imagine the nature of marriage in heaven, that if it came to that they had not really imagined the nature of marriage at all. ... In dealing with the arrogant asserter of doubt, it is not the right method to tell him to stop doubting. It is rather the right method to tell him to go on doubting , to doubt a little more, to doubt every day newer and wilder things in the universe, until at last, by some strange enlightenment, he may begin to doubt himself.

>> No.12521099

you know that was supposed to be detestable behavior right? Not every action in the bible is supposed to be "noble"

>> No.12521114

knowledge "of good and evil" aka morality once you have morality you're no longer an animal, you have sin

>> No.12521122

Nothing. The entire Bible is bluepilled.

>> No.12521159

Probably "don't throw pearls before swine"

>> No.12521266

>your hero is literally an insane maniac
What the hell is wrong with you people?

>> No.12521278
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That God exists.

>> No.12521482

The wicked flees when no one pursuerth, but the righteous is bold as a lion.

>> No.12521496

Behold, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie—behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and they will learn that I have loved you.

>> No.12521502


>> No.12521512

Tale of Tower of Bable. It is something many fail to understand. Out of context it looks like God is a massive jealous dick in face of what united humanity is capable of. Put in context: it happened after Fall, after Kain killed Abel, after wickedness reached such extents that God decimated almost all his creation. Thus when God gasps that "together they can now do anything" looking at the Tower, it means deeply flawed humanity then has capability of incredible evils. Thus God destroyed the tower and made humanity scatter around in such a manner that they could no longer understand each other. It was necessary for protection of creation and mankind itself.

>> No.12521523
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>It was necessary for protection of creation and mankind itself.
Wow I never realised that.

>> No.12521542

I came in here to post that the run of Judges - Samuel - Kings is a pretty harsh look at the nature of human beings and the necessity of rulership, but it turns out this is the dumbest thread on /lit/ right now.

>> No.12521588

The new (old) wave is about justification in belief not whether something exists

What will happen after you die? How do you know you're not dead already

>> No.12521866

Good catch but lame twist. Knowing is not believing is the essence here. These are two separate domains.

>> No.12521884

Great bait

>> No.12522039

>Cain did nothing wrong
except the part where he murders his brother

>> No.12522062
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His suicide note

>> No.12522084

Holy shit, I'm Descartes now. Thanks mustache man!

>> No.12522111
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The biggest redpill is that the entire collection is utterly incoherent and absolute drivel when compared to virtually any other religious canon. Literal Muslim tier writing. There might be a gem worth reading every once in a while but the amount of utter garbage in the book means that you are better off studying something more clearly articulated. It's vagueness and the most people's ignorance of the actual contents of the Bible make it a potent tool for controlling the masses. It's a shame that the general population is more familiar with this than the Greeks (who are their actual heritage) than this foreign ethnic myth saga

>> No.12522112

>It was necessary for protection of creation and mankind itself from itself.
To be precise, last two words are important. Humanity had already demonstrated what kind of violent unhinged morons they are many times over.

>> No.12522130

Fuck you.

>> No.12522134

What's the redpill behind God turning Loot's wife into salt statue just for looking back into destruction of Sodom? Such punishment for mere simple curiousity is bit too much, even if it is direct disobedience.

>> No.12522150

I just want my foreskin back buddy

>> No.12522154
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>> No.12522319
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behold the SEETHING christcucks.

>> No.12522383

Is the bible for or against asexuality?

>> No.12522385

>If a man were a penis

>> No.12522506

>go forth and multiply

>> No.12522520

Worst superhero ever

>> No.12522525
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The best is the magical asexual fairy of kindness

>> No.12523410

Not in the bible

>> No.12524207


>> No.12524278

The redpill and the forbitten fruit itself are essentially the same as both commit to the same principle, as in, when one ingests the fruit, or the redpill, one gains knowledge of the deep principle that underlays all reality. In the bible the redpill is given by Eve to Adam. But in comtemporary reality the only people handing out redpills by their own account are white nationalits. and so the own account of handing out the forbitten fruit itself or the redpill to someone has been transferred from woman to white nationalists. So women's own account or in other words their own logos or in other words their own story has been given to white nationalists who now hand out the one big redpill that is other races are more intelligent on avarage than other races. And the race that is more intelligent is their own so we can suppose they self-predicate this higher intellect to themselves since the people who complain of lesser intelligent people should in theory be of higher than avarage of the avarage intelligence of their own of some other race that they might judge themselves by. So it is clear that this higher intellect that they posess seems to give them the right to hand out these redpills as Eve does in the garden. So it is precicely clear that women's account or their logos or their story or clear account is now in the hands of white nationalists. But this intellect that Eve posessed was something given, as the knowlege of good and evil comes from the tree of life. And so it is the case with these "very intelligent men", that their intellect is given to them by society, and so the value hierarchy that once Eve gained the knowledge of, has been handed out to the white nationalists. And by looking at white nationalists perspective concerning this issue, they see intelligence as the deepest thing because it is the only factor by which we can judge anyone of how good or not good they are in contemporary society, and so it is precicely these four judgements that are good evil good bad, that Eve gains the knowledge of in the garden that kant has redpilled all germans on. As we can notice that slave good and quantity, evil and quality, master good and relation and bad and modality are the same four principle judgements. And so it is enlightment that is the source of the german phallogos or german man's story which truly is the epitome of male stupidity. And it is truly ironic that this stupidity comes from self-predication of intellect that is women's intellect turning againts themselves in the hands of enlightened german men!

>> No.12524381

> Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God."

> Jesus said to him, “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.”

Materialist scum will burn in the fire.

>> No.12524414

So very this.

>> No.12524485

With the three Holy Bibles I have within reach from where I sit:
1) Page 1
2) Page 2
3) Page 3
(beginning of Genesis chapter 3)

>> No.12524627

John Calvin is such a difficult figure, for me at least. Some days I abhor him and other days I adore him.

>> No.12525612

I'm just trying to mix languages so that people wouldn't understand each other anymore, if that knowledge helps for interpretation.

>> No.12525661

A sort of schizophrenic mode of pure geometric account. The true feminist ideal theory.

>> No.12525679

A true echo from darkness that is self-concious looking at people looking at it and speaking to themself through replying

>> No.12525685

I hope no one sees this

>> No.12525693

I'm a girl btw.

>> No.12525725

enjoy 1000 years of aristotle and locke

>> No.12525727

You really think someone would do that? Just go into the garden and tell lies?

>> No.12525731

memes are last mans(pewdiepie) happiness: "we have discovered happiness"
a thousand years of aristotle, locke and memes

>> No.12525755

Check out cain and abel with genealogy essay 2

it seems only women understand and im truly impressed and i laugh how the first reply is im girl.

>> No.12525774

Only women are evil enough!

>> No.12525781

And i am stupid enough

>> No.12525807

Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah's Ark and Tower of Babel are the four forces of stories whereas the four forces of physics are for physics in comparison

>> No.12525820

I'm lashing out for the fact that this thread actually summarises all of this stupidity these people i have theorized of are guilty of.

>> No.12525849

By the fact no one has pointed out the fact that the redpill and the forbitten fruit are the same.

>> No.12525872

A perfect mode of theoretical thinking can only be achieved by doing parmenidean exercises and smoking weed everyday

>> No.12526070

Death didn't exist in Eden, Adam and Eve were immortal