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/lit/ - Literature

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1251873 No.1251873 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1251877

Lulz, posting it on /lit/ will get every uni student mad.

>> No.1251885

Is this /sci/ vs /lit/?

>> No.1251892

It would be good except engineering and astronomy should be low tier.

sage for not lit related

>> No.1251895

Linguistics is God Tier, and make Journalism diarrhoea tier. Other than that, all's good.

>> No.1251896

I prefer to do something that I enjoy, rather than doing some boring math & physics. HURR DURR IT HAS NUMBARS IT MUST BE SMORTER

>> No.1251901

>makes more than nearly anyone in this list
>low tier

>> No.1251903

Is there anything good about law apart from the salary?

>> No.1251905

ya, engineer should be "top tier"


sorry dude, if numbers are boring, you aren't doing it right. All they are is an approach to reality...in fact I'd argue that Lim (math-->Inf.) = Reality

not that that will mean much to you

>> No.1251906

>god tier

>> No.1251909

Im and electronic engineer and love literature so what but I must admit I studied engineering mostly for the money

>> No.1251913


As a trial lawyer, you've found a socially respectable way to be complete jackass.

>> No.1251918

Petroleum Engineer here, you guys are small time.

They see me rolling in my Mercedes Benz with a hot bitch, they tell themselves they love being a high school English teacher.

>> No.1251922

>PhD in Engineering
>Any cock I want
>7'' starting

>> No.1251927

Enjoy having no money and therefor no bitches.

>> No.1251929

go take your /sci/ memes back to /sci/

>> No.1251932

And no cock either. And I'm very happy with that.

>> No.1251934

Enjoy having the maturity level of an adolescent forever.

It's a shame, but our society WILL reward that. So live it up with those vacuous slatterns and harlots, brah

>> No.1251935

You just mad cause we stylin' on you.

>> No.1251939

"Bitches" is not appropriate when you are speaking of males.

>> No.1251945
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>> No.1251946
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>PhD in Mathematics
>Any job I want
>500k starting

>> No.1251949

>implying money isn't directly correlated to viriginity

>> No.1251950
File: 15 KB, 219x93, tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>majoring in bottom subject
>still a virgin

>> No.1251952


I beg to differ. Engineers have 100% chance of losing their anal virginity.

>> No.1251953

Well the thing is you don't need to major in engineering to become an engineer.

>> No.1251956

Ok, be president. Go on, take it.

>> No.1251960

>implying you need to be president in order to make a shitload of money

>> No.1251961


>Implying Computer Science confers only 50% chance of virginity.

>> No.1251965

>Pharmacy above life sciences

>> No.1251966
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is criminal justice and criminology considered 'law'?

>> No.1251967

Sure is /sci/ in here.

>> No.1251968

>implying the president makes a lot of money and not under $500,000.

>> No.1251970

Didn't imply that at all. You said any job you want.

>> No.1251973

religious studies


all /sci/ related studies


>> No.1251974


Oh shit, what kind of moron can take this literally?

>> No.1251976


>> No.1251977

obvious troll is obvious
it's so obvious that i feel trolled by saying it's obvious anyway

>> No.1251978
File: 153 KB, 476x350, phd_in_politics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This list is totally different for each level of education, yet somehow wrong for all of them. Very impressive OP!

Phd peoples:


>> No.1251979
File: 31 KB, 510x385, you mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wait....is....is that....I think....yeah.....yeah, you mad.

>> No.1251980

>Implying math & physics are not immensely enjoyable.

>> No.1251985

just wait until you do it for a living

>> No.1251989
File: 466 KB, 726x900, umadsci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.1251992


Physics are for the narrow-minded and math is for autistic people. There are so many higher problems, so many higher philosophical issues. Leave science to the brainless

>> No.1251993

>implying engineers don't make a fuckton of jewgolds

>> No.1251995
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>> No.1251996

you gotta be trollin'

>> No.1252002

Is this where I start the argument over which degrees are "useful" using such a narrowly defined concept of "useful" that I'm really just picking and choosing which degrees I feel are useful instead of making an objective statement.

Then I say I'm getting some degree in the higher tiers and that each are are useful by virtue of their existence.

Then I challenge one of the bottom tier degree holders by asking how it is useful, again using my own concept of use, and denying that there actually is any use in it, regardless of what the other person proves or says.

Then I go back to touching myself and reminding myself that money means I'm objectively better than everyone and that as long as I do my job I'm making the world a better place.

>> No.1252003


>> No.1252004

anyone? or does anyone atleast have an opinion on these two. I'd like to work for the federal government once im out of the army and one of these seems like the way to go.

>> No.1252006

>PhD in spam and trolling
>30000000000000000000000000000000000 X 10²³ K starting
>Troll any board i want

>> No.1252007

>implying jobs in god tier don't make a shitload more than jobs in shit tier

>> No.1252009

id rather be a paramedic (which im training to be) than any of those, save for doctor

>> No.1252010
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Psychology needs to be top tier 100%

>> No.1252012
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Physics-Classics Double Major

Does that even out to mid tier?

>> No.1252017


I've noticed this general trend too.

I don't buy into the altruism justification.

>> No.1252019


Read it again, then read your statement. You'll realize I wasn't arguing that.


>> No.1252022
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even if i twas IATRY, not

OLOGY - definitely not

thats the definitive useless degree w/ philisophy, history

100,000 students graduating each year vying for 100 positions


>> No.1252023

i dont even get how philosophy is degree

isnt philosophy specifically thinking of that which has not been thunk yet?

memorizing a bunch of wise quotes wtf is that

>> No.1252024

>100,000 students graduating / year

I don't think so, Tim

>> No.1252025


>> No.1252027


it was intentional hyperbole

it means EVERYBODY does it

specially people who dont know what they want to do but are forced to pick something

>> No.1252028

Why is /lit/ all about career paths instead of books tonight?

>> No.1252029



>> No.1252030


Consider that a significant portion of psych students are only majoring in the field because it's (apparently) easy, while a smaller percent are more serious, actually aspiring to enter the field of psych. (This is what I've observed, anyway.)

>> No.1252031


What grade are you in? You couldn't have gotten past freshmen year of high school.

Go wikipedia philosophy.

>> No.1252032


im a university admissions councellor

>> No.1252033


people who get degrees in philosophy (not people who just study philosophy) are very few, there is a huge drop-off when it starts to get harder.

>> No.1252034

This began as a troll thread, but now its just blatant...GET TO THE CHOPPAA NAOW

>> No.1252035


doing what though

guidance counselling?

>> No.1252043

Your paycheck is the definitive reflection of how much your work is appreciated by society. Notice that, for instance, the most accomplished artists in society do well for themselves; further, that this is true across almost all artistic media. In aggregate, we appreciate them enough to make them wealthy. The same is true for anyone that earns an income: they are valued exactly what society -- in aggregate -- deems they are worth. Do you have a paycheck that reflects that you are very highly valued by society?

>> No.1252044

University Tier List, brought to you by: An Aspie Retard.

>> No.1252047


Psychology? It's actually a broader field that many people give it credit for (nominally, anyway).


Not the person to whom you're replying, but... who the fuck cares?

>> No.1252048

ITT we imply financial success is the only measure of worth or happiness.

>> No.1252049

ITT: poor people

>> No.1252051


You should have at least at some point in your life try to figure out something about philosophy. At least figuring out what it does for degree holders, and what they can do with it (in b4 someone tries to troll with > philosophy degree and >do with it). Or at least understand what role philosophy has had in influencing thought, science, etc throughout history.

Ignorance may be bliss, but it isn't a becoming trait.

>> No.1252055


I wouldn't make that generalization.

>> No.1252061
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oh, i'm making that generalization.

>> No.1252063


right i have the opportunity to go for a 100k+ job as an electrician, but im going to go back to college to get a 70-90k job as a paramedic!

>> No.1252066
File: 27 KB, 340x372, van-gogh-self-portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying they're aren't artists now highly esteemed by society that were poor as fuck their entire lifetime

>> No.1252070

*they're = there


>> No.1252071

> implying that you are somehow on par with van gogh

>> No.1252074

firemen paramedic? i was under the impression normal paramedics make shit for cash

>> No.1252075


Well, here's my rationale. I'm able to pursue a career in a (potentially) low-pay field because frankly, I don't need 100K+.

>> No.1252080

ya, but paramedics make like 13an hour, if that.
unless you're a firemen paramedic or something.

>> No.1252082

>implying I'm even an artist and not merely pointing out how simpleminded your argument is

>> No.1252085


this is in canada

they have a lot more training and can do more than RN's can in some cases

plus emergency services people get big ass pension

>> No.1252088
File: 283 KB, 348x411, Dohoho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People in here equate money earned = quality job?

>my face

>> No.1252089

In my mind this is accurate if one is generalizing each tier by the caliber of the students.
i.e. 99% of the god tier majors are really good at/dedicated/interested in what they do.
That being said, there are people with shit tier majors that are really dedicated and display how useful they can be. But at the same time, there are a larger percentage of shit tier students only taking the course because it was the least competitive, easiest, or the only one where they could go to class stoned and still pass.

>> No.1252096

> implying that you're not

>> No.1252102

money has a lot to do with the quality of the job.
let me see you have a family making 13an hour. it sucks.
why not sell macaroni noodle art on the side of the road, and make 3bucks a day. its what i love to do.
whats wrong with this picture?

>> No.1252104


And at my university all the God Tier students changed majors within a year or failed out by their 3rd semester despite heavy use of recreational "study" drugs to help. Also a decent percentage of the God Tier students are either emotionally fucked up or have some other character defect about them.

Everyone else seems to have fewer, less serious problems.

>> No.1252114

thats nice. i suppose we should base a field of study on people you know, since that is the end-all answer to personality types.

>> No.1252115


>> No.1252122

You assume that everyone wants to have a family, or that we're going to be the only working adult in the family.

My friend's father who used to work as a lawyer told me to see through the illusion and not to chase money because I'll end up with everything but feel like I have nothing. He ended up going back to school to obtain teaching credentials and works as a teacher, and he says he's never been happier in his life and wishes he would have done it sooner even though he's not making anywhere near the amount of money he made before.

Not everyone ends up that way, obviously, but I'm not going to push myself to do something that I really don't want to do. There's more to life than making loads of cash and that stuff is more important to me than being wealthy.

You dig?

>> No.1252125


>> No.1252127

inb4 taylor mali

>> No.1252132

i cant get up early every morning and work 8 or more every day unless its something i really love doing

money isnt enough incentive for me

>> No.1252135

>at my university all the God Tier students changed majors within a year or failed out by their 3rd semester despite heavy use of recreational "study" drugs to help.

that doesn't really refute my statement. that just means that the slackers and uninterested students are weeded out. therefore the ones that actually do end up getting their degree are "good at/dedicated/interested in what they do"
idk about that character defect part though, maybe it's just your university, maybe its just a case of one tribe of people judging another with bias, or maybe we are emotionally fucked up...

>> No.1252137

understand ya fully. however, being a teacher is a lot better paying than other jobs out there, and you get benefits. this wouldn't be one of the jobs that are so low paying it isn't even worth thinking about.
yes, being alone does help. but that isnt the case for everyone with what they want.

>> No.1252180


I'd say that it may not always be the case that the slackers are weeded out, but that the people weeded out may be weeded out simply because the school, or the profession requires it (say doctors).

I know the stereotypical argument would be "but if they can't cut it in college, they would probably not do well on the job", but I generally disagree on the grounds that the education system is not comparable to an actual job citing critical difference in the two.

I actually had a rather interesting professor who stated that the American Medical Association essentially required classes to weed kids out as a simple manner of combating the industrial revolution (switch from artisans to production).

Can't speak to the truth, but it was an interesting poli sci class.

>> No.1252186


>> No.1252385

There are different ways in life to make one happy other than one's profession. A lot of people value the ability to make sure their family is taken care of. This in itself is a whole value to happiness. Being a person does not necessarily mean that one should live their life to please themselves. There are other people who rely on each individual, and thinking more in the group aspect, and trying to provide, should be held on a higher priority than one's own interest.
As far as your friend's father, I would be interested to see how much money is in his family to begin with. I've seen a lot of individuals choose liberal arts degrees and not worry about finances; their parents also happened to be well-off and they knew they were set for life, no matter their trade.
It is true that women are working(I support women's rights and think all women should work), and that his wife brings in money. Unfortunately, he is the exception in his life choice being 'OK' in his family. The majority of women who go to college, get a good paying job, still want a male who is a provider and exceeds their pay. You can find proof of this from a simple google search. Women in general look for stability, and money provides this. I'm not trying to say that women are materialistic or shallow; they're not. It's just a fact of nature that women seek men who provide.(the majority)