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File: 81 KB, 442x500, worshiping_the_golden_calf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12518084 No.12518084 [Reply] [Original]

Ok... what the fuck is this shit? This part is never mentioned in the bible stories, its so fucked up, i'm honestly shocked.

>The Tabernacle shit finally is wrapping up and God gives Moses his two tablets

>Meanwhile back at camp

>Turns out Moses has been up on Mount Sinai listening to God autistically describing his tabernacle for so long that the people assume he's dead

>They wake up Aaron and tell him Moses is prob dead and ask him to create a God for them so they'll have some guidance

>Aaron tells them to bring him all their gold and creates out of it a golden molten calf which they can now pray to

>Aaron is great, makes sure everyone is partying, dancing and having a good time instead of idling in the desert, waiting for Moses whom they don't even trust in the first place

>God sees this and instantly flips the fuck out and tells Moses his wrath shall wax hot against the people, they're fucked basically

>Moses is somehow able to control god's emotions and tells him to calm down, and says:
>Didn't you promise to protect these people, starting with Abraham and then down from generation to generation? They're your people man.

>God instantly chills out and says Moses is right and his rage is extinguished

>Joshua follows Moses down the mount to the camp and poetically says, when he hears the noise coming from the camp:
>It is not the voice of them that shout for mastery, neither is it the voice of them that cry for being overcome: but the noise of them that sing do I hear.

>Moses comes to camp and sees them having a good old time and beholds the magnificent golden Calf

>Moses out of nowhere spergs out in rage and breaks the two tablets

>Walks up to the calf, takes it down, decimates it (all the gold they had btw), strews the ashes in the water and makes everyone drink the water

>Asks everyone who is on his and Gods side and only the people from the house of descendants of Levi step forward

>Moses tells them to take their swords and kill every man in the village, to slay the 3,000 men of Israel

>They actually fucking do (WTF??)

>Moses goes to God and whines about how everyone betrayed them

>Is forgiven and the God plagues the people

What the fuck just happened

>> No.12518094

Yeah, Moses was alpha as fuck.

>> No.12518120

>God instantly chills out and says Moses is right and his rage is extinguished
>Christfags will actually try to argue that this isn't indicative of the Israelite God being pre-axial with a theology as primitive as every other bronze age faith because the church retconned this part to somehow already be a part of the plan but God is still immutable somehow

>> No.12518126

What will soon happen to the apostate West.

>> No.12518137

Fucking based.

>> No.12518157

Hey, im a fucking piece of shit worthless loser and a leech to humanity, but why is this here “god” fella so mean :(

>> No.12518165

of course, all those prophets of the old testament were hard motherfuckers.
Jesus himself was ripped, and strong , or you try to mess with the commerce business of a jew. Well he messed with a lot of them in the temple.

And the apostles, they were all carrying iron you know, Peter cut the ear of one guy.

>> No.12518241

It was one of the first stories I head from the bible in school. Even as I child I thought Yahweh and Moses behaved like brats.

>> No.12518273
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(((They))) knew that untempered Platonism would overrun the tribe so they tried to wing clip it before it spread too much

>> No.12518292

You never watched DeMille's Ten Commandments, I see.
The Israelites are constantly falling into sin and error. Five minutes can't pass in the Old Testament without them screwing up again. This is just the first time. It happens probably another dozen times in Numbers. Priests rise up against Moses, the people rise up, Aaron and Miriam rise up, everyone hates Moses. The whole rest of the OT is just screwup after screwup. It's actually proof of God's infinite patience and mercy that he put up with them for over a millennium.

>> No.12518324

>questioning God's propensity for slaughter is somehow "judging him by human standards"
>calling him patient and just is not

>> No.12518337

If god knows everything does he know what my cock and every other cock tastes like? Or how my load would feel in his mouth? Serious question.

>> No.12518437

God can change his mind, so can man. Man was made in the image of God

>> No.12518450
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Moses is right in objecting, as is Cain. Compare to Noah and Job, whereupon God brings calamity simply because they allow it.

>> No.12518451

God is not sexual

>> No.12518460

I don’t see how that has anything to do with the question

>> No.12518461

Ah yes, but the concept of "penis-tasting" surely must be in the domain of God's knowledge, surely

>> No.12518464

One of my Jewish cousin summed up the spirit of every Jewish holidays with : "We sin, God gets angry, the gentiles persecute us, God punishes the Gentiles, every is back to normal. Now let's eat."

>> No.12518466

Wouldn't that be gay as fuck?

>> No.12518468

No. God is not fazed by lusts and desire, as that would make him a sinner.
To know what penis tastes, one would have to taste it. God does not taste penises

>> No.12518469

Now that you mention it maybe God just doesn't like spineless fucks and like when you stand up to up (reasonably, of course).

>> No.12518470

God is Male and completely sexual, and condems little shits like >>12518337
To hell where she Demons will eternally masticate his cock and balls, wich will heal just in time to be chewed on again and again. He will never get accostumed to it since time and perception are different in the eternity of hell.

>> No.12518478


>> No.12518479

No. God is not sexual. Sexuality was concieved after the fall

>> No.12518484

I would not condemn anyone if i were you. Even if they used their imagination to corrupt the minds of others

>> No.12518494

serious: if you're actually talking to God, would you not act like Moses acted? You are communicating with GOD, and these people end up doing this. Not that your initial thought was to slay them, but you did have to talk down God to say you would get things straight. Things did not end up going straight, so you had to be the best middle manager/high school football coach you could, and lay down the line. Same thing goes for the New Testament. It becomes 1000x better when you realize: man, this was REAL.

>> No.12518498

Isn’t god omniscient

>> No.12518507

Ostensibly the God of Genesis and Exodus is not omniscient. He loses track of Adam in the garden, then is surprised by the faithlessness of the Israelites. But we don't and can't know if he's faking it to some purpose.

>> No.12518509

Yes, but he can choose to not know certain things. God trancends all, even conventional logic and human language. Just like man, he can look at somethings, and blind himself to others.

>> No.12518512

Freewill does imply that God has not determined if you will obey or disobey him

>> No.12518524

Jesus was a Jew

>> No.12518535

>dat third leg

>> No.12518543

>implying free will is not a gift from God
>implying disobedience to him is not the natural fallen state of man

>> No.12518565

I'm not condemning anyone, cuck. God will. If he gets to "use his inagination to corrupt people" I get to use mine to admonish him too.
He's still Male. It was conceived by Him so that We can somehow partecipate of his capacity of creation through reproduction.

>> No.12518591

Its true. Thats why repentance is so hard
He is indeed a man, as Man was made in the image of God.
>“Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven;

Sexual reproduction is indeed the result of the fall, and another cross we have to bear

>> No.12518613

You know it's pretty amazing when you think about how we came from people who would literally bow down to a golden cow and call it a god, and people who thought that burning bushes spoke to them (probably just a poetic rendering of burning "herbs" "speaking" to them, i.e. natural fat blunts opening their consciousness) to a whole world where it is just natural to look at this kind of stuff and going "wtf are you doing, are you serious?".

I mean think about the fact that we as people used to be animals worshiping animals, sacrificing animals to these other animals we made into gods, and going from that to being the sort of animals that now make the kind technologies that can measure the fucking stars from billions of miles away. We've come so far I think people take it for granted that just a few thousand years ago (very very small amount of time in the grand evolution of the cosmos) we all would have thought that a golden statue of a cow was some magical deity.

We went from burning our virgin daughters on altars to statues due to nonsensical doctrines to creating laws and societies that allow our daughters to be successful CEOs of multi-billion dollar corporations. I mean, we've still got a long way to go, but I'm pretty proud of how far we've already come.

>> No.12518631

>Judge not, and you will not be judged;
What I hate most of You pseudochristian cucks is when you pretend not to understand what people are saying to you just to virtue signal.
We will see in doomsday who the Lord shall spit out of His mouth and call tasteless, and of whom He shall say "at least you weren't tepid"

>> No.12518642

If god knows everything wouldn't that mean that that he knows how it feels to get fucked in the ass even better than the the biggest faggot?

>> No.12518664

Im a fundie, you going around and condeming people, no matter how or what their sins may be, is not very Christian. I dont know why you are judging me to be pseudochristian, and why you believe me to be virtue signalling on an anonymous forum. I dont like how mankind has fallen astray, and how sin is glorified, but you calling me a cuck, which is indeed a wordly insult created by those obsessed over wordly matters, indicates to me that you are not as warm as you might believe yourself to be

>> No.12518677

Doomsday is now btw. It is slow, but that is to be expected, due to God being mercifull

>> No.12518703

>be jew
>worship gold
>be slaughtered
>later start worshipping gold again anyway
>be gassed
>still worship gold
You think it's a coincidence there's only a one letter difference between god and gold?

>> No.12518712

Holocaust confirmed divine punishment.

>> No.12518720

Are you a calf-worshipper? You sound like a calf-worshipper to me.
Go find a sword and do the honorable thing, blasphemer.

>> No.12518724
File: 125 KB, 705x1000, 1547918572457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is pasta but I just want to say that I love women so much and feel so happy to know that they can occupy high positions be it CEOs or otherwise now, because they deserve to more than anything, and are such sweethearts and so caring and sensitive and innocent by nature, and if you treat them nicely they always treat you nicely back but their niceness is way sweeter than your niceness because they're girls and girls are literally made of sugar and vanilla probably and when they smile at you its something so much better than anything you could do for them because it has an inimitable essence, a softness and sweetness that can never be compared to anything else. just be nice to girls and thwy'll be nice to you, they are free of the many neuroses us men have though they have a few minor ones of their own, but generall they're more sensible and intelligent than we are and they're very spiritual innately too and very connected to the emotional plane and to the sense of "being here" more than men are who get lost in the rooms of the rational. tomorrow be kind to a woman and watch as she returns it back 10x as strong, without even trying, because its her nature to be sweet and soft. i just love them a lot, i think they are the best

>> No.12518725
File: 497 KB, 480x640, 1548977184768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the concept of penis tasting is a hylozoistic entity independent from causality and existing eternally?

>> No.12518736
File: 105 KB, 688x634, tETqJ02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol wut? Adam and Eve didn't have genitals before the fall?

>> No.12518740

Penis tasting is an act of sexual immorality, thereby making it a creation of man

>> No.12518748

absolutely based and womenpilled

>> No.12518753
File: 13 KB, 352x395, 1548622944273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So humans can call up something out of the void that wasn't already in God's mind? Careful how you answer, your on the edge of some hyper heresy friend

>> No.12518762

I dont know about that. Nothing as far as i know is written about sex nor genitalia in the bible. But i am sure God knew that if men disobeyed, and they did have the ability to, they would be punished by having to reproduce sexually, and then raise said offspring. That would mean that he indeed gave man sexual organs, in the possibility that they might rebell

>> No.12518764

The posibility of disobedience is definetly there, just like murder and other kinds of filth. But God personally does not need to experience whatever we experience

>> No.12518766

yet every jew hates Him

>> No.12518768

>>goes on not reading What I wrote
>>"not very Christian of You anon-chan!~"
Yup, calf worshipper confirmed.

>> No.12518778

I have never in my life worshipped a calf

>> No.12518779

You pathetic virgins and creepy-crawlers have ignored truth in this thread and offscreen. Pick yourself up by the bootstraps that are the loose screws on the bottom of your computer chairs and do something with your pinned-and-increasingly-spiraling lives. If that means reading the Bible and learning that truth, then do. If that means finding happiness as you know it, then do. Anything but continuing to scroll past this comment of mine that will mark the sixteenth from the final comment in this thread, to the TEE, then DO. Until then please refrain from clogging up this already-congested board of cave dwellers, not-even-ARMCHAIR theologians, and faggots.

>> No.12518780

What if God secretly fucks everyone's girlfriend and the erases their memory of the event? Does that make everyone a cuck?

>> No.12518781

You will have the chance to ask Him soon, don't worry.

>> No.12518787

You worship the idea of being perceived as virtuous more than You worship God. That is your calf.

>> No.12518792
File: 218 KB, 1716x1038, rudygottagorock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit tier post mate. if you knew the truth you would surely enlighten everyone. what kind of a man withholds the message of salvation?

>> No.12518798

I have no identity. I am you, and you are me. This is as if i had written on sand and left it there for a random passerby to read. By implying me to be lukewarm, you made a prejudgement based on barely any information, and then ranted about a vague group of people that you barely know

>> No.12518811

>Nothing as far as i know is written about sex nor genitalia in the bible.
Are you for real?

>> No.12518826

>Nothing as far as i know is written about sex nor genitalia in the bible
Proverbs 5:19 King James Version (KJV)
19 Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love.
Among many others

>> No.12518837

Doesn't work if you don't have a girlfriend.

>> No.12518844

>>the medium is the message anon-kun~
It's exactly because This is an anonimous board that you should abstain to droll your ego all over it.
I explained my actions and You still haven't acknowledged my explanation, despite this You still try to pass off me as lacking virtue.
Have a Good day sir.

>> No.12518930

>We've come so far I think people take it for granted
we did all of this for the purpose of war and competition. religion is the only facet of human though that leads away from self service. The foundations of our learning and knowledge were gathered by the church and we never give them credit because they were weirdos

>> No.12518950

>Things didn't go straight
M8, he instantly tore the calf down and made the people drink its remains in the water, he didnt try doing anything even close to diplomatic

>> No.12518981


>> No.12518996

OP, disappointed in how this thread turned out in all honesty, first few posts were good until that post about penis-tasting and it spiraling into god being omniscient or whatever, im not gonna check out how the thread went after this, /lit/ has become/v/ tier cringe

>> No.12519146


>> No.12519172
File: 50 KB, 457x538, cseti-logo-3d-hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12519197

>This part is never mentioned in the bible stories, its so fucked up, i'm honestly shocked.

What do you mean? I heard this story all the time as a kid.

>> No.12519227

Mahabharata is way better than the bible tho

>> No.12519238

JEWISH culture ONLY anon, get it straight

>> No.12519261

oh, sorry Hitler

>> No.12519435

I chuckled

>> No.12519449

>not reading Girard

Come on kids. Enough of this already..... Just read Girard and stop with the nonsense

>> No.12519675

I meant about the Garden of Eden

No such thing as virtue, just obedience

>> No.12519688

When people say "read the Bible" they don't men for you to actually read the Bible!

Fuxache, nobody actually reads the Bible.

>> No.12519723

What it is this image trying to say

>> No.12520569

He's trying to say that the Yahweh worshipped in Israel pre-exile was nothing other than a Hebrew tribal god, one among many, alongside Asherah/Ishtar and whoever else. That the Hebrews were henotheistic and that as a result most of the Old Testament shouldn't be taken as any authoritative teaching on the nature of the One True God.

>> No.12520611

Please read more man. Your understanding of these topics is painfully trivial.

>> No.12520623

>Im a fundie, you going around and condeming people, no matter how or what their sins may be, is not very Christian.
Would you reprimand Jesus for calling the Pharisees hypocrites and snakes? Would you reprimand Jesus for whipping the Jews out of the temple? Other dude is right, you are a pseudo-Christian. You're a poisoner and your kind are dying out as we speak.

>> No.12520669

sounds like a copout

>> No.12521133

my mother told me this over 30 times before age 6 just actually read the bible libtard before ppsting on 4channel

>> No.12521144

I always thought that was why we could have genuine free will, but I've never seen anyone else suggest it until now

>> No.12521148

if this is bait, it is incredibly well-done
if it's not... holy shit...

>> No.12521899

He was not Jesus. Jesus is God, and therefore knew much more than me.
Thats the implication of thereof. What would be the point of punishing someone, if it was not up to them to sin or not to sin?

>> No.12521907

unironically true

>> No.12522028

Tell me about her milkers

>> No.12522033

Shut the fuck up and go to hell.

>> No.12522048

God is the alpha and the omega

>> No.12522079

Fuck off.