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File: 129 KB, 750x689, 4B84A9BF-6152-4B31-A3BE-A598701C4645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12517539 No.12517539[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

He’s right you know.

>> No.12517550
File: 26 KB, 524x400, aaa pókok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop talking shit about Niet-chan

>> No.12517591
File: 42 KB, 450x450, Corey Mohler Existential Comics creator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up, Corey. There isn't any solid proof that Beethoven, Tesla or Newton were gay. You're so used to today's hyper-sexualized world you blindly assume all great virgin thinkers were closeted homosexuals who fucked around. There's more to life than sex.

>> No.12517596

>caring this much about if people got their dicks wet

What did society mean by this?

>> No.12517607

>Stupid fucking historians using facts to prove things. Don't they know I think those famous intellectuals were gay? My thoughts are better than facts.

>> No.12517612
File: 79 KB, 593x689, Nietzsche-mae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12517616

You know I'm incesting my mom if she looked like this. I'm sure Nietzsche did bang her.

>> No.12517621
File: 694 KB, 671x690, 1548784226971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jewish faggot tries to subvert historical facts to rationalize and promote his degeneracy

>> No.12517627

>ask out a woman

Not how it worked then

>> No.12517629

Newton was 100% autistic.

>> No.12517632

Twitter was a big mistake.

>> No.12517644

Tesla wasn't gay, he was autistic.

>> No.12517689

>this is the last look you see before he closes the boot of his car

>> No.12517693
File: 54 KB, 564x761, laughing beckett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12517803

>implying that the only alternative to getting laid is being closeted gay
>implying that not getting laid makes you a loser
>what is celibacy and/or asexuality
Very progressive!

>> No.12517815

Nigga he fucked his cousin!

>> No.12517840
File: 895 KB, 920x2492, sam_harris_powerful_philosopher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy has only contributed one thing of value to society and it's this comic.

>> No.12517841

Everyone must enjoy sex these, it's almost like we're living in Brave New World!

>> No.12517862

It's real, and even if he's trolling, his followers genuinely seem to believe him.

>> No.12517866

What a weirdly ignorant thing to say.
I'm trying to come up with something else to say about this but I can't so: bazinga.

>> No.12517868

Not for Newton, Beehthoven, or Kant, maybe, but for Nietzsche and Tesla sexual modernity had already arrived, and the emancipated woman was an increasingly common occurence.

>> No.12517879

Is that really from him?

>> No.12517883

Love Existential Comics. It's like TBBT for humanists.

>> No.12517886

yikes thats super awful

>> No.12517890

>Hitchens looks like Hitler
Low effort and also if this is from ExCom he is an obvious commie so that would be the only reason why he objects to the paradox of tolerance (because his ideology personally benefits from it).

>> No.12517896

>t.stupid faggot

>> No.12517902

LMAO. This is too good. Will save it and post it next time there's a Sam Harris thread. LOL.

>> No.12517912

It might aswell be.
Huxley argued that the "sexual liberation" was not any liberation in the means of people stopping to judge based on their sexual preferences. Instead of shaming people for being promiscuous, people simply changed to shaming people for not being promiscuous.

>> No.12517929

ITT: angry virgins and homosexuals

If you don't fuck, it's because you can't. Sorry! Sex is a basic physical function of the human body that everybody wants to do. Male virgins saying they don't want sex is like trying to convince yourself you don't really like food while starving to death. Injecting your hot seed into tight nubile clunge is the purpose of human life, period, end of story. It's also never been easier in human history to accomplish, making you at least three times the loser you would have been in Victorian times when everybody pretended to not have genitals

>> No.12517946

>t. God and nature

>> No.12517948

>Beethoven was gay
If you have even a cursory knowledge about Beethoven’s life, you know this is false

>> No.12517964
File: 400 KB, 557x777, 1548988390821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not everyone is a hedonistic bugman like you. Take a look outside the window and tell me if your so called "liberation" is worth it

>> No.12517980

>Everyone that does anything that is not for the porpuse to reproduction and sex is wrong and a loser by my standards
Might aswell make rape legal, since its only serving as a barrier for these men to achive the "ultimate" and most "objective" porpuse of existance.

>> No.12517999

>Be person who doesn't like food.
>Spend entire life borderline starving and chronically underweight.
>Only alive because doctors thought it was a physical ailment, and I got a tube to my stomach.
>Still hate food, but at least I don't have to taste anything.

There's some cool shit you can do with a tube, though. Must be said.

>> No.12518004

Meh "dude i gotta fuck as many peoe as i can" shit loses its appeal when you leave college

>> No.12518019

Newton was legit autistic. He was a proto-incel

>> No.12518039

Wait, Beethoven was an incel? I’ve always assumed he was smashing pussy left and right. How the fuck did he manage to not get laid?

>> No.12518045

>that fucking pic
more like
>an obsession with preparing their body for use by the state, usually martial use
>idealization of sex and reproduction towards the goal of an ethnostate, whether proactively ("breed for racial purity") or passively ("the ethnostate will reward me with a breeding mate")
>propaganda, literature, and paraphernalia approved of by far-right icons
>poor understanding of world history and current events, replaced with white ethnic myths
>a fetish for the concept of "the land" or "nature" only as the soil part of blood-and-soil
>fear of artistic movements that do not further or flatter a totalitarian state

>> No.12518046

He was extremely popular and relatively wealthy. If he didn't smash it was only because he didn't want to

>> No.12518051

>historical facts

>> No.12518078

>they were losers who couldn't ask out a woman
What is it with this trend of nerds on twitter affecting jock speech? This isn't how someone studying philosophy academically speaks

>> No.12518085

You are virgins

This makes every thought you have irrelevant. You failed (catastrophically) to compete in the sexual marketplace. Your appreciation of "moderation" and "purity" is obviously a cope and an insincere one at that. If given the opportunity to have sex with a pretty girl who was attracted to you, you would immediately take it. But instead you have to settle for a vague monastic fantasy of yourself that has no bearing with reality. Your false "purity" and "anti-hedonism" has led you to 4chan, a borderline porn site which rewards extremism and cheap gimmicks with quick dopamine hits.

And even if there was some truth in some of the things you say (to be clear, there isn't), it wouldn't matter because you have failed existence's fundamental test, one which is observable in virtually every facet of life. You have literally failed at life.

Guys, I want you to know that am telling you this for your own good: you HAVE to fuck. You HAVE to risk rejection and further sexual failure. Your fake ideals that you obviously wouldn't hold if you could get laid are only keeping you from satisfaction with your self and your life. Be honest with yourselves and take the effort to change. Don't be a fat girl who tries to convince herself that she likes being obese and takes on her obesity as an identity because working is too hard.

Guys, get to work.

>> No.12518091


Very choleric/misanthropic, possibly "autistic".

>> No.12518097

You do know this guy has no qualifications in philosophy right? he has never studied philosophy academically, he's a techbro larping as a philosopher.

>> No.12518110

Beethoven was a social baller up until he completely lost his hearing what the fuck are you people talking about

>> No.12518116

What? Kant hated fags.

>> No.12518121

Anon, you seem moderately intellegent. I need your help.

I view the sexual marketplace and all the social bullshit that comes with it a complete hassle and waste of time. The women that I find attractive generally turn out to be bores that I drop before fucking. The women that aren’t are categorically unfit to carry my seed. This is a superiority complex and I understand that, but I want my offspring to soar far above and height I may reach. What do?

>> No.12518123
File: 1.21 MB, 250x167, 49D5A6F0-B624-499C-9193-6C0D5210E3BC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got laid
>thinks he’s a chad
Faggotry doesn’t count, faggot.

>> No.12518129


>> No.12518130

owned! xd

>> No.12518131
File: 81 KB, 283x424, 5709.JewishSaying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12518133

>paternalistic concern for society
Yeah, what a faggot huh, anon?

>> No.12518139

>not modernism

>> No.12518147

Stop asking faggots for advice about your sex life.

>> No.12518149

thats a goy
a goy goy goy goy goy

>> No.12518154

>credentialing academic philosophy
lol dude just kill yourself

>> No.12518156

Creating a philosophy to justify your involuntary celibacy is obviously a little dick move, but you can still be of value even if you're too ugly to fuck. I wouldn't want to live in a world without the works of uggos like Alexander Pope, John Keats, and George Elliot

>> No.12518162

Does that mean I can’t ask you?

>> No.12518164

>>paternalistic concern for society

>> No.12518167

Only worthwhile thing that psued has ever said

>> No.12518176


>> No.12518181

Tesla was a weirdo who loved a pigeon and Newton was a colossal asshole and virgin. They were not gay.

>> No.12518183
File: 16 KB, 220x287, 220px-Kant_gemaelde_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Negroes of Africa have by nature no feeling that rises above the ridiculous. Mr. Hume challenges anyone to adduce a single example where a Negro has demonstrated talents, and asserts that among the hundreds of thousands of blacks who have been transported else- where from their countries, although very many of them have been set free, nevertheless not a single one has ever been found who has accom- plished something great in art or science or shown any other praise- worthy quality, while among the whites there are always those who rise up from the lowest rabble and through extraordinary gifts earn respect in the world.

>> No.12518184

>muh precious rich kids club

>> No.12518185

No, his true masterpiece is the unironic communist Pokemon comic

>> No.12518188

George Eliot was a woman, ergo, not an incel.

>> No.12518190

>falling for the upwards mobility meme

i thought kant was supposed to be a big brain

>> No.12518191

Kant was the definition of too ugly to fuck. He was a 4'9" gremlin with bulging eyes and a fucked up arm

>> No.12518192

Ive had sex plenty of times, the ultimate goal of it is basically impossible and sometimes even shunned. Its just as you said a "dopamine" hit you can feel a little more proud over. Sex is just another game and barely has much meaning to it anymore given the nature of current social conention that (especially if male) the higher the N count the more "valuable" you are... even if you dont actually reproduce and spread your winner genes.

>> No.12518194
File: 163 KB, 1322x1319, 71YTbnmvjdL._SL1322_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And even if there was some truth in some of the things you say (to be clear, there isn't), it wouldn't matter because you have failed existence's fundamental test, one which is observable in virtually every facet of life. You have literally failed at life.

Anglo phantasmagoria about "manhood" always curls back towards cuckoldry. It is remarkable that the Anglo will insist that he can only truly "win" through introjection, even if his own will coincides with others', he will still flounder in terror unless he introjects. Double or even triple the abjection of mere cuckoldry.

>> No.12518196

I think Kafka wrote a story about you.

>> No.12518202

If you want my opinion, I’d say lower your standards drastically and have some good old fashioned fun with an ugly chick. Ask one out on a date. Just be a gentleman and she’ll treat you right. And stop watching television.

>> No.12518204

If it was made around 2012, then he was ahead of its time

>> No.12518206

Yeah, thats pretty bad, I didn't make it

>> No.12518208

>Your appreciation of "moderation" and "purity" is obviously a cope and an insincere one at that. If given the opportunity to have sex with a pretty girl who was attracted to you, you would immediately take it.
I probably would, but only because I know that I have the capacity to be obsessive about someone, whereas I've never had a woman care about me like that. The purity thing is more just a nascent anxiety over infidelity, which itself is partially scary because it could cause your genitals to rot off, but also because it creates an irreparable world where the person who was supposed to deify you evaluated you as less than and chose someone else. You're not wrong about it being rooted in a sense of inferiority.

>Your false "purity" and "anti-hedonism" has led you to 4chan, a borderline porn site which rewards extremism and cheap gimmicks with quick dopamine hits.
If anything, it's what drove me away from 4chan, but as it happens I didn't really believe in it as much as I thought I did and I'm back here as the degenerate that I was back when I first arrived.

>And even if there was some truth in some of the things you say (to be clear, there isn't), it wouldn't matter because you have failed existence's fundamental test, one which is observable in virtually every facet of life. You have literally failed at life.
This is just as autistic as the purity coping, though. Anyone with half a brain gets over sexual functionalism within a year of discovering it.


>> No.12518214
File: 17 KB, 220x317, 220px-Immanuel_Kant_%28painted_portrait%29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexual union is the reciprocal use one human makes of the sexual organs and capacities of another. This is either a natural use...or an unnatural use, and unnatural use takes place either with a person of the same sex or with an animal of a nonhuman species. Since such transgressions of principle...do wrong to humanity in our own person, there are no limitations or exceptions whatsoever that can save them from being repudiated completely

>> No.12518221
File: 23 KB, 700x420, 421EC0B1-30F2-4C6A-A5CB-7BFDD3D4E858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12518227

She was one of the rare legit femcels. She only got married in the last year of her life, and her husband tried to commit suicide during their honeymoon

>The 26-year-old Henry James described Eliot as "magnificently ugly — deliciously hideous. She has a low forehead, a dull gray eye, a vast pendulous nose, a huge mouth, full of uneven teeth and a chin and jaw and jawbone qui n’en finissent pas [which never end]."

>> No.12518229

Africans are good at mimicry.

>> No.12518239

>Imagine having such a chasm of a life that you spend a part of it writing up all this in order to trigger a handful of anonymous virgins
Ahaha you're 100% more pathetic than them. When did it all start to go wrong for you?

>> No.12518245

nice spooks homo

>> No.12518250

You mean the whole meme about sex being the meaning of life, right? I've seen Huxley talk about abstaining from introjection in service of the eugenic advancement of better genes, and I've seen it on Pinetree and Frog Twitter, too. It seems to have enjoyed some precedent in Sparta from what they claim (no idea if that's actually accurate, they're all fairly oblivious to historiography). The problem is that they're also all obsessed with sexual infidelity as a metric of worth - they mock guys like Ben Shapiro and Matt Bruenig constantly by saying that Shapiro and Bruenig's wives fantasize about having sex with far right Twitter personalities.

It's ok. I suppose you could posit that Nazism served as a third modernism and in that sense is kind of "antimodern" in that it opposed two other modernisms (Anglo-American liberal democracy and Russian Bolshevism).

>> No.12518256

I don't understand what his argument is as to why the unnatural use is the wrong use.