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File: 3.78 MB, 2690x2023, kant get laid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12517471 No.12517471 [Reply] [Original]

>guys stop having sex it's immoral!!

>> No.12517484

>implying anyone gives a shit about Kant's religious views.

>> No.12517490

Kant was 5 feet tall but so charming and intelligent that many women wanted him. With his small size and high charm, he walked with the cutest little pep in his step and inspired a mix of maternalistic and sexual arousal in the women around him. However, he denied the flesh so he would deny their advances.

>> No.12517493

I'm asexual and though I don't think sex is immoral, I do see how often it leads people around me to immorality and bad faith living. Life is actually better without a sex drive.

>> No.12517499


Good man

>> No.12517505

Not what he said. He said it reduced man to a beast when not ordained to a proper use, which is totally true. People discard reason in favor of pleasure.
Was not a religious view.
Asexuality is a myth.

>> No.12517507
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Yes, but was he a robot from the future?

>> No.12517509


>> No.12517513

Philosophy is nothing but a cope for manlets. Truly pathetic.

>> No.12517519

But every great scientist is also a manlet
Short men are overall superior desu

>> No.12517527

intellectually maybe but not genetically.

>> No.12517528

>Kant once received a letter from a young lady who had read his works on ethics. Prizing Kant's genius, she sought advice on what she should do about a certain problem of hers. She was engaged to marry a gentleman whom she loved, but she was not a virgin. She wanted to know whether she should tell the man or keep quiet. Kant advised her that she must tell her fiancée. The fiancée broke off the marriage. Distraught, the woman wrote to Kant again, deeply troubled over the result of her decision and admitting she was having doubts over Kant's system of ethics. She asked if she might come to Koenigsberg to meet with Kant and discuss her doubts. Although he received the letter in a timely fashion, he chose never to reply. The woman committed suicide after some time.

>> No.12517532

Genetically as well. Higher survivability, higher hunting success in hunter gatherer tribes, higher reproductive rates, more energy efficient, etc.

>> No.12517533

>wash your aprioenis

>> No.12517538

Don't do what feels good. Do what is good.

>> No.12517544

Read a book published a few years ago about this, about all the ways philosophers (especially more recent analytic philosophers) have been complete monsters. Lakatos also forced someone to commit suicide. Can't remember the title.

>> No.12517546

>At the beginning of the last year of his life, he fell into a custom of taking immediately after dinner a cup of coffee, especially on those days when it happened that I was of his party. And such was the importance he attached to this little pleasure, that he would even make a memorandum beforehand, in the blank-paper book I had given him, that on the next day I was to dine with him, and consequently that there was to be coffee. Sometimes it would happen, that the interest of conversation carried him past the time at which he felt the craving for it; and this I was not sorry to observe, as I feared that coffee, which he had never been accustomed to, 9 might disturb his rest at night. But, if this did not happen, then commenced a scene of some interest. Coffee must be brought ‘upon the spot,’ (a word he had constantly in his mouth during his latter days,) ‘in a moment.’ And the expressions of his impatience, though from old habit still gentle, were so lively, and had so much of infantine naïveté about them, that none of us could forbear smiling. Knowing what would happen, I had taken care that all the preparations should be made beforehand; the coffee was ground; the water was boiling; and the very moment the word was given, his servant shot in like an arrow, and plunged the coffee into the water. All that remained, therefore, was to give it time to boil up. But this trifling delay seemed unendurable to Kant. All consolations were thrown away upon him: vary the formula as we might, he was never at a loss for a reply. If it was said—‘Dear Professor, the coffee will be brought up in a moment.’—’Will be!’ he would say, ‘but there’s the rub, that it only will be: Man never is, but always to be blest.’
>If another cried out—‘The coffee is coming immediately.’—‘Yes,’ he would retort, ‘and so is the next hour: and, by the way, it’s about that length of time that I have waited for it.’ Then he would collect himself with a stoical air, and say—‘Well, one can die after all: it is but dying; and in the next world, thank God! there is no drinking of coffee, and consequently no—waiting for it.’ Sometimes he would rise from his chair, open the door, and cry out with a feeble querulousness—‘Coffee! coffee!’ And when at length he heard the servant’s step upon the stairs, he would turn round to us, and, as joyfully as ever sailor from the mast-head, he would call out—‘Land, land! my dear friends, I see land.’

>> No.12517554

t. never read Kant
That wasn't his fault and that does not make him a monster.

>> No.12517557
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>all philosophers
you sure about that?
>especially analytic philosophers
this, however, I am sure of

>> No.12517559
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>> No.12517567
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He cute

>> No.12517570

why do we listen to these people again? philosophers really are autists

>> No.12517576

Based Kantian chess player.

>> No.12517583


>> No.12517585
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>> No.12517588


>> No.12517595

Has there literally ever been a philosopher that was handsome and tall?

>> No.12517600

Truly Kant is the most based of all

>> No.12517604

blown the fuck out.
fuck asexuals and lgbtqbbq+ ideology

>> No.12517606
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>At the beginning of the last year of his life, he fell into a custom of taking immediately after dinner a plate of tendies, especially on those days when it happened that I was of his party. And such was the importance he attached to this little pleasure, that he would even make a memorandum beforehand, in the blank-paper book I had given him, that on the next day I was to dine with him, and consequently that there was to be tendies. Sometimes it would happen, that the interest of conversation carried him past the time at which he felt the craving for it; and this I was not sorry to observe, as I feared that tendies, which he had never been accustomed to, 9 might disturb his rest at night. But, if this did not happen, then commenced a scene of some interest. Tendies must be brought ‘upon the spot,’ (a word he had constantly in his mouth during his latter days,) ‘in a moment.’ And the expressions of his impatience, though from old habit still gentle, were so lively, and had so much of infantine naïveté about them, that none of us could forbear smiling. Knowing what would happen, I had taken care that all the preparations should be made beforehand; the tendies were unpacaged; the oven was peheated; and the very moment the word was given, his mother shot in like an arrow, and plunged the tendies into the oven. All that remained, therefore, was to give it time to boil up. But this trifling delay seemed unendurable to Kant. All consolations were thrown away upon him: vary the formula as we might, he was never at a loss for a reply. If it was said—‘Dear son, the tendies will be brought up in a moment.’—’Will be!’ he would say, ‘but there’s the rub, that it only will be: Man never is, but always to be blest.’
>If the mother again cried out—‘The tendies are coming immediately.’—‘Yes,’ he would retort, ‘and so is the next hour: and, by the way, it’s about that length of time that I have waited for them.’ Then he would collect himself with a stoical air, and say—‘Well, one can die after all: it is but dying; and in the next world, thank God! there is no eating of tendies, and consequently no—waiting for it.’ Sometimes he would rise from his chair, open the door, and cry out with a feeble querulousness—‘Tendies! Tendies!’ And when at length he heard the mother’s step upon the stairs, he would turn round to us, and, as joyfully as ever sailor from the mast-head, he would call out—‘Land, land! my dear friends, I see land.’

>> No.12517702

Based tendieposter

>> No.12517867

Even Camus was only 5'9" it seems.

>> No.12517885


>> No.12517904

>‘Land, land! my dear friends, I see land.’

Nick Land confirmed to be an immortal time-travelled.

>> No.12517906

What an incomparable heaven that aspect of women is, among many others too of course.

>> No.12518285

Du fick svart.

>> No.12518358

because the neurotypical (You) is most suited to plowing the fields or banging rocks, while thinking is best done by autists and schizophrenics.

>> No.12518379



>> No.12518392

Kierkegaard is beautiful and pure.

>> No.12518413
File: 472 KB, 720x715, 1544571848870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>about all the ways philosophers (especially more recent analytic philosophers) have been complete monsters
So many enlightenment philosophers tortured animals believing them incapable of feeling pain.

>> No.12518439

good bait

>> No.12518467

Det passar ju bäst så, inte sant?

>> No.12518730

are there ones who were ugly and tall?

>> No.12518810

people were shorter in the past so any candidate can be dismissed on that criterion

>> No.12518824

Which ones? But I agree, anyone who looks up to these moral degenerates for systems of ethics is deluded. Aside from Marcus Aurelius, possibly Plato, and some of the Eastern sages, philosophers seem like hypocritical egomaniacs to me. Artists are as well.

>> No.12518830
File: 11 KB, 200x237, Max_stirner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. incel
Immorality isn't "wrong" anyway, stop being spooked.

>> No.12518839
File: 65 KB, 916x192, remember.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A reminder

>> No.12518842

Stirner was a moron who would say math isn't the superclass over physics.
Any philosophy that doesn't place mathematics as the superstructure is automatically wrong.
not an argument
>a-arguments are spooks
then you just admitted your own inconsistency in your ideology
Stirnerfags are brainlets

>> No.12518857

I don't know, you sound spooked to me...

>> No.12518865

How can someone miss a point so terribly. Spooky as fuck.

>> No.12518884

I like this

>> No.12518972

Was he really a good person? Any evidence of this? Did he treat others well? His college essay on women was so mean to them, what's noble about denigrating your adjacent sex?

>> No.12519057

t. extremely spooked virgin kantian

>> No.12519068

truly /ourguy/

>> No.12519071

You sound dumb, but not just to me.
I didn't miss the point, I understood it, which is why I know it's false.
t. projecting midwit Stirner lover

>> No.12519104

>can't tell when he's being memed on
autism confirmed

>> No.12519143

hilarious. source?

>> No.12519149

Shut up ableist scum there is literally nothing wrong with me

>> No.12519175

t. assblasted virgin kantcuck
Go mire yourself in spooks like chains to the point you can no longer walk as a man and must crawl like a worm on the floor. Filthy dog.

>> No.12519200

Do you love kantians?

>> No.12519213
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>> No.12519282

holy shit... Kant is the antichrist

>> No.12519791

procreation is a categorical imperative (else there wouldn't be anyone left)

>> No.12519859

t. undergrad ethics course tier understanding of Kant. But partly correct nonetheless.

>> No.12519868


>> No.12519890
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>> No.12519896

Plato got his nom de guerre for having big shoulders.

>> No.12519900

>categorical imperative
The spookiest spooks to ever spook

>> No.12519924

Her name was Maria von Herbert

>> No.12519929
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>> No.12520204


>> No.12520211


>> No.12520217


>> No.12520361

knight to c3

>> No.12520832

Kant implies a self-interested and rational basis for the imperative, Stirnerfag.

>> No.12521321

found it, I think.


>> No.12521335

Celibacy is against the categorical imperative, for if everyone went celibate there would be no one left to be celibate later. Pleb.

>> No.12521341

kant might have had sexual relations in his life time, also he liked to party, once getting so drunk he passed out in public or something. he wasn't in a position to support a wife until after publishing the critique of pure reason, by which time he thought it too late

>> No.12521376
File: 231 KB, 1210x1000, 1546836335385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Immanuel, you magnificent bastard

>> No.12521405

t. undergrad ethics course tier understanding of Kant.

>> No.12521440

t. high school wikipedia tier understanding of Kant.

>> No.12521449
File: 1.13 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-02-01-22-02-32-087_com.tinder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure whiteboi?

>> No.12521774

Kierkegaard was bae

>> No.12521780

She's not even attractive niggerfag