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12509617 No.12509617 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12509637
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Right wing AND anti-authoritarian master-race

>> No.12509658

>accelerated human evolution


>> No.12509672
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>> No.12509679
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>> No.12509684

The anarch craves authority and even willingly submits himself to it.

>> No.12509691
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Evolution is derived from natural selection. Modern civilization has removed humanity from the factors that naturally select.

>> No.12509719
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the book disproves your greentexting. It extols the virtues of brotherhood, idyllic agrarian peace and personal virtue.

Pic related was von Reck-Malleczewen's (a Bavarian monarchist and good friend of Spengler who was executed by the Nazis) work on the Munster uprising, where he skewers Hitler and Jan Bockelson as gangsters that, far from promoting right wing ideals of religion or state unity, merely use the state to serve out baser desires.

>> No.12509725
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Kinda true only for the last 150 years. Before then wealth and success contributed to fertility. We're still acting under selection, but we're selecting for an irresponsible, low education phenotype now.

>> No.12509733
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>> No.12509734

Stop using straw man.

You can read a precis of the book here.

Then you can criticize, if you want.

>> No.12509747

The overall weath and success of society has provided a safety net against the forces that force us to evolve in a positive direction. Without that advanced society we would evolve to be more efficient.

>> No.12509751

>it's a Jew wanking himself off book


>> No.12509763
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>> No.12509777

>Without that advanced society we would evolve to be more efficient.
Industrial revolution was what 150 years ago? Human evolution takes place over the course of millions and millions of years. It is impossible to say someone from 1830 is less evolved than you or me. They would be exactly the same.

Plus this argument of more efficienct. What does that mean. You're probably capitalist so isn't this the most efficient system?

Brainlet tier thought. on par with redditors who believe god is just a magic sky man and science fucking rules

>> No.12509780

Read the precis from the start, not just part 7, anon...

>> No.12509786

Yep. Do you want low childhood mortality, female emancipation and education and all the trappings and comforts of a post industrial society that will inevitably slip back into stupifying ignorance and malaise, or do you want rampant disease and inequality where only the rich have the comfort of seeing most of their kids reach adultuhood, but with the prospect of ever climbing human intellectual ability.
Of course, you could have both, but that would make you a monster.

>> No.12509795

>waaahhhh the jews were mean to me

>> No.12509808

Yes the better system would be hitting each other with rocks.

>> No.12509809

>biological evolution is the only form of evolution
>cultural and ideological evolution means nothing


Eugenics is the key to saving humanity.

>> No.12509812

I once read that the difference between right and left wing was the concept of freedom.

The right wing lies at Sinai and the concept of the covenant, the left lies in the streets of paris in 1789. Freedom as duty, vs freedom absolute. Is this horseshit?

>> No.12509820

Sounds about right. Freedom to be killed and enslaved for violating "tradition" (like our ancestors who posted cartoon memes on 4chan all day) vs. actual freedom

>> No.12509826

>Freedom to actually better the society and understand how and why humans work vs freedom because fuck it I want to do whatever because fuck everybody else

Sounds about right.

>> No.12509828

>millions and millions of years
Homo sapians have extant for 2 to 300,000 years.
>is less evolved
>They would be exactly the same.
The two populations as whole would be slightly different. Evolution is not just about the emergence of new beneficial mutations, which are very rare, but about the changes in proportions of variants that are already present. Which is why you can breed tame foxes in 50 years from wild foxes. They haven't got new mutations, just more of the variants which confer the 'tameness' phenotype.

>> No.12509831

>Eugenics is the key to saving humanity.
This. I hope the left gets hold of eugenics before right wing psychopaths do. Eugenics is simply the future and within a century or two people will laugh at our debates about hereditarianism, as if it isn't the most clear thing there is, that humans are just biological machines.

>> No.12509837

so freedom as duty vs freedom from duty?

Order vs the Mob? Sounds right

>> No.12509842

>I hope the left gets a hold of eugenics

The left do not believe in objective superiority between humans. To them, we are all beautiful, we are all smart, we are all healthy. The left is incapable of wielding eugenics, except maybe to eliminate the white race as an atonement for percieved leftist sins.

>> No.12509847

There is still selection changing and evolving the phenotype to fitness criteria. The selection pressures don't have to be "natural" to be effective.

>> No.12509848

How is jünger anti authoritarian?

>> No.12509854

My opinion about the question is simple:

Left: believe any human is in the end equal to one another
Right:believe people are NOT equal. Economically, Rlreligiously, raciallly or simply personally there are some people objectively superiors/inferiors to others

>> No.12509855

Evolution is derived from mutations. I don't see how modern civilization could have eliminated "natural selection"... "survival of the fittest" is always just a tautological truism.

Terms like direction or efficiency don't have much real meaning, you're just engaging in ad hoc backwards looking rationalizations.

Eugenics, like all experiments with central planning, can only end in disaster. You don't know what's good or desirable and can only inadvertently create a dysfunctional suicidal autistic population. Diversity will never be allowed.

>> No.12509858

The rate of evolution is not the valuable metric. Change towards a positive trend is useful evolution.

>> No.12509859

read eumswil, glass bees, marble cliffs.

storm of steel is not the end of his work.

>> No.12509862

Yes, but there will come a point in which meaningful genetic differences (and i don't mean only "lolol science says niggers equal dumb dumb")are going to be proven to be hereditarian, and there will be no way to escape the politics of it. Which's why i hope humanitarians start getting educated on the matter, because as much as there is retardation about who is or isn't a "nazi" right now, once we have hereditarianism proven, the prospects of an authoritarian government cleaning the undesirables in an immoral way is actually real. Eugenics should be done after debate about the ethics of it.

>> No.12509866

Diversity is not a strength.

>> No.12509867

horseshit, a homogeneous village council of voted elders can be very conservative in their decisions regarding tradition and law

>> No.12509871

What is the best translation of his works?

>> No.12509874


>> No.12509877

The left are not humanitarians. They are religious ideologues who refuse to except inconvenient realities and cause massive amounts of death and suffering from their autism.

>> No.12509879

i have the penguin modern classics of marble cliffs, eumswil has been out of print for a while but they just released a new one. glass bees i got from the library annotated

>> No.12509884


>> No.12509887

But the elders will either be consider superior to all others in the village, or simply following the laws made by the founder/ancestors, usually honored as extraordinary man/men, and thus better than all his/their descendants

>> No.12509891

Have any of you actually sat down to think about what the most efficient design for humans is?
I hate when people talk about eugenics or genetic modifications when what they imagine is some pseudo-Nietzschean ubermensch. That is not efficient let alone superior in the modern environment.

>> No.12509931

Equality is always a formality, you're left with the real question of dependency. Freedom can only ever be found in the master-slave relation or overcoming it.

Case in point. The goal will always be monocultural. People interested in eugenics will always want to select for the exact same characteristics: good looks, intelligence, etc. The real consequences will be not what is intended in the planning.

They probably want to target things like IQ without having ever studied extremely high IQ people. Extremely high IQ children tend to be maladjusted and end up living tragic lives without even contributing much in the end compared to more average cases.


>> No.12509938

For an individual? Or a society? Or for a goal, like a sustainable space faring civilisation?
There's no 'most' efficient design, but I think we could agree on some reasonable standards. Low disease susceptibility, low risk of mental illness (perhaps you want some in the population, for added creativity or just for variety), low propensity to obesity, IQ average above 100. You could go crazy and start creating ubermensch with 160 average IQs, hypertrophic muscle, 7 feet tall etc, but I'm not sure what the point would be, or if society would be any better off with Schwarzenegger looking von Neumanns running around.
All I know is that we're currently running the opposite experiment.

>> No.12509944

Doing nothing or artificially placing "quotas" is just as bad. It should be iterative and slow.

>> No.12509951
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Most mental illness is negatively correlated with IQ. An IQ of 180 is ridiculously rare.

>> No.12509959
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Wow a complete strawman in response!

>> No.12509965

The man is not made of straw if he is an approximation of what was actually said. He claimed that a man from 1800 has not been iterated upon. The only logical assumption is that he is only taking biology into account.

>> No.12509966

>They are religious ideologues who refuse to except inconvenient realities and cause massive amounts of death and suffering from their autism.
It's beautiful that you just described the right wings foreign policy of the past 50 years

>> No.12509968

>muh IQ
Everytime. You would be first against the wall like everyone here for having such a low IQ

>> No.12509969

Republicans are not right wingers. Those in power do not speak for us.

>> No.12509972

>Republicans are not right wingers
what the hell are they then? They certainly aren't left wingers. They are literally everything Marx would hate.

>> No.12510000

Sociopaths who only seek to better their own self interest. Same as the politicians of the left.

>> No.12510037

So where do they fall on the political spectrum? Or are you saying all politicians are actually politically neutral and have the eaxct same ideology as each other. Or are you just avoiding the fact right wingers have waged autistsic wars killing god knows how many innocents with trillions of tax dollars?

>> No.12510054

> right wingers have waged autistsic wars killing god knows how many innocents with trillions of tax dollars
>implying it's only right wingers
Obama was as much of a warmonger as the next politician. Same with Hillary. And now trump with Venezuela

>> No.12510059

You know even if you allow individuals to choose most will go for the extreme ubermensch. People want their children to be superior, not just extremely normal. Abnormal selection could be considered "child abuse". Most people don't like diversity. I'm extremely amoral, I completely don't care if ugly/stupid infants are killed en masse tomorrow, but targeting for monoculture in the long run will create unforeseen problems.

Mental retardation results in extremely empirically observable maladjustment. Extremely intelligent people understand how to mask their issues. I have no idea what your citing here or their methods.

The contemporary party seems to be overwhelmingly ostensibly "liberal" with a faith in business enterprise solving all issues. When liberalism is right or left is historical question. Also Marx literally supported the Republican party in America in his day.

>> No.12510094

>Also Marx literally supported the Republican party in America in his day.
I'm sure the republican party from 1850 and 2019 have many similar policy stances

>> No.12510097

Almost all politicians on the national level do not deal in political ideology. They are all material centrists that value power over everything else.

As for your preoccupation with our wars, there has been far more death and suffering and treachery at the hands of commun(aut)ism, social decay and the notion of 'equality' and 'multiculturalism' than there have been from the economically driven wars for natural resources in the middle east and elsewhere.

What's worse is these wars are an injustice against others, people who do not belong in their constituency, but commun(aut)ism and multiculturalism kills and maims their own people. Truly traitors are worse than war mongers.

>> No.12510107

>there may be problems so do nothing

There are tangible problems now. Stay the course towards the ultimate human and correct as necessary.

>> No.12510109

>As for your preoccupation with our wars, there has been far more death and suffering and treachery at the hands of commun(aut)ism
100 gorrilion am i right

>> No.12510120

>Extremely intelligent people understand how to mask their issues.
Citation? They could just as easily be more likely to seek help or have better access to healthcare.
Here's the study:
Even if having a high IQ means you cope well with the same mental problems it's still a benefit to society if you stay out of hospital and out of prison.

>> No.12510166
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"Reaction is oriented towards order; creating order requires virtue; virtue is a habit; habits are first established via small tasks like tidying; therefore, the most Reactionary book ever written is Kondo Marie’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing."


>> No.12510220
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Well ascertaining the "problems" is easy and everyone seems to think they have it all figured out... "doing something" is highly problematic and won't necessarily work out like you may think. People see different more pressing issues and can come up with different responses.

I never claimed high IQ people on average develop "schizophrenia" or whatever else more let alone are hospitalized. You can always find problems in the methodology of any sort of statistical studies. You can look for more phenomenological accounts. I noticed a lot of "child prodigies" seem to die young which is interesting. Also most contributions to science aren't from the extremely intelligence. All I'm trying to say is eugenically targeting for intelligence can be problematic and have unforeseen consequences.
At the other end of the spectrum obviously mental retardation is bad. I don't even like ugly people. I don't see much value in them and I would just euthanize them all but most people are highly "ethical" and would find that naughty.

>> No.12510221

>Eugenics is the key to saving humanity.
You want a bunch of atheists and agnostics to start playing God?
You think that will turn out well?

>> No.12510242

>Before then wealth and success contributed to fertility
They still do, its just that having children has become super expensive in the west and Japan and it usually requires two incomes which also means that you need to be able to afford childcare for which wages are too low. You're fucked if you don't have parents to care for children

>> No.12510244

We have already done that, we are just engineering humanity incorrectly.

>> No.12510255

I do not think that at all, in fact I dream of a world where all the obese Tolkienfags that contain the majority of the /pol/to population are exterminated or sterilized

>> No.12510260

using the political spectrum for anything beyond vague statements is retarded and just encourages petty tribalism from people who view politics the same as sport. It is complete horseshit

>> No.12510272

Don't throw fuel on the fire

>> No.12510351
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>> No.12510365
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Carlyle, Jünger, Marie Kondo... good thread!

>> No.12510430
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Very wrong, especially for women. Education and reduced fertility is very well known, and it's used as a development goal in Africa to reduce population increases.
Understanding that children have costs and burdens associated with them and reducing the number of children you have requires intelligence and planning.

>> No.12510469

>"survival of the fittest" is always just a tautological truism.
Survival of the fittest is usually misread as meaning 'survival of the strongest', when it's more along the lines of 'survival of the most capable'. Doesn't matter if it's through beating someone up, running away or paying someone to cook for you.

>> No.12510488

>Obama was as much of a warmonger as the next politician. Same with Hillary. And now trump with Venezuela
This. It's funny how things change when you actually enter the white house and receive all that classified info that we don't get to see.

Oh, and I'm not american but isn't the left there going crazy about Trump pulling out from Syria? Funny how that works.

>> No.12510868

i dont see a means of a leftist society that has progressed passed hierarchy except for tribal associations, which tend to be conservative in their beliefs.

>> No.12510880

I disagree, i think he had the same problems trump does. He legit does not want conflict, but is surrounded by hawks. Obama's vacillating pussyfooting in syria is evidence of this. Trump furthermore will bully maduro and support his opponents but that seems to be political, not boots on the ground/cruise missiles in the air.

>> No.12510890 [DELETED] 


>> No.12510899
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>> No.12511115

Jap Jordan Peterson

>> No.12511153

best books on the different types of fascism and fascist movements?

>> No.12511192

The Holy Bible.

>> No.12511296
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>> No.12511312
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>> No.12511333
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Not as fascist and based as Marie Kondo but also good.

>> No.12511348

Can someone post me a chart to get into right-wing ideology? Maybe it sounds clitche, but after finishing an intro sociology course and upper level genetics course both in the same semester, the glaring contradictions between fact and fiction pushed me to stop being a perpetual fence sitter. I've read a bit by Sowell and Friendman (i.e. more of the economic-libertarian aspects), so I'm now looking for more societal implications. Thanks for any help you can give.

>> No.12511370

fucking based

>> No.12511381
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Come Home, White Man.

>> No.12511430
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Read these authors:
Marie Kondo, Mencius Moldbug, Hans Hermann Hoppe, Eric Kuehnelt-Leddihn, Nick Land, Thomas Carlyle and Spandrell.

>> No.12511437


>> No.12511471

thanks alot

>> No.12511477
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The most right-wing book ever

>> No.12511551

me on the left

>> No.12511622

It is interesting that both the Bible and the Origin of Species are considered Right-Wing books.

I remember someone said once: "A leftist is a person that disagrees with both Darwin and Aquinas".

>> No.12511951

>leftists disagree with Darwin
what the fuck are you even talking about

>> No.12511984


>> No.12511992

absolute fucking brainlet

>> No.12512005
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>> No.12512011

The Right tends to focus more on biological factors (e.g. genes and evolution) to explain society whereas the Left often adopts a non-biological (tabula rasa) view of man and focuses more on cultural (and sometimes economical) factors to explain society.

>> No.12512016
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>> No.12512158

The Left was always against biology. First it was against Mendelian genetics (Lysenko), then sociobiology (in the 70s) and now the Left wages a war against psychometrics and behavioral genetics.

>> No.12512198
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>> No.12512208
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>implying leftists aren't as bad as creationists nowadays when it comes to their flagrant disregard of genetics and behavioral physiological processing

>> No.12512233 [DELETED] 

Creationism has nothing to do with the Right. This is a very dishonest straw man.

>> No.12512256
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>> No.12512262

Snowflake little bitch.
People like you love to make up problems and oppressors so your dumbass worldview won't be challenged.

When "SJWs" go insane they attack shout about how women and men are exactly the same or they harass an innocent person for a few days.
When right wingers go insane they preach dumbass white supremacy, or they kill about 30 trans people a year.

>> No.12512270

You'll trigger them

>> No.12512276

lol is this nigga retarded

>> No.12512278

do not disturb the npc.

>> No.12512286

Science-denier detected.

>> No.12512326


>> No.12512329
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He's worth reading even if you disagree with every word he wrote because he is a genuinely masterful writer.

>> No.12512413
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I was going to post her.

>> No.12512433


Very good : )

>> No.12512456

Most leftists don't read these books and attack a caricature of the Right.

>> No.12512458

this guy gets it

>> No.12512461

I hope this was an ironic comment

>> No.12512462

>I hope the left gets hold of eugenics
"Yikes, looks like your bloodline is awfully white and your testosterone levels are approaching "certified toxic masculinity" levels, we're going to set your Mandated Breeding Partner up with some semen from a 5'6" cripple latino to get some much-needed diversity into your family"

>> No.12512470

That is dysgenics and they already practice it.

>> No.12512482

>HPL started out in life as very conservative - and this was conservative in the 1920s sense, which meant full-blown pro-segregation and arguing against racial equality and immigration, as well as a virulent antipathy to Bolshevism. But his views on politics (and to a lesser extant, race) shifted through his life - S. T. Joshi likes to point out that he ended up as a "mild liberal," and there's some truth to that - HPL became opposed to censorship, and preferred scientific discourse based on evidence to mere traditionalism, and even came around to supporting mild socialism in the form of New Deal programs and opposed to Republicans in general. Note: this was pre-Southern Strategy, so his thoughts on individual parties doesn't quite align to modern sensibilities - the Democrats were the party of the KKK until the Klan imploded, and one of the fiercest ideological struggles was Wet vs. Dries (HPL, like Robert E. Howard, started out in support of Prohibition and then turned to opposing it once the flaws in the law became apparent, even though HPL was a lifelong teetotaler).

Lovecraft's politics are weirder than his work

>> No.12512488

>I hope the left gets hold of eugenics before right wing psychopaths do.
You should look into the history of progressive politics in America. Now the left will hide behind euphemisms and they've successfully painted the abortion movement as a woman's rights issue but it wasn't always like that. They used to be honest about what they believed and eugenics was always a part of their platform.

>> No.12512495

Scientific discourse almost always matches traditionalism. This is why the left hates Darwin.

>> No.12512499

Since when eugenics is a bad thing?

>> No.12512505

I didn't even give an opinion on whether it's good or bad and I'm not interested in talking about it with you because you're clearly a fucking idiot.

>> No.12512507

She's an anti-white crypto-communist? I would have never guessed.

>> No.12512509

>Implying traditionalism always matches science

If anything then the opposite is true

>> No.12512515

Leftist science-hater triggered.

>> No.12512522

How is abortion not basically seen as soft eugenics? And why are they so adamant about the choice aspect when one of their main arguments that bringing an ill concieved child is basically bad no matter what?

>> No.12512526

Her books are extreme right wing.

>> No.12512548
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Can you conceive a book more diametrically opposed to the Jewish Cultural Marxist establishment than "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing"?

I have no idea why (((they))) didn't censored the book yet.

>> No.12512550

So nothing like Jordan Peterson.

>> No.12512551

Jordan Peterson is pure leftist pozz

>> No.12512553
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>> No.12512562
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I know you are just looking for (you)'s. Here ya go.

>> No.12512578
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Why the Left hates biology so much?

>> No.12512583

Check out Julius Evola, maybe start with Ride the Tiger

>> No.12512601
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Marie Kondo is (unironically!) more reactionary than Evola. I like his writtings about Buddhism though.

>> No.12512671

The very surface level answer is that if you take genetics, physiology, neuroscience, etc to their ultimate ends, you are left with a pool of slush banging into each other at seemingly "random" movements corresponding to concentration gradients and attractive forces (electrostatic, polarity, van der waals, etc). The products created that have the "most" unique effect on behavior (again, very superficially generalization) are usually messengers like neurotransmitters, hormones, cytokines, etc. These are ultimately the product of other messengers causing changes in cell morphology/transcription/translation rates on the cell's genome. The point of all of this is that even if you believe in free will, there is a very large component of behavior that is primarily derived from ones genetic transcription characteristics and their products. The average human across all races may share 99% of DNA, but the problem is we also share almost as much with apes. Additionally, those studies fail to take into account transcription factor differentiation (promoters, oppressors, modifiers) which are structurally located within the genetic structure, and are arguably at least as important as the genes themselves. Also, the studies across races emphasize our similarities, but fail to start to clarify the important differences (which China has been doing for the last 10 years to unlock the genome's true potential; ex genes that affect general intelligence). At least from my work in genetic engineering, there is a general mentality nowadays that after you defend your dissertation and obtain your PhD, you either go into private enterprise, or head to Asia since the progressive infection raging across American universities has prohibited certain forms of research in order to avoid contradicting the "soft sciences" (i.e. sociology). That is the most abbreviated answer I could give. Sorry if it is still too long.

>> No.12512679

I'll give it a shot, albeit I've been told by others who have recommended his works before that you should read another list of works before getting to him (similar to how you should ~5 particular books from other authors before getting to Ullysses). Is that true?

>> No.12512682

Nice pasta.

>> No.12512692

Wish it was a pasta since I just typed it out.

>> No.12512698
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I'm reading it now. It was a surprisingly good answer. Sorry anon, you are the best.

>> No.12512706

natural selection hasn’t stopped, retard. its just cryptic now and difficult to notice if you are middle or upper middle class. sexual selection, and purgative selection are still present and if we consider the technological environment there is strong positive selection for intelligence and agreeability in western civilization; there is also evidence of recent selective sweeps for height, lactose tolerance, immunity, skin pigment in just the last 5-7000 years.

>> No.12512710

Thanks, again sorry if it was abbreviated enough.

>> No.12512743

Is this actually worth reading?

>> No.12512774

Is Culture of Critique also right-wing?

>> No.12512800

Where should I start with Yuri Bezmenov? Seems like a gold mine of information.

>> No.12512813

>still haven't realized he was a fictional character

>> No.12512830

I just read about him today, pal. Why do you think he was fictional?

>> No.12512868

Real people don't disappear when their use has been exhausted. I'm not saying he was some weird double agent sent to infiltrate conservative groups in the west to gather intelligence or was just an opportunist defector who made up a little bullshit for pay but it's all to sketchy.

>> No.12512877

>Cold war defector

Start with "How to tie a nose" and then continue with "Put head in it". Or just grow up; he or Dean Reed don't have much else to say except for what their breadgivers want them to say.

>> No.12512914
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>> No.12512938


>> No.12512977

Eto takaya Rossiykaya shutka, anon.

>> No.12513022

>we are all smart, we are all healthy
Not really. The factions of the left I participate in believe that perfect health isn't a relevant goal in a technologically advanced society, and you can see that leftism, which is philosophically disposed to provide for people based on need, attracts disabled people. People don't talk about it, but Helen Keller was an avowed socialist for most of her life and wrote a lot about unions.

>> No.12513066

That's one way of putting it, but I can think of another.

Presuppose the purpose of a society is for the individual members to contribute to the good of the group. The right wing emphasizes that people must perform service, and earn their place in the group, people must earn their right to survive, while the left wing emphasizes that the society must provide for its members, people's needs must be met universally and they can contribute to the best of their ability, which you'll recognize as a Marxist quote.

Every society plays with these ideas on a sort of sliding scale. American democracy came about, in part, because the founding fathers felt that the English Constitution was insufficient at securing universal liberties and rights to private citizens, but then of course they demanded work from citizens who were not compensated, and we can see today that this system allows those who can't or won't contribute to starve or become homeless. That is, if there's no-one else willing to be their fulltime caretaker.

>> No.12513080

hello elliot

>> No.12513109

>The right wing emphasizes that people must perform service, and earn their place in the group, people must earn their right to survive, while the left wing emphasizes that the society must provide for its members, people's needs must be met universally and they can contribute to the best of their ability, which you'll recognize as a Marxist quote.
I don't think you've thought this out very well. How is society society meant to provide for its members if it isn't compelling people to perform services?

>> No.12513142

Right and Left are fuzzy concepts. But here are some things I see in the two sides of the spectrum.

Right: Society must live in harmony with Nature. Realist. Objectivist.

Left: Anthropocentric. Despises objective reality. Egalitarian. Subjectivist.

>> No.12513188


>> No.12513222

How the fuck is the Right "in harmony with Nature".

What the fuck are you using?

>> No.12513236

Are you dense?

>> No.12513246

According to Natural Law. Just read Aquinas, the Fascists, or any other right wing theorist.

>> No.12513258
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brainless detected

>> No.12513274
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>Right wing are the villains from Indiana Jones

>> No.12513340

Lmao what a fucking idiot

B..but white supremacy is only natural. Have you not read about fascism, the bible, and my favorite pseudo-scientific literature?

>> No.12513357

>white "supremacy"

Never again post on this board.

>> No.12513370


This is your brain on CNN. Seriously, why these illiterate faggots keep coming to /lit

>> No.12513398

So which are the right wing virtues and ideals?

>> No.12513443

>I hope the left gets hold of eugenics before right wing psychopaths do
What do you think promoting abortion and open hostility towards whites and towards men are?

>> No.12513450

are you not embarrassed to post this drivel

>> No.12513452


>> No.12513454


>> No.12513462

Dysgenics is the opposite of transhumanism.

>> No.12513465

Left and Right are fuzzy concepts. Here are some things I found.

The right: Historically wrong on most issues. Able to stay afloat and well through pseudoscience and fake intellectuality; evidenced by the lower IQs of right wing people.

The Left: big difference between different ilks, but generally want a more equal society and positive progressive change.
Capitalist left wingers believe in capitalism and do not see a reason to move past it.
Marxists, communists, socialists, and anarchists view capitalism as a bad system. Marxists and their allies view communism as the form of society that should be fought for, however a middle stage of socialism should be achieved first before we move into a stateless, classless, moneyless society.
Anarchists oppose all hierachry and believe communism should be the goal and disregard the importance of socialism as a middle stage.

The Center: composed of three types of people. People who sincerely believe in kindergarten values. People who want to hide their real views. People who don't know enough about politics and too afraid to characterize themselves.

>> No.12513469

A fake boogeyman propped up by white people who feel the need to feel oppressed

>> No.12513471

>Biology is psedoscience

The sad state of this board.

>> No.12513478

You need a better straw man.

>> No.12513485
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>Tfw there are no upvote brigades to prop up your retarded post.
Must feel bad, right?

>> No.12513498

CNN is a bunch of pussies caving to extreme right wingers like you idiots through a neutrality bias.

But on simple issues that require nothing more than flowery words like "there should be no discrimination against blacks" these idiots act as if they are progressive.

Fuck CNN. Right wing boogeymen of marx, che, and AOC is where it's at

>> No.12513500

In this thread: leftists proving that they never read a single right-wing book and all they know are the stereotypes of the MSM

>> No.12513505

You are going to get this board to explode.

>> No.12513508
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>lower IQs of right wing people
Anon, I....

>> No.12513517

>historically wrong on most issues
>the right ended slavery
Here, have a (you)

>> No.12513525

Take note: this is your brain when you take a joke major in college.

>> No.12513528

Imagine thinking Republicans were always right wing

>> No.12513539
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>> No.12513540


>> No.12513560

>Take Peterson's catchphrase "clean your room"
>Be a Chinese woman
>Voila you're now a bestseller

>> No.12513566
File: 54 KB, 800x450, condecendingwonka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me about how they defended LGBTQ rights...

>> No.12513596

>historically wrong on most issues
>the right ended slavery
>ended slavery
now you're proving his point

>> No.12513613

at least you tried

>> No.12513614
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had a feeling that was coming

>> No.12513621

>How is society society meant to provide for its members if it isn't compelling people to perform services?
Exactly, that's why socialism doesn't work.

>> No.12513634

Not in the eyes of the left. Maybe you see it as detrimental, they evidently don't.

I thought they were very real and spreading like wildfire in the western world. Seems I've been tricked by the 4chins once more.

>> No.12513638

How the hell is nip version of "le clean your fucking room" man reactionary?

>> No.12513640

Why is Ecofascism here when it's actually a polemic against ecofascism?

>> No.12513641

They didn't.
The parties switched

>> No.12513643

Ecofascists don't read.

>> No.12513653

the term has been coopted for quite some time, if you hadn't already realized

>> No.12513655

t. armchair historian

>> No.12513682

T. the guy who says T.
T. the guy who points out people who says T.
T. the incurable bloodlust
My bloodlust that is, what's more, my name being Bigschaft von Throbbincock I hail from glorious Prussia land of the philosophical gnomes and proud ancestors of faggots who sit in their comfy swivel chairs and fantasize of tradition and some long lost beauty nostalgia I say I always say nostalgia and how could I not since I hail from the land of poets and thinkers prophets and tinkers who tinker with toys and soldier spies that tailor they tailor made frock coats we wear no those are our uniforms I inform thee of thy wrongdoings you are not one of us I speak on behalf of the greatness you can never attain obtain refrain from these rhymes god-awful and god-killing rhymes the days of culture have past passed you up with such speed and clarity you cannot see or begin to fathom the rising menace and once he reaches his height you will never reach him

>> No.12513707

defend your supposition, anon.

>> No.12513721

>right wing
>anti authority
So you're a coward?

>> No.12513744

Stop assigning rubbish definitions terms that dont have concrete definitions.
The right and left change constantly.
All it ever was supposed to represent is two sides of the current political argument.
Originally the right were anti-capitalist monarchists opposed to liberalism and democracy, where as the left were pro-capitalist pro-democratic classic liberals.
Its safe to say those definitions dont apply today at all.
Right means conservative, left means progressive. Thats all.

>> No.12513750

Full of shit. next

>> No.12513773

what exactly do you know about group differences in intelligence as they pertain to intelligence, specifically differential allele frequencies, which tissues these are expressed in, studies that give evidence of this. I believe everything you're saying and have come to similar conclusions, I'm just wondering if I can pick your brain for a second.

>> No.12513774

Read a history book on the french revolution you daft cunt.

>> No.12513784

Again, you're absolutely full of shit. You think you can learn from an even that happened over 200 years ago? Fucking retard

>> No.12513823

Apparently you completely lack reading comprehension. I'm saying definitions of Right and Left change, that they have no concrete definition. The terms simply mean conservative vs progressive.
"The political term right-wing was first used during the French Revolution. When Liberal deputies of the Third Estate generally sat to the left of the president's chair, a custom that began in the Estates General of 1789. The nobility, members of the Second Estate, generally sat to the right."
Low IQ tardoid

>> No.12513833

What he said is historically accurate you fucking idiot

>> No.12513842

T. guy who says x-oid
I didn't realize I was talking to a literal lobotomite, but theres a first for everything. The estates general? More like It tases like mineral, cause buddy you are dumb as a goddamn rock.

>> No.12513852

hey keep at it man I'm sure you'll prove yourself right someday. Call me when you do, I have a habit of ignoring waste of spaces like you. My advice: if you want the real truth all you need to do is bend over in front of a mirror

>> No.12513861

this was really good

>> No.12513862
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I'll take that as your resignation from this discussion. Good chat.

>> No.12513881

Damn, more points on the board for you I suppose. You keep tally marks? Nah, too absurd. I have pegged as the kind of guy who uses an abacus to keep track. After all, those bright colors and noises sure do keep you busy. Anyway, you really can't convince yourself that you have said anything of value to begin with, but that's alright man.

>> No.12513896
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>> No.12513899
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>> No.12513912

T. horny bald guy
t. baldy horn guy
Tt. guy-y bald horn
We can do this all do man

>> No.12513915

Shitty pasta

>> No.12513923

"Freedom" is such a buzzword. What does freedom mean? Can anyone agree upon the definition? Is there a certain threshold between freedom and not-freedom?
Some loonies like Molyneux define freedom as absolute detachment from all things, absolute radical individualism. But of course that's fucking insanity and could never happen in the real world where people aren't robots.
Some other people define freedom as having a set of inalienable rights.
Some others define freedom as the freedom of the state to guide the lives of the masses for the greater good.
"Freedom" (and "free speech") are meaningless buzzwords.
We've always had "freedom" only to a difference of degree.

>> No.12513931
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>> No.12513932

Boy I'm glad you replied, didn't think I'd get any more (you)'s out of that. But thanks for the criticism. I usually go to the gym three times a week, alternating days, but i've decided that my supplement intake is too low. I found this out when I damn near shit out my liver in a motel bathroom. You didn't hear this from me, but maybe they had it coming...? Clearly they wanted me to rip myself a new one but hey, who's keeping count?

>> No.12513996
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pic related is a pretty good redpill about indians

>> No.12513998

>This concept is on a spectrum instead of binary, so it's bullshit

>> No.12514008

Just like gender.

>> No.12514013

Its not a spectrum its a garbled mess that nobody can agree upon
Its an american buzzword

>> No.12514058
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Its short, to the point, and beautifully written.
You have literally no excuse not to read it.

>> No.12514073

I have better things to do than read alt right drivel.

>> No.12514080

But the alt-right don't.

>> No.12514082
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>> No.12514092

>alt right
Nobody in the alt right is a fascist, they are what we call "internet nazis"

>> No.12514100

Race-realistcore also includes A Troublesome Inheritance, Blueprint and Who We Are and How We Got Here (Although Reich spends a good deal of time kvetching about le racism is bad - he needs to since his findings basically vindicate the nazi theory of an aryan conquest of europe)

>> No.12514112

Has there ever been a stupider title
Who unironically doesnt believe races are real??

>> No.12514123

plllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllenty of people. particularly the entire faculties of most social "science" departments at any major university.

>> No.12514128

>alt right
What a meaningless term.

>> No.12514133

Race is just a sloppy nineteenth century biological division m8. Every interpretation of "race" beyond that is memeing.

>> No.12514134

Have you never seen someone post something along the lines of "racial distinctions are completely arbitrary"? It's full of those.

>> No.12514141

Case in point >>12514133

>> No.12514145

but race is just classification
if you can visually distinguish people and prove that their children also look like them, then you have proven the existence of race
there doesnt need to be genealogical studies to prove race exists lol
and even if you did need those, we do have genealogical studies that prove race exists

>> No.12514155

Wow you people do exist
Thats fuckin incredible
How did you manage to click your left mouse button and navigate to this board?

>> No.12514160

Go fuck yourself, imbecile. You're a nonce and a shitbag who doesn't know anything. Fucking cunt.

>> No.12514164

>if you can visually distinguish people and prove that their children also look like them, then you have proven the existence of race
the leftists/race-denialists would say something along the lines of
"yes, but the classification of these groups into what we colloquially call races is non-scientific and arbitrary. Look at this population of [insert random ass tribe here] are THEY black? or indian? also, something about more variation within groups than between"
Of course it's all obfuscation and nonsense, but hey, there's a reason they're not doing real science.

>> No.12514165

Yikes its angry

>> No.12514169

Its obvious that race is a sociological catergorization tool, so it isnt more "real" than anything else defined in this way. If you dont actually believe in ethnicity (which highly determines race) you are a clown.

>> No.12514172

I agree with this if you apply it equally to 'species'

>> No.12514174

The issue should be flipped, as to whether freedom is a left/right issue.

>> No.12514175

>Evolution stops at the epidermis

>> No.12514176

If they break it down to that level, you can easily show them scientific papers that have shown we can racially distinguish down to the point that we can even tell french people from germans

>> No.12514180

>more variation within groups than between
I know this is true, and it's also true for men and women. What does it mean, exactly? Help a brainlet out.

>> No.12514181

this is actually not true, even among anths its a common belief, just not one that is allowed to be taught to the students

>> No.12514182

I apply it to species, but not equally since the differences are much more stark. I can agree that the line is hard to draw however (one big criterion being reproductive ability, which isn't involved when talking about race).

Also I would argue that species as a concept is much older than race, though I'm no historian.

>> No.12514184

>one big criterion being reproductive ability

>> No.12514199

Maybe my information on this is a bit outadted. Care to enlighten me my kind anon ?

Never said that, and race isn't only about skin color (sometimes it's about color at all, see the "one-drop rule").

>> No.12514213

There are species defined by slight variations in color, even more superficially than race.

>> No.12514215
File: 55 KB, 452x678, matr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok getting the thread back on topic
Here's a personal fav of mine
It seems like Evola has really grown in popularity recently, which is great! Most great thinkers dont get the recognition they deserve until long after their deaths.

>> No.12514219

Stupid retard.

>> No.12514220

Aren't pygmies considered a different species from homo sapiens? Or I'm talking bullshit

>> No.12514223

Race is just another word for subspecies
Subspecies exist in all species

>> No.12514224

We cured death?

>> No.12514229

Then the term is just as sloppy as race. Disappointed again.

That's what I get for expecting anything of biologists.

>> No.12514230

Thanks for your contribution

>> No.12514289
File: 77 KB, 1022x599, usmenandwomenheight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the example I like to use. The average height in china is ~4 inches less than in the US. But the range of height is still pretty wide- from 4'6" to 6'6" in china and 4'10" to 7'0" in the US. That's 24 inches of variation within group heights but only 4 between.

>> No.12514295

Ah, so it compares the ends within a population but the medians between populations. Ok thanks.

>> No.12514394

Do all of these advocate for an end to industrialisation?

>> No.12514530
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Ahem, this is now a high test thread. enjoy ;)

>> No.12514533


>> No.12514534
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Round 2

>> No.12514538
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Don't mention it, pal

>> No.12514542
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Big asses? Big tits? I daresay there's nothing more /lit/ than that bro

>> No.12514549
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>> No.12514557
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Bigschaft's the name, high test threads are the game

>> No.12514565
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>> No.12514570
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HHHMHhHMhmmmmHhMhmmmHHhhHhm yessir I can say with certainty that I'd give her my right wing book

>> No.12514577

Is this the alternate reality if the nazis won? Exaggerated sexual dimorphism instead of androgyny?

>> No.12514579
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Check out this sweet ass Mädchen, am I right mein Brüder?

>> No.12514584
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Only alternating we doing in here boss is switching up hands while we jack off in unison. First the left, then the right, beat our meat all goddamn night

>> No.12514593
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I'll call this one Layla von Longlegs

>> No.12514597
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>> No.12514605 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12514609
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I'd let her teach me! Yessirree, ain't no doubt bout it.

>> No.12514616
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>> No.12514620

Donc, qu'est que-la verdict, mes frères? Shall I continue doing the lord's work?

>> No.12514631

Yes, please!

>> No.12514637


>> No.12514662

Do you actually beleive this?

>> No.12514664
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Asketh, mein freunde, and you will receive.

>> No.12514673
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*believe ;)

>> No.12514680
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>> No.12514686
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>> No.12514688

The difference between the political left and right is as follows:

Left: Freedom and society can only exist without the presense of the state (anarchy)

Right: Freedom and society can only exist with the presense of the state (hierarchy)

>> No.12514693
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>> No.12514697
File: 102 KB, 1080x1080, test34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you understand what you're doing in here, bud. Might I suggest you turn your attention to the parade of buxom women currently flooding this parasitic thread.

>> No.12514702
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>> No.12514708
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A personal favorite. Take extra special care of her!!

>> No.12514718
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Ah, but how could I forget these giant bags of milk? Many a seed has been spilled in the name of test37.jpg

>> No.12514725
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>> No.12514735
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>> No.12514742
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Verily I say unto you, not until every right-wing thread has been contained within /pol/ shall our work be complete.

>> No.12514749
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>> No.12514755
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>> No.12514763
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the power of tits compels thee, miserable fascist, compels thee to work in the service of far better ideals

>> No.12514767
File: 57 KB, 612x612, blindness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>left wants a bigger government
>right wants a smaller government

>> No.12514768
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Until thou hast known the ultimate form of the feminine, thou canst not call thyself a man

>> No.12514772
File: 109 KB, 500x667, test49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To hell with you, buggering twit! Nous sommes les soldats qui marchant pour la femme!

>> No.12514781
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>> No.12514793
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Les jambes, quelles belle jambes!

>> No.12514801
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>> No.12514806
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>> No.12514811

>Sociopaths who only seek to better their own self interest

You have described right wing thought.

>> No.12514813
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Thoughts on this one?

>> No.12514819

retarded niggers

>> No.12514823

Rot, disgusting oaf! Rot in the decaying mass of your wasted ideologies!

>> No.12514831

Fucking outstanding, comrade. I thank you for providing your own contribution, and whenever another vile thread appears I shall use it accordingly.

>> No.12514837

Bow before the almighty snatch! Drop to your knees in supplication to the curvaceous vixens, the voluptuous madonnas!

>> No.12514843
File: 247 KB, 1080x1255, test54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12514852
File: 1.14 MB, 858x828, test56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12514855
File: 135 KB, 958x719, test57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whosoever contributes their unwanted opinions concerning right-wing literature will be promptly met with a decree against their pathetic existence.

>> No.12514858

this one... hnng

>> No.12514860
File: 110 KB, 690x976, test58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12514864
File: 93 KB, 750x1000, test59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man you're telling me. All jokes aside that one is by far the best one I have saved

>> No.12514869
File: 679 KB, 1024x1280, test60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12514874
File: 75 KB, 564x1002, test61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the name of the vulva, the labia, and the holy clitoris, Hymen.

>> No.12514883
File: 395 KB, 600x599, test62.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12514890
File: 51 KB, 1080x1198, test63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12514894
File: 353 KB, 750x936, test64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I pick out which works of art to show you brothers, you can balance out the swath of women by posting pics of your meat boys, schlongs, and peckers (_(_)::::::::::::::::D~~~

>> No.12514899
File: 100 KB, 500x749, test65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12514905
File: 172 KB, 768x960, test66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12514977

>Human evolution takes place over the course of millions and millions of years.
For speciation you fucking retard. Do you understand why we have corn and wool?

>> No.12514981

Those arent mutually exclusive mate
Both right and left can be authoritarian or libertarian
If you're a libertarian you're just straight up dumb though

>> No.12514982


>> No.12514992

This model places the church fathers as left wing, which seems like a tenable position if you're larping as a pagan until you realize these people burned witches.

>> No.12514995

Good counter argument

>> No.12515009

>commie comes in and shitposts the evil nazi thread
>just adds to my thick folder
>his posts will be deleted and the thread will continue
Not sure what your goal was but thanks for the dump bro

>> No.12515033

Do you have a Reddit account? Your content is familiar.

>> No.12515044

>no longer
Did they ever? The differential across whites probably isn't significant, Democrats just have the Latino / Black vote dragging their averages down.

>> No.12515045

Aww the alt righter is sad ;_;

>> No.12515069

Good being gay

>> No.12515075
File: 17 KB, 360x289, IMG_7033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they thick? He said high test so I just assumed they were all dudes. Haven't seen a vagina on one of them. Can't be too careful to avoid doing gay shit.

>> No.12515097

The whole point was to derail the thread with pornography until it was full. Unfortunately, it seems to have worked.

>> No.12515098

>savitri devi
This bitch was nuts
She thought she astrally projected a cyanide capsule into Görings mouth
>can life prevail
Very good book I enjoyed it
>new nobility of blood and soil
Havent heard of this one but it looks interesting
The rest I havent heard of

>mostly fascist, anarchist, and religious books

The Doctrine of Fascism by Benito Mussolini
The Philosphy of Fascism by Mario Palmeri
The Coming Corporate State by Alexander Raven Thomson
Fascism: 100 Questions Asked and Answered by Oswald Mosley
The Origins and Doctrine of Fascism by Giovanni Gentile

That should be more than enough
Then I suggest Mein Kampf if you want to see Hitler's version of Fascism

Great, great book
Codreanu was a great man
I see why Evola liked him
Btw check out Evola's "A Traditionalist Confronts Fascism" he interviews Codreanu and Count Coudenhove-Kalergi (yep that guy).

What about it is "right wing"? When I read it, it seemed like Marcus was a bit of a progressive for his time.

Excellent book

Another excellent book

>> No.12515108

My dick isnt sad

>> No.12515118

I'm married tho

>> No.12515168

Fresh bread since this one got ripped

>> No.12515833

Because leftists hate Order, I think...