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File: 28 KB, 480x480, 480px-Ingsoc_logo_from_1984.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12509161 No.12509161 [Reply] [Original]

Give me one reason why INGSOC is a bad ideology. The English peoples are safe, safe from the treachery of the moment, whether it be from Goldstein or Eastasia. Airstrip One has yet to be invaded by the Neo-Bolshevik menace. The counterrevolutionaries and enemies of the revolution quiver and quail in abject fear and terror and wrong thoughts are corrected. The English peoples stand proud and are no longer subject to Goldstein and the various filth of the world. They no longer have to fear being murdered or stabbed in the back by some lowly Eurasian serf.

Oceania is truly free under INGSOC, as a state that can that can thwart the expansionist ambitions of the soulless bugmen Eastasians. Oceania will never bow to Eurasia.

Death to Goldstein! Long live INGSOC, long live Big Brother!

>> No.12509192

it's shit cause they're just an evil version of nazis that denies all tradition

>> No.12509276

>we wuz sayfe n shiet t. nigsoc
>*unsheathes katana*
>freeydum beez slayvreh n ignance be strenf dawg nawmsayn?
>*teleports behind you*
>yo yo yo hol up dawg da' shiet be sumn like rawng fink nigguh, sum fawtkrahm shiet, fo reel doe
>*shoves a fat new-queue-lurr bomb up your flabby nigger ass*

>> No.12509367

I don't get how INGSOC is representative of national socialism in any way.
The conditions in 1984 are almost identical to those of the Soviet Union and yet it is meant to represent muh nazis

>> No.12509378

A lefty one day decided that acktshually Orwell wasn't criticizing the stalinist commies that ruined his spanish republic for wich he fought long and hard. NOOOOH those were based to him too.
He always MEANT to Ackshushyushyylly attack the nazis.
Because the nazis are bad and completely different from the stalistist who are based and equalitypilled.
tldr: pray for the day of the rope, for it shall be our one last hope.

>> No.12509788

Your ancestors would all be proud of you for frogposting on 4chan and jerking off into your boxers all day, I'm sure

>> No.12510025
File: 3.32 MB, 480x264, INGSOC flag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't think of any. Doubleplusgood brother!

>> No.12510062

Underneath the scary truth of it all Orwell was a funny guy really

>> No.12510077
File: 89 KB, 768x1069, George-orwell-BBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He's the one commie that I have anything resembling respect for desu.

>> No.12510088
File: 44 KB, 1180x1000, ooook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t O'Brien

>> No.12510849

Back to >>>/r/eddit nigger

>> No.12510885

I remember in class that the niggers and weird libtard girls were the only ones who thought Ingsoc were the bad guys despite how efficiently they manage to run their nation. Really gets you thinking doesnt it?

>> No.12510922 [DELETED] 


>> No.12511400

Is that what they teach in Western schools?

>> No.12511403

Shut the FUCK up.

>> No.12511416
File: 39 KB, 356x500, 1548643379608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a room

>> No.12511439

>Getting mad at something that isn't even true

>> No.12511687

I have no reason to reject such a glorious thing comrade! Care for some gin?

>> No.12511704

>Not realizing INGSOC is Communists

They even have a Trotsky. It's such an American thing to just think evil government = nazis

INGSOC is exactly the Soviet Union

>> No.12511768

>thinks Goldstein is not a tool of INGSOC

>> No.12511911

>The English peoples are safe
london is getting periodically bombed throughout the book and they're in a state of perpetual war so surely some soldiers are dying.

>> No.12511966

Room 101-pilled

>> No.12512010

i loved 1984 because i want a world where nobody is happy and normies are tortured. i'd be an inner party member flpping the electric shock switch

>> No.12512044

Surely you would

>> No.12512105

says the prole lmao

>> No.12513755

Everyone who thinks they are a Rick is actually a Jerry

>> No.12513810
File: 2.93 MB, 1024x576, nuke.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and underratedpilled

>> No.12514897

You are not human, wretched creature.

>> No.12514910

Umm they are all hungry

>> No.12514939

The enemy's name is Goldstein.
This is implying the enemy is Jewish and thus the regime is most likely a reference to the Nazis.
Isn't this obvious?

>> No.12515065

That is a quite obvious reference to a certain Mr. Bronstein.

>> No.12515076

I think it's biggest failing is being in Europe. That and I'm sure they still allow blacks.

>> No.12515085

>Goldstein or Eastasia
Neither exist.

>> No.12515146

I feel dumb for not making this connection now :/