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/lit/ - Literature

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12506992 No.12506992 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite book anon?

>> No.12507081

don quixote what's yours

>> No.12507100

Crime and Punishment

>> No.12507101

Strangely enough
Jeff Grubb - The Brothers' War

>> No.12507122

Sabato's The tunnel

>> No.12507141

The Naked Lunch

>> No.12507660

Rant casey
Main reason why I've started reading more now

>> No.12507670

Pricksongs and Descants

>> No.12507694


>> No.12507706

awful choice

>> No.12507773
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>> No.12507787

Burroughs is the Picasso of literature.

>> No.12507789

A Personal Matter- Oe

>> No.12507790

who the fuck said that

>> No.12507810
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>> No.12507817

Picasso did

>> No.12507831

a very good book. unironically saved my life.
i said it faggot. that was the whole point of that book. he noticed painters using information in new ways, and he wondered why writers were still writing like 19th century faggots more or less, or else like journalists, and so, he created a new novel. i honestly can't see how someone would not enjoy Naked Lunch, it is genuinely funny with a captivating design.

>> No.12507855

East of Eden

>> No.12507857


>> No.12507883

The Bible

>> No.12507891

Months Dick

>> No.12507921


>> No.12507926

What a life that must be.

>> No.12508199

100 years of solitude

>> No.12508209

I miss her so much bros.
Dead Souls

>> No.12508213

pedo faggot kys
you too

>> No.12508256

Agatha Is literally one year older than me

>> No.12508276

Fahrenheit 451, since elementary school.

>> No.12508350

Riddley Walker

This is literally my least favorite book

>> No.12508353

A Canticle for Leobowitzs

>> No.12508603

the Unconsoled

>> No.12508611

The Horse and His Boy

>> No.12508689

The Epic of Gilgamesh

>> No.12508711


>> No.12508712 [DELETED] 

Probably As I Lay Dying for a novel

I really like a few Wallace Stevens, Keats and Blake poems that I could consider favourites

>> No.12508838

this and clockwork orange.
I love both the writing styles and prose. where do I go from here? I want to read Ada or Ardor next

>> No.12509087

correction by thomas bernhard

>> No.12509164

The Holy Bible.

>> No.12509196 [DELETED] 

yeah pretty good fantasy

>> No.12509235

Platero and I

>> No.12509971

*tips fedora*

>> No.12510015


>> No.12510069

el llano en llamas

>> No.12510150

I haven’t seen her in forever

>> No.12510165

Mine too.

>> No.12510178
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This book.

>> No.12510184

poor taste

>> No.12510189

He’s a nonce

>> No.12510197

I’m in the middle of Pale Fire. There’s a good chance you’ll really appreciate it, and it’s a decent stepping stone between Lolita and Ada, from what I’ve heard.

>> No.12510198

The Lord of the Rings

>> No.12510232

How? It’s not even really a book. It’s just a collection of random newsletters within one very small neo-nazi group

>> No.12510404

My favourite is Clockwork Orange. Nowhere hast here been a character as perfect as Alex. No one has ever written such a linguistic masterpiece. Nowhere has there been a man so intellectually arousing and sadistic at the same time. God, I want to read it again.

I read Lolita and apart from the story itself, I did not like the writing at all. I actually thought it got really boring after her mother died.

>> No.12510500

Invisible Man

>> No.12510511

War and Peace.

>> No.12510520

Probs the Iliad or Hamlet. For a long time it was Leaves of Grass. I’m also a softy for Sound and the Fury though I know it’s not cobby’s best.

>> No.12510536

Northanger Abbey, and I just discovered it too - so much smarter and more complex than anyone gives it credit for, /lit/ collectively is missing out on a lot with Austen.

>> No.12510543

Bely's Petersburg.

>> No.12510569

>undergrad detected
i promise all the gothic parody buildingsroman shit will fade.

>> No.12510596

I most like the magic mountain and also the first act of tender is the night.

weird choice, not what I'd put forth as my favourite of hers

>> No.12510606

That's just the surface level, she tapped into the real qlippothic horror of Capital in a way the accelerationists have yet to. Hegel in a crinoline dress and fangs.

>> No.12510668 [DELETED] 


>> No.12510690

My favourite is Mason & Dixon.

It's a lot of fun to read. Sadly, I let someone "borrow" my copy and never saw it again. I always keep a lookout for a good second hand edition while I'm out shopping.

>> No.12510736

The Idiot

>> No.12510760

Thanks for introducing yourself. Now what's your favourite book? I know the cat in the hat might be a bit too complex for you, but you've got to have at least finished one book before.

>> No.12510763

Kavalier and Clay and Kafka on the Shore.

>> No.12510782

who hurt you, sweetie?

>> No.12510811
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What's your problem? It's a good maybe not best by Dosto but it's my favorite

>> No.12510858

Lolita and Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.12511692
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good opinions anon

>> No.12512001

This is probably my favorite too, however I have to say whenever I am in a dark place the book I grab is the silmarillion. I know people laud it for its density/incoherence/lack of flow but I find it beautiful and it feels like a great workout for my brain, memorizing the names and details of each story.

>> No.12512023

Pitch Dark by Renata Adler and The Beautiful and Damned by Fitzgerald.

>> No.12512754

Solaris and Space Odyssey

>> No.12512829

Tender Is the Night is the best Fitzgerald if you haven’t read it yet, probably the greatest American novel by prose at least

>> No.12513567

Suttree - Cormac McCarthy

I can't even pinpoint why but so many parts in it hit me on a such a fucking gut level and I've been reading it once a year for the last few years, reading certain passages more often

>> No.12513681
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paradise lost

>> No.12514163

The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

>> No.12514193

I really do need to read Tender Is the Night but I am always finding new modernists to read and can't be bothered to read a second novel by anyone I have read before. Currently reading Rose Macaulay who is pretty good.

I love B&D because it seems like one of the most honest works I have ever read without trying to be. I know a lot of his novels are similar in truthfulness but I just love the period of his life that was focued on in B&D. It's all about finding meaning in the waning years of youth and his own struggles with that just come out so strongly in the subtext it's like you're getting to know this author like a good friend from nothing but his writing. I am sure his other novels can compare though.

>> No.12514194

Fuck off, cunt.

>> No.12514209
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please stop posting her, you're making me sad again

>> No.12514236

Am i bad3 for saying that my favorite is 120 days in sodom . It's just so beautifully written

>> No.12514242

care giving an opinion about the content? I’m thinking on buying it

>> No.12514251

brothers karamazov

>> No.12514279

I've been doing the same thing with Blood Meridian, it keeps drawing me back with the setting and tone.

>> No.12514290

Here's my opinion of you:

You're a hypocritical, greedy, violent, malevolent, vengeful, cowardly, deadly, mendacious, meretricious, loathsome, despicable, belligerent, opportunistic, barratrous, contemptible, criminal, fascistic, bigoted, racist, sexist, avaricious, tasteless, idiotic, brain-damaged, imbecilic, insane, arrogant, deceitful, demented, lame, self-righteous, byzantine, conspiratorial, satanic, fraudulent, libelous, bilious, splenetic, spastic, ignorant, clueless, illegitimate, harmful, destructive, dumb, evasive, double-talking, devious, revisionist, narrow, manipulative, paternalistic, fundamentalist, dogmatic, idolatrous, unethical, cultic, diseased, suppressive, controlling, restrictive, malignant, deceptive, dim, crazy, weird, dystopic, stifling, uncaring, plantigrade, grim, unsympathetic, jargon-spouting, censorious, secretive, aggressive, mind-numbing, arassive, poisonous, flagrant, self-destructive, abusive, socially-retarded, puerile, clueless, and generally NOT GOOD.

>> No.12514399

this desu ne wa

>> No.12514420


>> No.12514430

nice, me too

>> No.12514469

Ariel, sylvia plath

>> No.12514824
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Or, The Whale

>> No.12514903
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Chronicles Volume One

>> No.12515018
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Fifth business

read it in highschool, it really got me back into reading

>> No.12515084
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My man.

>> No.12515283

First story best story

>> No.12515418

More photos !

>> No.12515425

It's sort of a tie between A Clockwork Orange and Musashi for me

>> No.12515435

P.S., same dude from this post here, just wanted to add that I thought the ending to Musashi was a little abrupt, yet at the same time, i can't think of a better way to have done it. It was a story that I could have just kept reading and reading. Also, I was annoyed I never got to see Otsu meet her brother, like wtf man, i was looking towards that reunion

>> No.12515535

Fucking kill yourself Christfag.

>> No.12515693

Thank you :3

>> No.12516007

could you please convince me to read it without spoiling

>> No.12516088
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>> No.12516179
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>> No.12516341

Probably Cat’s cradle or Sirens of Titan.

>> No.12516350
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>> No.12516370

The Brothers Karamazov
Only 2 years into reading but nothing made me feel the way that book did.
A special mention to A Hundred Years of Solitude though.

>> No.12516880
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