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12502922 No.12502922[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw god is real

>> No.12502926

Which one?

>> No.12502929

All of them. When the universe ends its essentially a WWE match to decide which god is the winner.

>> No.12502933
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>tfw redpilled

>> No.12502940

which god should i bet on?

>> No.12502944

Idk, the christian god has shown he can come back from the dead but Vishnu seems stronger in scope. The greek god and the nordic gods are mortal to some degree so I wouldn't bet on them at all. If Allah wins he gives you virgins though and that seems like a solid prize so I might lean that way.

>> No.12502998

God is a meme created by a wicked demiurge

>> No.12503005

Why's the nigga curving me then?

>> No.12503010
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Yeah that's how the first few days of theism feel

The next year feels like this >

>> No.12503012

The is only one God

>> No.12503026

P1. God exists
P2. My life is shit even though I believe in God

C1. God is a faggot

>> No.12503032

well, if it's irredeemably shit you might as well still believe in the very slim chance that when you die, he'll give you something better

atleast that's what I'm doing

>> No.12503033


>> No.12503047
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>even he ignores me

>> No.12503064
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>tfw believe in God
>tfw don't know how to find redemption for killing another kid when I was 5

This guilt will burn in me until I die

>> No.12503074

I'm unironically interested? Is this true? Care to elaborate? Or is it some reference?

>> No.12503088

Pushed some kid off a play set and he fell on his neck is what I eventually found out as I got older.
Finding God was the only thing that allowed me to have some sort of peace knowing that I can at least try find a way to make things right, although I don't know how.

>> No.12503099
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Shit dude. You were five, and didn't even find out until you were older. Don't stress over it. At least you say you found God. He forgives every single one of our faults if you promise not to do them again. Even if you repeat them, He will forgive you.

>> No.12503116
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Call it desperation or dellusion, but unless someone else can objectively prove their God, then this is really my only chance to bring peace to myself. Becoming some theology addict and using my guilt to empathise with people at a local church group is all I have right now to 'ease the pain' as you will.

All the best to you anon.

>> No.12503177

What if it's a UFC match? who gets the win?