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12497628 No.12497628 [Reply] [Original]

I know this is baby's first philosophical question but I still haven't been able to answer it. What if this world isn't real? What if we're in a simulation? Is all this meaningless then? Any books that answer this?

>> No.12497642

Reality is only what you experience through consciousness. Anything else is projection. Read Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit


>> No.12497644
File: 28 KB, 488x463, 1507081530789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the world not being real must be epic computer video game like in the matrix

>> No.12497650
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Old meme chart

>> No.12497654

All those choices are retarded and I ended up picking neither of them.

>> No.12497670

Yeah it's a meme chart. You should probably still read Nietzsche and Camus for starters though.

>> No.12497685

>Any books that answer this?
Play Star Ocean 3

>> No.12497704 [DELETED] 

What the heck "meaning" do people think there was in a good place?

>> No.12497711

It's only meaningless if you want it to be. Why would the nature of reality dictate the importance of what YOU experience? The only person that decides if your experiences meaningful is the one experiencing them.

>> No.12497712

Good question. The answer is that we can't know and it really doesn't matter. All of our experience of *reality* is completely mediated by our senses- which have evolved to help us survive a particular environment, not to understand objective reality. How things are in themselves is probably much different than how we currently understand them or perhaps will ever understand them, so any metaphysical theory we put forward is incomplete. It very much might be the case that we live in a simulation, but we don't have the tools to say anything like that with any certainty. Immanuel Kant talks a lot about this in his works and can explain this much better than this humble brainlet can

>> No.12498066

Define your definitions of "reality" and "simulation" fist

>> No.12498098

>What if we're in a simulation? Is all this meaningless then?
How is it meaningful even if it isn't a simulation?

>> No.12498147

It's simply irrelevant; doesn't change anything.

>> No.12498162 [DELETED] 

We all keep regurgitating old hat philosophies about this absurdity issue, but I think it’s time, as a group, we come up with a novel solution.

>> No.12498163

It doesn't really matter if the world is "real" or if we live in a "simulation"; you still have to act and live in it.

>> No.12498173
File: 91 KB, 641x598, Wittgenstein1920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> It is not how things are in the world that is mystical, but that it exists.

>> No.12498455
File: 818 KB, 1347x643, 1548120900483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please dont ever quote "Logisch-Philosophische Abhandlungen" again.
Witty himself would be disappointed.
>you still have to act and live in it.
no. not at all. embodied fool.
Is this the great and not at all irrelevant, forgotten, never producing novelty Bergson?
then actually produce some of your novel solutions.
nihilists say nothing matters, so then neither does their opinion.
Based Kantposters
based bulli
The duty of philosophy is to break the power of the words over the soul. Most our issues stem from the vagueness and ambiguitiy of the words, like yours. We need to look at words in context and then we cant say what a sentence says, but only see.

>> No.12498554

No u