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12493604 No.12493604[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

WTF no threads on this??

Valentina Nappi has finally completed her philosophical thesis and just did a TED talk to discuss some of it.

Get the FUCK in here.


>> No.12493708

This is just propaganda by some big porn company to normalize porn even further and have it be in movies and whatnot, degenerating people even more.

>> No.12493725

who gives a fuck about a literal who(re)

>> No.12493748

Anyone who supports her points needs to realize the ramifications this would have on women in general. There's already a growing problem with thots just because of the nature of the internet. You can watch porn, but there's a reason it's confined to where it currently is.

>> No.12493788

These types of thesis topics are thinly veiled personal experiences. Sometimes they're even called auto ethnography and praised as transgressive in the field despite low effort grad students having done these kinds of papers forever. Her advisor should have never agreed to the topic and no degree should have been awarded for it.

>> No.12493796

I also wanted to add that they usually have very little in the way of original research and rely on collecting data from the (friends they have in the) community.

>> No.12493799

What's the problem with thots?

>> No.12493816

Porn + Philosophy = cringe

>> No.12493938

>ma secondo me, dopo Einstein, non c'è differenza tra spazio e tempo

stopped watching right there

Actually, I lied. I did continue to watch it. It's retarded high school-tier drivel, just as bad as you'd imagine from a dumb whore.

>> No.12493983

Tell that to Sade, Bataille and Klossowski

>> No.12494407

Anyone that actually thinks it’s normal, even beneficial, to literally touch your dick and cream yourself to a bunch of pixels on a fucking screen is a faggot that can’t seperate their desires from reality

>> No.12494501

Sex is the opposite of degenerate.

>> No.12494537

Sade is a vile degenerate who's only respected by fellow degenerates. For well over a century he was despised by academics. Hell, to this day he's hated by many academics. For instance, Harold Bloom leaves him out of the canon.

>> No.12494617

t. Whore

>> No.12494618

Yeah in monotonous marriage. Outside of that sacrament it is degenerate, and it will only become more degenerate as these simpletons help enslave people to their most base and primal urges.

>> No.12494624

Got fucked by autocorrect. I'm such a faggot. I meant monogamous.

>> No.12494626

What about when I beat off to my imagination and memories

>> No.12494627

Fiction porn =/= actual recorded porn shared via some cheap porn site

>> No.12494644

>Harold Bloom leaves him out of the canon.
Oh no, that sucks

>> No.12494679

It's a piece of curiosa, not a seminal or influential work, that's why it's not included in the canon. Or at the very least wasn't influential until the 20th century.

>> No.12494695

> sex is porn!

retard...marx would have hated pornography, you ugly cunt

>> No.12494703

sade needs to be understood as liberalism taken to its logical conclusion

>> No.12494712

wtf I love philosophy now
>I’m a porn actress and I fight against female sexual power. I swear that I’ll give a handjob to anyone who’ll ask me for it.
Power is not what constrains someone to do something. That’s force. Power is what induces people to intuitively recognize implicit social hierarchies.

>> No.12494747

I think she just quoted from Agamben's Homo Sacer. This is quite fascinating indeed.

>> No.12494756

definitely picking up some strong phenomenological vibes

>> No.12494763

why is she dressed like boy george

>> No.12494766

It’s most often what you find in porn, so it’s nearly synonymous. Was anon referring to bdsm or scat porn?

>> No.12494774

sex isn't porn, porn isn't sex...if you don't understand this kys

and stop talking to me

>> No.12494775

I dont see the difference anon

>> No.12494776

So, basically everyone.

>> No.12494798

i just don't see how you can reduce yourself to an animal on camera for everyone to see, and then demand respect afterwards

>> No.12494806

soldiers do this all the time but no one cries about it we all just play a long

>> No.12494825


please explain how the two are related

>> No.12494826

thread theme


>> No.12494828

if you can't figure out how things both soldiers and pornstars do "reduce [themselves] to animals" then i don't even wanna know what u got on the sats lmao whata chud

>> No.12494829

I understand fine. Most people associate sex with the word porn

>> No.12494831

Porn actresses demand to be taken seriously since they deduce that sexual urges should not be tied to how they're treated by society. In the past few years porn has attempted to enter the mainstream in a way that it never has before. Before it was what we went to to satisfy whatever urges we had since we couldn't get laid. Now its attempting to drive sexual liberation in a way never seen before, telling women its okay to get fucked in the ass by a bunch of strange men, while less sexually desirable men are told not to interfere with this liberation. Doing so would be counter intuitive to the freeing of women, so let them do whatever the fuck they want and not have to live with the consequences, because government will take care of them afterwards.
Want to fuck 20 niggers and then have taxes help pay for your half caste baby? Go for it. Want to have that nerdy compsci major date you after you got fucked by the football team in uni attempt to turn you into a housewife, cheat on him a few years later, and rape him with alimony? Go for it. Want to live in perpetual wunderlust? While now you can. Chad can fuck her but you can't. Why? Because you're not 6'4" with an 8'x6' dick, immaculate hairline, and a jawline that can cut marble. Sorry sweetie, but this is the modern age.

>> No.12494833


>> No.12494852

I'm in talks with Zero Books right now to publish a work entitled "Sissy Hypno and Philosophy."

>> No.12494858


yeah i did really badly in school, feel free to educate me

>> No.12494866

im in talks with nigger kike publishing on my book on lolicon and how lusting aftwr neotenous traps isn’t pederasty
Hehe yeah you’ll really showem sport, based and nigpilled

>> No.12494907

killing and fucking are both necessary for the survival of our societies. one done by soldiers, one done by married couples (ideally). pornstars do not represent "sex" in a society, it represents the commodification of a necessary animal act through/by media.

>> No.12494915

Porn is unhealthy for the mind. I can't believe there are seriously still people who don't understand how this can be true.

>> No.12494921

4chan is commoditizing or primate need for socialization but you still do it just like youll wack it to some porno later but you're definitely too much of a pussy to be a soldier so you're off the hook on that one

>> No.12494932

>you still salute Dear Leader and eat the lead laden porridge you must be sEEthing
excellent point

>> No.12494956
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>I meant monogamous.
You meant monotonous. You only thought you meant monogamous.

>> No.12495009

anyone that's watched it feel like giving a summary? i don't take in audiovisual information very well.

>> No.12495014

Yikes, learn Italian you pleb

>> No.12495017

>Chad can fuck her but you can't. Why? Because you're not 6'4" with an 8'x6' dick, immaculate hairline, and a jawline that can cut marble. Sorry sweetie, but this is the modern age.
Most men don't meet ANY of those requirements though

>> No.12495018

unless you speak italian youll have to read the translation anyways

>> No.12495046
File: 10 KB, 436x480, Chrysopoea_of_Cleopatra_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Virgins that are so ignorant or prudish that they can't find the symbolic meaning buried within sex.

>> No.12495078
File: 36 KB, 630x420, C147600C-6E91-43B1-B290-6EFCA410161F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chess and literature go hand in hand. They are the marks of great men, or something like that, and are both infinitely complex. You cannot consider yourself a scholared man if you cannot play a solid game of chess.

Can anyone recommend some beginner chess literature for aspiring chess players?

>> No.12495084

chess is a strong indicator of pseud tendencies

>> No.12495096

Symbols are a literary convention. What we have in the real world are called "objects" and they are vastly more complex.

>> No.12495132

That's the thing. Women would rather fight each other over who gets to fuck Chad instead of lowering themselves to fuck us. In fact they shudder at the thought of us being inside them. Can't say I blame them, though. We're animals at the end of the day, and they're simply acting how their biology dictates.

>> No.12495141


who's this "us", incel?

>> No.12495143

Smells like /pol/

>> No.12495148

That girl fucks A LOT of niggers.

>> No.12495150

I'm not a 6'4" 8 inch dick guy, but im not a virgin so what gives?

>> No.12495155

>Talk begins with defining what a heterotopia is
>claims that porn is a heterotopia akin to a circus
>Porn sometimes encroaches on public space e.g. porn mags or people talking dirty in public
>Some people don't like this encroachment e.g. Catholics, Muslims and feminists. That's mostly because they don't want kids to see people kissing
>It's hypocritical that people can publicly spend money on historical reenactments i.e. LARPing (another heterotopia) but not on porn
>talk just sorta ends

Also, like 5 seconds into the video the cameraman zooms in on her shoes (hello Kitty ugg boots). So there's that too.

>> No.12495179


....no you didn't....

>> No.12495180

You were what they settled with at the time. Men are the same way, but we don't sexually discriminate the way women do.
Nah, just a dude who grew up ugly and eventually became a Chad-lite. I saw both sides and I can tell you that this is more or less what goes on. Houellebecq did touched on this in Whatever, and he did a decent job.
You will always be the second or third choice. That's okay, most of us are.

>> No.12495208

having jerked off to her before I saw this coming. how can a woman exude pretentiousness while getting fucked ?

>> No.12495210

actually there's a guy in that "tushy" porn series who looks exactly like me, it fuckin weirded me out like watching yourself in a gym mirror but fucking, plus they always put him with this chick with huge tits and im not really into big floppers, idk i guess u just have bad genetics

>> No.12495301

Nah, I have decent genetics, but mouthbreathing when I was younger took a toll.
>not being into big tits
I mean if they're saggy I get that. But tits >>> ass.

>> No.12495313

>My philosophy is: I suck dicks for money!
You know the West has fallen when a whore like this is given a forum.

>> No.12495314

>I have decent genetics

you've literally been deemed too much of a failed specimen to be worthy of reproduction but you have great genetics

>> No.12495318

Seeing sex on film isn’t degenerate.
Becoming addicted or spending gross amounts of time masturbating is unhealthy.
Watching child, human/animal, violence or fecal matter porn is unhealthy.
Detaching from reality by getting hung up fetishes of various kinds and generally debasing real people for not meeting your ideals is rather unhealthy.
Entering the “adult entertainment” industry, like any capitalist venture, is degradation to oneself, and additionally robs you of the joy of natural sexual activity
If that’s porn, than yeah, sure. Maybe sex and nudity on camera isn’t porn

>> No.12495334

But feminists are overwhelmingly sex-positive. Sure they'll nitpick about any depiction they consider "problematic", but strictly speaking they are pro-porn

>> No.12495342

Industrialized sexuality via pornography isn't.

>> No.12495349

Haha. Glad I didn’t watch it

>> No.12495355

>Like any capitalist venture
Gotta insert some unemployed internet activism at every chance you get eh?

>> No.12495366

Nah, I grew up ugly but became somewhat attractive, mainly due to my height and frame. I understand the incels and feel for them. They've been fucked over in this landscape.

>> No.12495378
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It might have something to do with the fact that a vast majority of us cannot tell what the fuck she is saying. Just a thought.

>> No.12495388
File: 96 KB, 398x400, 1547859997108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be more than happy to, just give me their forwarding addresses.

>> No.12495400

weird i just watched her being proned by BBC

>> No.12495408

I’m employed

So /gif/ isn’t porn because the profit system has been stripped off, you’re saying?

>> No.12495412
File: 163 KB, 1242x918, 1548093818367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are making more money while doing nothing than I am while doing nothing.

>> No.12495418
File: 39 KB, 428x295, Improved_Calculus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's where your wrong, bucko.

>> No.12495426


How many Manly P Hall videos are you on famm?

>> No.12495434
File: 27 KB, 439x473, Susanna Reid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BBC porn

>> No.12495435


No thanks, I'll stick to the vast superiority of Shogi and of course, Go. I have no time for weakly solved games.

>> No.12495447

You're right. Its much MUCH worse since the author can be like "I didn't mean it! Its just a book guise lololol. Its satire, I don't actually want to fuck the corpse of a 12 year old girl".

>> No.12495523

Are you getting wet?

>> No.12495555
File: 76 KB, 1280x795, susanna-reid-wallpapers-6-_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not at the moment. It was more of a funny image.
If you find Susanna Reid nuzzling Nigella Lawson funny

>> No.12496040

Soldiers dont reduce themselves to animals on camera, camera present or not the purpose is not to be filmed and the purpose of their actions is not to be seen by people through media.
What you said would make a little more sense if we were talking about prostitues not pornstars.
Sexuality and more specifically prostitution taken to the extreme of porn (which is the reduction of said females and males to animals for the gratification and enjoyment of a watching audience and not for the benefits that sex might bring to either of the participants in the sexual act like bonding nor for the benefits that it would bring society like offspring) would be comparable only to organizing small armed conflicts with soldiers that will kill each other and reduce themselves to animals so that they can be recorded and satisfy a watching public, with their deads and staged violence serving no actual purpose like the survival of the nation for example would be.

>> No.12496069

>On camera!
So the camera is what makes it a sin.

>> No.12496122

No, soldiers are performing an act which has been done for millennium. Unfortunately they've been corrupted by higher powers today, but what they've done has generally served a purpose for the greater good of the society the represent. Porn stars represent uncontrolled hedonism that beckons to us to take up more animistic behaviors more frequently as opposed to engaging in them at certain times like soldiers.

>> No.12496143

I don't know if you are being obtuse on purpose or if you are truly interested in learning what my view is but I will assume for now you are sincere.

No the camera is not whats important, if it were I would think that a healthy couple filming themselves for their own enjoymeny is the same as them being porn actors.
I think that if you read my post again you will find that the purpose of their actions as well as the question of whose needs are being satisfied or for whose gratification the actions are being performed are points that I make clear are differentiators.
I do not wish to present my points as being based on materialistic shallow observations such as: is the camera being present or money being involved what makes something ok/not ok?

>> No.12496570

That's only because the world is full of impotent losers like you

You could have been pewdiepie or any fat loser currently making bank on the internet. They have no qualities you do not

It's just that you chose to be a failure, and not even profit from it

>> No.12496608

Nice strawman. The issue isn't just sex, it's pornography and indecency. It's like saying defecating isn't degenerate then doing it in the middle of a mall.

>> No.12496611

Lol what the actual fuck
What a parody of a world we have

>> No.12496621 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 664x931, melania.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw trump supporters say porn is degenerate

>> No.12496627

Read the rest.

>Killing your neighbors is so corrupt nowadays...
You stink

>> No.12496662

Take comfort in the fact that their lives are vain and without any meaning.

>> No.12496666

so, they're just like us
but with more money

>> No.12496669

How exactly are you reducing yourself to anything when killing other people? More like exalting oneself to a judge over life and death

>> No.12496674

Speak for yourself, double nigger

>> No.12496810
File: 159 KB, 500x656, bc3SP98SrJWljcW-X6UWgPYv0tI.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jaysis, we came (see what did here?) to the point in normalisation of every behaviour, that a cum vacuum stands where university professors stand. I am not one of those reactionists fags, that think we should go back to organising society as it was five centuries ago, but this postmodern bullshit that nothing has value, therefore everything is equally valuable, is just as much tiresome. What is her stance? Prolly normalising porn, loving every perversion, making your sexuality public, being a camgir as virtuous as a doctor, or a firefighter. Because everything is a social construct, and our backward view of sexual privacy, is only embraced by fading ghost of catholic morality. And don't forget that porn is great for you, it works wonders for the mind and your sexuality, that amount of artificial stimuli doesn't have any harmfull effect whatsoever. I would say fuck her, but she already is, for money.

>> No.12496830


Listen r u gonna argue from an anti-capitalist position or wtf are we doing here

>> No.12496855

It's pretty weird how porn has not devalued pussy, but has made it more lucrative.

The existence of women making money from mild thottery is pretty insane. Was there an equivalent in the past, where men would essentially fund a woman's lifestyle for being attractive and not actual performing ant sexual acts?

I can't imagine giving a woman money in that context without there being a prior agreement that my dick is getting touched. Have any of you "donated" to one of these women ?

>> No.12497097

The real is fundamentally predicated on symbolic exchange; to the production of signs corresponds a reiteration of acts.

>> No.12497102

Mick Blue? Jean Valjean? Christian Clay?

>> No.12497120

>Was there an equivalent in the past, where men would essentially fund a woman's lifestyle for being attractive and not actual performing ant sexual acts?

It's called escort services. Plenty of men use them just to have female company, without having sex, especially single older men with wealth and power.

Fact is that the male condition is one of abyssal loneliness, which is why men use their resources to even get a modicum of attention from the opposite sex. It's kind of sad really, but this is how nature made us.

>> No.12497124

It is not a camera, or money, or an extramarital status, or the amount of men that makes sex degenerate. You men who berate porn stars and then think a married wife getting fucked in the mouth in the privacy of her own home is a-okay sicken me! Sex is a primary form of violence against women and self-abasement of men.

>> No.12497127

It's kind of fascinating to see a pornwhore speak in coherent sentences in the first place.

>> No.12497167

While the content of this post is silly, I do think it demonstrates something interesting. I really do think many of the ideas that have risen from the manosphere (e.g, hypergamy) come from the fact that the closest these men come to interacting with women sexually is watching porn, and that is the way women’s sexuality is portrayed by that industry. Porn has other messages too, and people certainly take notice of them. I don’t think that the ride of the alt-right occiurred as tube sites were being flooded with cuck porn is a mere coincidence.

>> No.12497194

>I stole this potato!
>the farm it came from isn't an industry anymore and this is no longer food!

>> No.12497200

I learned Italian so I could one day read old Italian literature. Yet here I am watch this. What am I doing with my life?
o dio, perché perché

>> No.12497203

What is her stance?

>> No.12497206

.. Who told you they didn't eventually cum... No one is Holden Caulfield dude, you fuck escorts

>> No.12497213

But I've always thought that part of the appeal of an escort is that sex is on the table. Whenever prostitutes talk about how their clients seem to want someone to talk to, it's always with the caveat that they still fucked. There is a reason these men went to a prostitute, rather than a therapist.

Even the current trend of sugar baby services, when you question the individuals involved, pretty much universally involves sex alongside the companionship (I haven't heard of any such situation where this wouldn't be the case).

It's the idea of donating to woman, you watch on a live stream that physically cannot touch your dick and most likely wouldn't, even if it were possible, due to the inherent nature of your relationship (twitch thots and their ilk seem to look down upon their "fans" in general).

>> No.12497215

150K for how many years ...not long until
the next one takes her place?
it doesn't last

>> No.12497217

>believing the lie Escort services tell to be legal
Holden Caulfield is the exception, not the rule. You fuck escorts

>> No.12497221
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>wtf I hate sex now

>> No.12497236

Is hitting the the wall the only way for women to mature intellectually?

>> No.12497241

How many years does it need to be?
If she gets 10 years (18-28), that's 1.5 mil.
Thor's are like athletes in that they have a brief window of opportunity, but it can set them up for a very easy life if they're at all sensible.

>> No.12497246
File: 60 KB, 460x683, c5f39ae25cc69b257ef8c5f114aeada1a7abc020661ffa75f6e4ac259b19d28f_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a NYPOST article on Snapchat recently(I know shut up) about this girls true life story of accidentally fucking a guy for free, it was amazing.

>be 18
>break up with boyfriend
>mom sucks, ughhhh
>move to glamorous new York!
>omg shit costs money
>get told to try out sugar babbery
>find a guy who says he's a banker!
>he doesn't expect sex, Yay!
>oh, wants me to bring a friend
>says we should get all done up
>spend 500 bucks getting hair done and nails did
>meet him up
>fuck him 15 minutes after meeting him
>he promised to PayPal but denied the request and ghosted her after leaving

And she claimed victim status! Imagine. AND the article was supporting her and calling the whole sugar baby fad a sad thing that happens to women.

She eventually found a way to doxx the guy and threaten to ruin his life, all, because she was childish, broke, and ultimately a whore

>> No.12497270

That does sound hilarious, buts it's quite a common thing.

They're known as salt daddies. The prey on the inherent ambiguity of sugar baby services. They women who are prostitutes, but don't like the idea of being named as prostitutes so they have sex with these men under the (often covert) expectation that there will be future economic rewards.

Do you have a link to this article?
It sounds pretty funny.