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/lit/ - Literature

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12493607 No.12493607 [Reply] [Original]

I have a 140 IQ according to an accurate online test. Is it enough to make masterpieces of literature? Or do you need a 160 to achieve true greatness?

>> No.12493622
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>according to an accurate online test

>> No.12493639

What is with /lit/ and IQ lately. Not even /sci/ falls for the IQ meme

>> No.12493647

You could realistically score 30 points less if you were administered a real IQ test by a psychologist.

>> No.12493649
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IQ is pseud science

>> No.12493652



>> No.12493657

iq as a population measure is very reliable and youre ideologically motivated brainlets tbqh

>> No.12493662

you just need above 120 then you are "smart". the rest is effort.

>> No.12493682

Why should we care who is better at solving IQ puzzles and who isn't? It usually just leads to misconceptions and dehumanizing people based on arbitrary matters

>> No.12493693

This. Not sure why the explosion of this meme recently.

>> No.12493704

I'm starting to think IQ and academic achievement has very marginal correlation with literary quality. Ben Shapiro went to Harvard and if you've heard excerpts from his book you would think he had a 95 IQ. Dan Brown went to one of the top liberal arts colleges in the country, i think Amherst, and his writing is schlock. Lots of Stanford and Ivy graduates have actually shown themselves to kind of be brainlets.

I think literary quality really relies on the writer being someone who gives something their extended attention, and who never allows themselves the illusion of being intelligent, they always feel they need to understand something deeper.

>> No.12493723

not true. who could be shakespeare or mozart by trying hard.

>> No.12493724

because it correlates with many life outcomes, which you would know if you a)had a whit of intellectual integrity and b)had read any of the relevant literature

Why indeed would it be relevant to know that some populations are likely to to be underrepresented in high income positions and educational achievement and overrepresented in crime. It's not as though this disparity in outcomes is used as evidence for the immoral treatment of said populations by the increasingly demonized majority population. Used in fact as a justification for outright hostility, massive interracial crime, affirmative action policies that explicitly discriminate by law, and suggestions for further reparations.

>> No.12493761

have you been to /sci/? it's IQ posting 24/7

>> No.12493768
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Do standardized tests correlate with IQ? This is what I got when I was 15 with no studying (I'm 18 now). It's in the 99.98th percentile. I want to know if I have a high IQ but I'm not self confident enough to believe I have one.

>> No.12493774

shakespeare had a 115 IQ

>> No.12493810

yes thats pretty much correlated to genius.

>> No.12493819


>I have a high IQ

Okay, so basically that means you're pretty good at understanding information presented to you. Now how are you at taking that information you understand, transforming it into things that are interesting, and making it so that at least one other person can understand them?

I swear, /lit/ is for fucking self-absorbed twits.

>> No.12493825
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IQ tests are just astrology for autistic people.

>Desperately seek validation from IQ tests
>Seek even further validation by posting your precious IQ points on the internet
>Genuinely think you could write a masterpiece

Narcissism and insecurity is one nasty combination.

>> No.12493830

why would you ask this beside to bait anons into arguing about iq? you write because you have a desire to write. whether that work stands up to the test of time is irrelevant. if you are seeking anything more than the pleasure of creating when you write you're not going to make it.

>> No.12493834

Im convinced that after a certain point that IQ hinders artistic/creative ability. 130 is usually superior for creating a work of art

>> No.12493836

based af

>> No.12493944

Edgy nihilists are just trying to make their presence known.

>> No.12493959

the average chinese exchange student at MIT has an iq well above many people that were actually important to history, yet that exchange student will not be important to history. the only good thing that IQ is good for is determining if you're going to make a good slave in the workforce or the military, everything else is up to the will

>> No.12494688

Haha, based af

>> No.12494701

Was wondering the same. Every thread some retard starts talking about iq.

>> No.12494713

wow, if you're able to understand the thought that is prevalent within a specific society, you will be successful within that society. Genius!
I'm sorry to tell you buddy but your test is useless when it comes to measuring the objective worth of a human being. You're no more significant than Tyrone.

>> No.12494725

IQ is not culture specific and east asians score higher than whites on tests designed by whites.

Nobody said anything about objective worth

There is no need to mean to Tyrone

>> No.12494726

this is the most difficult black pill for pseuds to swallow

>> No.12494734

>IQ is not culture specific and east asians score higher than whites on tests designed by whites
because they've become more white than white people

>> No.12494745

Damn, why did they remove the writing section?

>> No.12494862

IQ means nothing if you haven't achieved anything in your life. There are more accomplished individuals with half your IQ that aren't burdened with self-doubt, existential dread, and have lost their virginity out there. IQ isn't a measure of self-worth or potential to accomplish anything. Stop being a faggot and actually do something with your life.

>> No.12495537
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>> No.12495550


>> No.12495578

Ignoring all other factors only a near 200 IQ will guarantee success.

>> No.12495583

I blame it on Jordan Peterson. All the IQ autism seemed to start after he hit the scene.

>> No.12496142

You need an IQ of at least 200. Sry buddy.

>> No.12496153

Mods won't allow sorting hat quiz threads so we get this.

>> No.12496245

someone with half his iq would be only slightly above people with down syndrome.

>> No.12496269

this. just look at OP. "my iq isnt really high so im doomed to never be good at anything". What a horrible way to live your life. You can just read shit and learn anything you want.

>> No.12496284

>the measurable difference between a retard and a nobel prize winner is meaningless

>> No.12496287


>> No.12496295

115 is all you need for the arts

>> No.12496299

Where's my nobel prize?

>> No.12496303
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How high does my iq have to be to score a qt3.14 like in the op pic?

>> No.12496304

would you have your doctor not tell you if you had say, a condition that made it more difficult for you to gain muscle?

>> No.12496305

>what is a bell curve

>> No.12496313

I wonder if a DNA test would any insight. I am pretty sure there are many known genes that correlate to intelligence. Does 23andme do this sort of thing?

>> No.12496325

A gaussian distribution thing.
Next time don't answer a question with a question if you want a nobel prize, too.

>> No.12496333

you are also ideologically motivated :(
me saying that probably further cements your ideology hahaha.

>> No.12496339

this is how i lived my high school years. I was obsessed with the idea that i needed to be smart to do anything meaningful. But, I let go (I think).

>> No.12496342

ive been tested IRL at 121, link your test and ill see how close it is

>> No.12496349

what kind of a moron thinks they're stupid, even the most stupid mother fucker knows the rotschilds are behind the fake school shootings and everyone is too stupid to see etc.

>> No.12496350

you are aware then that there are points between retard and nobel prize winner

>> No.12496368

oh, no I was obsessed with the idea that I needed to be a genius. Don't know what you mean by that rothschild stuff.

>> No.12496451

what youre proposing is willful ignorance. there is no reason to eschew information about yourself. an ugly girl should not try to be miss america. it's beneficial to know the limits of your abilty so you dont waste time on something you are not suited for when there may well be rewarding tasks for which you are

>> No.12496485

>Don't know what you mean by that rothschild stuff
I assume anon means alex jones conspiracy tards think they are smarter than all the "sheep"... How could anyone think they are stupid when even those types think they are smart?
Reality is intelligent people are often victim to self doubt and anxiety etc especially at young ages whereas stupid people refuse to believe they are stupid so are adamant in their self perceived intelligence.

>> No.12496676

Q is one of the few things in the social sciences that is definite. IQ is heavily correlated with the thing we call intelligence and it's inherited.

>> No.12496679


>> No.12496706

>IQ is one of the few things in the social sciences that is definite.
If you think that the abstract concept of intelligence has a definite mapping to a one-dimensional relativistic scale, then you are not intelligent

>IQ is heavily correlated with the thing we call intelligence and it's inherited.
Measured correlation, as moronic social scientists conduct it, assumes normality, linearity, and homoscedasticity on continuous quantitative data. Intelligence is an abstract nonmathematical concept, that has no mapping to those requirements. Like all social science fags, you're a god damned retard who has no idea about mathematics except to misuse it in the most retarded manner

>> No.12496709

as a social scientist, i concur with this assessment

>> No.12496710

you couldn't be more disningenuous if you tried
If IQ has predictive ability then it has predictive ability you fucking pseud

>> No.12496729

the ptolemaic model of the celestial bodies had amazingly accurate 'predictive ability'

>> No.12496748


>> No.12496754

Then it was describing true aspects of those bodies' behaviour, however incomplete.

>> No.12496755

The virgin poster v the CHAD IQ TEST

>> No.12497284

Human beings have no objective worth.

>> No.12497374

Nothing is more common than unrewarded, directionless, unmotivated, undisciplined genius. Discipline gets things done and that's best cultivated by people who had to work. Dumb kids who took notes and developed study habits in high school and never felt particularly confident in their ability to walk through anything and knew that they would never get anything done without consistent effort.

>> No.12497388

>jezebel poster
>wonders if he's ever going to do something impressive

the answer is no

>> No.12497402
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you retarded fucking nigger ape. once you get past a certain threshold of IQ having read the right stuff and having had the right experience and having the willingness to write until you're not shit then writing more until you're maybe actually good sometimes and the hours and hours of tedium that entails and even then you probably won't write a "masterpiece" because there's probably just a certain amount of chance that goes with being capable of writing really well and also having an idea that could result in one.

>> No.12497411

i love that you think this is a good point.

>> No.12497569

Does thou pseudo-sexual intellect account for nothing? T'is a question of high rhetoric and yet it is unanswered. Perhaps the path to such a question should be one galloped and not merely painted from the far.

>> No.12497614

She looks like she takes birth control pills.

>> No.12497693

It depends what they are doing. Not everyone has to be in a position where their intelligence gets used.

>> No.12498379

Great post, also taste (broadly speaking) is important too

>> No.12498393

>tfw go through life thinking IQ and IQ tests are glorified memes
>read up on the history of IQ
>read up how the IQ test was developed
>have a genuine oh_fuck.jpg moment

I implore you all to do the same. IQ is legit and that is exactly why it scares people.

>> No.12498396

not really lol. only useful for scientific studies not for everyday intelligence
t. psychologist
and yes i want to kill myself

>> No.12498432

It has always been there (on /sci/ at least), but Peterson is perhaps what brought it massively to /lit/.

>> No.12498441

It's extremely hard to assess. "Intelligence" is a prtty vague word, and even something more rpecise like IQ is dependant on multigene interaction. Scientists are barely starting to seriously explore this. You'll need to wait a good decade for the dust to settle at least.

>> No.12498457

As a statistician, I concur with both assessments.
No earlier than last Friday I saw a talk but a guy whose job includes a lot of applying regression and other predictions method to predict scores like IQ based on biological and psychological characteristics, and to assess heritability.

His take away was "it doesn't really work, and if someone tells you the opposite he's a liar".

>> No.12498469
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>IQ meme
>He failed an online IQ test

>> No.12498470

No, it might simply have been overly fine-tuned. Predicting the movements of the celestial bodies in another solar system would have required another comparable effort of fine-tuning.

If you have to strenuously refit your theory everytime you meet a comparable but new set of observations then you simply have a bad theory.

>> No.12498484

Does one have to refit IQ-tests, when meeting new people? Do they lose their predictive power somehow?

>> No.12498488

having 150 IQ won't magically make you a nobel prize winner, we'd have hundreds of thousands of nobel prize winners if that were the case

>> No.12498512

IQ is a very reliable way to identify retards, although a number of other methods would probably also work because retards are pretty easy to identify. IQ is a much less reliable way to identify a genius. It measures the difference between a retard and a normal person very well, but it doesn't measure the difference between a normal person and a genius very well at all.

It's stupid to totally write off IQ as some sort of white-supremacist, capitalist, patriarchal construct, but it's just as stupid to worship it as the true quantitative manifestation of brilliance. There's been lots written on this, you can look it up and form your own opinion.

>> No.12498515

>online test

lmfao you fucking brainlet, about 60% of the test requires a psychologist

>> No.12498526

I was only responding to the other ptomelaic guy. This post is my second itt.

As for IQ test: if you use them as predictors for certain outcome they seem to do fine, but does that make them good predictors of intelligence when there are so many confounding variables around ? Not to mention prediction is the least structured form of insight you can get from a scientific theory (but that's important, I'm not denying that).

I remember reading a guy who witnessed the administration of such tests to kids in various US districts, some of them well-off and some of them poor, and the difference of quality of the testing environment alone was enough to account for some of the systematic differences (think overheated, overcrowded buildings with improperly working of even malfunctioning lighting versus clean and well-equipped building).

Now if we're talking about a single individual taking an IQ test in a controlled environment that's another story, but even then you observe daily variations as well as variations depending on the testing setting even when the form of the test doesn't change.

So I'd say assessing the scientific validity of IQ test is still a work in progress, and I'm not really sure we can trust psychologists to carry out that work (it is a challenge even for seasoned statisticians after all).

This is of course not restricted to IQ, it applies to a lot of what is considered common knowledge in science with a heavy emphasis on statistics that are not tightly controlled.

>> No.12498531
File: 116 KB, 1024x782, paloma and claude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm 80 iq and i'm a genius ama

>> No.12498530

bi-weekly reminder that IQ is a meme used to sell expensive tests to brainlet american schoolboards

>> No.12498562


>> No.12498572

I am pretty sure there were no IQ tests back then.

>> No.12498691

i've been officially tested at 144 fite me

>> No.12498968

correlation =/= causation, now stop posting

>> No.12499877


Intelligence doesn't account for Wisdom OP.

Also, people are naturally going to be better or more knowledgeable about different things. For example: would a Scholar of Gender Studies know anything about building a car or Astrophysics? Same goes vice versa. It's all relative.

>> No.12499879

You need a 145. Sorry. You just missed it.

>> No.12499949

>would a Scholar of Gender Studies know anything

>> No.12500561

He said IQ means shit at the higher levels, not that it is useless as a whole. Seems to be accurate at the lower ends up until the average more or less.

>> No.12500587

It's not that hard to spot a retard without one

>> No.12500593

Anything over IQ 130 IQ is a hassle anyway.
You want to fit in with the intelligent crowd, say 105-135, not fit in with literally nobody because nobody shares your IQ 160.