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12488466 No.12488466 [Reply] [Original]

You heard

>> No.12488477

Tradition is something poorly self-actualized last men cling on too to give their miserable lives a semblance of meaning. Avoid at all cost.

>> No.12488481

The Crisis of the Modern World
The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times
Revolt Against the Modern World
Harry Potter VI
Considerations on France
The Incoherence of the Philosophers

>> No.12488486

My diary.

>> No.12488495

Fuck off incel

>> No.12488507

If tradition is a valid concept it will exist whether you want it or not.
If it isn't, forcing it into existence is just dumb, fake and unnatural.
So either way you should give up wanking over nude Greek and renaissance statues and actually do something good here and now.

>> No.12488563

Meaning is derived from context, without context a thing cannot have meaning. Historical context is an excellent source of meaning. Why do you deride it as if it is the last refuge of failed individuals? Where do you derive your meaning?

>> No.12488567


Phenomenology of the Spirit.

>> No.12488578

But what if tradition that does exist can only continue for the efforts of those that appreciate and uphold it? I do think a state of a relative lack of tradition can and has been achieved, it trivialize it as still merely "existing" misses the point

>> No.12488584

evola ofc

>> No.12488604

Not him, but that context will always exist because tradition will always exist. You don't need to pursue tradition, you just need to be aware of what it is so it can provide context for your thoughts. "Tradition" is also a very vague term since traditions differ drastically between countries and cultures. Additionally, tradition is subject to change. For example, liberalism wouldn't be considered western tradition pre-Enlightenment, but now it is.

As long as you're aware of your native traditions, there's no need to concern yourself with them too much.

>> No.12488611

>tradition that does exist can only continue for the efforts of those that appreciate and uphold it
Then it is an empty shell of a tradition, and might as well die out. "Those that appreciate" a tradition are LARPers. Those that live a tradition are the only legitimate carriers of it.

>> No.12488668

Naive and out of touch pilled.

>> No.12488844

Start with The Sacred and the Profane

>> No.12488925

jordan petemans: 15 steps to MAN up so you don’t die alone you fucking bitch

>> No.12489037

This, sadly. Though I haven't read into Guenon, etc myself, it does seem like quite a misplaced venture on their part. Not authentic, in the way the spiritual cultures which they have taken from are.

>> No.12489053

Antifragile by NN Taleb.
Tradition are a form of heuristic used to preserve the population. Removing traditions has effects we can't see immediately but will make us die. This is due to a mathematical concept

>> No.12489072

So lying liar books.
For research?

>> No.12489829
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T. S. Eliot - 'The Tradition and the Individual Talent'
T.S. Eliot - Notes Towards a Definition of Culture

>> No.12489891

Step 1: cleanse thy phallus

>> No.12489906


>> No.12489910

Meant to reply to: >>12488481

>> No.12489915

Meant to reply to: >>12488584

>> No.12489920

>dubs of academic dubiousness

>> No.12489938
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Tradition is the means by which societies institutionalize practices which foster group connections as well as practices which are necessary for the continued survival of the group. Additionally, traditions however minor can be used to gauge how well individuals function within the social group. The only reason your "self-actualized man" can eschew tradition is because the society around them holds those traditions up in the mans absence preventing any appreciable breakdown. If all men were "self-actualized" and broke from tradition then the society would break down until they come to new agreements as to the cultural rules going forward thus creating a new tradition.

>> No.12489944

No lie. See: >>12489053

>> No.12489947

>If all men were "self-actualized" and broke from tradition then the society would break down until they come to new agreements as to the cultural rules going forward thus creating a new tradition.
Sounds dope.

>> No.12490014
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>> No.12490815


>> No.12490848

dumbest post on this board rn

>> No.12490939

Obvious answer. Some are good some are bad. None are bad, too many are bad. Follow the one's you can critically tell are good and ignore the bad ones. The answer is very dependent on context. Why is this controversial again?

>> No.12490971

dumbest post on this board rn

>> No.12490986

t. retard.

>> No.12491162

Should we blindly be following every tradition without examining and questioning them?

>> No.12491176
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>wojak op
>muh tradition

>> No.12491422

You can do better than that, surely.

Non question

>> No.12491430
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>expects it's opinion to hold any value

>> No.12491521
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this is an anime website, teen

>> No.12491543
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>necessity of tradition

>> No.12491673

Moot is dead nigger. This is a fascist website now.

>> No.12491676

t. atomised wastrel

>> No.12491797

Culture of Narcissism

>> No.12491829

>Silly goy, all meaning in life comes from material acquisition and economic activity--how futile to search for meaning or connection elsewhere!

>> No.12491982


>> No.12493036


>> No.12493054
File: 22 KB, 480x360, tips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tradition is, after philosophy, the bedrock upon which all laws are founded. I hope you're enjoying the first world life you've lived. You owe it to tradition.

>> No.12493103

Did you just quote Rust from True Detective

>> No.12493121

>blindly adopting extraneous neatly prepackaged meaning is a search for meaning
This is your brain on pol and double digit IQ.

>> No.12493136

>muh fedora tip
not an argument
>Non question
You're just avoiding it

>> No.12493149

>not an argument
I provided an argument. You ignored it because you have a zero iq and are overwhelmed by anything except pictures.

>> No.12493156

Tradition should be examined and questioned not ignorantly followed

>> No.12493167

>Tradition should be examined and questioned not ignorantly followed
You mean the way it is in the example I gave? The law is under constant review you brainless mongrel. Laws pass, and expire or are repealed as times change.

>> No.12493172

You are a hollow little man

>> No.12493177

>You're just avoiding it
Why bother answering a non question?

>> No.12493184
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>You mean the way it is in the example I gave? The law is under constant review you brainless mongrel. Laws pass, and expire or are repealed as times change
Who has the authority to determine if a tradition is archaic or moral?
It's not a non question retard

>> No.12493193

>Who has the authority to determine if a tradition is archaic or moral?
The courts and the people you completely miseducated lackwit. Popular movements or obvious conflicts/infringements can and do raise an issue with the court.

Will you please stop to think and formulate a question with a non-obvious answer before posting next thank you.

>> No.12493205

>The court
Just because it's the law doesn't mean it's moral
>The people
The majority always makes misinformed and poor decisions

>> No.12493210

"He's trying to re-write the constitution" is still sort of an edgy Republican accusation to throw at Dems. The constitution that is literally made up of amendments, written hundreds of years apart? The constitution where one of the amendments says "no booze" and another that says "the no booze rule doesn't count?" God forbid someone should ever try to change such a document.

Not a Republican or Democrat, just think this is a dumb argument.

>> No.12493220

>borrows his weltanschauung in its entirety from others
>n-no you are a hollow

>> No.12493225

>Just because it's the law doesn't mean it's moral
This does not make all laws immoral, either.
>The majority always makes misinformed and poor decisions
Sometimes, not always.

You still have not provided evidence against the bleeding obvious fact that tradition informs the laws that support your first world lifestyle. You should study more before discussing complicated matters.

>> No.12493232

The constitution is retarded because people get mad when you question it. Then when you ask why they get mad the only response is muh feels

>> No.12493246

All traditionalism really means is blindly sticking to ways of past generations, or rather to what have survived from them. If you really can set new norms without any unfounded elements and accept things as good only by their virtues, than tradition at best is just set of old ideas that are good.

>> No.12493252

>This does not make all laws immoral, either.
Then the law cannot decide what is moral or immoral.
>You still have not provided evidence against the bleeding obvious fact that tradition informs the laws that support your first world lifestyle. You should study more before discussing complicated matters
Are you implying we should go back to the past and sacrifice all our first world amedities?

>> No.12493253

>the incel pseud believes himself self actualized
Imagine revelling in your atomization this much. The only things halfway decent about you have been put there by somebody else.

>> No.12493262

Can you only communicate in non questions?

>> No.12493269

how does it feel to point out the obvious to someone pointing out the obvious when you're both saying the same thing?

>> No.12493271
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Do you only wiggle your way out of arguments by saying
>n-non question

>> No.12493275

I am implying you are too ignorant to discuss this topic with the subtlety it deserves (which isn't much). Go back to MSNBC.

>> No.12493287
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Very bad desu. I should leave this place and never return but then who will teach these retards how to think

>> No.12493291

You never implied that. Now you're using ad homs like 'you watch MSNBC'. Even though I'm not even a leftist.
If anything you don't even know what you're implying. You just want to go back to the primitive era because muh feels

>> No.12493294

Absolutely Semitic.

>> No.12493298

>he's only gone and done it again!

>> No.12493300

>the veritable barrage of ad hominem and clumsily misapplied buzzwords
Do you have an appropriate screening license for projections of these magnitude, angry last boy?

>> No.12493303

>tries to counter accusals of asking non questions by asking a non question.
It is to laugh

>> No.12493322
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>Every question I'm too dumb to answer is a rhetorical question

>> No.12493324

>"muh projection"
>the "n-no u" of pseuds
Thanks for proving me right.

>> No.12493331

It's called a non question you big retard, fucking hell.

>> No.12493334
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I can tell exactly the type of person you are

>> No.12493345

>Are you implying we should go back to the past and sacrifice all our first world amedities?
You must have a severe reading disability to take that from what he wrote.

>> No.12493346

>I insulted him first!
>"projection" doesn't count!
>haha I win!
Innovative and brilliant.

>> No.12493353

>You still have not provided evidence against the bleeding obvious fact that tradition informs the laws that support your first world lifestyle
>your first world lifestyle

>> No.12493391

>guh I disagree u so u must b maga retard F-fuCK DRUMPF
I don't even live in your shithole country and I wouldn't support le orange degenerate if I did.

Tell me more about what you know about me.

>> No.12493399

Who are you quoting

>> No.12493408

>Tell me more about what you know about me.
The absolute state of ironing.

>> No.12493410

So is it dyslexia you have or is it a general comprehension issue?

>> No.12493415
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You're an american larping as a European. No European is that retarded

>> No.12493429

Keeping tilting at those windmills honey.

>> No.12493441

Not him but what the fuck are you on about

>> No.12493454

>projection" doesn't count!
I mean, this is fundamentally correct

>> No.12493472
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Even with a detachable penis you have the tradition of a deep wound on your arm or leg.

>> No.12493507

>when out of your depth post something about trannies/niggers/muslims
Okay, this is epic.

>> No.12493521

Which one are you?

>> No.12493533
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>calling people incels for having ideals

>> No.12493534

I'm black

>> No.12493554
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>wtf I'm not a nazi, my ideals just demand extermination of jews and niggers
>stop calling me that!!1

>> No.12493558

Lol, nigger get out.

>> No.12493567

I am a Nazi though.

>> No.12493568

Not making a good case for yourself lel

>> No.12493575

Powerful argument, incel.

>> No.12493579
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>> No.12493595

Ignore him

>> No.12493668
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Is this bait or butterflyfag?

>> No.12493675
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>> No.12493689

nobody itt even knows what Tradition means
if you dumb niggers spent less time shitposting and more time reading you could maybe stop embarrassing yourselves
i'll give you a hint, it doesn't mean customs

>> No.12493695


>> No.12493709

We unironically need to kill trannies.

>> No.12493714

Go on then, tell us