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12492975 No.12492975[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>I’m here for the book club, I brought pizza

Do you let him in? Last time he showed up he wouldn’t stop talking about Jordan Peterson and Ayn Rand. The other members were clearly getting upset and you got multiple complaints after the session ended. He has low self esteem and a speech impediment and his mom wants him to get out more, he considers you one of his only friends.

>> No.12492986

dumb frogposter go back to /ck/

>> No.12492994
File: 7 KB, 271x186, apuhug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come on in!

>> No.12492996

yeah? He brought pizza. That is considerate.

>> No.12493001

take the pizza and shut the door in his face

>> No.12493006

Yes. Encourage the other members to be understanding and speak to him encouraging him to broaden his experiences. People like this need to be spoken to and understood; they are sheltered and afraid, not stupid. He just wants to be accepted, and we should help facilitate that naturally.

>> No.12493013

If he really likes Jordan Peterson, get him to read Marcus Aurelius, and Seneca, because 12 rules for life is a watered down version of Stoicism. Then you can urge him on the path to the Romans and Greeks, and have something interesting to talk about and he can become a more well-rounded person. Also, the fact that he brought pizza, to me, means that he is at least trying to be a good guy

>> No.12493017

>I brought pizza
You should have brought some fruit salad and guacamole. This is a vegan book club and we only drink sugar-free, artificial-flavor-free Tibetan Spring Water.

>> No.12493019

I'll make him read Kant and get into some real pholosophy.

>> No.12493025

>real philosophy
pick one

>> No.12493037

>the sobjectivists has joined the cat

>> No.12493042
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Welcum fren

>> No.12493059


>> No.12493066
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>apu is /fitlit/
yessssssssssssssss team apu

>> No.12493075

only if he's read the book we're reading

>> No.12493082

Christcucks can't be considered philosophers

>> No.12493085

I love these cross-board posts and how they're tailored to the communities they post in.

>> No.12493096
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Of course I would let him in. I love guac.

>> No.12493115

Ok buddy, then the following aren't philosophers:
>Thomas Aquino
>Kurt Godel
>Martha Anscombe
>John Locke
Come back when you have read a philosopher that isn't Ayn Rand.

>> No.12493116

What if the other members stop showing up?

>> No.12493217

Kierkegaard as well

>> No.12493240

Do you guys really think I forgot about them when I made my comment? If one bases their worldview on something as childish as the existence of a god then I don't see how they can be considered real philosophers.

>> No.12493263

I think you don't realize how the Christian system has influenced your thinking, morals,, or even the scientific method so strongly. I'm not even a Christian, but let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater

>> No.12493304

Nice spooks, they said some right a lot of wrongs.

>> No.12493310

>muh comment
>"Christcucks can't be considered philosophers"

You can't even explain why you think this. Prove me wrong.

>> No.12493336

go back to plebbit

>> No.12493401

Christcucks are literally brain damaged all those people should not be considered philosophers and removed from all courses and curriculums because they're so bullshit.
You can have morals without being religious or a christcuck

>> No.12493405

>pizza can't be vegan
go fuck yourself with a brick

>> No.12493444

cheese isn't vegan, you dum dum

>> No.12493462
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what you reffering as cuck are people through sight of history would rape your anus so hard it would bleed out your utherea nigger

>> No.12493466
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>> No.12493468

>Hurr muh ancestors
I don't can't about your savage christcuck ancestors or anyone in history

>> No.12493497

if you dont care about history you clearly dont deserve to be rational human being.history is the queen of all sciences. oh and history is a teacher of the life

>> No.12493538
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>bleed out your utherea
But I don't even have a utherea.

>> No.12493574
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>the existence of a creator does not fall under the purview of philosophy
>belief in a creator is childish
>belief in a creator precludes critical thinking about the world of the believer

belief in a creator is as if not more valid than the rejection of a creator, seeing as believing in ex nihilo creation requires one to disregard the fundamental laws of physics.