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12492334 No.12492334[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on post-modernism?

>> No.12492340

it's alright
pic related isn't postmodernism though

>> No.12492342

looks like autistic ramblings

>> No.12492347

that's not postmodernism, that pseudism

>> No.12492369

Exceptionally Gay

>> No.12492408
File: 342 KB, 1596x1105, PostcapitalIsMetasentient.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a difference?

>> No.12492417

But this is actually great in the context of the rest of the book. It's really the eclecticism of the philosophical essays and madman ramblings that makes Fanged Noumena so great. How about you try reading "Kant, Capital and Prohibition of Incest" instead of memeing this overused image?

>> No.12492419
File: 222 KB, 976x1080, up it's own ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pomo was a mistake

>> No.12492426

Death of quality

>> No.12492435

what the fuck is 'the cathedral'?

>> No.12492436
File: 63 KB, 600x600, 151101040297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post-modernism amirite?
>*posts Land instead*
this is a double pincer bait

>> No.12492446

My friend said it's directly opposed to cultural marxism. That at their core you simply cannot be both. Is she right /lit/?

>> No.12492452

There's no cultural marxism, stop falling for tired nazi propaganda please.

>> No.12492459

she means neomarxism and she's half right
cultural marxism is a conspiracy theory

>> No.12492482

cultural marxism isnt a thing

you can't be traditional Marxist with all the historical materialism and hegelian shit because that's some high ass modernism where grand, fairly simple metanarratives are controlling the evolution of humanity and we can peer into the future by understanding these metanarratives. Coincidentally this is also where most of the macropolitical theory of Marxism comes from. Postmodernism basically says nah that kind of stuff is silly.

Early pomo neomarxists like Horkheimer and Adorno use some of Marx's class-based ways of analyzing things to spin off a more Kantian deeply critical form of analysis that has some connection to "Marxism" but without all the determinist narrative stuff.

>> No.12492483


>> No.12492490

alright tranny back to leftypol you go

>> No.12492494

>t. Land

>> No.12492499

I don't know how you read anything positive in that post with regards to postmodernism or neomarxism. they're both terrible strains of "philosophy" or politics.

>> No.12492501

Technozionist rehashing of marxist theories.

>> No.12492502

epic poster
epic poster for the win :)

>> No.12492508

I still don't understand this mem

>> No.12492511

Sure sure, next do the one about how akshyually democrats aren't "liberals". We all know that's insightful and worthwhile of splitting hairs.

>> No.12492516

The women of the earth are segmented only by their fathers and husbands. their praxial fusion is indistinguishable from the struggle against the micro-powers that suppress them most immediately. That is why the proto-fascism of nationality laws and immigration controls tends to have a sexist character as well as a racist one. It is because women are the historical realization of the potentially euphoric synthetic or communicative function which patriarchy both exploits and inhibits that they are invested with a revolutionary destiny, and it is only through their struggle that politics will be able to escape from all fatherlands.

>> No.12492517

Ironic asshurt is still asshurt sweaty xP

>> No.12492518
File: 147 KB, 700x700, 5447C191-02A7-4F8B-AB1C-7F3EB49CDBAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please allow me to introduce myself.

>> No.12492522

these memes are postmodernism in action

>> No.12492523

Whats the origin behind the name?

>> No.12492530

what are you talking about? your Democrats are about as bog standard of liberal as you can get. also why do Americans have to make every single thing relate back to their own shitty politics in the most retarded ways??

>> No.12492540

please don't respond to underage bait

>> No.12492544

What's the difference between a theoretical "cultural" marxist as defined by the conspiracy theory, and a neomarxist? And how would post-modernism oppose or support that?

>> No.12492545
File: 68 KB, 675x675, DxnIesVU8AAkLbc.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read Moldbug

>> No.12492558

>also why do Americans have to make every single thing relate back to their own shitty politics in the most retarded ways
Well excuse me my irrelevent friend. Tell me, how often do your media and acquaintances whine about grumbo bloumphf?

>> No.12492568

Nothing. You are reading the programmed responses of brainwashed drone people. Walter Benjamin was influenced by the frankist who were a group of half a million (((people))) following a messianic kabbalist who believed in inverting all of good sense and righteousness on its head to achieve tikkun olam.

>> No.12492584

The easiest way to put it:
Marxism is all about the meta-narrative (the class struggle, the historical materialism)
Postmodernism opposes universal meta-narratives. That's the main point of post-modernist thought.

>> No.12492592

I feel like I can’t think outside of the frame of post modernism and that makes me mad

>> No.12492596

Please stop shitting up the thread. I know you're that autist who tries to bring Jews into every discussion - do we really have to shoo you every time?

>> No.12492598

Please don't.

>> No.12492606

That's incredibly conscise and easy to understand, thank you.

>> No.12492610

(((Reactionary))) subtly undermining Christian traditions.

>> No.12492611

>hurr fucking durr don't you ever mention jews in a thread about marxism and the frankfurt school all of who just sort of happened incedentally to be you know jewish and draw influence from centuries old beliefs developed by jewish mystics
Why do you people do this to yourselves? We all know you're a skinny white incel loser. You have to be willingly dumb as well?

>> No.12492617

spot the pseud