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/lit/ - Literature

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12489420 No.12489420 [Reply] [Original]

Time to decide what the best novel of the 2010s is.
What is it, /lit/?

>> No.12489431

Debt the first 5,000 years

>> No.12489435

What were they?

Oh I DLed that. How's it? You read his other stuff?

>> No.12489449

his arguments against Hobbes in his other books are retarded but I like Debt's conception of history

>> No.12489450

Lincoln in the Bardo

>> No.12489464

In Paradise or >>12489450

>> No.12489472

Sudden Death

>> No.12489486

The World Goes On-Krasznahorkai

>> No.12489488

Enrigue's Sudden Death.

>> No.12489492

What'd you guys think about it? Is it genuinely good? I know it's experimental and shit, but does it have human insights and emotional resonance? Basically, I just want to know if the experimental nature isn't just empty without...

>> No.12489507

There's human depth to it. A couple of highly emotional scenes on the back half. Either way it's a quick read, I think I did it in a day or two.

>> No.12489580
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The Pale King

>> No.12489612


>> No.12489663

All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr

>> No.12489741

People still right books now? Lol. Virgins

>> No.12489742
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>right books

>> No.12489782
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Some of them are here.

>> No.12489798

Goodish list, for me its probably 2666 or Soumission

>> No.12489802


>> No.12489806

That's easy: Less

>> No.12489820

Swing Time, The Pale King (if it counts), Normal People

>> No.12489831

>Late period DeLilo
>Umberto Eco
>Ian McEwan
>Cloud Atlas
>Cloud fucking Atlas

Hello this is not a list of good fiction this is not a good list please keep your Oprah recommends reading list to yourself next time thank you this is terrible is this even ironic it's like an Oprah recommends best-of

>> No.12489849

I predict that you will net over three replies for this effortless shitpost

>> No.12489856

My Struggle is the worst book on that list tbqhwyf

>> No.12489860

Most of these are from the 2000s. I'm specifically talking about 2010s.

>> No.12489861

Let's see your list or gtfo.

>> No.12489863

You're a dumb cunt if you believe humans are still capable of producing art.

>> No.12489864

the man who forgot how to poop, by ghengis swan.

>> No.12489870

7/16 are from the 2010s. Almost half of them, m8.

>> No.12489879

Which of these books was rec'd by Oprah?

>> No.12489896

The Road was written for the Oprah audience.

>> No.12489916
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The Nix

>> No.12489971
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The Largesse of the Sea Maiden
The Overstory
4 3 2 1
The North Water
A Visit from the Goon Squad

>> No.12490016

Most is definitely an appropriate word in this case

>> No.12490133


Krasz is easily one of the best living authors.

Personally my vote goes to Seibo There Below.

>> No.12490304

reading books less than 200 years old you fucked up pleb

>> No.12490437

Based and redpilled

>> No.12490790

Pretty bad list damn

>> No.12490805

Pretty average decade, but I unironically think the next masterpiece will come from someone on this board. Someone's got to be taking the charts seriously (with a critical eye of course). Too much great literature the main focus not to influence.

>> No.12490910

If you're right anon, I'd love for them to admit it.

>> No.12490911

Trump was great. Way better than anything in the naughties.

>> No.12490918

Trump isn't a novel

>> No.12491097

autismo detected

>> No.12491225
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A Brief History of Seven Killings is among the greats.

>> No.12491271
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nice i didn't have this brainlet wojack yet
have one in return

>> No.12491286

3rd for Sudden Death

>> No.12491291

4th for Sudden Death

>> No.12491899

And do you see it there?

>> No.12491905

Show us, master.

>> No.12491965
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>> No.12491996

So basically my chart + some PC nigger bullshit? lmao I like the addition of Vargas Llosa, though.

>> No.12492271

2666 came out in like 2008

>> No.12492289

Negro or "sympathetic" upper class white male detected.

>> No.12492302

even worse than >>12489782
consider suicide, nignog lover.

>> No.12492331

Burger spotted.
lol @ your shit taste

>> No.12492375

It’s been a shit decade for the novel, but Knausgaard’s My Struggle project even though Book 1 may have debuted in Norweign prior to 2010. Bleeding Edge, sadly, is a possibility. A Girl is a Half-formed thing by Eimear McBridge was an admirable attempt to push modernist language to its most interior form. Book of Numbers by Cohen if we are to give Papa Bloom his due. Tai Pei is at least worth mentioning though it’s far from being “the best” at anything. Lincoln in the Bardo even though it’s humanist trash. The Mossfegh meme, Eileen, is also worth mentioning along the same lines as Tao. Submission is a serious contender, also unfortunately. I hesitate to say Visit from the Goon Sauad because I’m not convinced it’s a novel, and Egan’s prose style os almost nonexistent. I think that’s kind of the point because she’s trying really hard to be an old school realist in the year 2011 or whatever but that’s not exactely what’s going to push literature into it’s next epoch. Havent read The Nix or Brief History of Seven Killings even though those get shilled alot. I really enjoyed Purity by Franzen even if, like Egan, Franzen isn’t interested in pulling any unconventional tricks. Let’s not even joke about post-Underworld Delillo, it’s a travesty.

>> No.12492394


I had trouble getting into Seibo There Below but I'm blowing through The World Goes On.

>> No.12492449

I'm not convinced any of the books mentioned a lot in this thread will be remembered as a 'best of the decade'. You're right about it not being a good decade for the novel, but I think we're coming out of it now.
The last half of the decade will have the contender, and I'm convinced it'll be something currently overlooked and more experimental.

>> No.12494135

it made me cry

>> No.12494342

Unironically loved it, but it was safe in style, content, and... everything. It's a really good MFA book, but I doubt it'll be cannon a couple decades from now.

But damn it was good.

>> No.12495540

Taipei by Tao Lin without a doubt