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/lit/ - Literature

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1248938 No.1248938 [Reply] [Original]

It's a Halloween Horror Giveaway. Here's how it works.

I work at a used book store. We were recently going to throw out a bag of some overstocked horror paperbacks. I rescued them before they could go in the trash. Now I want to share them with you.

Below is the list of books that I have. If you want one, just give me your name and address, and I will mail it out to you at my own expense. I don't really have the money to do an amazon wishlist thread, but I still want to give back to you guys. Hopefully some of you will get something out of this.

Oh, and I know that a lot of these aren't the best books in the world. But come on, they're free.

Black Sunday, by Thomas Harris (2 copies)
Red Dragon, by Thomas Harris (8 Copies)
Guardian, by John Saul
The Presence, by John Saul
Black Lightning, by John Saul
The Tommyknockers, by Stephen King
The Reincarnation of Peter Proud, by Max Ehrlich
Play Time, by Morgan Fields
The Vision, by Dean Koontz
Icebound, by Dean Koontz
Sole Survivor, by Dean Koontz
Watchers, by Dean Koontz
Twilight Eyes, by Dean Koontz

It's first come, first serve. So on your mark, get set, go!

>> No.1248941

Oh, and just in case you're too paranoid to post your address on /lit/ (which would be silly, but understandable), you can email me your book choice and address.

>> No.1248942

I'm not sure how comfortable I am putting my name and address out there on 4chan, even if it is /lit/. Do you have an email?

Very nice of you though!

>> No.1248943
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Oh duh, hover over name. I'll definitely get in this!

>> No.1248944

I applaud you, Anon, for this!

>> No.1248946


Awesome! And just for the record, I've posted my full address on /lit/ a couple of times, for similar things. Nothing bad has ever happened.

>> No.1248947

Not a big fan of suspense books, but it is nice of you bro.

>> No.1248954
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Eheh, I'll be getting my own place soon and then I'll feel better about it. I don't care if someone sends pizza guys to my house or whatever, I'd just hate it if they did it to my grandparents.

Sent in my request - thanks a lot, Neuro!

>> No.1248975

Come on, surely there are some other people out there that would like FREE BOOKS.

>> No.1248993

Do you ship to europe?

>> No.1249002

Hum, maybe try later on tonight Neuro. People might be celebrating Halloween - trick or treating with kids or siblings, partying, I dunno. I'd have thought everyone would be all over this! I know I was typing quick, heh.

I wish I could take a copy of Red Dragon off your hands (8?!), but I already have 2 myself lol.

>> No.1249012

Uh... sure, why not. Unfortunately, I'm not getting as many bites as I had hoped for, so yeah, I'll ship to Europe.

>> No.1249015

Yeah, good idea. I think I'm going to leave this thread for a little while, and bump it later.

>> No.1249016

This man is legit and the best. Thanks brah.

>> No.1249021
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Yup, I'm sure more people will come along. But if not, I don't mind relieving you from the terrible, awful burden of the weight of all those books. I know, I know, I'm such a do-gooder. No need to thank me.


>> No.1249500

Bump for OP.

>> No.1250193

How about Australia?

>> No.1250309
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bump so's Neuro can be like Santa and give goodies away. Dunno how many people have responded by mail but not many have posted in the threads, seems.

Neuro, Victoria here, I was only half joking when I said this. If you seriously can't get rid of any of the others, especially the Saul books, I'd be more than happy to take them as well (if I'm not already pushing my limit, lol).