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12485539 No.12485539 [Reply] [Original]

>Jesus save us, modernity has failed us!

What did Matthew Healy mean by this?

>> No.12485567

He meant go back to /mu/ and promote your söy indie garbage there.

>> No.12486157

The 1975 is the quintessence of pretension.

>> No.12486166

so is hating on them desu

>> No.12486172

modernity did fail us i dont think anyone doesnt know that, thats why were on to post-modernism imagine blowing your billboard money on some shit 50 years out of date

>> No.12486174

Is that under the overpass in shoreditchburg, Londonistan?

>> No.12486177

>you cannot criticize this band or you are being pretentious
kill yourself lol

>> No.12486184

They are very self-aware though.

>> No.12486209

Being "self aware" dosen't make you any less cringeworthy

>> No.12486215

It's all forgiven long as it's self-aware and/or done in a post-ironic way.

>> No.12486216

i saw the 1975 trending on apple music once but i didnt click on it cuz it looked like shitty pop music for teenager girls similar to maroon 5

>> No.12486241

Fuck you

>> No.12486278

you were right on the money

>> No.12486671


>> No.12486704

if you wanna be a boring pseud at least pick a good band like pink floyd

>> No.12486765

The 1975 is like the perfect band for a tumblr girl who wants to feel special circa 2012. Except with a little more self-awareness.

>> No.12487275

>imagine blowing your billboard money
They are millionaires, imagine thinking they give a fuck.

>> No.12487285

>dad rock
the plebbit invasion is getting worse by the minute

>> No.12488433

I think it’s really good but there’s a few glaring things that just hold it back, love it if we made it is really catchy but the lyrics feel really memey and honestly I can’t enjoy it ‘cause I’m constantly in anticipation of thank you kanye very cool

>> No.12488468

>pink floyd is reddit
>electrosoy tumblr indie is not
Go back.

>> No.12490095

you're completely correct but they're trying extremely hard to market themselves otherwise.

>> No.12490182
File: 158 KB, 962x769, 00D46FF2000004B0-3510414-image-a-13_1458992200061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means that it's time for us to admit that Vatican 2 needs to be reinterpreted.

It means that Archbishop Lefebvre was right, and it's time for the Latin Mass to make a comeback.

>> No.12490191

what' the deal with the latin mass anyways i watched some on youtube and it was not in latin

>> No.12490242
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Try again.

>> No.12490256

>i dont think anyone doesnt know that,
>looks at STEM
>looks at giant tech companies
>looks at ai spergs
>looks at accelerationists

Ur fucked

>> No.12490367
File: 48 KB, 250x305, SedeVacante.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It means that it's time for us to admit that Vatican 2 needs to be reinterpreted.

>> No.12490406

The actual reason that Catholicism is in such crisis is Vatican I. Catholicism was already in schism from the true Orthodox Church, but not until Vatican I, with Pastor Aeternus, did the it proclaim heresy as dogma. At that point the Church was abandoned by God and began its descent into ruin.

>> No.12490412

Ephesus II

>> No.12490424

What about it?

>> No.12490440

the faggot from the 1975 the type of nigga to write an essay using a thesaurus and using all the big words because he thinks it will make him sound smarter

>> No.12490441

We need Vatican III, reintroduce latín mass, ecclesiastic tribunals with death penalty, stoning for gay priests, and You thots better wear your fucking mantilla and Shut up at mass untill your man decides to answer your questions.
It's that easy.

>> No.12490445

Actually Othodocucks decided not to yeld to the decisions of a council and Thus became heretics.

>> No.12490453
File: 53 KB, 700x685, smith cave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way the true music of lit is the fall


>> No.12490462

Papal supremacy is not true, so if they didn't yield to it then it wasn't ecumenical.

>> No.12490475

You don't understand a single thing about how the church works, do you?
On what basis do you reject Ephesus II? Since the there is no such thing as Papal Supremacy, what are the bars for dogma? What is accepted and what is heresy?

>> No.12490495

>On what basis do you reject Ephesus II? Since the there is no such thing as Papal Supremacy, what are the bars for dogma? What is accepted and what is heresy?
My actual opinion about this issue is that Ephesus II simply represents a schism and that miaphysitism is just a different manner of expressing the same thing as diaphysitism. So the Oriental and Eastern Orthodox Churches are in a position such as that regarding Roman Catholicism after the Great Schism, in which neither side has formally dogmatized heresy and thus needs to reconcile. However Catholicism has dogmatized heresy and is thus no longer orthodox in its beliefs.

>> No.12490505

>le angry drunkard shouting over twing twangs
fuck off
rap is the only lit pop music

>> No.12490535

I didn't ask you what you think Ephesus II represents, I asked you how could you logically tell what is accepted and received by the church and what is not? It's a simple question, isn't it? I am asking about criteria here, not what you think of the heretics.

>> No.12490550

There isn't a logical set of criteria because one isn't necessary, as the existence of Orthodoxy proves. You with your puppet masses and homosexual clergy want to talk about a "logical criteria" for knowing the Church's tradition, as if that matters. You have one, but what good does it do you? It doesn't do anything, it's words on a page that your Pope and bishops ignore. The Church's tradition is a living thing that is passed down through time, the same today as yesterday. It's the living faith of the faithful. A rationalist will not understand.

>> No.12490555

>pop music

Sir, im going to have to ask you to leave

>> No.12490558
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>There isn't a logical set of criteria because one isn't necessary
>...rant about vatican ii antipopes or something...

>> No.12490564

Not him but I'm interested in converting

>> No.12490568

Modernity has not simply failed us, modernity was a malicious attempt at attacking civilization from the very beginning. Dont trust anyone from 1789 on.

>> No.12490570

I'm not a Catholic, you know? None of that has any bearing on me.

>> No.12490582

not him but pink floyd is reddit: the band

>> No.12490586

So what? The response you gave me is telling enough. You don't care about truth, you care about empty traditions and aesthetics, like every single Ortho convert I've met. I was born into it and I came out of it.
Pray 15 decades of the rosary every day.

>> No.12490607

>You don't care about truth, you care about empty traditions and aesthetics, like every single Ortho convert I've met.
The "truth" is Jesus Christ, whose body is the Church; it isn't a syllogism.

>> No.12490630

Jesus Christ IS the truth, that's why I adhere to his Church.

>> No.12490637

Anon the type of nigga to be born to a black dad and a white mom so he gets to say these kinda words. When Earl Sweatshirt say some shit like "Too white for the black kids, too black for the white kids" you gooo shieeet he is referring to a divide, not necessarily ingrained in ethnicity, to where I can indentify, know what I mean n shiet?

>> No.12490643

"For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints."

>> No.12490793


>> No.12490809

t. angry chauvinist

>> No.12491708

You have to be over 18 to post here.

>> No.12491719

nice trips but i'm right and you're wrong

>> No.12491759

Bait, retarded or nigger?

>> No.12491906

you couldn't be more reddit even if you tried

>> No.12491919