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12484737 No.12484737 [Reply] [Original]

>Hello there Anon. Do you have foreign troops in your army? I hope you don't.

>> No.12484742

Not only do I exclusively hire mercenaries, when I took over this thread, I didn't execute those who opposed me, nor did I shower them with gifts.

>> No.12484749
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>Stop this right now,Anon. It's for your own good.

>> No.12484756


Is there anything more ridiculous than a man who reads Machiavelli, Sun Tzu and Aurelius because a blog about masculinity™ told him to?
Honestly, is there anything more ridiculous? Aurelius in particular is appalling - it's not even good stoicism.

>> No.12484766

Machiavelli's at least a fun read. I've always wanted to know how to lead a 15th century italian city-state.

>tfw you'll never be duke of milan

>> No.12484780

What's wrong with reading Machiavelli? Sure the Prince is a meme book but it's not even his most important book, he basically scribbled that while he was taking a break from writing Discourses on Livy.

>> No.12484788


I'll clarify. I'm speaking specifically of The Prince, The Art of War and Meditations. Add How to Win Friends and Influence People, No More Mr. Nice Guy, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and 48 Laws of Power and you have the complete basic bitch blog masculinity package.

>> No.12484796

These appear on pretty much all entry-tier lists, mostly as self-help books for normalfags.

>> No.12484799
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>mfw I'm openly an atheist, have built a fort inside the town to protect me, and I haven't even killed the heir of the ruler I deposed

>> No.12484818


>> No.12484835

What's wrong with reading about historical tactics?

>> No.12484851

Could you post a timestamped picture of your body? I'm just curious

>> No.12484853

>The Prince, The Art of War and Meditations. Add How to Win Friends and Influence People

lol, I bought all of these. Not because I read a blog or had them recommended, but because I genuinely thought they'd be useful and I like Politics and management. Haven't started them though because I tried starting with the greeks first and my library is very large.

>> No.12484884

chad tyrant confirmed by dubs

>> No.12484929

these are the only books Chad reads (he's an economics major)

>> No.12484953
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>all that bait lumping Aurelius with the art of war
>stoic chads don't even respond

>> No.12485260


>it's bait, I swear, he pointed out something uncomfortable, it's bait!

>> No.12485344
File: 136 KB, 744x1028, Doep_EMXkAEJltR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i bought Machiavelli's art of war in elementary school but it was too tough to read.

Now years later i get sleepy every time i start reading it.

>> No.12485500

>Machiavelli's Art Of War

>> No.12485609

>And fuck the Pope too
Is Machyboy related in any way to Raimi?

>> No.12485627
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>> No.12485722

You gonna die

>> No.12485731

I don't get it

>> No.12485739
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>tfw you are

>> No.12485781

I keep my bodyguards so frightened of me by constantly mistreating them that it would be impossible to assassinate me

>> No.12485815
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>> No.12485816

But they're all such short books

>> No.12485818

based memer

>> No.12485867
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>> No.12485982

>thinking somebody got confused with sun tzu
>when actually both machiavelli and sun tzu wrote books with that title

typical pseud, how ironic that you were the ignorant one

>> No.12486067

Hey leave me alone

>> No.12486749
File: 292 KB, 500x370, 1525823139559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I lavished gifts on my supporters, and my entire army is made up of mercenary cavalry.

I also have zero virtu

>> No.12486831

>Blog about masculinity

Fuck off, they were all on Mattis' reading list for Marines under his command. They're short, easy reads. What exactly is wrong with them?

>> No.12486864

you realize marines have an average iq of around 95. Now let that sink in for a second

>> No.12486877

>Aurelius in particular is appalling - it's not even good stoicism.
He can be a good introduction to the fundamentals of stoicism, because he lived to the philosophy's rules as best he could.

>> No.12486924

if you unironically believe this, you have no idea what actual stoicism is

>> No.12486954

So? Average IQ in america is like 98, there is more variation between countries and states. However, the spread in IQ in the armed forces also isn't that great as they have a rule where if you have 80 IQ or below you can't enlist, and rules for the percentage of people with low IQ allowed in.

>> No.12486995

beautiful way to read Machiavelli
really plan out how to take over your neighborhood

>> No.12487010

there are outliers tho the mayor of my city joined the marines to slake his thirst for muslim blood after 9/11 then he came back and became a partner at goldman sachs

>> No.12487027

These books aren’t really just because of online reading lists, they have been kind of a part of bro culture for a while ironically enough (the sopranos, etc etc)