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File: 498 KB, 907x587, Bill Maher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12482718 No.12482718[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is Bill Maher based?


>> No.12482740

I'm left leaning and I still think he's a douchebag.
But I agree with him here.

>> No.12482860

Maher is insufferable.

>> No.12482874
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, Bcbvv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop reading and watching retarded comicbooks
>instead, watch my highly intellectual tv show where I make poopie jokes about Drumpf :DDDD

>> No.12482878

Fuck this guy.
With that said, I'm glad someone in the mainstream is taking this stance.

>> No.12482879

hes insufferable but he isnt wrong desu

>> No.12482895

Based but pseud because of negress baboonist author shilling for liberal street cred

>> No.12482898


>> No.12482909

>spamming "Drumpf" literally everywhere
>it's funny cuz it's ironic xD
When are you going to stop doing this

>> No.12482913

This guy's an asshole but he literally did nothing wrong here.

>> No.12482945

Things like capeshit movies have a function - they serve as a cultural daycare for the majority of the population, which sits below 100 IQ, works a regular job, comes home tired and just wants to unwind. People who find Avengers profound probably shouldn't engage with "Steinbeck, Melville, and Shakespeare" anyway, so whats wrong with giving them something to enjoy? Ultimately, it's not unexpected to hear a liberal take such a stance - liberals with their obsession with equality simply cannot comprehend the idea that not all people need to be equally intellectual and appreciate the same stuff. Most of mankind throughout history was a dumb herd led by a tiny number of geniuses, and it worked up till now, till the age of everyone having a twitter and a fucking opinion on things.

>> No.12482950

Jewish and High iq
t. mad and low iq

>> No.12482952

Hes a cock sucker. Hes always been a cock sucker.

>> No.12482965

But anon, we'll never be able to overthrow TPTB and institute anarcho-ecofascism until we get the masses reading Evola and Rupi Kaur

>> No.12482970

Are video games definitely a part of this? I'd like to think that one is the profound enjoyment and concern of one while the other is simple enjoyment as a past time.

>> No.12482989

He's a Hillarycuck, but he's absolutely right here. Fuck capeshitfags.

>> No.12482992
File: 57 KB, 626x727, IMG_4458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

capeshit and vidya are both useless bread-and-games timesinks that anyone past the age of 15 should feel ashamed about involving themselves with, it's time to become a man anon, throw away and uninstall all of them. The rest of your life starts right now

>> No.12483008

He's only partially right.

The medium through which a story is told doesn't necessarily implies it is aimed towards children or adults.
Superhero movies are shit, I agree, but it is not impossible to write a superhero movie aimed solely to an adult audience.

>> No.12483009

He's a TV entertainer. If he wants to play the "men don't play games" card, he should know that men roughly 2000+ years ago would have laughed in his face.

>> No.12483030

>but it is not impossible to write a superhero movie aimed solely to an adult audience.
Any movie featuring a man in a costume is automatically childish. The only way these types of movies can be made for adults is if they are purposely mocking the genre, like in Deadpool, but that movie is still disgusting and hardly entertaining to an “adult.”

>> No.12483031

>you should be ashamed of things you enjoy
People like you are what's wrong with the world.

>> No.12483039

Unbreakable is an adult superhero movie and contains no men in costumes.

>> No.12483053

Yes you hedonic faggot. Personal improvement is achieved through self-challenging which often entails doing things you dislike. When people tell you to 'grow up', they aren't trying to spite you, they're trying to help you get out of manchildhood.

>> No.12483073

When someone tells someone else to "grow up," they're being assholes who don't give a fuck about the other person and just want something from them. Instructing a younger person to feel ashamed over what they enjoy does not lead to self-improvement. It may lead them to work harder, but they won't possess the right consciousness towards the work, and won't reap the rewards. They will grow up overly conservative and hateful towards things they don't understand, because they were instructed to hate the things they DID understand.

>> No.12483133

Most of what people enjoy should be shamed into oblivion. That goes double for teens and thier teenage nonsense.

>> No.12484226

This is the most Reddit comment I've ever read on this site. Fantastic bait

>> No.12484343

>months old television segment about comics businessman
Why are there multiple threads about this on the literature board?

>> No.12484383

baldwin is based but, never read a more accurate depiction of a father and son's relationship.

>> No.12484922

I don't think it matters much. IMHO there isn't much difference between a superhero movie and most action movies, where only difference between the superhero and the action hero is the costume.
I think it could be done, but it hasn't been done so far

Also, superhero movies don't necessarily imply a man in a suit, like >>12483039

>> No.12484935
File: 861 KB, 857x1024, medieval_capeshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any movie featuring a man in a costume is automatically childish.

>> No.12484956

Trump time with Bill Maher was interesting when it wasn't about Trump 100% of the time and they had time to look more deeply into the details of American politics in a fun way.

>> No.12484976

Don Quijote was meant as a parody of Spanish XVI century capeshit (novelas de caballerías), famed for their abundance and mediocre quality.

>> No.12485011
File: 104 KB, 220x391, 220px-Batman_DC_Comics[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toni Morrison presents a comic book version of history and politics too, she's just pretentious about it and wins awards from slobbering progs like Bill Maher

The corpus of Batman has infinitely more aesthetic value than Song of Solomon and also features more nuanced characters and more intricate narratives. Unlike Toni Morrison, the symbolism of the Caped Crusader is loaded with psychological maturity and was generated by sincerely meaningful and universal literary conceits--it's not bumbling magical realism and nonsensical metaphors which resort to incomprehensibility because clarity requires too much gray matter. There is an unmistakable order to the Batman's psychical structure, and an unmistakable subtlety which rewards repeat readings

Also unlike Morrison, the tales of the World's Greatest Detective are totally stripped of posturing and mystery meat resentment. The Batman is always thrilling and always visceral, and the Batman is an affirmation of aristocratic values and hierarchical superiority, intellectual, physical, or otherwise. Batman doesn't need the praise of middlebrow talk show host potheads; he is superior by virtue of his own existence.

Finally, I would be remiss not to mention that Batman could kick Toni Morrison's fat brown ass with one single pinky toe

>> No.12485024

Capeshit is so fucking corny

>> No.12485031

>he says
>on 4chan

>> No.12485034

hilarious post, fantastic bait

>> No.12485077

no, being a bill maher fa is even more childish

>> No.12485080

How can people watch this stuff? The jokes are fine but the way he smugly looks at the camera after every single line waiting for the audience to praise him is so fucking cringe

>> No.12485117
File: 32 KB, 220x277, Frans_Masereel_(1919)_Passionate_Journey_urination_page.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The level of discourse in American public life has only sustained itself because of Maher's commitment to an open but civil forum. His commitment to a discourse is akin to that in the heydays of philosophy where each person gave their own pronouncements as a joyful encouragement for their guests to entertain the company with their opinion. He is a part of the legacy of your founders. He looks to find the good in disagreements with friends and even enemies. This is the spirit of John Adams and the Virginia science worshiping, bible rewriting, wineo fool whatshisface. He is the most American of real Mericans. He is the wagon train and the raiding plainspeople come to keep the butchers away from their women. He is first and foremost probably not going to win you over in a day, but he will in fifteen years or so of a career.
Just learn PolSci and international relations if you want to understand his humour.

>> No.12485330

Bill Mahr is a comedian with a cable talk show. You don’t need to study a discipline to understand his humor. If you did he wouldn’t be a very good entertainer. All you need to understand his humor is the shit you retained from high school and watch/ read mainstream news. Like the average person. You don’t even need to know who his guests are to watch the show, you just need an opinion on the topic they are discussing (and, as was stated earlier in the thread, everyone has one of those on everything these days).