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12476597 No.12476597 [Reply] [Original]

Why does everyone in japan use these book cover things? Are they afraid ill call them out for being plebs if i see the title (not that i can read japnese)?

>> No.12476612

dont try to analyze the japanese, their inscrutable oriental customs will only confuse the western mind

>> No.12476633

Modesty. Just remember that anon who got owned by a black man in subway reading Plato.

>> No.12476642

>ching-chong bing-bong
>bong chong bing chong

>> No.12476697

Do you have that screencap

>> No.12476726

Fuck i'd love it if that was culture. If you would have one of those in western society itd look liek you're a pesud thinking everyone gives a fuck what you're reading and striving for MUH PRIVACY XD
And if you read a book in public itll always look like an cry for attention amd you'll look lile a litbro poseur

>> No.12476762

None of your business what people are reading white piggu

>> No.12476775

How insightful

>> No.12477028

to avoid others seeing what they're reading and trying to make small talk

>> No.12477066
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Fuck niggers.

>> No.12477077

i don't want anyone to know i'm into shota nettorare milf dp threesomes

>> No.12477104

I'm currently living in Japan and I've been here 4 times before moving to this country. In all these years I've never, never seen a person on a train, cafe, bus, anywhere, reading a book without one of those things. I swear I've never seen a cover, never.

>> No.12477150

Because it's Masaaki Tanaka.

>> No.12477158

I can finally read the bell curve in peace

>> No.12477170

source pls

>> No.12477232
File: 41 KB, 727x344, platonicnegro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.12477255

Nice. Would you recommend Japan for a non-weeb who would gladly scale the mountain of kanji?

>> No.12477266

Lol all anons answers seem to be auto responses from being uncomfortable with this weirdo bothering him with his psycho lecture

>> No.12477269

Yes. I'm not a weeb (I hate anime, I don't support japanese war criminals and I don't like their culture) and I'm fine.
You can have a normal non-weeb live style.

>> No.12477277

You dont like japense culture? I like it, just not manga or anime

>> No.12477281
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>seem to be auto responses from being uncomfortable with this weirdo bothering him
Isn't that how Socrates manipulated Protagoras? It seems to follow the theme of anon reading Plato.

>> No.12477289
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>> No.12477292

Hm. I guess it is rather like one of those dialogues. I think im an idiot for not noticing that

>> No.12477299

Lol that black guy is a nerd. I wouldnt say i read for intellectual reasons, more cathartic reasons and for the pleasure of art

>> No.12477320

That's basically what reading platonic dialogues feel like.

>> No.12477326

I don't. Chopsticks are uncomfortable, I can't stand to sleep in a traditional japanese room, Ive never been interested in their history, traditions, etc. Many things are great, life is easy in modern Japan but there are some things that are extremely inconvenient: how to address a person, never stand out (even small things like eating white rice with onions sauce is shocking for them, happened to me several times), traditions are holding back this country (if you ever build your house you will literally have to beg the construction company to install insulation in the walls, they just don't do it because that's how life is in muh Japan). Anyhow, I ignore those things and try to avoid them.

>> No.12477336

*with onions sauce
Fucking keyboard.

>> No.12477339

newfag plays himself.

>> No.12477340

*with onions sauce
Double fuck this keyboard

>> No.12477347

FUCK, it's the first time in years I use that word on this board

>> No.12477358


>> No.12477360

>eating white rice with onions sauce is shocking for them
I'd give you weird looks as well m8

>> No.12477364

Australian i presume?

>> No.12477372

Kek triple

>> No.12477373
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No, argie.

>> No.12477379

Where do I buy one of the book cover covers?

>> No.12477395


there all reading porn

>> No.12477413

The ones reading porn do it with no shame whatsoever.

>> No.12477448

To protect the real cover.

>> No.12477462

Wait a minute. Why tf are you in starbucks creeping on people in the first place?

>> No.12477474
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I creep dogs.

>> No.12477477

Do they have one for different book sizes or are those shits universal?

>> No.12477487

Hahaha, fucking christ dude. How you liking japan? Native?

>> No.12477505

Boludo querido, qué envidia.

>> No.12477513
File: 3.12 MB, 3608x2029, P_20180509_173135_HDR_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Tokyo, I don't like the rest of the country. The countryside is a wasteland inhabited by old people, big cities such as Nagoya and Saitama are boring and I don't have any interest in traditions so I don't like Kyoto at all.

>> No.12477530

in general, book sizes are universal

>> No.12477555


Whats with you people and moving to a country you dont seem to like

>> No.12477567
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Are you trying to say "s󠀀oy"? I didn't think the nips were into onion sauce.

>> No.12477581

Yes, "onions". /lit/ isn't my main board, why don't the jannies like that word?

>> No.12477583


>> No.12477606

I love Tokyo, the japanese hardcore scene and a japanese woman. I can eat meat and pizza every day, but it's just a small sacrifice.

>> No.12477615

>I love Tokyo, the japanese hardcore scene and a japanese woman.


>> No.12477722


>> No.12477740

What do you mean its just a small sacrifice?

>> No.12477770

Meat is too expensive in Japan and pizza is extremely overpriced. I could make home made pizza but I haven't found an oven big enough to cook what I used to cook in Argentina.
I'd kill you have a pizzeria in Tokyo like La Mezzetta or El Imperio.

>> No.12477804

>They're letting in spics

End it.

>> No.12477822

So you mean you CANT eat meat and pizza every day

>> No.12477830


>> No.12477835

Ah, sorry, I misspelled "can't".

>> No.12477927

This isn't the original, is it? I think this is a different greentext, playing off of the "That's why you read Plato" line of the original

>> No.12477939

This is the og. The other is the story in the form of a dialogue.

>> No.12477947

Hey dumbass, he replied to the dialogue one

>> No.12477957


Oh god im sorry goddamnit fuck

>> No.12477988

The bookstore normally just does the service of covering the book with it, duh. Once they've finished re reading it they can either resell it in good condition or take the cover off and add it to their bookshelf.

>> No.12477994

Wait they got panera bread in Japan?

>> No.12478014

Its starbucks genius

>> No.12478019

Tell me about their pizza anon. Do they make it a piedra o media masa?

A friend is going on a trip there on April. I wished I could force him to go to the Natsume Soseki museum and get me a souvenir but he'll probably come back with a bag of octopus' ass flavored candy.

>> No.12478070
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Piedra, best case scenario the pizza will be the size of your hand.
Japan has a wide selection of snacks, some are delicious (chocopai, kininaru ringo, mochi's, shinshu apple & butter sandwich cookies, chips with sea weed, etc) and others are plain disgusting and tent to be popular among weebs because muh Japan: shrimp, octopus and squid cookies, hanayome kashi (literally taste like polystyrene), etc.

>> No.12478084

I feel like i'd have to do everything to prove my non weebness in japan

>> No.12478093

there is a reason why some of those who voted not guilty voted for the execution of Socrate

>> No.12478131

So what, they don't have the American chains like Pizza Hut or Dominos?

What are bookstores like in Japan? Comfy? How popular are foreign works or do they mostly just stock local writers and translated works?

>> No.12478174
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They have Domino's but I think their pizzas are an abomination.
>What are bookstores like in Japan? Comfy?
They are boring, literally bookshelfs full of small books on how to do things: from masturbating to how to argue with koreans.
Bookoff is the best place to buy second hand books, I've bought pretty much all my english books in Bookoff.
Jinbocho has the best and comfiest bookstores. Subun-so Book Shop and Kitazawa Bookstore are my favorites because they specialize in old foreign books. Yesterday I went to Subun-so and bought 6 books and Tolkien and Lewis.
Foreign books aren't popular at all. I've been in countless japanese bookstores and I haven't seen much beyond J.K. Rowling and Dan Brown.

>> No.12478197

>how to argue with koreans

>> No.12478251

That looks pretty comfy. So they don't bother with foreign books apart from the most popular? Sounds about what I expected. Were the stores busy at all? How popular is reading in Japan in general?

>how to argue with koreans.
I would like to see this.

>> No.12478297

I think the black guy was saying, "yeah, you're not an intellectual, sure, that's why you read Plato." Like he's being sarcastic and implying that the guy IS an intellectual because he's reading Plato. Black people have sarcasm like that, that might be hard to pick up on if you're not around them enough.

>> No.12478311

Can't believe im so autistic i didnt pick that up, fuck

>> No.12478323

espero no seas de esos argentinos que estudian en la UBA y van por américa del sur en uno de sus viajes de mierda comunistas.

>> No.12478527

Dios no, mandaría a todos esos zurdos de mierda a Venezuela o Cuba e intervendría la UBA.
Stores are usually full of people, reading is quite popular.

>> No.12478564

Why can't so many anons understand that the stranger was praising that anon instead of insulting him?

>> No.12478598

Where do you even live? I commuted from saitama to tokyo everyday, and people were airways reading books with covers and the bookstore asked if i wanted a cover every time i bought a book.
The worst part was walking in subway stations. People makes direct eye contact with you and keep walking straight at you, assuming you'll get out of their way. Sometimes they even dive in front of you if you're crossing paths instead of waiting for you to walk by, even if you're ahead of them. Eventually speed trying to be polite and avoid people since it's impossible to get anywhere that way and wound up bumping and shoving my way anywhere.
Avoid the big cities, especially tokyo. The more rural the area, the friendlier the people.

>> No.12478628

What do you two work as?

>> No.12478648

y'know what, i can see this
tough to pick up on these things with text

>> No.12478847

Kek. Also onions was banned due to...idk. Jannies and mods are triggered niggers

>> No.12478894

The black dude paid the anon a compliment.

"I know that I know nothing" or whatever the exact phrase is in English.

>> No.12478920

Isn't this what the Fellowship are given to eat by the elves in LOTR 1?

>> No.12479079

The first good answer

>> No.12479134

this is so full of shit logic

>> No.12479209

It's modelled after a Socratic dialogue.

>> No.12479328

They live in fear of the Based Black Subway Man, who prowls the world looking for pseuds to annihilate

>> No.12479352

i like to imagine there isnt a real book in there and those are just tired people trying not to look too lonely as they relax having a cup of coffee alone after work

>> No.12479433
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The power of the Lord Jesus Christ truly knows no limits.

>> No.12479486

Japan is Western

>> No.12479496

Thats the joke

>> No.12479529

I take my statement back, God bless black folk.