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12476565 No.12476565 [Reply] [Original]

hello anons. what is the appropriate age for teaching people philosophy? i remember somebody posting a quote from plato(aristotle?) warning people from teaching to people who are too young. was it legitimate? what book did it come from? thx

>> No.12477065
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start with the greeks at 7

>> No.12477249

Do you remember the reasoning for why people shouldn't be taught philosophy from a young age? I guess it can sort of close off someone's mind early in life or, if taught on a wide scale, get perverted into indoctrination, but I'd like to know the original reasoning.

>> No.12477972

I think it was because professedly then people would want to be right instead of wanting to know the truth

>> No.12478063

Greek mythology at the age of 8, history at the age of 12, and philosophy at the age of 16.
But don't try to force your kid to read Parmenides or Meno at the age of 14 or something. Let them live and experience folly and error themselves before attempting to introduce them to epistemological or metaphysical speculation. They should have come across failure and doubt in order to not feel disappointed by their mistakes. Socratic dialectic isn't just something you can try to give to any poor soul. It's more like hard, tough love. It's partly education, but it's also allowing a person to know about how they could be wrong about something, without forcing them to abandon every single belief they've ever had. Every doubt should be followed by some kind of correction or solution. Otherwise, you'll just end up with vague nothings.

>> No.12478839

Descartes said the best age to start philosophy was 40, after sufficient life experience has been accumulated, and that starting too early would corrupt the mind.

>> No.12478862

the moment they are born

>> No.12478882

Aristotle says that the young should not be taught political science in Nichomachean ethics because it's best learned by experience and it's only needed and practiced by statesmen (who are old) anyways.

He has a point but Aristotle's conception of political science =/= contemporary political science (although the two overlap).

>> No.12478907

Any good books for Greek mythology?
Iliad? Odyssey? Homer's works?
Is 'Mythology' by Edith Hamilton any good?
Also what about Stephen Fry's new one 'Mythos'?

>> No.12478949 [DELETED] 
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This. It's from Plato's Republic. Haven't read much of Aristotle yet, but the other anon mentioned it.

Basically, when young people get their hands on dialetic, they try to 'win' instead of seek truth, so it just ends up being a waste of time.

>> No.12478961 [DELETED] 
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>>12476565 (OP)

This. It's from Plato's Republic. Haven't read much of Aristotle yet, but the other anon mentioned it.

Basically, when young people get their hands on dialectic, they try to 'win' the argument like a game instead of seeking truth, so it just ends up being a waste of time.

>> No.12478975
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This. It's from Plato's Republic. Haven't read much of Aristotle yet, but the other anon mentioned it.

Basically, when young people get their hands on dialectic, they try to 'win' the argument like a game instead of seeking truth, so it just ends up being a waste of time.