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/lit/ - Literature

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12477490 No.12477490 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you so petulant and solipsistic that you expect to be able to make a career in writing fiction; a luxury that some of the greatest most revered authors didn't have?

>> No.12477502

He would have, but he was monumentally repressed, which, of course, is also the reason he wrote so well.

>> No.12477529
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>missing the point

This picture conveniently summarizes my countenance when, while also providing the next example.

>> No.12477864

How the filly fuck is it solipsism to want to write fiction, and how the hell is it irritable to want to write fiction?

You seem more petulant and solipsistic yourself.

>> No.12477881

Its petulant because its immature and sulky to think you're above having a normal job with market demand. Its solipsistic to think that everyone should be interested in what you have to say (history will test if that's the case or not long after you're dead and gone). A real writer writes because he likes the act of writing. Its really that simple.

>> No.12477897


>> No.12477901

because i love it and it's all i want to do and it's not like i don't feel incredibly guilty almost constantly for not wanting to work a regular job

>> No.12477906

yet i also acknowledge that i don't really have anything to say yet still have more to say than nearly all of those who get to write professionally

>> No.12477908

i don't deserve to write professionally but i can't bear to not write professionally

>> No.12477916 [DELETED] 

i'll just work a slave job and cry a lot and hate myself until i am completely destroyed

>> No.12477926 [DELETED] 


>> No.12477946

You can't unless you are. Why should someone with the will to be creative, to inspire and move people, to express the rich internal life of humanity and connect with people on this deep level, ignore this urge? What good does it do them to give up before they've even tried?

>> No.12477953

Because I've seen the kind of swill that gets sold and people make a living off of. I know I'm fucking better.

>> No.12477964

must find a way to deserve somehow

>> No.12478005

or surrender myself to the STEM machine

>> No.12478012

no this cannot be the answer there is no way

>> No.12478020

if ur not actually a geek don't force it, someone has to make avocado toast for 10x javascript ninjas in san francisco, fulfill your dharma

>> No.12478028

seems like it might be selfish to not do the horrific STEM thing if i am capable of doing it though

>> No.12478045

there's other vocational bullshit u can do like accounting, pharmacy, etc. if u go into cs anyways u will be up against geeky ass dudes who fucking LOVE to grind code every night and day

>> No.12478097

i don't even really care about making a living off of it i just want to make something that is genuinely really good that's remembered by at least some

>> No.12479335

>A real writer writes because he likes the act of writing
This is solipsistic

>> No.12479348

you are really stupid person. pleas, kys.

>> No.12479384

I surrendered myself to the STEM meme, and it's not worth it.
Always loved the arts, but been great in maths and physics throughout my whole school life, so got into engineering.
Struggled through college, because of the difficulty and my lack of interest in every subject.
Now I'm nearly graduated and have been working as an intern for a few months and want to kill myself everyday because I regret my choices.
I've always loved visual arts. Being reasonably good at drawing and creating characters and stories, I have always been drawn to comic books (the good kind, not capeshit). But I have no time to dedicate myself to it, as I nearly have no time of my own and I'm always tired.
Plus, I feel like I've wasted the opportunity of making something more of myself during graduation, where I could have been in design, animation or even fine art if I'd had a little more confidence and didn't fear so much for getting poor.
Oh well...

>> No.12479448
File: 1.93 MB, 1246x1075, Sureness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that knowledge taken with you everywhere is a secret worldmaking that destroys the perspectives of the powerful, the ideologues, the marketers, the family, the oppressors who channel your creativity towards their ends rather than what end you cannot help but arrive at. Fuck audiences, fuck markets, fuck reason. I am the world coming to subsume you all. I choose how the fates get bound and raped.