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12474127 No.12474127 [Reply] [Original]

how are there people who still think Freud was wrong when most of pornhub is incest? is it a Christcuck thing?

>> No.12474135

Yeah but most of the dark web is kid stuff, so clearly the French intellectuals were more right.

>> No.12474136

Pornhub shows you videos based on your watch history. It doesn't show me any incest videos.

>> No.12474142

>most of pornhub is incest
ackshually my friend, the front page recommendations are based off of your past viewing history

>> No.12474231

>you literally want to have intercourse with your parent of the opposite sex
>t. not Freud
You do, however, seem to be experiencing one of the phonemona he observed, which is projection.

>> No.12474246

Oh dear, OP

>> No.12474248

>watching porn for the plot
That's worse than reading for the plot.

>> No.12474303

This, OP has been exposed as a pervert, now we can all laugh at him, you're fucking gross OP

>> No.12474361
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I hope this is bait

>> No.12474380
File: 131 KB, 620x796, 1-pornhub-insights-2018-year-review-most-searched-terms-2018[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it doesn't matter what your front page looks like. it's just the facts

>> No.12474394

Just nuke my whole civilization senpai

>> No.12474396

>not combining the two

>> No.12474406

if you took a photo of all the women you were attracted to and averaged there faces out using software it would look like your mother. try it, keep mental note every time you see a girl that excites you and you'll see he was right.

>> No.12474413

Cool literature thread you fuckers

>> No.12474452

He was completely correct, regarding the notions that a boy's first love is his mother, and a girl's her father. Heck, I experienced the former myself when I was a child, admiring my mother and fancying her in a sense, wishing it could just be me and her and not the rest of my family.

>> No.12475796


>> No.12475811

>and a girl's her father.
a girl's first love is her mother, she becomes heterosexual when she realizes she has no penis

>> No.12475826

Anon, that just means you're a filthy degenerate.

>> No.12475967

if degeneracy means being in touch with your unconscious then yes

>> No.12476001

>Not watching 1 hour long Tara Tainton vids

>> No.12476009

That means he's based and redpilled

>> No.12476025

No, I was just charmed by my mother, the first exposure I had to the construct we call Woman. It was never sexual or anything impure, merely a desire for it to be and her alone, and nobody else alongside us.

>> No.12476177

No it doesn't, I don't watch that kind of videos and the page recommend me those. Also I use incognito mode.

>> No.12477059
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It is subversive and intentional.
They want to promote incest to further destabilize the family. This is why it is plastered on their webpages.
Pornographers are the scum of the earth. Stop watching that rubbish.

>> No.12477151

or people just unconsciously want to fuck their own mothers, as is proven by history every single time.

>> No.12477332
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But it's step-x shit, which is for plebs.

>> No.12477351

Stepsisters are best of all, you fool.

>> No.12477391

The popularity of incest porn could also be explained by the fact that it combines popular porn tags(i mean it is regular porn if you skip the intro/turn off the sound) while also satisfying the sicko that enjoys incest porn. So you have the regular porn addict plus the fetishist watching it resulting in the higher popularity. So they recommend it to you because it is a popular video with the “anal” tag.

>> No.12477398
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Best copout, maybe. If you're gonna dream, dream big.

>> No.12477441
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>merely a desire for it to be and her alone, and nobody else alongside us

Not necessarily sexual, but then again, neither is sex.

>> No.12477456

It's happened to me more than one time where the title says STEP sister and 15 seconds into the video I'll hear:
>but you're my biological brother due to the fact that we have the same parents, as shown in both of our 23 and Me results and this is definitely about that, brother!

>> No.12477458

You untasteful pleb. Stepsisters offer all the richness and nuance found of the sibling-romance - such as the comfort of loving someone who one is already close to and loved by, and can safely embrace without the internal coldness that comes from pursuing strangers - but does all of this without any of the disgust born from seeing one who looks just like you, or involving complications relating to post-pregnancy.

I have a post wherein I expound on my stepsister-fantasy. Would you like to read it, and hopefully come to the light?

>> No.12477476
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Don't bother, your post demonstrates that stepshit is for pussy normoids afraid to go the extra mile.

>> No.12477485

you dont have to lie anon. youre in good company here.

>> No.12477500

Yikes, you say that while using an image of a sibling-pair who look nothing alike, which exactly matches my own fantasy of a stepsister who is of different race than I am (to emphasize our lack of biological relation), and only further demonstrates my own argument of the based-and-redpilled stepsister as being superior to the cringe-and-inbredpilled realsister. That image was your error, my friend. Again, shall I show you the true way, my brother?

>> No.12477514

Freud was onto some developmental themes and patterns and benchmarks that are common to people but was wrong about the general way in which he applied it to all people and "the psyche" as its own discreet entity. His categorizing levels of awareness has a lot of descriptive power too but ultimately does not describe real actual structures nor facts. He also coined much of the terminology we use to describe human delusion and neurosis. He is an incredibly influential and important figure in psychology but the people who insist he was right about everything just want to fuck their moms.

As for the appeal of incest porn, ive noticed that 1. Many of those portray scenarios that are possible enough to convince the viewer that this could happen and they could get laid, whereas the washes put cumdumpsters in regular open seem unattainable and impersonal. 2. The acresses in inceat open look like someone you know. They're accessibly hot. 3. The acresses are trying harder and actually acting and portray sequences of emotion and theres usually cumulative sexual tension that gets released suddenly. All together that's enough reason for me to watch it now and then even though there is nobody in my family I would ever fuck. Every time the girl says "daddy" or "bro" or "son" or qhateber I just turn it off because its fucking ruined. But I still dig the way xev bellringer can play slightly confused and guilty but too horny to care.

>> No.12477521

found the one pump chump

>> No.12477532

>Washes put
Washed out*

>> No.12477587

Men indiscriminately want to fuck and some have a hard time reconciling this with the fact that some women are best left un slept with. That doesn't mean anything specific to mothers and doesnt require "the unconscious" to explain.

>> No.12477663

- My mother has dark complexion, the girls I like do not.
- My mother looks oriental, the girls I like russian.
- My mother has curls, while I hate curls in girls though.
- My mother is small and skinny, while large and thicc girls drive me absolutely insane.

Admittedly, I like dark hair and moderately big boobs, things they all share. Also, I would have no problem initiating sex with my mom if she didn't stink. The girls I like just don't look like her.

>> No.12477667

why do girls want to fuck their dads then?

>> No.12477672

Salsa on the pic?

>> No.12477699

Because they only slightly more discriminatory want to fuck and are slightly better at reconciling the pros and cons of particular choices. Why does your explanation have to involve unconscious drives and parent-specific complexes? It's just unspoken intentions and being attracted to whatever's at hand first.

>> No.12477820

so they have preconceived images in their heads of who they'd like to fuck based on role models, and those role models happen to be their parents? sounds like your unconscious telling you to fuck your parents to me.

>> No.12477836


>> No.12477877

It isn't subversive, it is simply the command of the dominant cultural mode to satisfy any and all pleasures. Pointing the figure at some vague conspiracy "they" have instigated doesn't demonstrate their intention of dismantling traditional familial norms.

Beyond that, porn is a play of surfaces, it does not cause a viewer to develop a fetish, but it can amplify obsessional tendencies. The question of whether these desires (in themselves) are harmful requires further examination. A comparison of the view counts between different categories doesn't answer the extent to which these desires are consummated by individuals in the real world, or the effect they have on social norms in general.

>> No.12477951

this is how you spot a MindGeek shill. i used a fresh device, went to pornhub and it's nothing but incest and biracial shit. and freud was a hack projecting his fetishes and family dynamics on others through his grasp on psychology and was eternally blown the fuck out by jung. the corporation MindGeek pushes shit to effectively prove him right because there is a specific sect of people who have power, money and get off on this shit and want it normalized. if you ever mention pornhub's creepy porn in any thread, on any board, you will get these replies more or less verbatim, test it out sometime and google MindGeek

>> No.12478031

It is clear that the vast majority of people who make comments about Freud haven't read him.

>> No.12478057

Internet porn is on a clear trajectory towards maximal taboo.

It's disgusting and should be made illegal. At the very least, search engines should not return graphic images of porn and you should have to give proof of 18+ age before accessing pornography via an account.

The sexual revolution was a mistake.

Also this thread has nothing to do with literature.

>> No.12478074

>Many of those portray scenarios that are possible enough to convince the viewer that this could happen and they could get laid, whereas the washes put cumdumpsters in regular open seem unattainable and impersonal.
I think he nailed it here

>> No.12478458
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>> No.12478590

Freud rhymes with pseud. Case closed. Q.E.D.

>> No.12478762


>> No.12478768

Step Fantasy is NOT incest. Also, the foreplay in these videos is much better than regular porn.

>> No.12478818

>xev bellringer
A true patrician I see

>> No.12478820

>It isn't subversive, it is simply the command of the dominant cultural mode to satisfy any and all pleasures.
There's a reason the culture at large doesn't open venues for those desires, but that it takes decades of subversion to open up economic venues for porn to begin with.

>> No.12478896

>fantasizing is the same thing as wanting
philosophy solved goys, go home

>> No.12480491

because liberalism is an ideology that filled a niche at a specific time and place in history but is causing problems in the long run?

>> No.12480549

Step sibling pornography is just displacement. It's a more culturally acceptable to have sex with your stepsister. The motivation for watching it is to fulfill an incest fantasy.

>> No.12480593

His reductionism isn't wrong because it's hard to argue that behavior can't be boiled down to instinct. People question his methods, or lack of them, more than anything else.

>> No.12480662
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>Interracial isn't there

>> No.12480786

based diary of a country priest poster

>> No.12480798

bellringer muted is the absolute peak of cinematic pornography

hope she retired now after the 2nd kid though (a boy this time?)...retire in greatness

>> No.12481342

She hasn't made a vid in like 8 months,i think she atleast is semi-retired,then again it's not easy to raise two boys

>> No.12481367

Diary of a Country Priest

>> No.12481456

so people like the stories where it involves them fucking their mothers, but they somehow don't want to fuck their mothers?
idk seems like you're just dodging the point by using neat semantics to construct an abstract truth, that doesn't necessarily align with mine (but most likely does).

>> No.12481497

No, it doesn't. It's spelled similarly but it doesn't rhyme. Freud = Froid; Pseud = Syud

>> No.12481592

yeah if anything Freud rhymes with Onions'd

>> No.12481595


>> No.12482361

>There's a reason the culture at large doesn't open venues for those desires
This argument is comparable to the one people make about how people in the Victorian era were incredibly prudish, when in actual fact they were obsessed with sex, only behind closed doors or within experimental conditions. The separation of public and private life incentivises us to explore and gratify our sexuality in increasingly fetishistic ways due to a freedom from scrutiny. It's not a subversion, its the opportunity of a boundless enclosure– You can do essentially anything, so long as it remains within the "private" sphere and between consenting adults.

>> No.12482545
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>> No.12482581

Yes anon, porn is a completely fine and natural way to relieve yourself. Porn companies don't attempt to capitalize on weakness and abnormal fetishism. Porn companies are actually providing an invaluable service to us, allowing us to explore sexuality without repercussion! Yeah right, imagine actually believing this.

>> No.12482865
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just to add my "little grain of sand"

im russian, all the female-side of my family is heavily blonde, pallid white skin, real skinny and pronounced anglo facial factions. more heavilly my mother. and, fuck i would fucking kill a half continent for a latina wife like pic related, and i'm thinking seriously to find a life in an south-american country, seriously.

>> No.12482889

Ecuador and Colombia are great. I hear Chile is great but I've never visited. Peru is meh and the people weren't very nice.

>> No.12482908
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>> No.12482911

pretentious pervert posting is why i don’t enjoy this board

>> No.12482915

hi! yeah, i know spanish very well, english not so much. i learn how to properly talk/read when i was into latinoamerican literature of the 50s-80s. probably gonna bet between colombia or chile, probably chile since it matches my humor sense. colombia is great tho!
lot of beautiful women in s.america, i dont know why i was born in this cold shithole.

>> No.12482918

>Also, the foreplay in these videos is much better than regular porn.
Fucking THIS

>> No.12482919

Brazil, Chile, Argentina or Uruguay. The rest of the continent is unliveable tier.

>> No.12482946

I said clearly in my original post that porn can exacerbate certain kinds of obsessions. What it doesn't do is create fetishes in a person that wasn't in some way already receptive to the idea, porn companies are capitalising on desires that precede it, whether you like it or not. You're overestimating its influence, when really its no surprise to say that humans are victims of habit and sexual deviance is a part of that. We become tired of particular routines, and so seek out more gratifying and boundary-pushing experiences. Of course, it is necessary to separate fantasy from the activity of realised desires, but any rational agent in possession of a moral compass is capable of that.

>> No.12482973

i know venezuela is going thru some shit lately, it's the same with colombia? fuckk

>> No.12483055

>Idk seems like you're just dodging the point by using neat semantics to construct an abstract truth, that doesn't necessarily align with mine (but most likely does).
That's all psychoanalysis has ever been. I can watch violent movies and not want to murder people. And I can enjoy watching an accessibly hot actress put extra effort into the foreplay and portray familiarity and mounting sexual tension as long as she doesn't say "son" too much. It doesn't have to have any implications whatsoever about my relationship with my own mother. That's not her. It's much more emmersive than
>Open scene
>washed put cumdumpster puts my dick in her mouth
>seems to think that I'm the one doing her the favor.
>Totally submissive
>spreads gaping asshole
>totally neglects her needs
>is not emotionally involved.
>End scene.

>> No.12483096

It's obvious that you're a brainlet. There's a half century of psychological research that shows that the consumption of violent media increase the likelihood of the consumer acting violently. Also, Freud died in 1939 - the field has moved on and is quite different today. Concepts like the oedipal complex are no longer centerline to psychoanalytic theory or treatment.

>> No.12483138

I'm not denying any of that and it had nothing to do with the conversation.

>> No.12483148

There is absolutely no proof that violent media increases violent behavior in healthy adult or adolescent males, the correlation is probably driven almost entirely by aggressive, impulsive, high violence risk mentally unstable, low iq males.

>> No.12483155

>Correlation is causation.
>Psychoanalysis is to be taken seriously in any decade of its existence.
>Arguments didn't even apply to what was said.
>Other people are brainlets.

>> No.12483158

>porn companies are capitalizing on desires that precede it
I don't share the same views about "them" as you and the original dude were talking about, and I see the point you are getting at, but I still entirely disagree. How can you say porn doesn't create fetishes with a straight face? Cmon my guy, every man is receptive to a japanese girl in a maid costume getting railed. It's what you originally said, the dominant culture's drive to satisfy pleasures [both physical and fiscal], paired with the exhaustion of novelty. The original anon and I's underlying disagreement being, this drive in question subverts something greater than our "culture". Whether one believes there is a conspiracy, or just doesn't think people can be trusted without going too far, in my head you're basically arguing in favor of Pornhub 4K (TM) Anal Gapage Extravaganza 14 on grounds that "its just human nature, jerking off alone in a dark room nightly is very similar to Victorian era sexscapes". Sorry to make such an unfair strawman of you, I'm being a little facetious, but the modern day porn industry in my individual opinion is the furthest thing from natural and wholesome you can get. The bizzaro-world idea of "pleasure" is not worth clinging to simply to appease the economic gods. Thats dramatic, people can live how they please, but would you marry a pornstar for life?

>> No.12483168
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>joi all the way at the bottom
>no femdom at all

>> No.12483174
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>> No.12483332

>Cmon my guy, every man is receptive to a japanese girl in a maid costume getting railed
if every man is receptive to an image of a japanese maid getting fucked then it is likely a preprogrammed response to certain intense forms of stimuli. Porn doesn't create fetishes, it makes you realise you had them all along. I'm not gonna play hot potato about whether its nature or nurture, but these desires don't come from porn, porn is only ever a constantly evolving reflection of our changing sensibilities and eroticisms. Alan De Boton is neoliberal scum but the idea of "ethical" pornography has been very successful for a few particular filmmakers. Critique of pornography is basically a critique of the neoliberal consensus if you consider them as sex workers rather than prostitutes.

>in my head you're basically arguing in favor of Pornhub 4K (TM) Anal Gapage Extravaganza 14 on grounds that "its just human nature, jerking off alone in a dark room nightly is very similar to Victorian era sexscapes"
your extreme hyperbole is unwarranted, I never argued that the victorian's way of approaching sex was healthy. The division between public and private is a repressive habit of cognitive dissonance– they condemn and outlaw certain acts, but they nevertheless have a compulsion to learn and understand the roots of deviancy. My point was that they were coming to terms with their depravity, sealing it away in isolated, experimental conditions, whereas now we are openly bombarded with sexual images all the time in the public sphere. Sex is as old as the human race, and deviancy is older still, but it is only in the last half century that real discursive change has taken place. Sex is performative and riddled with sublimated energy, it is an investment in attempting to realise (while endlessly deferring) signification– I am not a woman but I enjoy being pegged, I am not a child but I want to be breastfed by my wife and sleep in a nappy and cot, etc. It's kind of ridiculous to assume that the foundations of civilisation will shake because people start openly discussing why these desires aren't harmful, but we should absolutely interrogate the real problems that pornstars or sex workers face. Porn with the facade of good conscience is better than porn with no conscience at all.

>> No.12483354
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>the disgust born from seeing one who looks just like you, or involving complications relating to post-pregnancy.
Pleb please, not being attracted to your irl biological sister. Step-sister fantasies are not incest at all, and have more in common with childhood friend fantasies.

>> No.12483367

Censorship is for plebs
We should have child porn displayed on billboards

>> No.12483577

>your extreme hyperbole is unwarranted
>whereas now we are openly bombarded with sexual images all the time in the public sphere
It was funny though, right? Lel, anyways the second point here is kind of the whole problem, it happens from a young age too. Realistic and feasible solutions are hard to come by. I feel like you're focusing on sex itself, I'm just talking about the technological modern industry within our society. I don't think kids with smartphones should be able to readily access such things, I don't think snapchat should be constantly advertising sex, etc. It's just a lot of bullshit for a quick (and unethical by my standards) buck. What I meant to get at with the Japanese girl metaphor was that people back then probably didn't even conceive of the kind of stuff we have. Did a young kid who stumbles upon a weird video always have that apple pie fetish somewhere deep down inside him? Was he always destined for the lifetime applepiepremiumvids.com membership? Maybe, maybe not. Having a huge collection of weird high quality porn right in front of you at any moment is unheard of. I'm not assuming the foundations of civilization will shake because people are discussing sexual desires (which although I think they can be harmful, we could, as most rational people, find common ground), I'm just wary we've created a hard to kill monster that we shouldn't be defending.