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12473659 No.12473659 [Reply] [Original]

>Engines of Privilege review – a challenge to Britain's private schools?

>British private schools are a challenge to any progressive government. So small – they cater to just 7% of children – and yet so all-pervasive. So conspicuously unfair and yet so intricately embedded in the establishment. So very hard to uproot. In 1970, the philosopher Mary Warnock summed up the problem crisply: “They have sizable endowments, great prestige, and of course influence. They command a kind of loyalty which is largely irrational … It might be both difficult and unpopular simply to legislate them out of existence, and who knows by what ingenious dodges they might even so manage to survive?”


Is this book kino?

What is your opinion on private schools in Britain?

>> No.12473671

I think it goes beyond school. You can dump as many black kids from council estates into them as you want, we'd still have politicians that are the sons and daughters of former politicians.

>> No.12473672

>who knows by what ingenious dodges they might even so manage to survive?
ah yes the ingenious dodge that the education system would completely collapse and the government would go bankrupt if private schools disappeared

>> No.12473678

third from the left is a dirty shitskin foreigner

>> No.12473682
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If you wanted to ensure social stability and make the economy more fair it would be more pertinent to eliminate the usurious clique of Talmudic vampires controlling the economy, starting with the Bank of England. After that the rest would sort itself out.

>> No.12473689

Do any Brits here know any privately educated people?

Most people I work with are from the top private schools (fees over £21k a year easily).

>> No.12473693

As long as they follow shariah law then there is no need to behead anybody yet.

>> No.12473729

Brits are in love with classism, so I see no problems with any structures propping it up. It's fun to observe them turning into a literal neoliberal feudal state.

>> No.12473762

>there are people on /lit/ who didn't benefit from a classical education
>they weren't reading Virgil in Latin by age 12
>they never acted in a properly staged Shakespeare play
How do plebs expect to become patrician?

>> No.12473806

What is your opinion on public schools previously intended to help out poor Christian children now being literally over-run by wealth Jews looking to worm their way into the British upper class?


>> No.12473813

Education should all be free and the best schools should be populated by those with highest IQ, not rich parents

>> No.12473824

>should be populated by those with highest IQ, not rich parents

There's usually a correlation between those two groups Anon.

>> No.12473825

>those with highest IQ, not rich parents
Same thing. How do you think the parents got rich?

>> No.12473826
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>What is your opinion on private schools in Britain?
I miss Oxfordanon.

>> No.12473831

>Education should all be free
nothing is free you fucking commie

>> No.12473845

It takes a real kind of scumbag to think a school is bad because it performs too well.

>> No.12473854


>> No.12473858

Here's a compromise all Brits can agree in: keep the private schools, introduce racial quotas. That way they can keep sucking each other's cocks and add a few browned sausages to that homosexual orgy known as "British private education."

>> No.12473863

Not the point virgin. The fact is these schools were set up to help poor kids, have since been overrun by Jews and the upper class, and are now demanding charity status, tax exemption etc.

>> No.12473867

>wtf its exactly the same

>> No.12473871

>There's usually a correlation between those two groups Anon.

Not with affirmative action titling the scale and giving rise to a new class of nouveau riche 105 IQ mutts who got jobs at investment firms over the 125 IQ English lad because one of their parents was non-white

>> No.12473875

Rich people pay for power. The government is a kind of power of the non rich people. Because we give the military our sons. The rich know that a military coup is always on the table, so they pay a lot of tax and put poor people to work even though most "jobs" are unnecessary and in that way but power. Private schools are nice because it ensures at least some of the oligarchic class is well educated.

>> No.12473876

>They have sizable endowments, great prestige, and of course influence. They command a kind of loyalty which is largely irrational

This could also apply to leftist parts of academia.

>> No.12473878

Are there non already? If not this is like easiest solution.

>> No.12473885

>It's fun to observe them turning into a literal neoliberal feudal state
Did feudal states have mass surveillance and rampant grooming gangs with wartime levels of rape?

>> No.12473887

Private schools in the UK all have around 10% of their students on bursaries. They do more to help smart kids from poor backgrounds than any state school ever can.

>> No.12473896

did he die?????? last i knew he had dropped out and was dumped by his english rose gf (or maybe she never existed).

>> No.12473899

Racial quotas will just end up with what happened in Harvard and other elite institutions: a backdoor for Jewish dominance while trying to keep whites and asians out while blaming "white privilege".

>> No.12473907

Quotas of any kind are lame. The only quota existing currently in British private schools are quotes to keep Jews out:


Because apparently having former institutions to help White British Christian children turn into means for wealthy Jewish financiers to help little Schlomo find an English Rose girlfriend and secure his position in the elite is against what they stand for.

>> No.12473927

richa nigas can spend money of fancy schools if thay want, thats freedom.

what's so wack is the amount of public money subsidising the damn things

>> No.12473933

Only 1% of private school kids are fully funded by those schools via scholarships. It's in Posh Boys by Robert Verkaik. The rest is PR.

>> No.12473937

Private schools should be outlawed or at least heavily taxed to fund public education. There’s also no reason to allow the privately educated to hold office. They lack the meaningful connection to the state necessary to participate in it successfully.

>> No.12473947

Should rich people be allowed to fund their own public transport system?

Checkmate atheists.

>> No.12473959

of course - though it's up to democracy whether they can use publicly funded roads and so forht or not

>> No.12473963

Agreed. Only those indoctrinated inside liberal madrassas are allowed to join the fabian borg. Also, people without BBC licenses should be given struggle sessions.

>> No.12473969

That's the neoliberal part.

>> No.12473989

absolute joke of a nation

>> No.12474002
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>"Oi, virgin!"

How do you respond /lit/?

>> No.12474005

I don't because they obviously aren't talking to me.

>> No.12474008

Pretend you didn't hear. Keep walking. They could not possibly be talking to me.

By acknowledging the address "virgin," one has already lost.

>> No.12474021


The mass surveillance and rampant rape sounds more like the early days of the communist surveillance state and the gulag system. Although I guess it's a small step from liberalism to communism. I'm curious as to what level of cope you are on to bury inside your mind the thousands of rapes of little girls and the role leftists also had to play in that? I smirk hard at Britbong leftists who talk about feminism but downplay the grooming gangs and make excuses for Pakis. No metoo for them huh. It's like you think we can't notice your sociopathic lies to gain power at any cost.

>> No.12474032

>They have replaced bum-kicking with liberal lines on transgender pupils, colonial patronage with multiculturalism, dumb team sports with Olympic sailing, Flashman with Damian Lewis and “Jerusalem” with James Blunt. They have helped themselves annually to larger and larger slices of what we love and value most of the cultural capital pie, and all the time singing, with Sir Humphrey and Jack Horner, oh what a good (multicultural feminist artistic dyslexic-friendly) girl am I. They’ve boxed a terrific match and it would, sadly, take a much defter, subtler and better researched book than this to even lay a glove on them.
wtf I love the Guardian now

>> No.12474053

Private schools are already flooded with the global elite, plenty of rich Chinese attend

>> No.12474056

I think that changes can be made to make the education system more meritocratic and easier for kids with ignorant parents to benefit from (e.g., culling dumbed down a levels, worthwhile careers advice).

After the above is done, I'm not going to care at all if a disproportionate amount of private schoolers are in X, y, or z universities or positions.

But even though I'm a non leftist I have some exceptions. Why the hell are most of our barristers and judges privately schooled Oxbridgers when law is not an IQ intensive field? This can only be as a result of cronyism within public office, or within fields that are heavily subsidised by the government. Again, I'm a right winger but we need to seriously consider anti private schooler quotas or anti Oxbridge quotas in a few places.

A worthwhile and redpilled government would reduce their influence indirectly. They could abolish arts council England. They could abolish huge subsidies for useless humanities departments that are largely bien pensant clubhouses. The same should be done even if those were helping regular people.

>> No.12474067

Almost every field in Britain is dominated by cronyism, Nepotism matters WAY WAY more than academics getting high earning jobs

>> No.12474076

>I guess it's a small step from liberalism to communism
that's really dumb, anon

>> No.12474081

Quotes are gay, wherever they are applied. I am right wing but stopping a kid who scores better from getting a place / job etc because he's not as poor as someone who didn't get as many right answers is unethical and dumb.

>> No.12474086

But Nepotism happens everywhere, even with Deano who gets his dad to get him a job on site or whatever. It's just that nobody wants peasant jobs, so nobody complains when peasants engage in nepotism. It's only when high IQ, wealthy people get together and engage in nepotism that the peasants begin to shriek.

>> No.12474088

I'm neither British nor a leftist nor a feminist. You seem to be having an argument with some phantasmal strawmen in your head.
>it's a small step from liberalism to communism

>> No.12474091

>People who receive better educations do better in life.
This is not about rich vs poor, the top private schools (Eton, in particular) are incredibly hard to get in to. They also have scholarships for children and sister schools to share teachers and resources. The difference between rich and poor is about culture, I grew up around working and lower middle class kids and they're not taught to value education or hard work.

People like >>12473813 think education is uniform through public schooling but I bet he went to school in a middle class are or a nice grammar. Poor people live in bad areas who's kids don't value education and thus attract crap teachers. It's a on going cycle that is not going to stop until people stop blaming everything else (schooling, government, rich people, etc) and take responsibility for their child's education.

>> No.12474107

To be fair mate, I'm from a povvo background but now work around mostly privately educated people. While it's true that most have a kind of confidence and articulation that I can only assume is the result of a lifetime of positive reinforcement, a lot of privately educated kids aren't intelligent regardless of people pushing them etc. Many drop out of university or don't even attend, but still land comfy jobs in London thanks to their wide network of contacts via school, parenting etc.

>> No.12474112

This throwing money at shit schools doesnt make the kids care more, nice to line adminstrative pockets though

>> No.12474119

>Rich are all high IQ
>but they all get their jobs via Nepotism
hmmmm, makes you think

>> No.12474128

Neither of your quotes appeared in his post, angry poorfag.

>> No.12474137

But throwing money at shit schools would allow further teachers to be hired, which would mean smaller class sizes etc. My years in comp were largely hellish due to a policy whereby Set 1 were mixed with Set 7 so that we clever kids could inspire them or whatever. What you ended up having is a handful of retarded kids from Set 7 fucking up the bunsen burners and throwing tantrums while the rest of us kept our heads down and either studied privately or, as in my case, became ghost-like figures floating around school with nobody to even notice them, remember their name, encourage them or anything. I would personally recommend kids being offered a place in a school for various trades (hairdressing, carpentry, plumbing etc) with a smaller school for kids who want to keep at it with the books etc. And then, if the kids at the trade school figure out they actually want to study instead, they can sit GCSEs or AS level examinations a couple of years later having studied the subjects independently.

>> No.12474143

I'm not implying that they don't benefit from their contacts but them being allowed to pay for private education has nothing to do with it.

My point of contention was the belief that money is the only difference between a poor and rich persons success. The elites that go private school and end up in top positions are naturally gifted, a supportive culture, a great education and finally the network (but I would say this makes the least difference for people at the top).

>> No.12474144
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>not frying the retards on Bunsen lamps and eating them to supplement nutritionally poor school lunch

>> No.12474146

They aren't all high IQ, but they are on average more intelligent, cultured etc than the average white ape. Obviously not all get their jobs via nepotism, because the system would collapse. But many do obviously, and I've seen this first-hand with people getting jobs in London media and arts because they know someone who knows someone who can take them on, knowing in advance they'll have the right "attitude", grasp of manners, accent etc to help reinforce their brand.

>> No.12474151

So tell me Britbongs, what happened to Grammar Schools? Too discriminating based on competence?

>> No.12474152
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>The difference between rich and poor is about culture
your entire post sounds like something a 50 year old wasp cunt who never worked a single day in her life would writte, christ! go back to facebook.

>> No.12474158

>The elites that go private school and end up in top positions are naturally gifted

But this isn't always true. A ton of privately educated kids are shit in exams, but either get into good unis on legacy (look at the Miliband twins and their A level results) or all attend some less prestigious institution en masse, e.g. Newcastle and Oxford Brookes. You can't charm your way into being a high-paying, respected lawyer, but you can find a job in the City without being all that academically bright.

>> No.12474170
File: 19 KB, 320x299, Thenamelessone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your entire post sounds like something a 20 year old collegiate faggot who worked a single blue collar job that one summer would write. go back to /r/socialism.

>> No.12474173

School lunches were admittedly pretty shit. Pasta and tomato sauce, pizza slices, those chicken twizzlers Jamie Oliver had banned, curry and chips. I think there was some healthy food too but I usually ate sandwiches my mum packed.

>> No.12474184

they'd definitely rape you

>> No.12474192

So we need more Grammar schools... The problem with retarded kids is that have a negative effect on the smarter normies because they propagate the idea that it's not cool to work hard.

>> No.12474196

I’m at a uni where getting on for half the student body is privately educated, with another 20/25% coming from international backgrounds. Very rarely meet state-educated people, unfortunately.

>> No.12474199

We still have them but leftist (Corbyn) are now trying to get rid of them because even one should be the same level of dumb if we are to have a fair society.

>> No.12474200
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it's ok anon, sooner or later the realism of capitalism will hit you, now anon we both know you can show the bank jew your gratitude better than that!

>> No.12474204

No shit they end up smarter, daddy paid an absurd amount to send them to a private school. The idea that the rich are some sort of natural aristocracy who earned their position due to individual merit is laughable, most are in their position because daddy or Grandpappy had actual talent and his descendants are living off his success.

>> No.12474210

But Grammar schools were castigated as racist and prematurely intelligentist by national decree.

>> No.12474212

I agree. I don't really understand the arguments against grammar schools.

>> No.12474217

Which uni, if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.12474222

Grammar schools would be fine if vocational schooling wasn't shit tier in Britain. The 11 plus favours rich families who can afford to tutor their children and give them the best chance of passing, poor families who can't afford tutors are stuck in second rate schools with little chance of learning a trade and a lower chance of getting into University compared to grammar school kids.

>> No.12474236

Well intelligence is partly inherited. Apple never falls far from the tree and all that. Several generations of doctors are unlikely to give birth to a total spacka, but several generations of dole bums etc can't be expected to produce anything but.

>> No.12474240

>value education or hard work
why should they. these aren't traditional english ideals. the upper class & lower class have a very similar culture (that comes from the old catholic england), the middle class is the protestant influence of thrift etc. which brought about slum clearance, social security, mass production, the eclipse of high society, the industrialization of agriculture, and the tranquillizing influence of the BBC.
the upper class & lower class are all right, the middle class are the enemy

>> No.12474242

>daddy or Grandpappy had actual talent and his descendants are living off his success.
well people choose their iq or their talent as much as they choose being born in a rich family so stop stirring up the tea over what is essentially the same shit, although the former being more discrete.

>> No.12474261

>because they propagate the idea that it's not cool to work hard.
That's just america. Kids in my school respected the boffins. Though that was 15 years ago, everyone is more retarded now.

>> No.12474264

>Well intelligence is partly inherited
>goes on to refute his own argument
what you're saying is contradictory anon

>> No.12474265

>vocational schooling
Another middle class leftist who thinks all poor people should just be builders because it's a "respectable" job whilst they go off to university. People should have a choice, we shouldn't be shoving kids into trade schools at 12 years old. I know a fair few who would be smart enough to do engineering apprenticeships but settle for a trade because they weren't taught it was a valid path. The best way to give them a choice is varied education up to a respectable age. A more educated society is also a better society.

>> No.12474266


>> No.12474270

Yeah it's not as if wealthy parents can give their children every advantage possible. All hail our rich ubermensch overlords, better than us by birth

>> No.12474272

They're allow for the closest thing to a philosopher-king ruling class that any country has.
They are inherently a good thing.

>> No.12474285

I came from a decent school where we had a mix of middle to working class because of the varied area in England. Whilst you could be cool and hard working, it was very hard to pull off as a guy and most of the cool kids were those who caused trouble.

>> No.12474286

The New Labour mentality of ‘everyone gets a medal’ that pervades education to this day just refuses to die

>> No.12474290
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*decimates your argument*

>> No.12474297

>the upper class & lower class have a very similar culture (that comes from the old catholic england),

Not really, except in things like fox hunting which is just class LARPing for farmers and old boys who have a "pad" in the country. What do the working class have to do with finishing school, south france, the glorious 12th, glyndebourne etc?

>> No.12474304

She went to a Grammar School, it's exactly why she's been shit with Brexit.

>> No.12474309

You do not understand the predicament Theresa May finds herself in.
She is a competent politician and does her best but she cannot please everybody.

>> No.12474319

there’s obviously something wrong with her

>> No.12474322

Fair enough. I didn't know it was that elite tbqh, though I knew that St Andrews is. Are you the lad who had sex with a bunch of black girls because they have a fetish for posh white boys?

>> No.12474327

I grew up poor, i meant that compared to other European countries Britain's trade schools were largely shit and so the 11 plus decided whether you would get a good education and go to University or get a shitty one and not go. Ideally pupils would be placed according to their individual talents (as the 1944 education act intended) but the personal wealth of middle class and up families completely fucked it since they can give every advantage to their children and get them through the 11 plus.

>> No.12474333

She has the tism but she still does a competent job.

>> No.12474336

Her temperament/autism is working against her, plus she didn't really choose to spearhead Britain into a post-Brexit world, so she has no vision for it. No one does, nor does anyone want to take responsibility for getting involved with the aftermath.

>> No.12474340

Do you doubt that some people are "better" than others at birth? Look at the IQ figures of Jews and of Ugandans; there's a reason why one is rigging the world economy and the other is cooking shit cookies for lunch.

>> No.12474343

yikes, my argument still applies to your idea of the super rich Jew and poor Ugandan though

>> No.12474368

But not really though. You're arguing that everyone is equal in terms of academic potential at birth, and that only ebil schools make some people doctors and others not. My argument is that certain races, and within those races certain genetic strains, are what dictate largely how academically inclined a kid would be.

Most famous novelists for example were from middle class or upper class backgrounds.

>> No.12474370

St Andrews is definitely more elite, and has the Will and Kate associations, but Edinburgh is practically the same. Hahah, yeah I am funnily enough.

>> No.12474388

You're both idiots, or simply lack any form of argumentative syntax. Fucking idiots.

>> No.12474391

the system would collapse with 7% more students?

>> No.12474393

Do lefties think that we can just make this completely controlled experiment for intelligence and every person it would churn out would be an isaac newton?

>> No.12474399

Piss off virgin

>> No.12474407

>You're arguing that everyone is equal in terms of academic potential at birth
I'm not, i'm saying that rich parents can provide a better education for their children (private schools or the cheaper option of private tutors) due to their disposable wealth so it is only natural that the children of rich families end up smarter than a child of similar ability from the working class that goes to an underfunded state school. It applies the the super rich Jew because inbetween drinking the blood of christian babes and oppressing the white man he can send little Yeshua to private school or have him tutored entirely at home. In contrast, the Ugandan child (assuming he's from the stereotype of shit tier village) has to go to shitty public schools with about a ten dozen to a class. Even if the two are of similar intelligence, the Jewish child would do better and would probably do better even if he were dumber due to the advantages afforded to him by being wealthy

>complex words
fuck off

>> No.12474410

>You can dump as many black kids from council estates into them as you want
We literally did this in Manchester, it was a massive failure.

>> No.12474420

No, and I'm ambivalent on the subject but countries like Norway have only public schools (except for a couple of religious ones) and they are still a first world country arguably superior to Bongland, which is essentially a cyberpunk oligarchy with a small island of quaint and exclusive Edwardian values surrounded by a sea of degeneracy, poverty and zulu-tier immigrants.

>> No.12474449

There’s nothing inherently wrong with private schools - they offer a deeper and more comprehensive education which produces impressive and well-rounded individuals (for the most part). The issue is that kids with equal potential but fewer resources are not given the same opportunities to flourish and achieve the same academic standards. The differences between teaching offered at private schools (teacher-student ratios, for example) is incomparable to state schools, and gives richer children unfair advantages over poorer children.

Furthermore, private schools have the resources needed to ‘game’ the education system. Take, for example, the fact that practically all private schools submit A-level papers for remarks regardless of whether it’s necessary or not - just in the hope that a few additional marks can be achieved here and there. This costs money, money which state schools don’t have. Where private schools can massage marks for entire classes, a state school can perhaps afford to resubmit only the best and brightest of that class.

Personally, I think the only option is to reintroduce grammar schools. It’s unfair on smart kids to ignore that people are intrinsically smarter than one another, and I think those that have the potential to achieve greatness should be encouraged and nurtured - rather than pushed through the sausage-machine that is the state system.

>> No.12474450

English lefties are fucking embarrassing in how they desperately want England to descend into Euro-primitivism.

>We can be like Norway!

What, contributing nothing to the world and irrelevant?

>> No.12474468

>now anon we both know you can show the bank jew your gratitude better than that!
>pic related
What if he isn't as cute as her

>> No.12474485

The 11 plus didn't sort people by intelligence though, it was gamed by people who could afford to tutor their 11/12 year old to pass the test. People who weren't tutored had little exposure to elements in the test like verbal reasoning and so had very little chance of passing (and the test only allowed one try). Familiarity with test questions is a part of testing that just can't be bypassed and plays as large a part as natural "intelligence". Your solution is to completely ignore the problem and allow people to game the system.

>> No.12474490

Okay I essentially agree with your point and apologize for mischaracterizing it, however the point seems to rest on this:

>Even if the two are of similar intelligence

What I'm asserting is that the average academic potential of your average child with wealthy parents is higher than that of your average working class kid with poorly educated parents. Maybe 1 in 250 Ugandan kids has the same academic potential as the Jewish kid in question, but that Jew is unlikely to be a top performer in his class (whereby the figures for the Ugandan kid would be 1 in 1000 or more). But that is all speculative.

On a personal note, I went to a shit-tier school as a bright kid who earned good grades without much parental backing and with little to no support from teachers. Even there I knew kids poorer than me who were great at maths and science but had absolutely zero motivation to study. Some became labourers, some became steroid abusers, some work in call centres or whatever. On the other hand, I've met a lot of privately educated people who are obviously not academically inclined, but who have a confidence, sense of entitlement, charisma etc which have set the bar of expectations no lower than a well-paying job in London. Some manage to use what talents they do have into earning money, others learn at a much later age what the value of education is and are probably relieved that they landed on their feet despite fucking around in school.

All-in-all I'd argue that grammar schools are the most desirable outcome of all this. I'm not sure it would be worth spending the legal fees etc on trying to shut down private schools. But grammar schools would help add kindling to the fire burning beneath the bums of privately educated kids, who will increasingly find themselves incapable of relying on connections etc alone to make it in the world.

>> No.12474491

Theyre only relavant because of their oil anyway.

>> No.12474495

Don't private schools also sit different exams? I read recently that private schools are still sitting old A levels or something which, while in use at state schools, were known to land kids with higher marks.

>> No.12474502

Not really, and anyway Venezuela were only relevant because of their oil but they still managed to fuck everything up by thinking short-term. At least Norway were intelligent enough to plow it all into sovereign wealth funds.

>> No.12474512

I have a question:

Do you think it's possible for a working class guy who graduated university and went on to earn an average salary, to date and marry an upper-middle class girl who attended a private school, them Cambridge, before securing a relatively high-paying job in London?

Let's say these two people crossed paths in their early 20s and were attracted to one another. Do you think it would have been a waste of time for the working class boy to consider himself a worthy romantic partner for the girl?

>> No.12474516

This whole 'unfair' business is a bit silly. Two kids with similar genetic potential for academic achievement can still find themselves opposite each other on the spectrum of success. There's temperament, there's how child rearing and their parents values in general interact with that, all unlikely to be equal. You can't expect the state to break into people's homes and level the ground by eliminating all variables. Life is unfair, in that variables will never be congruent. So wat your fucking shit sandwich just like everyone else.

But yeah, it's the state's responsibility to at least improve social mobility and access. Grammar schools are a start. Discrimination based on competence isn't a bad thing. Vocational schools and the whole apprenticeships/trade routes aren't bad either as long as they're introduced later (can't decide that 12 year olds are destined welders). You improve nothing by getting rid of private schools. Or whatever it is that people want to do with them, because outside of screechy moaning, they never say what it is that they want to see happen with them.

>> No.12474519

You realise that reintroducing grammar schools doesn’t mean reintroducing the 11 plus? We already test kids at that age with SATs, why not just use those as a form of entrance exam?

Yeah, some do. I have a fair few mates who got really good marks on their A-level equivalent exams, but don’t achieve anywhere near as good at uni level.

>> No.12474530

well anon, it might come as a shock and a controversy, but it depends.

>> No.12474533

What does it depend on?

>> No.12474535

>>All-in-all I'd argue that grammar schools are the most desirable outcome of all this. I'm not sure it would be worth spending the legal fees etc on trying to shut down private schools. But grammar schools would help add kindling to the fire burning beneath the bums of privately educated kids, who will increasingly find themselves incapable of relying on connections etc alone to make it in the world.

My main problem is that grammar schools just end up flooded with middle class children and bright working class kids just end up forced into lower quality schools based on a test taken at age 11 that may determine their whole life.

Depends entirely on the girl anon, different people want different things.

SATs still pigeonhole kids as smart or not at too young an age desu which is one of the issues with the 11 plus.

>> No.12474538

Temperaments, values, the ability to communicate them effectively, etc.

>> No.12474544

I read an article in The Guardian about another book on private schools coming out soon, and the authors wanted to either turn Harrow into a state school or a school for disabled kids.

>> No.12474558

>bright working class kids just end up forced into lower quality schools

But surely if they are bright they would get into grammar? I mean what age do we allow for the fact that some humans are more academically inclined than others?

>> No.12474563

>The problem with retarded kids is that have a negative effect on the smarter normies because they propagate the idea that it's not cool to work hard.
If they're that impressionable, unthinking and naive then they may as well kill themselves

>> No.12474569

Anything is possible mate

>> No.12474587

>But surely if they are bright they would get into grammar?
Yeah one or two but the odds are stacked against them compared to a more well off family who can tutor their child to the test. The age problem is one of the main arguments against sorting children into different academic "streams" and instead keeping them in the same schools but placed in different classes according to ability (as it's much easier to switch them to more rigourous classes if they suddenly "click" at age 14 and excel)

>> No.12474591

Fair enough. What about earnings? Is that lumped in with values?

>> No.12474595

Well yeah, it might be a hurdle, but not necessarily.

>> No.12474602

She’s literally a fall guy designed to take the heat for BREXIT

>> No.12474603

Wasn’t it about this time last year he made that big sad post, I can remember the pic he took somewhere near Magdalen Bridge, always wanted to know what year and college he was in - guess I’ll never know, he was never likely to share that info.

>> No.12474607

>If they're that impressionable, unthinking and naive then they may as well kill themselves

You underestimate what a mixture of various cultural influences, e.g. divorce, no familiarity with high culture, nigger culture glamorized on mainstream cultural programming, resentment-stoking politics etc can do to a kid who doesn't have anybody to guide them.

>> No.12474608
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Is this true?

>> No.12474617

source? i'd believe the tax haven shit though. People were openly stating that they wanted us to become the Singapore of the west

>> No.12474618

Surely the younger you sort them into comp vs grammar the less influence external forces such as tutoring will have? Raw intelligence etc.

>> No.12474625

>(as it's much easier to switch them to more rigourous classes if they suddenly "click" at age 14 and excel)

Ah, I didn't read up until here before replying. Yeah I guess that's a point. There are a lot of considerations and variables.

>> No.12474635

Maybe? i'm still sure that wealthy parents would manage to exploit the system to their advantage. It's an impossible thing to avoid and you can't really blame parents for wanting the best for their children.

>> No.12474637


What if the guy is earning £25k in his mid-20s in London, with student debt, no financial backing from family, with the girl pretty much assuming that her own kids (plural) will attend private school, that she will one day have her own cozy little home in the country (£500k at least), holidays, novel experiences (gigs, dinners, etc)?

Surely practical considerations would eventually lead her to realize the guy she's dating is deadweight and can't provide life to the standard she is used to?

>> No.12474645

that's the problem...duh

>> No.12474648

Might be good to clarify the difference between american definitions of public private etc in education because I believe there are some key differences

>> No.12474651

What's for dinner tonight /britlit/?

Probably gonna have chips, small boiled rice and curry sauce from the Chinese myself.

>> No.12474657

In the UK:

Public = private
State = free

In the US:

Private / Prep = private
Public = state

>> No.12474669

I do not see the problem with grammar schools. In the Netherlands you have a similar form of Grammar schools. After elementary school your elementary teacher gives you an advice on which school you should go to. So the teacher has a really large say in this, that is why we have a test, same as the 11+ which every child makes. This also accounts for which school is being advised.

There are a few options:
1. Basic Level: For kids who are dumb. Takes 4 years
2. For kids that are going into trades, hairdresser, builder etc. Takes 4 years
3. Middle Level: This is the average or something like that. You are being prepared for trades or office jobs I guess. You can also do engineering or something afterwards. Takes 4 years
4. Higher Level: These people go to a higher school afterwards, some level below Uni. They learn advanced, practical skills. Bussiness management, IT, engineering etc. 5 years
5. This would be grammar school, preparation for going to university. Takes 6 years.

The first 3 levels go to another school afterwards to learn trades etc. in different levels.

All these kids go to the same school the first 3 years, afterwards the level 4 and 5 kids go to another school to do the last years. Sometimes in more densely populated areas like cities there are schools solely devoted to the 5th level. I would not view them as elite, anyone can go there as long as you are smart enough. If you get good enough grades you can also advance a level from say 3 to 4. If you finish 4th school you can do another 2 years to go to 5th level if you want to.

>> No.12474672

and? 90% of politicians are fall guys

>> No.12474674
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a few modest 6 figure earners too

>> No.12474836

manc twat detected

>> No.12474852

Think I’m gonna buy myself a Sainsbury’s ready meal, feeling lazy. Any reccs lads?

>> No.12474882

then no mate, not a chance. Is that what you want to hear? I know nothing about these two people as individuals, nor their relationship, nor how much the woman is making.

Go write a letter to Cosmopolitan's advice column.

>> No.12474894

Girls are dumb though?

>> No.12475840

Speaking of private schools. Any freemasons in the thread?

>> No.12475885

How would this ensure social stability and make the economy more fair? Please give me specific reasons

>> No.12475934

Aren't grammar schools either all boys or all girls?
Everyone kept on saying you would have a 30% chance to turn out gay after attending a grammar school

>> No.12475973

We in the states also have people calling for an end to privatized education, usually racially motivated more than class motivated.
>It is impossible not to ask such questions at LA High. The immodestly categorical character of its name owes much to the school’s long history: when it opened in 1873, it was the only high school in Southern California. It has produced a number of eminent alumni, including the actor George Takei and Charles Francis Richter, the inventor of the Richter Scale. Today, LA High is what’s called a community school, intended to serve the surrounding area. But the neighborhood just to the north, Hancock Park, is 71 percent white, with a median income of $85,000; the student body, meanwhile, is 79 percent Latino, 12 percent African-American, 7 percent Asian, and 64 percent “economically disadvantaged,” drawn from Koreatown, Mid-City, and neighborhoods farther afield.
For the record, I knew one of the few white students who attended LA High while I attended a private high school nearby. For their own safety, white students were taken to an off-campus location in a secured building. The regular LA High campus has its own on-site holding facility for people who commit crimes there during the school day. In a diverse area, private high schools are a self-preservation technique more than some sort of nepotism orgy. May be different in the UK, though. All I'm saying is pay attention to what's happening in our education system, too.

>> No.12475998

I was privately educated.

There is no way private schools ever die.

>> No.12476000


>What is your opinion on private schools in Britain?

British elitist culture in general is fairly gay, and they have not produced any worthwhile art or philosophy that could justify the elitist attitude since Woolf and Whitehead.
Currently, Damien Hirst is the purest example of the self-congratulating vulgarity and kitsch of British elitist culture.

>> No.12476005

This is how it used to be in Australia. Selective state schools.

>> No.12476010


Keeping her will probably be an issue though m8, ngl. Depends if you get one of those old money girls who hate their parents.

>> No.12476023

Good luck with keeping admissions standards

>> No.12476026

look at that hyperchad in the middle

>> No.12476054

No blacks or mexicans in Australia so idk what point you trying to make.
And >used to be

>> No.12476094

>No blacks or mexicans in Australia
Yet. And isn't Australia expected to take in everyone from the Pacific whose islands will soon be underwater?

>> No.12476102

>thus attract crap teachers
Private schools are filled with shit teachers too

>> No.12476112

Crouch into a copulatory stance and begin thrusting while shouting "this is me hangin out ya mum ya queer!" Banter is a must lads.

>> No.12476130

Waiting on my admission for St Andrews as we speak boys. I could finally escape my Northern rural shithole existence and actually get some where. This is what a lot of friends think, I’ve had one cry after not being admitted into Cambridge. There’s no other way of getting out of here.

>> No.12476150

>The 11 plus favours rich families who can afford to tutor their children
No it fucking doesn't you cretin stop mindlessly regurgitating this idiotic talking point
It literally requires no general knowledge to pass you can pass it with ease merely by turning up on the day without having done any prior work

>> No.12476151

checked and correct,
Although Damien is still working class at heart, realistically upper and middle class art goes under the radar for a reason and that is you need to be into the scene or have connections to locate the artists and pertinent gatherings because marketing is only used as a business tactic by the working class. Clout is the equivalent for the upper-middle and above.
Thus the common folk only see Tracy Emin and below.

>> No.12476160

You've been listening to Germanfags haven't you? St Andrews is a fucking terrible choice unless you've got a job already lined up for you.

>> No.12476198

I can imagine it is, it’s basically a town of students and Americans after all, but I’m pretty lucky financially so I don’t necessarily need a job. I’m a bit torn between exeter or st andrews or even Warwick atm. I don’t really know, but any advice would be really appreciated.

>> No.12476214

You don't want a state to have complete hegemony over education.. A lot can go wrong.

>> No.12476219

No need. We have chauffeurs.

>> No.12476220

Worst post I have ever seen on the internet

>> No.12476247

What are you planning on studying?

>> No.12476266


>> No.12476275

Apply to Durham as well as Andrews.

>> No.12476286

>think the only option is to reintroduce grammar schools
Grammar schools are racist. No child will be left behind.

>> No.12476296
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Mate I’m scrambling to get out of the Norf. Durham is a great uni no doubt but it’s still close enough for me mam to pop in fa bangers an’ mash

>> No.12476300

that's good advice
durham is usually where the not so clever rich students go

>> No.12476364

Durham's history department is one of the best in the country, if not the best.

>> No.12476387

Misused pertinent, post disregarded

>> No.12476420

Non-britfag here but didn't until the 1970s there exist a system of exam admission scholarships to such schools? As well as schools which were entirely merit in the grammar school system? I'm pretty sure Labour as part of some meritocratic crusade destroyed the rungs on the ladder for young working class guys to actually get out of that life lmao. I'm only half remembering this but I'm pretty sure that was the gist of it. Previously you could take your bright kid to the grammar school and should he pass the tests wind up at a good school.

>Because we give the military our sons. The rich know that a military coup is always on the table
What. Its literally never been that way do you understand how a military much less your military works? Bullshit Private Chav is gonna raise a finger that Vice Rear Admiral Sir Arthur Tiddlywinks doesn't give permission for. The English working class are the most passive in the world. Your daughters are being prostituted by Pakis, you're watching the falseness of your democracy play out right before your eyes with Brexit just not happening because the rich dont want it lmao and the average BMI of the working man must be abysmal. Throw in the fact that 60% of them were born out of wedlock to non-existent families and most of them think TV dinners grow on trees - its not really a revolutionary base. But they're perfect cattle and your elite know it. Australia Day is a good time to say it but I think everyone in England with any brain cells to rub together got the fuck out by any means if they were smart. If your grandparents didn't even manage to scurry out by the 50s and you were born working class in England its safe to say you're the most passive and bovine of the race and thats why you stayed on the rainy surveillance state island. So no, a coup is not on the table and never will be.

>> No.12476450

What are American private schools like? Are they based on the British model or are they their own thing? My romantic notion of them is that they're "WASP" holdouts but I imagine they're flooded with crass gooks with cash they swindled out of Shanghai, same as any other private school now. You're right about schools becoming segregated and for good reason too. Haven't seen that so much in Australia but in Britain and America I understand the "colour line" is very thick. Dated a girl from Chicago once and she lived in a lily white school and lived in a white area, cross the highway and suddenly its heart of darkness 49% literacy lmao.

>> No.12476555

>Imagine wanting a competent, educated ruling class.

>> No.12476558


>> No.12476646

that wasn't a dig at durham

>> No.12476654

you're so clever i wish i was you

>> No.12476983

Same thing happens in the U.S. It's not what you know, it's who you know. Especially in the Ivy League schools. Family and social connections will get you into much higher level positions than you could get going through regular recruitment channels.

>> No.12477017

Confirmed, am Oxbridge-educated moron.

>> No.12477022

How is it a misuse of pertinent?

>> No.12477048

If you ever want to actually enjoy yourself at uni, don’t go to Durham or Andrews. Come to Edi.

>> No.12477052

This but unironically

>> No.12477439

All schools should be private. Take the yellow pill faggot

>> No.12478493

t. retard who knows nothing about what the 11 plus was and the industry of tutoring that developed around it

>> No.12478504

people who do poorly on the SAT’s are basically always going to do poorly on any fluid intelligence based tasks regardless of tutoring

>> No.12478946

Can confirm, being born in this milieu.
Anglos were a mistake.

>> No.12478960

Too simplistic. not all private schools are public schools

>> No.12478989

Rice munchers live in absolute misery and look how well they are doing
That alone should dismiss any argument against private schools, I grew up in them and you would be amazed how many teenagers struggled to read basic texts like news articles or garfield

>> No.12478997

>Black man raises above his peers
>Manages to get a Harvard quality education
>Provides well above living conditions for his children
>Provideshigh level education that every few people can afford to them
>His children should still get affirmative action just to see more minorities represented in government and big industry over, you know, actual poor people who need and deserve it

>> No.12479001

>Free education
That is retarded and never free. The more expensive it is the better it is.

>> No.12479034

friendly reminder of hope and optimism that your education and schooling are not the same thing

>> No.12479055
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>"You *have* read Sir Harry Hotspur of Humblethwaite, haven't you Anon? I mean, it's practically canon."

What do you answer /lit/?

>> No.12479056

In the team I manage at work there's a mixture of kids who went to state school and kids who went to public school. Those who went to public school aren't brighter than the state school ones. They're simply more confident and have a greater belief in themselves, although sometimes this turns into unwarranted arrogance.

If a public school kid says he wants to be prime minister he's encouraged and told he can achieve it. If a state school kid says he wants to be prime minister his peer group will talk him down and tell him to know his place.

This only really affects white kids, as Indian and Chinese parents push their kids on to succeed.

>> No.12479065
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I say I don't see race at all and we're all British.

>> No.12479072

What kind of workplace / industry?

And I agree about the confidence thing. I actually heard my boss say "Great public school confidence" after interviewing a guy for a job with my company. The guy was almost a parody of himself, not sinister but would post-ironically refer to people as scum, went on yachting holidays, read Tatler presumably looking to see if he'd made it in. I've read Tatler since finding out about it through him, as it's really like looking into a different world for me. Absolutely cringe for the most part.

>> No.12479101 [DELETED] 
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>"Forgot the password did you, virgin? Well, it looks like you're not invited then, doesn't it."

What's your next move in this situation /lit/?

>> No.12479183

what about waugh

>> No.12479196

Why should you not want your children to be privileged?

>> No.12479207

I'd rather that they have a clue about how life is lived by most people tbqh. Bubble-coddling is cringe.

>> No.12479237

but most people are miserable

>> No.12479870

>What kind of workplace / industry?

I think the term we use these days is 'wealth management.' Making rich people richer.

>it's really like looking into a different world for me.

I know what you mean. When I hear some of their conversations it's completely alien to me. I don't begrudge them for it, but it is annoying that I've had to work much harder than they are to get into the same position whilst they get things handed on a plate to them, like a six figure house deposit from their parents.

Focusing on public schools is a complete distraction. The real issue is that the state education system needs vastly improving and so much wealth still being hoarded by families who gained it during the Norman conquest.

>> No.12481361

>You know those really amazing schools that produce the best people?
>We should close them down

>> No.12481365

>It's unfair that you can pay for a better education.
Lmao, fuck off socialists. Just because you're too poor, doesn't mean you're entitled to it.
Unless, you're child is intelligent enough to get offered funding.

>> No.12481390

It's not, he is probably just butthurt because his parents are usurious Talmudic vampires