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/lit/ - Literature

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12473884 No.12473884 [Reply] [Original]

I’ve been mostly stuck with Anime and Manga up until now, but I am longing to read more works that originate outside of Japan in order to broaden my range of influence.

Can anyone recommend me old, classic literature (I have a thing for older pieces of art that were created before I was born), preferably character focused stories?

>> No.12473901

The Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.12473906
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>> No.12474106


>> No.12474115

The Brothers Karamazov is what you are looking for.

>> No.12474133
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Russia is your new Japan trust me

>> No.12474139

Ashita no Joe is also big on the whole historical / social underclass aspects, right?
ever read Dickens?

>> No.12474178

read the sangokushi manga, its fucking great

then put your big goy pants on and read Romance of The Three Kingdoms

>> No.12474295

Just finished reading that book. It is quite "slow" desu but very well written in many aspects. But i expected more nihilist vs conservative talk discussion instead of a turning of events where the nihilist loses his ideals.
I dont understand very much the nihilist figure that the book presents, Bazarov starts as someone who doesnt believe in romance and the existance of a authority figure, but as the novel progresses we see that he falls in love with a aristocrat princess and his "disciple" despite following his ideas, he always treats him as authority. But this wasnt the "nihilist" i was expecting to be protraited here, i was expecting a more "philosophical" nihilist, one that treats everything as a matter of subjectivity instead of a person that only believes in the "objective" phisical "nature".

>> No.12474360
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It’s one of the stories themes, a part of the manga focuses on Joe’s and his Coach Danpei trying to cross the Bridge of Tears the opposite way.

Haven’t heard about Dickens up until now since I don’t read a lot of books. A quick Google search though tells me that I definitely missed out on something though.

>> No.12474381

i think turgenev understands human nature a lot better than he understands nihilism desu

>> No.12474511

Iliad, Odyssey, Aeneid, Divine Comedy, Paradise Lost

None are "difficult to read", but have obviously stood the test of time and reward careful reading with a wealth of meaning

>> No.12474580

Read jap lit..

>> No.12475445

I think the first TV series of Ashita No Joe is /lit/ as fuck, its narrative is quite superlative.
The second "season" is pretty meh desu
Never read the manga