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/lit/ - Literature

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12473064 No.12473064 [Reply] [Original]

Best English translation? Any translations written by people favourable to Hitler so I don't have to read a heavily butthurt-annotated edition by Moses Nosegowitz or cringy WASP execration ver.102393049?
Something with a nice cover for vanity purposes wouldn't hurt too

>> No.12473082

Just pick a non annoted version you autist or learn german to read the original.

>someone favorable to Hitler
Might as well ask for someone sympathic to Dtalin or Pol Pot.

>> No.12473084

>Might as well ask for someone sympathic to Dtalin or Pol Pot.
that's pretty much half of academia

>> No.12473088
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There's plenty of people favourable to those two

>learing german to read Hitler's diary desu

>> No.12473093

And those people are spiteful retards, it's not exactly the kind of translator you want for objectivity.

>> No.12473097

why do you want to read mein kampf?

>> No.12473098

I don't want objectivity or anything census confirming, if I'm going to read something partisan I'd rather it be from the people favourable to the author and not some spiteful vindictive fag considering the book itself is trying to convince you of something

>> No.12473105

Because Hitler is the single most controversial figure ever in history, the fact that he dictated a book is a miracle
I also fucking HATE kikes and niggers and jannies

>> No.12473115

ive only read one chapter because aint nobody got tiem to learn the fucking old letters in german but it was pretty boring. dont expect too much and dont forget it was written in 1925.

>> No.12473139

it's amazing how much time is wasted on morality in these kinds of posts.
OP wants to fucking read a fucking book.
His request is clear.
If you have the info help, if not gtfo.
omg the state of /lit/

>> No.12473148

Stalag edition. It is the only English translation which was approved by the Third Reich. All the other versions are made post-war.

>> No.12473165

this seems to be the case

is the one you buy off Amazon worthwhile or are there any other publishers/vendors with better versions

>> No.12473191


Not really. Someone like Lenin, Marx Trump, Napoleon, etc would be a much better exemple.

>> No.12473252

You're probably the dumbest nigger breathing if you think any of those are a fraction as controversial

Maybe if you live in fucking India or something

>> No.12473266

actually rescinding this, Marx is more controversial but the rest are dumb

>> No.12473300

How is hitler even remotly controversial? Most people consider him evil. You can make a better argument for Dtalin because he ended his rules without killing himself. Trump has a much better aprovale rating than Adolf and Napolean isn't only seen as a dictator.

Do you know what controversial mean?

>> No.12473439

I just bought the one on Amazon and was not disappointed. Dont expect anything edgy in this book though. It mostly outlines his youth and why he thinks politically as he does with some policies he would want to implement. The average shitpost on 4chan is way edgier than this book but if you want to read it to understand Hitler and his politics it is absolutely great. I would also want to add Richard Tedor his book Hitlers Revolution to what you should order. He explains national socialism and why the they did what they did very well.

>> No.12473514

I've read half of it before a while ago so I have an idea of it, just want a proper ed in paperback

>Most people consider him evil.
I'd say there's a bit more nuance than that but I'm talking more in regard to how he's a figure whos ghost is continually around in all contemporary matters and since his career and death, no secular great person has left a flame burning so continually, fiercely and consistently, his only comparisons are the messiahs and messengers, Buddhas and Muhammads and Jesus'.

>> No.12473864

>Dont expect anything edgy

Pretty sure he goes on about jews and the need to colonize the east, which is fairly edgy.

>I's say there's a bit more nuance than that

Even if you count stormfag it still a minorities.

>he's a figure whos ghost is continually around in all contemporary matters and since his career and death, no secular great person has left a flame burning so continually, fiercely and consistently,

Marx and Napy still have much bigger influence than Hitler I'd say, even if their names aren't as well known because of their more complex and ancient actions.

>> No.12473883

Napoleon isn't controversial at all.

>> No.12473902

Napoleon actually was a father of modern laws on property and the idea of united Europe on the one hand and a narcissistic dictator and warmonger on the other one, so he's definitely was more controversial than Hitler. Plus, the fact of him being less edgy in his deeds also makes him look more favourable speaking of controversy

>> No.12473914

>hailed both as a hero and a dictator
>legal reform throughout Europe that tremendously changed it.

>> No.12474040
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Ihr erbärmlichen Englisch-Schwuchtel, der einzige Weg dieses Meisterwerk zu absorbieren ist die Sprache des Deutschen Vaterlandes zu lernen.

>> No.12474292

>Most people consider him evil.
>Do you know what controversial mean?

>> No.12474306
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>> No.12474325

>the need to colonize the east
>which is fairly edgy
The low level of water in Eastern rivers over the past year revealed many "hunger stones". Many people have been derided as being lunatic for suggesting that some of these areas were ever populated by Germans. The hunger stones with German inscriptions tend to counter the argument that Germans were never there. Germans displacing Slavs is no more edgy than Slavs displacing Germans.

>> No.12474875
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Controversy is something you get people hot under the collar over, nobody gives a hoot about fucking Napoleon in anno domini twenty nineteen, there's nobody minced or wringing their hands about his European war or his spreading the ideals of the French Revolution around, unless there's some strain of Monarchism in vogue I'm unaware of in Europe.

>> No.12474911
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holy shit OP literally baited all you fuckers into bumping his shitty fucking thread. stop arguing about these meaningless "nuanced" bullshit and trying to be objective with these people. it's pointless.
fucking this >>12473139
you are literally helping /pol/ by playing their game. just answer the request or leave.
at least it's actually related to literature which is far more than what could be said for the rest of these people. have some fucking discipline.

>> No.12475747

Two counterarguments:
1)Remains doesn't give you moral justifications to genocide severals countries
2)Germans need to die

You're underestimating the wound he gave to the british ego.