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/lit/ - Literature

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12471011 No.12471011 [Reply] [Original]

What page is the shit eating scene in Gravity's Rainbow on?

>> No.12471025

238 in the Penguin Version

>> No.12471057

I mean there's not much more to the shit eating scene than there is in that paragraph that gets posted everywhere.

>> No.12471107

280 in the vintage

>> No.12471218
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Just started reading this book. What am I in for lads?

>> No.12471271

A crazy ride, if you're not a lazy reader. Common giving up points are: the giant adenoid, Slothrop talking about his ancestors which transitions into a scene about a seance, the Kenosha kid, the shit eating scene. Once you make it past that you've made it further than 90% of /lit/. Once you get to Part II the book stops being so fragmented. Good luck.

>> No.12471278


>> No.12471298

Thanks fren I appreciate your points. Honestly looking forward to it.

>> No.12471299

First 200 were good. Hit a wall at 400. Starts getting repetitive.

>> No.12471309

I've watched a couple of /lit/ youtubers review this book and say it can be confusing to follow but if you push through it and continue reading you'll just "get it". Hoping I'm not just another pseud.

>> No.12471344

Uh, I don’t know about that. Felt like I “got it” too much, if that makes sense.

>> No.12471351

If you're talking about the post-colonial stuff, that's only a fragment of the content

>> No.12471371

The Penguin version is apparently not well-edited. I would recommend an older version, the original paperback is not very expensive iirc.

>> No.12471389

what happen to slopthrop, bros?

>> No.12472863

He becomes the myths he created during his adventures in the Zone, each one leading a separate life in the mass consciousness of the people there.

>> No.12472882

I am 100 pages in and starting to feel like I have a better chance of understanding the book if it was written in Korean

>> No.12472933

yeah, it almost always reads like an incoherent mess written in one sitting by someone high on crack cocaine or lsd or both at once

>> No.12472948

Bышeл Дeцл нa кpыльцo пoчecaть cвoё яйцo, cyнyл pyкy нeт яйцa, пoшeл пиздить y oтцa.
Bышeл Дeцл нa кpыльцo пoчecaть cвoё яйцo, cyнyл в pyкy 3 яйцa, мнoгo cпиздил y oтцa!=)

>> No.12472980

He’s killed by Komical Kamikazes

>> No.12473791
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Have you watched Evangelion? Basically that.

>> No.12473815
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>Once you get to Part II the book stops being so fragmented
Yeah, and by the end it's completely linear and straighforward, and you finally get all the answers to the various mysteries

>> No.12473827

(You) reading Pynchon is the real shit eating scene.

>> No.12473954
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Of course.

>> No.12473970

It actually is pretty straightforward once you think about it a bit and maybe use the wiki a little bit to look up some of the trickier references

>> No.12473980

pynchon and joyce are degenerate fag memes, kys OP

>> No.12473993

This but ironically

>> No.12474011

Yumsy-numsy 'n' poopsie-poo,
If I'm a degenerate, so are you

>> No.12474153

What a jarring change from Mason and Dixon Jesus Christ.

>> No.12474168

But NGE is trash though?

>> No.12474174

oh well

>> No.12474177

Based superfluous question mark poster.

>> No.12474794

its fixed in new prints

>> No.12475872

tru dat. The book has layers after layers of meaning, OP. This is a good article about another one:


>> No.12475884


>> No.12475904

>made it further than 90% of /lit/
They aren't missing much. Part I is the best because of based Roger.

>> No.12475909

What the fuck, the Kenosha Kid was one of the best, most memorable chapters.

>> No.12475957

Part IV is obviously the best

>> No.12475960
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>> No.12476091

No, but it's good too because there's some Roger in it. Part III is good because there's a lot of Tchitcherine in it. Only part II is kind of shit to be honest but part I is still the best.