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12466717 No.12466717 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you dedicated your life to study and ascetic living?

>> No.12466724

where would i get money for food or find a place to live

>> No.12466726

who says i haven't

>> No.12466820

Hunt in woods, all of your problems are solved

>> No.12466824

Who pays for my hunting equipment?

>> No.12466829

>hunting equipment
you're not ready

>> No.12466831

but then I'll get arrested

>> No.12466841


>> No.12466842

I'd be hunting out of season.

>> No.12467273

Well prison means free food, time to think and occasional stabbings, thats something.

>> No.12467282
File: 27 KB, 310x474, hermitspeterfrance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get hyped.

>> No.12467305

Hunting and skinning takes a ton of time. You can't just press X or whatever, you'll be too busy to do any study

>> No.12467320

If you isolate yourself from the social context you lock away some of the potential in yourself.

>> No.12467652

If you engage on the social context you lock away some of the potential in yourself.

>> No.12467666

just throw that bitch on a fire and peel of the skin when you eat it

>> No.12467685

>Eating an entire deer in one meal
>Burning animal hair
>Not keeping the skin for a warm-ass coat
You wont survive the winter

>> No.12467694

devilish trips of absolute truth.

>> No.12467696

I live somewhat ascetically and spend most of my free time studying.

>> No.12467705

Study fucking what? The flight patterns of fuckin BIRDS? Everything worth studying has been studied to completion. Every thought worth thinking has already been thought and everything worth inventing has been inventing. It's over for the enlightened scholar types, madam. Do yourself a favor and get a real job. *PTOOEY* fuckin cuck.

>> No.12467720

Did for about 10 years and realized everything that motivated me was delusional silliness. It was a hard pillow to awallow admitting i'd become such a self-important idealogue just to live up to fantasies I'd gotten in fiction and the righteous indignation I had grown addicted to. The human race is fucked and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. I'm just going to ride it off the cliff. I don't regret studying so much. Being this deeply and reflexively skeptical is going to keep me from being taken advantage of too much in life. But I'd been knowingly and intentionally depriving myself of joy for what? To educate the world? To always have a response to everything? To know I was better than people? To feel important? I won't. I don't. I'm not. And I'm not. And I'm bored and miss smoking weed.

>> No.12467743

>ascetism didn't bring him joy
This is what happens when you have low IQ and try to become a hermit. Cringe.

>> No.12467799

You can eat while still hating food. That’s my way of asceticism.

>> No.12467809

Did you know that the concept of Iq is bullshit?

>> No.12467810

i do. i shun social contact and study the mystics of 4chan all day

>> No.12467864

cause i read siddhartha

>> No.12467902

silly, you fish. more nutritious, easier to do, eat the whole thing so no need to skin it, no getting caught with the bines or pelts or antlers and getting fined/arrested.
>mild look of disgust when you realise /lit/ hasn't read Walden

>> No.12467903


>> No.12467908

>Everything worth studying has been studied to completion
Get a load of this prole

>> No.12467921

I've got dirt on every one of you. Trust. And do not try.

>> No.12467946

>Being alive just to belligerently refuse all life.

Why not kill yourself and truly reach enlightenment?

>> No.12467958

Because I live in New York City

>> No.12467978

>Thinking IQ is not the single best indicator of income, incarceration, education level, health, longevity etc.

>> No.12467979

I'm tempted to. Mid 30s, net worth of around $500k if I were to cash everything out. Would probably have to get divorced to fully commit, so take that amount down to $250k.

How many years do you think I could manage with that kind of starting cash, /lit/?

>> No.12467985

feel like sharing more of your story and experiences? I'd like to hear them for one.

>> No.12467998

>so take that amount down to $250k
kek, and the rest. As for the living part, you could get some passive investments like hire and property manager and soem rental units to bring you income. Make a trip into a local town once a month and withdraw cash their with an ID from the branch, no cash card needed. Or buy land and homestead it. Sell produce at market to pay for your living expenses. Live simply off the land with all the books you could want and a dog. You can even keep the wife in this arrangement if she fancies becoming a farmhand/country girl.

>> No.12468007

Jealous of your loot, anon. How did you even get that much money. Most I ever saved was like $8k. That is easily enough to build an off-grid cabin.

>> No.12468025

Nice trust fund. Up the ante and you'll get a clearer picture.

>> No.12468030

Some people don't need to save when others save for them.

>> No.12468033

asceticism is moronic

>> No.12468037

Decent jobs with retirement plans, and bought a house that appreciated in value ~40% since it was purchased 5 years ago.

Honestly I've always (half-heartedly) dreamed of pulling a Thoreau (and Walden's chapter on economy shows how manageable it is provided you have free land, which I don't), but it would be a huge lifestyle adjustment. Even so a small self sufficient cabin with lots of books and not many people around sounds great, at least in the abstract.

>> No.12468039

Or maybe he is a hard working, smart, successful gentleman who deserves every penny he has.

>> No.12468040

nice rythm

>> No.12468044

>He thinks the only reason for living is sensual pleasure
I bet you think love is paramount to life too.

>> No.12468049


>> No.12468051

>provided you have free land, which I don
Thoreau also didn't have your starting cash. A plot of land (depending on where you live) should not be hard to get hold of that can have a well dug, arable land for vegetable gardens, and maybe some livestock like goats, which are easy to manage and productive. If you wanna do it, go for it. Or build a cabin off grid and go there in the summer, try living for a few weeks without running water and electricity and see how you like it. You can always fit it out at a later date and jsut use as a summer house if you want.

>> No.12468053

The whole point is to abandon the pathetic vices of the earth. You don't need any money. If you wanted to truly be ascetic, you would burn it all. What you are talking about is being a neet.

>> No.12468061

>denying yourself the occasional cheeky joint

Never gonna make it

>> No.12468067

>t. Pathetic hedonist

>> No.12468070

This but unironically

>> No.12468074

>iq and health are correalated
Wait, what? Isn't your health 75% genetics? So if you have good IQ genetics that means you have good health genetics too, or what ?

>> No.12468076

What's to share? I trapped myself into a self-validating masturbatory box of confirmed biases and self-importance and I did so because I thought it would lead to great things. It didn't. It led to hatred because the world wouldn't put the effort I did into self-assessment, self-betterment, and self control. And why should they? It didnt give me any answers. It gave me the ability to scrutinize other people's answers so well that none of them held up. There is no more point or purpose to being that way than any other way. So I went back to martial arts and powerlifting and got certified as a personal trainer and focused on skills that applied to real life and hobbies that could get me laid. It's one way to live. I no longer care what other people do.

What you have isn't joy. It's a safe bubble away from the existential uncertainty we all face. Your bubble is no more sifferent than that of any addict, cult member, or hedonist. It's a gigantic cope.

>> No.12468083

Nice straw man. Nobody said that. There doesn't have to be a point to life or any such thing as love in order for asceticism to be no less masturbation than anything else.

>> No.12468086

Whoops. Tagged and didn't comment.
I started heavily in the psychedelics and got serious later on. Ten years is a long time.

>> No.12468091

IQ is highly genetic too anon. But there are other factors, like mental stability and emotional stability too. High IQ people tend to be free from depression also (except the very high autist types). So they tend to eat better, can afford better lifestyles, all the behavioural factors that lead to long term health etc. I think Forbes did a breddy gud article on it recently about what it effects.

>> No.12468095

The internet is very addicting and I sometimes dream of shagging girls as opposed to finding perennial truths in words

It's either a weakness of will, an inability to comprehend the virtuous reasons for asceticism, or a recognition of asceticism unsuitability to my disposition. I think dedicating your life to education, the studying of ideas and literature is a noble pursuit in this day and age, but what form of asceticism are you talking about? Catholicism? Marxism? Continental philosophy or analytical? You inevitably have to specialise. I've never met anyone who could provide an expert account of all these subjects simultaneously. I think practicing a virtue of routine studying and reading is morally good, but dedicating 14 hours a day and going full monk mode is arguably not for everyone. One would say we have to participate in life rather than being detached observers

>> No.12468106
File: 28 KB, 400x300, 3+monks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A friend of mine did, he became a forest monk in Burma. Lived under trees, in caves, et cetera, for many years. (Pic related, that is him in the centre.)

>> No.12468118

what a fucking larper

>> No.12468124

I'd honestly consider doing that LARP too if i get a roof over my head, some food and plenty of time to read and work out.

>> No.12468133

beats wageslave corporate LARP'ing

>> No.12468139

that's an interesting story anon, thanks for sharing. I meant more about the nuts and bolts, but this is something I wanted to know too. Did you go to a cabin in the woods like in Walden or Uncle Ted? Or a farm? Did you have much of any contact? How'd you get by with food and expenses etc?

>> No.12468140

it was a joke, i was being the typical /lit/ moron. your friend presumably upset his entire life to go live an authentic ascetic lifestyle and i'm throwing electric peanuts at him from the upper gallery.

I'm in the process myself, in the Catholic faith.

>> No.12468157

I've lived in or under a series of hammocks, tents, tunnels, bridges, and literal actual caves. I showered at gyms and libraries and had a lot of jobs washing dishes and spinning signs. Tried dealing drugs for a while but literally all of those people were parasites. I don't actually blame the drugs. Twenty year olds are retarded off drugs too.

>> No.12468168

One would hope there was a middle ground between being a NEET and being Diogenes.

Fair enough, and you make some good points anon. Thank you.

>> No.12468179

>A literal parasite upon the effort of others for food and shelter.
>Other people are pathetic.

Literally kill yourself.

>> No.12468204

that's really interesting, thanks anon. I lived out of my camper van for about a year some time back, showered at gyms, but I had a stable job and never had to go for caves or anything. It was a bitch during English winters though.

>> No.12468214

Well then he deserves my respect, and I do respect him.

Where'd you work? The Senate? WH under Obama? Or maybe you frequented Hillsdale and you read Evola. Guessing you like LBJ because of the Caro, maybe you're Southern yourself. Forget pseuds and kids with small trust funds.

>> No.12468228

Whoever said I want to live ascetically?

>> No.12468304

Non-retarded modern asceticism:
>live in room in sharehouse for dirt cheap
>work part time or seasonally
>only vacations are backpacking trips to culturally important cities (travel has ALWAYS been an important part of education until modern marketing turned it into luxury bs for roasties and crazyrichasians)
>spend as little money as possible, build savings
>read, study, write in spare time
>avoid debt and materialism
I'd go for this route but I already fell for the college meme and that debt ain't gonna get worked off at a part time coffee shop job.

>> No.12468349

Parasites are a spook

>> No.12468366

I'm gonna assume your second line isn't some veiled snipe, and I'll answer it. I work in a typical white collar office job in Britain. I am missing out on some of your references like Hillsdale as I'm not American and I have no opinion on LBJ as it's not really something many Brits have an opinion on.

>> No.12468369

Its a wonder why people put so much effort into money. Oh, it's to support your completely worthless ungrateful ass.

>> No.12468407

Before the Industrial revolution everyone died every winter because it was out of season

>> No.12468470

Precisely what the fuck are you talking about? I make my own money, I support myself. I just wanted to point out that hoarding money and living in some comfy pre-built cabin a half mile away from a starbucks is not ascetic. You seem triggered.

>> No.12468559

I hadn't read the second half of your post. I thought you were jobless pennyless and proud and then telling people their monetary concerns were pathetic.
My beezy.

>> No.12468675

you think they test them before accepting new 'applicants' among their midst, esp foreign ones?

>> No.12468728

Honestly don't think I'm smart enough to obtain anything above very basic knowledge

>> No.12468744

how does this work for stem related study topics

>> No.12468803

You can become a Theravdin monk and move to Southeast Asia...
You will get food, you will get a place to live, BUT...
You have to observe the rules of being a Bhikhu. No girls, ever. No boys, either. No booze. No shoes...
You also will be operating as the cleric of a widespread (in Asia) religion and people will expect you to function as such. You'll need to know Pali (the liturgical lingo) plus the language(s) used where you live. So if you just want free stuff see your local welfare state, but if you are willing to do the work you CAN live in the forest under a rock.

>> No.12468815

all the organs would turn the meat to shit
plus you want the skin, you sell it for more books, pleb

>> No.12468826

Buddhist monks get housing and food -- though, it's through daily alms and you cannot eat past noon, iirc.

You do have to do work around the temples, of course.

>> No.12468858

Anon that posted it here. Yeah, I got that about the electric peanuts! :-)
My friend is actually a fan of St. John of the Cross, he has a great deal of respect for anyone who seriously undertakes a spiritual path...

>> No.12468944

I've got a friend who works at Deutsche Bank in London. If you'd like to meet him, let me know and I'll shoot you an email. You have 10 minutes. o9589240@nwytg.net

>> No.12469204

Whilst your coy and snide comments are obviously some jab at me for originally saying rich anon probably earned his wealth, I really can't figure out where your going with this friend. Maybe you wanna stop being some eunuch and tell me what you really think.

>> No.12469457

i have been living outside for more than a decade,to make money i just sit at the side of the road and read,i dont ask for anything, i just show myself and people see my poverty and give me food and money.

>> No.12469580

I'm weak for a pretty face, man

>> No.12469590

you knapp for what you need like people used to

ascetism isn't meant to be easy