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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 107 KB, 545x799, 9816c9460c2610307f90fb9719659df5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12460579 No.12460579 [Reply] [Original]

What are the characteristics of the ideal /lit/ gf?

>> No.12460582

f___s b___k guys

>> No.12460585

Big booty bitches

>> No.12460586

Concealing your true feelings beneath a veneer of irony, I see.

>> No.12460597



>> No.12460610


>> No.12460615

No anon I genuinely aspire to a pawg gf.

>> No.12460633

100% the time she will be a pseud

>> No.12460643

finds book guys?

>> No.12460647


>> No.12460651

Mainly her fictionality

>> No.12460654


>> No.12460772

one that actually exists. big booty would be welcome too >>12460586

>> No.12460838

These responses have mostly been disappointing so far.

>> No.12460870

>constantly speaks in metaphors
>refers to our relationship as "the great allegory"
>insists on speaking in stream of consiousness when going out
>dat imagery
>dat assonance
>refuses to read text messages that arent in iambic pentameter
>always comes with footnotes

>> No.12460878

Lucia Joyce?

>> No.12460884

An arse full of farts.

>> No.12460914
File: 89 KB, 736x981, 1547200135463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One committed to, and inspiring of a life of purity and chastity and continence. Sex does nothing for you. It is the illusion of pleasure, at the cost of your productivity and the very thoughts the brain is made of. You because a slow, dickbrain with any form of sexual release whether intercourse or masturbation. It is incompatible with greatness. Abstinence is like being on a CNS stimulant at all times. Once you attain it, true abstinence mentally and physically, the sex drive paradoxically falls and you have the truest sense of freedom in perhaps your entire life. It is as though you are a child again with boundless energy.
And I am here to tell you such women do no exist. Even women willing to moderate sexual activity do not exist. Go ahead, propose it to a girlfriend and she'll be apprehensive and will try to convince you out of it, if not laugh at you. Regardless, men respond to women in close proximity, especially in living quarters, so even if you found this unobtanium, strict continence is not possible (this wouldn't matter as much to those looking for a family but those seeking greatness, will have their flow states and super productivity ruined).
Renounce the flesh. Temper your desire. Do this and you will know peace.

>> No.12460923

t. incel

>> No.12460937

Just a receptacle for semen chained to the bed. Preferably a deaf-mute.

>> No.12460946

Incels never had girlfriends.
Incels, by their very name, desire sex yet cannot get it.
This is the polar opposite, brainlet.

>> No.12460964

gigantic nigger ass

>> No.12460987


>> No.12460992



>> No.12461191
File: 2.09 MB, 1360x1058, woman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ideal gf
That's an oxymoron. "Dating" is modern degeneracy.

>> No.12461196


>> No.12461219

messaging me back

fuck you jessica

>> No.12461237


>> No.12461239

I liked your post until you said women like that don't exist. They do exist, but you're a retard who goes for cumbrains
t. virgin volcel

>> No.12461427

You shouldn't take sex lightly, not lightly at all, but you're taking it a bit too seriously.

>> No.12461448

literally this

>> No.12461472

My advice, if you enjoy something keep women away from it.
Road Warrior
Star Wars
Flat chested Tomb Raider.
The evidence is clear, women are toxic to male enjoyment.
Do you really want to hear unsolicited feminist hot takes on how Melville or Tolstoy are problematic white males?
If you insist on involving women in your life, hide whatever you enjoy away from them. They will invariably ruin everything.

>> No.12461475
File: 361 KB, 760x1224, adef67c34ef7c60d5ccbece79e9be9cdb084f1c16d7fc412a35d45a1d6b137ea[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no pre-raphaelite aggy gf

>> No.12461480
File: 80 KB, 154x286, hiba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is she me?

>> No.12461487
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>What is flirtation? It is the result of doing away with the vital distinction between real love and real debauchery. Neither the real lover nor the real debauchee are guilty of flirting. A flirtation only toys with the possibility and is therefore a form of indulgence which dares to touch evil and fails to realize the good. To act 'on principle' is also a kind of flirtation, because it reduces moral action to an abstraction. But in mere scope flirtation has all the advantages, for one can flirt with anything, but one can only really love one girl. From the point of view of love, properly understood, any addition is really a subtraction (even though in a confused age a capricious man may be blinded by pleasure), and the more one adds the more one takes away.

>> No.12461497

I just entered into a relationship with a rather basic, yet loving and voluptuous woman. We have nothing in common, but she asks me about my books and my stories, and she reads them, too. She says, “I liked it,” and “it was good.” She orders me food, gives me advice about work and finances, and makes a great dinner companion. She has no hobbies, has no taste in music, and only watches romantic comedies. I do not ever want a “lit” girlfriend again.

She, however, is perfect.

>> No.12461529

Let women be women, stop wishing for a man with a pussy

>> No.12461530

You should introduce her to Freud.

>> No.12461556

Chaste housewife or complete whore, nothing in between. These are the only types of woman an artist can go grow with and through because they're the only ones you'll be able to respect.
Never look for a "partner" or an "equal".

>> No.12461559

She has a pussy which she lets me cum in sometimes

>> No.12461561

shut up hibari poster

>> No.12461564

>refuses to read text messages that aren't in iambic pentameter

>> No.12461680

The best relationship would be a ruthlessly formal one. Every so often we would get together to keep appearances up, collect tax deductions, and so forth--but there would be no sex, no children, no physical intimacy, not even the lightest peck on the lips, and no "dates". A cold, sharp glance, and perhaps a word or two, would be all the content of a week. I would write, go to the library to study, and generally brood downtown alone at various points of the day, sulking and meditating, often stopping in at restaurants or cafes for a bite to eat. Occasionally, she would cook, certainly never when I was at home, leaving me a cold meal in the fridge when I returned home from "work". The frigidity, the indifference of it would make it a delicacy, finer than anything I could get at restaurants. She would be well-paid, a lawyer, perhaps, with ambition enough for both of us. She would have absolutely no taste for sensuality except as a means to an end, and I would be quite content with that, and perhaps betray a hint of admiration. Yet her Machiavellian spirit would remind me (and this would be one of the precious fruits of our weekly interaction) that I want little to do with the echelons of business and the social ladder, and am quite justified in my ways. I, on the other hand, would serve as a reminder to her that no one gets anywhere without being ruthless and unfriendly, and that the idealist is entirely unfit for the real world.

The apartment would be immaculate, and completely silent at all points of the day, broken only by some loud exclamation by the neighbor, whose low-breeding might be point of mutual disgust between us, even culminating in a witty remark which would give the other a chortle once a month. Neither of us would clean, obviously. She would be able to hire a maid. We would certainly not sleep in the same room, and probably not even at the same time of day. Sporadically, and entirely by accident, I would catch a glimpse of exposed skin--a bare shoulder, the curve of her neck--realizing that she was, in fact, quite feminine and beautiful, as she was leaving to mingle at some important event. Immediately I would turn away, pretending as though it had not happened, and quickly part ways. This would trouble me for some time, perhaps a few hours during which I would not be able to eat anything. I would darkly ruminate and probably be quite rude to the maid, until, finally, I became amply convinced that there was nothing at the bottom of it, that it was merely some sudden mirage, some deception or illusion, and that there was no meaning to it. The thought of her coldness and shrewdness would return to me, and my default disgust would find its seat again in my temperament. This would leave me quite giddy and gleeful, and I would apologize to the maid and go out for something to eat, even breaking my meditation to socialize with strangers.

>> No.12461697

I want to be a /lit wife. My husband will go to work, I will care for the children diligently and read while they nap. When he returns from work, dinner will be on the table. We can discuss his work, our art, religion, politics and philosophy. Well put the children to bed together, and then begin reading. Often we will interject and share or thoughts and anecdotes about each book.

>> No.12461700

do you go to parties and pretend to not know each other?

>> No.12461719
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pfff, c'mom

>> No.12461721

THIS so much this
pretty much my perfect relationship

>> No.12461739

Completely imaginary

>> No.12461751


>> No.12461763


>> No.12461781
File: 1.61 MB, 1293x1293, EF0F5654-3152-4A0E-ACA1-78B1AD6FD1E5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I have the perfect /lit/ gf already
>mfw her description is going to trigger the fuck out of people
>mfw I’ll describe her anyway
>5’7 competitive figure skater
>has testosterone of Hercules
>literally has a six pack and an instagram tier booty year round even though getting hammered drunk every second night
>goes mountain climbing in her free time
>has drug connections out the ass, incredibly street smart
>hates normies and plebs
>literal genius, was reading Tolstoy at 12yo, has perfect autobiographical (remember this for the next section, because it adds to the whole thing), top student in her creative writing MFA, also a talented visual artist on the side

Here’s the trigger zone
>is a total slut, has fucked innumerable guys, 500+
>worked as a prostitute in a Montreal ‘massage parlor’
>literally has knife cuts and cigarette scars from all the fucked up people she’s hooked up with
>has a rape fetish. I don’t meant the one where you roleplay it, I mean actual, literal rape fetish. If incels met this girl they would flip their shit
>I don’t give a shit because I’m a fucking beast in bed, I’m the first guy to make her squirt, fuck her ass, piss on her-
>is always down to fuck, has the tightest pussy I’ve ever had, will literally suck my dick for 8 hours straight if I tell her to
>gets off from me beating her, chaining her up, bruising her face and abusing her in front of her friends
>make her keep a picture of her battered body has her iPhone lock screen so her friends know I fucking own her
>made her get a Daddy tattoo last week so she could show it off to people
>wants me to buy her a solid steel collar to drive the point of ownership home

Here’s the juicy part

>she gets off on being super domestic, literally 40s housewife
>super faithful and insecure around me because I’m the first guy she’s fucked that’s smarter than her
>has agreed to let me fuck other girls even though she can’t fuck anyone else
>is deeply in love with me, has told me multiple times even though I never reciprocate
>send me her schedule for the day every morning so I can make sure she doesn’t waste her time on bullshit
>gets off on doing my chores, will literally clean my room house, mend my clothes, drive me around, cook dinner and submit my writing to publications
>if I come home and dinner is late I grab a huge Van Gogh book and beat the shit out of her with it
>she bawls from the pain and apologizes with massages and worshipping my cock
>spend the long days reading and writing as she falls ever more deeply in love with me
>meanwhile I’m m fucking her tall blonde neighbor, a total Stacy who never fucks anyone

L-later virgins

>> No.12461792


>> No.12461811

im a girl! :P this is why /lit men can't find gfs.

>> No.12461812
File: 87 KB, 599x830, Eye Contact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Physical beauty.

You can't be expected to hold a conversation with a woman if she's not fair.

>> No.12461813

has she been tested?

>> No.12461818

I like you
I'll bet your cunt's real cute
an' smelly

>> No.12461824

>enjoys reading
>doesn't belittle my intellectual shortcomings but seeks to engage in a discussion
>wants to read what I write
>only wants to have sex with me

>> No.12461826


>> No.12461827

On mobile, lots of typos and missing/extra words.

I forgot to add that the only reason this works is because she sees me as hyper-dominant on account of being 6’5 and wearing leather jackets.

t. Chad

>> No.12461833
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>> No.12461836

For STDs? Yeah, somehow her insane constitution prevented her from getting anything.

>> No.12461844


Here's your (you)

>> No.12461859
File: 74 KB, 1014x259, Life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has to be able to keep up with my lifestyle

>> No.12461860

Thanks bud, I hope you liked the post.
This is literally the image I was hoping someone would post. Thank you.

>> No.12461871

Where do I find /lit/ girls? I doubt tinder has them. I live in a pretty redneck state so it's kinda hard.

>> No.12461872
File: 12 KB, 500x115, 8FD1FB43-B594-46CA-AB92-3E3D6E09AA49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12461884


You can't really "search" for them. You just have to recognize them when you find them. The cliched searching spots of "Library, University, Cafe, etc." are all filled with pseuds and whores. You're just as likely to find a book gf in the corner booth of a pizza parlor as you are in an English Literature class.

>> No.12461885

How did you meet her, would love a gf like that.

>> No.12461887

How /lit/ is it to have a tulpa gf?

>> No.12461906

>English Literature class.

I already took a lit class and it was required so they didn't really care and were you basic bitches. I will be out of luck searching in college because I'll be graduating soon and won't have any luck at any possible work I'll get because it'll most probably be IT which is a sausage fest. But I'll be moving to the Pacific Northwest (no,i'm not a /pol/tard but my migration is for similar reasons) so maybe I'd have better luck there.

>> No.12461916

>has testosterone of Hercules

Meaning she has a mannish face or she's thic? You didn't tell us if she's cute.

>> No.12461923

>And I am here to tell you such women do no exist.
My gf of 2 years is a virgin and she literally proposed celibacy to me when we decided on dating. We are on our late 20's btw, we still do make out on the regular tho.

>> No.12461927

There is nothing more gay than having a celibate girlfriend.

>> No.12461975

>My girl is a box standard middle class white girl
Pretty high.

>> No.12461981

That's cute anon, she sounds like a lovely, mentally stable woman and you should keep her

>> No.12461997

I say she has high test because she:
>Has a seemingly endless supply of energy, can work non stop and sleep two hours a night for months in a row
>Has predator eyes
>sex drive of an 11 yo boy, will start rubbing my cock in public until I backhand her
>all the insane street prowling she’s done seems to show low risk-aversion
>I would hesitate to call her thicc because her bone structure is small, but she has almost no body fat, but her ass and thighs are huge and muscular as fuck. She also has a really tiny waist with an Adonis belt more pronounced than 90% of guys

Met her on a winter chalet trip organized by my local Uni’s philosophy-arts program. I look scary so she probably figured I’d be a good fuck. I wasn’t interested but then we spent the full night drinking our way across a frozen lake and reciting every adjective that stars with the letter ‘I’. Hmmm.

>> No.12462010

Is this real? How the fuck does this person exist?

>> No.12462012



Post a pic? Can black out faces if you want. How does she look?

>> No.12462055
File: 161 KB, 318x292, 1536061093792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cook dinner and submit my writing to publications

>> No.12462060

Boy, I’m all for railing against everything I don’t have, but if that was a standard-any class, any race girl, the landscape of the western world would be considerably altered.

>> No.12462117

As this is 4chan, I'm not sure this is real; but, this had me going just by the thought of having a gf like this.

>> No.12462128

Unironically I could dig this. Would you seek physical intimacy outside the ‘relationship’?

>> No.12462132

27 and single. Too old, I’m never going to find a gf :/

Especially a /lit/ one

>> No.12462144

He actually deleted his post after I asked for proof. Dayum

>> No.12462179
File: 48 KB, 850x400, quote-a-married-philosopher-belongs-to-comedy-friedrich-nietzsche-94-19-50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12462241

if your not bullshiting your the luckiest man on earth

>> No.12462256

Misogyny is an integral part of this board's culture. The ideal /lit/ partner is a gentleman scholar who practices the mandolin and lets you use his legs as a pillow while you read.

>> No.12462260

Nah, we all love women for the soft creatures when they are.

>> No.12462289


I hope to god I never end up with a woman like this, this sounds horrible

>> No.12462304

what did it say

>> No.12462307

It’s real. I would not have the imagination to make this shit up. I had to share it to gloat, but also because of how insane the situation is. Telling online strangers keeps me sane.

>> No.12462390

>insists on speaking in stream of consiousness when going out
Sounds fun. I wish I could do stuff like this with my gf but she's as thick as two short planks and only reads facebook posts.

>> No.12462440

Turned out to be a link to another thread with the OP bashing this board. I thought it was the poster with the wild, /lit/ gf.

>> No.12462476

Based, but she’ll probably leave you for some normie chad she meets at the office.

>> No.12462705

That's standard backstory to more insta thots than is credible. The self harm and drug use combined with the extracurricular sports and the ubiquitous mass production BDSM and the secretly a housewife (lol she'll nap and ignore the cats once she's actually wifed, and cry if she had to use a 1940s laundry machine selection habitually) along with relying on middle class achievements her parents were proud of at 12 (Tolstoy at 12 just means your parents emphasised pseudery) is practically every middle class US college chick with liberal parents. The only reason she's not a feminist is because that's being Square in whatever suburb she crawled out of. She's a facsimile at an attempt at personality from what you described, and the cock count isn't that surprising when you consider she's empty inside just like the others.

>> No.12462709

degenerates like you belong on a cross

>> No.12462753
File: 74 KB, 742x331, z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still here. Bored at work. Maybe I'll tripfag and drip stories of that relationship on /lit/, as they happen. If anyone has any interest, let me know. I'll probably post one about us OD'ing on GHB later.

>> No.12462988

Fuck! I had a long, detailed post explaining how your guess was wrong, and I was very charitable to dissuade you from engaging into petty squabbling, and I was certain that, having read it, you would come to gentlemanly agreement that this girl in particular is a very unique case, but I closed the window and lost the full text of it. Here's a summary:

1. She comes from a conservative, religious-orthodox background, though comfortably upper-class
2. She isn't from the US
3. She doesn't have instagram
4. Her parents discouraged reading

Hopefully these four points, though not fleshed out, serve to lower your confidence in your generalization heuristics.

In any case, I've fucked countless college girls that correspond to the type of girl you describe, and I absolutely understand your guess (especially if it was regarding a US girl), but this is just something else. I know my having her reflects well on me, and insofar as 4chan isn't exempt from the relentless status-war that is contemporary american society, you can take this as a dig. Doing so, your reaction will always be to lash out and try to take me down a peg, and that's alright.

I can tell you're intelligent. However, if you are actually, highly intelligent, this would be one of the situations where you'd put your knife on the table, pause, and say 'damn, dude.' That's really the most fun option for everyone: the one where we can enjoy my misogynistic accounts of this /lit/ hoe while maintaining an accurate picture of her, in all her peculiarity. The truth, in all its details and idiosyncrasies, is what will be the most fun to hear about. I am committed to it, so take what I recount at face value and use it to better your picture of the world, or even just to tell your friends with the knowing enthusiasm that you are re-telling a true story.

tl;dr she's not like that. let's not hiss at each other over it. It'll be more fun.

This is just hilarious

>> No.12462995

Do you have any proof of the relationship?

>> No.12463001

based /tv/ crossposter

>> No.12463065

Is this a sneaky way to ask for nudes? If that'll quell your doubts I'll shoot you one.

>> No.12463079

I wasn't asking specifically for nudes but sure man. But any proof will do.

>> No.12463146
File: 365 KB, 750x1068, 3DE21BA3-E910-47B3-8410-9FDD59E3074D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing. Here’s a bit of convo to corroborate the schedule sending habit, and a bit of nude where you can see the marks from the beatings.

>> No.12463179

>and today wild lit gf boy wasn't a fag

Cool, man, you weren't bullshitting after all.

>> No.12463190

She's fucked in the head. Your relationship are pure power play. It won't last for long, and when it over she will claim you raped and abused her.

>> No.12463269

both actual subhumans

>> No.12463294
File: 86 KB, 450x413, 1543090501855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've fucked countless...

why do people still such weak bait as this kid is throwing out? Honestly, have some self respect. This isn't Red Lobster.

>> No.12463332 [DELETED] 

Hey my pleasure bud, thanks for reading

>Normative pronouncements on sexual preferences
Yes, they are pure powerplay. And from the point of view of rom-coms, they are fucked. To me that's still less fucked than fantasizing about fucking your mom, or even about getting cucked.

Yes, the relationship is pure power play. That's what sex is about.

>she will claim you raped and abused her.

Bud, she's been raped and abused so many times, she's yet to charge a single one of the guys/girls. I've been in similar relationships before, and they never, ever do shit like that. Why? Because I don't go for basic bitches. If you can't tell whether a girl might cheat on you, or whether she might go batshit, you need to read more. Or don't be autistic, that would help you read people too, I guess.

>> No.12463351

Big booty bitches that's where it gets
Come on, ho, let's go to the easy rest
When I see ass, titties, ass-n-titties
Ass, ass, titties, titties, ass-n-titties

>> No.12463355 [DELETED] 
File: 481 KB, 553x827, 1539556360375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely degenerates, I would have to agree. However, I'd imagine subhumans would have to be dumb, or callous, or illiterate. I am none of those.

Are you implying signalling sexual success is bait? Bait for whom? Incels? It seems like an odd thing to pick out from the bazillion posts I made in this thread

>> No.12463361

She's a virgin and she loves me

>> No.12463366

U ought to neck yourself m8

>> No.12463385
File: 363 KB, 540x693, cbe2ca66c9358b5a7de4714ad425fbe1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12463389

Oh come the fuck on this cant be real

bro how

>> No.12463403

>worked as a prostitute in a Montreal 'massage parlor'
Lol what shitposter here didn't say was that his fake gf is Asian

>> No.12463410

I will be waiting for more stories about this. You are living the novel I wish to read.

>> No.12463420 [DELETED] 

>high test

But seriously, I'm not into asians.

>> No.12463433

>Montreal, high test, orthodox religion, massive slut
She's Greek

>> No.12463443 [DELETED] 

I plan to. Gonna get some good fucking before then.

Dumb luck. Seriously.

Thanks, I'm a filmmaker, so when I make something out of it I'll be sure to share it here.

>> No.12463496

Cute, mute, dress-wearing barefoot tulpa girl.

>> No.12463535

She sounds bipolar and you have cleraly psychopatic tendencies...assuming of course both of these characters are real

>> No.12463612

>she will claim you raped and abused her.

From the sounds of it that's exactly what he did, so

>> No.12463629

I don't know but I know the characteristics of the ideal /lit/ bf he loves me

>> No.12463638

Oh wow she wound up like every other normie insta thot with even less exposure to normie US society? Seriously bro, 50s housewife cum slave who was smart at 12 and zomg so different was normal in the 1990s too. It is still the essence of MySpace, which is frozen some time around 2005. Have you not met other women to notice the most common stereotypically vapid bitch of the Harry Potter to Twilight years?
>having her reflects well on me
Do you have a Matrix leather duster and wish your friends would call you Neo? Because that's the male essence that female type reflects

>> No.12463670

Anon, he's probably 16 and wasn't even born in the nineties to remember when every girl wore those plastic chokers. FFS his mom was probably wearing one when she conceived him, let him think this shit is new.

>> No.12463723

>16 and wasn't even born in the nineties to r
That would explain why he can't think of any other girls with basic insta thot personalities. Maybe you're right and Anon's having his first taste of women, but it really astounds me he's never seen the trend.

>> No.12463734

How do you aqcuire women then?
Kidnap them?

>> No.12463770

Again, he probably wasn't born when The Matrix came out. He is probably not old enough to remember Robin Tunney in The Mentalist, forget about her in The Craft. Stop having a 90s flashback. It was much worse than now and even if it wasn't you don't have to bring it back.

>> No.12463795
File: 31 KB, 601x508, 2f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Watching your incel ressentiment go into overdrive is the best thing that could have come from that post. I hope it's real.

>> No.12463817

>oldfags are de facto incels
1997 is when the incel increase starts. I was fucking teenage wiccan bitches before you were born, son. That does not mean we should go back. I'm OK with never fucking a girl calling herself RainSpirit again.

>> No.12463823

Or did you mean to only quote the guy who hasn't got over The Matrix's fandom?

>> No.12463857

Anon, I was a big time BDSM freak through the 90s... Are you high?
Does swiping at the ego of some guy really get you going this much? That you have to rewrite history? There is no fucking way this was common, and most common... If anything, those girls were rare, and he seems to have landed the peak girl within the archetype. You just seem really bitter. >>12462988
He was as nice to you as anyone I've seen on /lit/ in weeks. How lonely are you?

>> No.12463864

is she a well read fascist (yes) (no)
also big tiddys

>> No.12463877

>slightly less attractive than me so I won't feel insecure

>not that much into my hobbies so I won't feel competitive

>similar level of libido so we both feel desired

>hates beaches

>> No.12463893

>only lists popcorn movies made for brainlets
back to >>>/tv/ with you

>> No.12463924

I did mean to quote you, even though Matrix guy is really the autistic one. Mostly because you're equating wiccan hoes wearing plastic chokers to the girl described in the guy's post. I can see the similarities, but there are glaring differences (high test, actually talented (citation needed), street smart).
I normally wouldn't come in but you have to admit taking the time to shite on that girl (who may not even be real) is the telltale move of someone who wants to lower someone else. I might change my tune if it turns out she has a retard fake name like 'rainspirit' (wtf were you thinking) but until then let people fucking have fun you grumps

>> No.12463929

The new Tomb Raider games are miles better than the series has ever been before though

>> No.12463938

t. low smv plain faced skinny fat beta

>> No.12463949

I've been with enough women to figure out what works for me and I'm not hypocritical, that's all.

>> No.12464037

This man represents what every bitter virgin would be if you gave him power. That is why he does not advertise his virtue but rather the control he has over others. Yet this is not real power, which is won through sacrifice and self-restraint, which therefore can ennoble others through its outflow, not degrade them and subjugate them.

>> No.12464093
File: 43 KB, 500x385, 1513198011788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

must be 100% O K with my mommy fetish, if she is young she must wear make up to make her look middle aged but still attractive

must be O K with taking hormones to produce more breast milk

must be O K with me being the sole sexual partner of our female offspring

must be O K with me taking her out back when she goes beyond the age-desirability axis and using her body as fertilizer to grow my vegetable farm

>> No.12464101

this post really got better with each line

>> No.12464149

She's fucking other guys and she gets off on you possibly finding out so you can fulfil her "rape" fantasies genuinely.
Why do I even have to type this.

>> No.12464380

I'm equating the plethora of wiccan chicks with the nineties not now, anon. The Craft movie made every high test dungarees wearing Kobain lover convinced wicca was totally abnormal just like everyone else.
>taking time to shite
The only thing he's saying that is possibly insulting is that she's normie. He's right about that. If the nineties did come back, she'd probably be a RainSpirit or some other goth wicca Seattle sound name, and dress like Courtney Love. He's saying fifty shades and cupcakes and bookstagram are normie girl "hobbies". They are. In the nineties it was Anne Rice and incense and crystals. Having a crystal loving gf who believed she was a witch in the nineties is pretty much as normal as having a Dulcett reading gf who believes she's cracked Tolstoy in the current year.
I think you believe you're sperging less than him. He has no excuse because he remembers sad fucks who bought the costume from The Matrix. He's old enough he should know better. I'm only defending you because you might be twelve and think this shit is new and special. It's really not new and it's really fucking common in every gen. No offence to your gf, personally, I'm sure she's trying really hard to be a freak. It's what they do.

>> No.12464385

*Kurt Cobain*
I should read what I'm typing.

>> No.12464482
File: 51 KB, 1363x299, literary gf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll have the quality of wanting to do pic-related with me

>> No.12464885
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>must be O K with me taking her out back when she goes beyond the age-desirability axis and using her body as fertilizer to grow my vegetable farm

>> No.12465014


A fool you are, for a true patrician would never pick up the pamphlets he throws to the peasants. Write, distribute, be done, there is no regrets.

>> No.12465026

based and greenpilled

>> No.12465070

If she reads the canon

>> No.12465079

based and plato-pilled
cringe and kant-pilled

>> No.12465085
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>> No.12465105

Both of you are degenerates, so I suppose it's a match made in heaven.

>> No.12465166

>muscular thighs and ass
Bro, those ass and thighs archetypal skinny-fat. Send us a photo of her adonis belt and six-pack (no nudes) or else you're a lier and a faggot.

>> No.12466290

Your girlfriend was a victim of childhood sexual abuse.
I dare you to bring it up

>> No.12466591

And your childhood was probably abusive as well.
Normal, well-adjusted people do not enjoy being severly physically and psychologically abused, nor do they enjoy being the abuser

>> No.12466606

This guy is correct.

>> No.12466649

>her only literary knowledge being the traditional folk songs of her village, songs which speak of ancient floods, murders and romances
>doesn't know how meter and rhyme work but is able to compose perfect songs after swiming in the lagoon, songs which she never forgets yet never sings twice
>always haging around fishermen, farmers and cooks, observing yet not absent or detached from the people like a "poet"

>> No.12466659

I really only want a gf that loves me and likes to read books with me, its still too high of a standard

>> No.12466708

films brisk guys?

>> No.12466928

In this world? Yes

>> No.12466948

but who took that picture, if it wasn't you

>> No.12466957
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>Having taste


>> No.12466963
File: 138 KB, 375x375, came_to_laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you want to read the same book at the same time and wait for her to finish the page so you can continue on the next?

>> No.12467138



>> No.12467291

I was referring to the movie

>> No.12467609
File: 48 KB, 450x360, 9b2ad4ef0e652b8b85e4eead8a4db2ed485e0ef584f4ce6abf032de9c8de40ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2010 Rose Wolfe but as a passionate quasi alcoholic lit young woman with a strong libido and not a STEM frigid cold bitch

>> No.12467637

>no data on age
>no data on income
>no data on where they live
great study

>> No.12467648

Anyone who isn't fat. You are not a real man if you settle for 250 pounds of female empowerment as a guy who is a healthy weight.

>> No.12467870
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>> No.12467911

>Warns description will trigger the fuck out of people


my sides

>> No.12467954

how many mental issues do both of you have?

>> No.12467962

Slightly chubby, glasses, brown hair that makes frizzy little curls when she sweats, always wearing leggings and a sweater, loves Jane Austen and history books, laughs at the shit I write but in a nice way, great with kids, tougher than she looks, slightly racist, virginal until we got together, has no idea I've been to the jeweler's :3

>> No.12467966

>Normie realizes normieposting will lead to REEEEEE
>great laffs
Well, I guess that kind of humor is hard to come by on reddit, congrats dear sir in finding a new lolgag stream to attach yourself to.

>> No.12467969
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>> No.12467974
File: 87 KB, 570x558, bullshit jojo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amazing thread

>> No.12468778

>tfw no chubby loving gf

>> No.12468823


>> No.12469785

That’s cute.

>> No.12469839

wow yes thanks anon, they really ruined those movies and video games I otherwise would have found deeply meaningful and enjoyable.

I hate so much of the world, and increasingly much of the world can be found here.

>> No.12469857

is she very fat, anon?
I wish to be your sad, drug abusing son.
I will respond, but only to say I won't bite.

>> No.12470164

>always comes with footnotes

*this was once revealed to me in a dream

>> No.12470172

Don’t even get me started about what women did to academia and journalism
And female football announcers. Thank god for the mute button.

>> No.12470204
File: 87 KB, 640x853, HAHAAHAHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>if I come home and dinner is late I grab a huge Van Gogh book and beat the shit out of her with it

>> No.12470224
File: 16 KB, 400x800, kyoko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal robot or old fashioned meatsack slave girl
>can do household work, cooking and sex
>leaves you alone unless requested

literal robot is superior because biocunts can malfunction and have a short expiration date

>> No.12470235

Nice larp
but still hot as fuck