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/lit/ - Literature

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12465052 No.12465052[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's the question we're all dying to know. The media and personal anecdotes suggests that reading is primarily the pastime of women (most young men seem to lose themselves in video games and television or sports), but it's hard to reconcile that with the misogynism, racism and anti-semitism so prevalent on this board? Is it populated by a bunch of self-hating women or something?

>> No.12465088

butterfly is a woman, but she’s ugly af and has a relapsing case of vaginal thrush.

>> No.12465107

I'm a woman, but I've only recently started frequenting this board. That said, I am what a lot of modern women would qualify as "sexist". I don't actually hate my own gender anymore than I hate men or people in general. I just don't buy into the SJW bullshit or white feminism. I think you must be very pampered to have the time to bitch about how "oppressed" you are on the internet or can even afford internet to do so instead of trying to make your life better.

>> No.12465112

I dated two girls who browsed this board. One I met on 4chan, one I met outside of 4chan and we later realized the other person browsed on 4chan.

They don't tend to stay very long and they use it more flittingly. They skim a couple threads of direct interest but not much else. Women in general don't seem to enjoy "board culture" the way autistic retards like myself do.

>> No.12465117

also fuck incels and fuck millennials

>> No.12465118

if there were any way of keeping newfag trash like them and normalfag trash like you off my board, my god, if only

>> No.12465125

I enjoyed board culture when it was actually a thing. Board culture hasn't existed since 2012, you stupid newfag. I'm also a faggot for enjoying board culture though. I'm self-aware enough to realize it at least. I fucking hate myself, I've been here 10 years, it was never anything to brag about and never will be. Grow up.

>> No.12465145

Board culture is certainly a thing. It's fun to hang out with your gay little friends on the internet and share inside jokes. 4chan just propagates it really well, or used to. It still exists in places, usually boards that normies haven't flooded to death because they heard this was the edgy social media website to post on in high school.

>> No.12465164

post a pic of ur tits next to ur favorite book or get the fuck off my board

>> No.12465176

even /r9k/ is filled with normies now, fuck off

>> No.12465185


>> No.12465187

Of course, /r9k/ birthed /soc/. It was one of the most popular boards for women.

You can still see a lot of the women who used to frequent /r9k/ if you go to /adv/. You will see bizarrely out-of-place people who don't seem to really know what 4chan is, getting offended by harsh words and generally acting like they're on Twitter. /r9k/ was a victim of its own success.

I forgot to say, to the guy who said "Grow up," if you're saying shit like that at all you should probably become Twitter emeritus as well.

>> No.12465189

the fact that you seem to think 4chan is some cool sekret club just shows what a faggot fucking newfag you are, it's always been a shithole and you should go back to plebbit

>> No.12465195


>> No.12465200
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you don't get special treatment because you're an Online Woman. sorry, honey.

>> No.12465219
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>mfw some dumb incel thinks they're entitled to see my boobs

>> No.12465221

Through all the stuff that makes me feel like shit, I think /lit/ is pretty good for recommendations and general literary discussion.

>> No.12465237

I never said that. I put board culture in scare quotes and referred to it insultingly. Honestly, I want to reply more defensively but you just seem to be confused mostly. Maybe you're mixing up posters or your English isn't great or something.

>> No.12465246

be my fg ill read to you in bed in my brusque voice

>> No.12465252

you know the rules

>> No.12465258

I browse here sometimes because it's one of the places online with discussion of literature. When you already hate men, seeing try-hard "misogynism" doesn't affect you.

>> No.12465260

what a convenient insult 'incel' is
almost universally applicable

>> No.12465275

you show em gal!

>> No.12465295


>anyone I don't like is an incel
>it's not because I'm an entitled, insufferable prick
>that can't be it

>> No.12465315

it's exactly the same for us males -- what beautiful symmetry

>> No.12465323

Why the heck did the damned mods delete the old thread about philosophers comments on women?

>> No.12465327

Many books contain misogyny, I'm sure those that read a bit aren't bothered.

>> No.12465345
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>> No.12465350

I have actually taken up to pretending being a woman and calling people incel when I'm hungry for (you)s. I've been here for over 7 years now and I can't remember a single FOTM insult that had a comparable butt-flustering power. Absolutely do recommend.

>> No.12465371

t. incel

>> No.12465390

Types like a guy

>> No.12465391
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i love women so much, bros. they are the sweetest, softest, most heavenly of specimens a man will ever find within this world. they also somehow always smell fantastic, they are so much more compassionate for people around them than men are, and are innocent by their very nature. maturity and responsibility comes secondhand to them, juggling so much without a wince or whimper, unlike us men who buckle under the same forces of formality, and seek puerile escapisms like that of video games to avoid such realities. life throws so much hardship at them, and yet they bare it with such beauty and grace that a man can only but submit himself to such a wondrous, divine, magnificent being.

to any real women here, pls know that i and other men do indeed love everything about you and are not swayed by this age of inceldom, desiring only to be extremely sweet to you and make you feel the most happiness which you have ever felt. also i'm a more boyish, sensitive and submissive male, is that okay? i'm not naturally dominant and am scared that girls primarily seek that type of man. i'm not effeminate, moreso like the young boy in my image. but yeah ignore the hateful men here, i sympathize deeply with women and appreciate every inimitable touch of magic you bring to this world, and hopefully one day i'll have a girlfriend who i can shower in so much love that any hardships of being a female in our patriarchal world (which it certainly has been for millenia, and even though the term "feminism" is used now and there are certainly some perks women receive, true femininity is still disparaged and expected to reject itself and mimic the mode of the masculine) become forgotten by her, my dearest sweetheart whom i care for every day of our life

>> No.12465438

>mfw some dumb roastie thinks she's entitled to special consideration on account of the fact that she has boobs

>> No.12465445

Women are living in your head rent free

>> No.12465460

I hope this is bait. If your servile mind compelled you to write all this out... off yourself.

>> No.12465467

I wish I were kidding. I need a woman at my side providing my ascent to godhood with council and encouragement.

>> No.12465471

I wish they were living in my apartment rent-free.

>> No.12465472


>> No.12465479
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worst fucking post all day

good taste

>> No.12465494

Based, best response I've heard so far

>> No.12465499

misogynists BTFO'd

>> No.12465554

> true femininity is still disparaged and expected to reject itself and mimic the mode of the masculine

Provide example please

>> No.12465565

blah blah blah muh sjw blah blah muh marxism blah blah

>> No.12465583

I'm not sure if I could do that but I encourage you, nonetheless! I believe in you! You can do it!

>> No.12465585

Just look at the workplace. Women are forced to caricature men, not even able to take care of children in this economic environment, and anything attempted to the contrary is seen as oppressing them. They should be able to do exactly what they desire to - to work or to raise kids or to do both, but our present paradigm has crudely forced them into the former camp only, while still using the name "feminism" all the while.

>> No.12465599

if you aren't able to afford servants to raise your children yourself then you don't deserve to reproduce in a capitalist society, male or female, this is Tru Equality

>> No.12465631

i think 900 people browse lit, only 20, 25 are women. Maybe only 2 of them actually muster replies beyond 5 words

>> No.12465650

>butterfly is a woman
Fuck. God fucking dammit. This is fucking bullshit.
That unironically makes all the sense in the world, but it still pisses me off.

>> No.12465696

How do I kick them out?

>> No.12465709
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>I believe in you! You can do it!

>> No.12465783

She literally gave you a classic "ganbare!", just like in all our beloved Taiwanese cartoons. Cherish it, anon, and let it drive you to greatness.

>> No.12465820

>just like in all our beloved Taiwanese cartoons
I feel like you're being cynical. Am I wrong?

>> No.12465846

Not cynical, silly. The girl literally gave you an English language equivalent of the classic Japanese "ganbare!" which the waifu's of the animes so many here watch partake in the ritual of bestowing onto our male protagonist. It's a genuinely meaningful moment, if you take it in a silly way.

>> No.12465853

When I said "silly" in the first line, I meant it to contrast that of "cynical", I wasn't calling YOU silly.

>> No.12465856

fuck off.

don't post without jerking off first.


>> No.12465886


I'm a beef curtained harlot hell-bent on smearing the pudgy mouths of males with my own menagerie of Papilloman and Chlamydian microbes.

>> No.12465910

This reads like it was written by a rapist lesbian.
Butterfly, is that you?

>> No.12465948

No tits and not even talking about favorite boom, probably a guy.

>> No.12466393

I am a woman who is a minority and Im assuming you're either white or self-hating. There's no reason to get upset over white feminists but denying that there are women who haven't faced subjugation goes to show your low-iq. Neck yourself whore.

>> No.12466400

no reason to not get upset over white feminists * sorry. meaning that their oppression is not on par with any other minority group .

>> No.12466408

>Women in general don't seem to enjoy "board culture" the way autistic retards like myself do.
there is literally an imageboard specifically made for women to post on

>> No.12466444

/soc/ has no culture

>> No.12466450

start interpreting your dreams and they won;'t need to mediate for you anymore

don't ever buy into any of their bullshit either, just take the fantasy images and piece them out yourself, they'll call your analytical work "art" until you think yourself a misunderstood artist, then as you spiral into madness they'll say "do you really think this analytical work is art?"

>> No.12466458
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Women read more and understand less. /lit/ doesn't interest the mentally feeble.

>> No.12466462

imagine being this much of a faggot lol

>> No.12466471

This reads like mommyposter

>> No.12466474

I'm a girl but I rarely post (and I don't even browse all too often). I usually just skim for worthwhile threads with good discussion. Usually it's retard shit but sometimes someone will post something I end up turning over in my head a while

I don't mind all the women-hating because I just assume most people who post it in excess are poorly adjusted and bitter or just baiting. When people will make actual thunkful posts about the nature of women though I can usually turn those over in my head too and appreciate what it's made me consider

>> No.12466481

>They should be able to do exactly what they desire to - to work or to raise kids or to do both,
>or to do both
There are a limited number of hours in the day, and there aren't enough to excel in working an office job and raising kids at the same time, regardless of whether you're a man or a woman.

>> No.12466492

you are a trashcan human and garbage time is running out

>> No.12466495


fuck off

>> No.12466504

did poorly adjusted hit a nerve lol

>> No.12466518

no, what hits a nerve is normalfags ruining my board
please leave, you are NOT welcome here

>> No.12466521


>> No.12466522

The story goes like this: Earth is captured by a technocapital singularity as renaissance rationalitization and oceanic navigation lock into commoditization take-off. Logistically accelerating techno-economic interactivity crumbles social order in auto-sophisticating machine runaway. As markets learn to manufacture intelligence, politics modernizes, upgrades paranoia, and tries to get a grip.

>> No.12466524

why are female "insults" always so pathetically dull

>> No.12466526

Are you female?

>> No.12466535

>men who criticize women are just bitter pathetic losers

jesus are there any women anywhere who aren't identical clones of eachother with all the same opinions

>> No.12466544

female IQ distribution is narrower, they're way better at groupthink (men split half and half politically, women overwhelming support one side)

so, no

takes one to know one

>> No.12466552

nope, and i thank the lord each day

>> No.12466557

>takes one to know one
Would this apply exclusively to females, in your opinion?

>> No.12466562

how am I ruining it if I don't fucking post in threads nigger. sorry I'm not adding more WAAHHH YOURE ALL INCELS AHHH!!!! replies to the mix

I knew it was low-hanging but their replies weren't exactly roasts either

I don't think this as a rule. I'm just referring to the excessive UGH WOMEN RUIN EVERYTHING that's seen here. I have to keep in mind that it's just guys venting their frustrations on an anon board. There's nothing wrong with being bitter, and I'm poorly adjusted from spending so much time online too

>> No.12466567
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>> No.12466568

I'm not a woman, but I am wearing a dress

>> No.12466574

you are literally ruining this thread with your genderposting god DAMN please lurk more

>> No.12466581

he's talking about crystal cafe.

>> No.12466586

>tfw /lit/ would be one of the most intellectually stimulating communities on earth without the presence of women and those of lesser races
so close yet so far

>> No.12466588
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Men want nothing to do with women in their hobbies. You rats have to squeeze yourselves into every male thing that exists.

>> No.12466589

because this thread was so good to begin with

>> No.12466590

also lolcow dot farm

>> No.12466617

absolutely based

>> No.12466640

answer this /lit/

>> No.12466665

>they are so much more compassionate for people around them than men are

Empathy is NOT affective mirroring, anxiety, self-abasement, etc.

>> No.12466677

Board culture ended in 2009, you fucking newfag

>> No.12467838

based crossdresserposter

>> No.12467843

It's the Irish there's too many of them on here.

>> No.12467877

Such incredible post. What dark pacts must have been made to pack so much fail into it?

>> No.12467904
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>> No.12467909

Not the point of it.