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/lit/ - Literature

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1246325 No.1246325 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone recommend and epic fantasy novels?

pic unrelated

>> No.1246334

The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien

>> No.1246337

Never heard of this. I'll check into it, thanks.

>> No.1246341

Can't blame ya, it's pretty obscure but really good (in my opinion). Would be great if they turned it into a movie. One can dream...

>> No.1246351

View From the Mirror by Ian Irvine

>> No.1246355

The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, The Unbeliever, by Stephen R. Donaldson.
You're welcome in advance.

>> No.1246358

Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

>> No.1246403

Fucking boring in my opinion. We walk a bit, everything is shitty around me, we die! oh, we survived but we still have to walk trough this depressing area. We finally reached our destination but everything is shitty here aswell. +Racism

>> No.1246407

Samefags everywhere

>> No.1246415

The Belgariad series. fucking awesome.

>> No.1246424

The Belgariad struck me as being epic only in length.

>> No.1246429
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Then you need to go back and read it again my friend, or try The Elenium .

>> No.1246439

I've read it three times, and the Elenium once.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed them, "epic" just isn't a word I would use to describe them. Probably because a lot of the time they were just dicking around as opposed to being off doing epic things, and a lot of what they did seems fairly mundane. Even Garion's fight with Torak didn't strike me as "epic", and he was fighting a fucking god.

>> No.1246460

Kafka on the shore, Fantasy for adults.

>> No.1246508
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Then you've got every right to have an opinion.
I suppose I agree with you as well.... But it was one of the first fantasy series I really go into when I was a kid, so I'm biased.