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/lit/ - Literature

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12459405 No.12459405 [Reply] [Original]

25 y/o KHV

Best friends GF hooks me up with her bff. She's comes over drunk. We sleep together. She gave me a bj and a handy. We cuddled. I rubbed her pussy. Thought maybe this would turn into something. My confidence grew. She wouldn't respond to my messages. Got the insider info: "I don't know why he's so shy, he's really cute." Just walk into the grocery store. See her standing in line. Do a double take thinking what the fuck. Looking at her as I walk by. She doesn't even make eye contact with me.

Thought I was beginning to make it. I've been lifting hard for 5 months. But my mind is not right. I don't think it's fixable but if I don't figure this shit out soon I'm going to end up drinking myself to death in a trailer.

Please give me books to fix my self confidence. To give me perspective on this. I have lots of hobbies. I work hard. I stay fit. None of this gives me confidence. Whenever I accomplished a goal I feel no sense of reward or accomplishment. If I do it fades within a day. I usually think - "I should have been to this point years ago". I push myself physically and mentally doing intense outdoor activities.

I don't know what to do. I'm losing my shit. Sorry for the diary. I'm just at my wit's end. I'd thought I'd make some gains here but I got struck down twice as hard. Thanks.

>> No.12459427

Narcissism or too easy a conflation of physical and spiritual intimacy. She probably just didn't see you in the grocery. And women don't like it when you grovel, so if those messages were in any way ingratiating or importune that is probably why she didn't respond. Now we can talk about literature

>> No.12459445

I only sent her one message at a time. A total of 3 times after she responded. I'm not harassing her or acting desperate.

>> No.12459461

Tone of message also matters, not just quantity. And, after you send one, you should just leave it. Any more than one seems desperate.

>> No.12459486

That's what I did. And everything was positive. I never sent more than one message between her responses.

In short:

1:Had fun the other night.
2: we should go do (insert shared hobby) sometime soon if youre down
3. Responded to what she said about said hobby

But the point is I need some lit reccs to make me more confident and not hate myself.

I just had a hard time talking to her because I get anxious about it and am not good at conversation with people I don't know well. Especially a beautiful woman it wigs me out and I don't know what to talk to them about.

>> No.12459495


>> No.12459499

Forget her. She's a mouthbreathing moron. Leave your shitty hometown, or go to college and date a girl who has a brain.

>> No.12459506

Read the mystery method and read how to win friends and influence people
Branch out as you see fit

>> No.12459510

The fact that you wouldn't talk to a slut that gave you a blowjob is the reason why she didn't make eye contact.

Be confident enough to say hi and get another

We're all lost in this world; even if others seem like they're not, they're just as lost as you. Especially if it's a woman.

>> No.12459511

How can you even tell that from my posts about her? Also don't like college. I like to learn on my own. I'm already pretty well committed to the trades.

>> No.12459516

lol no

On Women
& Folklore of Women

>> No.12459518

First of all you're not KHV anymore. Secondly, you're supposed to come to a point where you're comfortable with who you are and aren't seeking or relying on validation from other people; at that point your motivation to self-improve comes from a genuine desire to be better *for you*, because you want to be, not for anyone else, and when you start making progress in that frame of mind, that's when you start to build real self-confidence

>> No.12459523

>How can you even tell that from my posts about her?
She isn't aware of her surroundings. She can't even tell when someone who has had their hand on her filthy snatch is nearby.

>Also don't like college. I like to learn on my own.
I said go to college, not go to class. Just hang around and hit on sluts.

This thread and OP's love life deserve to be hit with a nuclear bomb. Not literature. Go to r9k you epic faggot.

>> No.12459535

Never kissed her. Never hugged her unless cuddling helps. Never fucked her. So at best I'm a KV.

Yeah it does need a bomb. But I was praying. That someone might relate to my story and give some lit reccs to help me before I give up and die alone as a bitter old man.

>> No.12459538

The Ego and His Own

>> No.12459541

Blowjob and handjob count as sexual contact you fucking dunce.

>> No.12459554

>lit reccs to help me before I give up and die alone as a bitter old man.
oh please you are probably 19-23. you have more sexual experience than i had until i was nearly 30. stfu and delete this thread and segregate yourself to /r9k/ you epic sadsack.

>> No.12459573
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You value w*men too much. Roasties are nothing more than holes. When you realise this you'll be much happier.

>> No.12459582
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Societies fall apart when women become "liberated". Aristophanes, and Euripides both depict this well. Aristophanes illustrated how when given equal political rights, women will impose their mothering nature on society and basically kill it through 'equality'. And Euripides depicted how families would be destroyed by passion and irrationality if women became sexually liberated.

Of course if you read modern literary criticism, everyone tries to argue that their message was the opposite, even though this is so obviously not true. The modern academic is just a mouthpiece of the zeitgeist.

>> No.12459600

Thank you.

25. First experience.

No I didn't value them at all until this unexpected experience. Now I know what I've been missing. Laying in bed with the warmth of a woman was something else. I don't even care about the sexual stuff. Just laying up against her feeling her breath felt primal and necessary.

>> No.12459604
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A book isn't going to fix this. Your entire life needs a perspective change. These kinds of posts from /adv/ or "book for that feel" will never help the OP if he doesn't actively participate in the change that is suggested in a book. YOU. YOU have to look at yourself and think about how others perceive you on an objective level, if they even perceive you at all. Write down a fucking list of your accomplishments, your good features, things you care about, what choices seriously cripple you, what do you want to do with your time left alive. Who the fuck are you OP? Why should other people care about you? Don't cop out on that mother fucking answer either. I don't want any of that "no one should care about me, I have no good qualities." I am asking you a mother fucking question and I expect a god damn answer. And what's hilarious is that you won't do it. You'll read this and think about it a little and move on without any real understanding of yourself. What's even worse is that no matter how long this wall of text is going to be, you'll probably nitpick some part of it and focus solely on that. Which is why I haven't asked a god damn thing about that girl you proddled. The second step after figuring out who you are, you piece of shit, is to figure out a lens to look at this information through. I don't give a fuck about your personal philosophy. The easiest one that comes to mind is the 4 virtues. Prudence, temperance, fortitude, justice. Fucking label that list as positives and negatives. Where do you need improvement? Where do you do things pretty well? Fuck yeah you got that far and know you gotta get better at things, or maybe wow I got some serous fortitude and can deal with shit. Be proud of that. Internalize that you are good at that, know that you are good at that, and know that no one else gives a shit. When you do that, that is confidence. It will then exude from you. People will notice.

>> No.12459613
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>if only you knew how bad it really is

>> No.12459626
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>> No.12459632
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>> No.12459648

how do you assert yourself to a bitch?

>> No.12459657

Physically, in person. This type of assertion finds its textual correlative in silence and abstention from response. This demonstrates that you care about her for her body, that her body is all she is worth, and she will come to respect you for assessing her honestly and treating her according to that assessment.

>> No.12459672
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I think that the problem is that you've probably spent your entire life thinking about how your first woman encounter will be romantic and beautiful and fair and cool etc., but the aforementioned encounter turned out to be a quick fuck with an obvious thot and you're kind of lost now. Don't sweat it, think about the fact that you actually had a sleepover with her and you're better with woman (since you ended up with a bj) than you were, say, a year ago. Sure, it's a laughable achievement, but try to find a solace in it and think about it in the future, when you will be inevitably approaching someone new. No need for the book, but there are great posts in this thread.

>> No.12459682

Really appreciate these posts. Thank you guys.

>> No.12459686


>Talks like he’s 16

Do you even read lol

>> No.12459697
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Trying to start sir. Also sort of a redneck blue-collar guy so that might be why...

>> No.12459706

im not op but i need help confronting someone who ghosted me and insulted me a few months ago and i cant do it physically. what do i say without looking bitter or nice ?

>> No.12459758

Other girls are out there. From what you've written, it just seems like you were focusing in on have a successful relationship with this one girl and you're kind of mulling over what went wrong.

Nothing went wrong, but nothing needed to go immediately right either. And that's okay, it's just sometimes hard to be comfortable with that outcome.

My recommendation is to take a vacation where you bar hop to start conversations with women in a city of your choice. You don't have to drink, you don't have to hook-up. The goal is just to go into a place, get comfortable enough to strike up a conversation with a lady at the bar. Doubly so when trying to talk to one who is accompanied by her friend, where you have to compliment them both before focusing on talking to the one that is more pleasing or interesting.

The goal being simply to get some perspective and expand that horizon.

>> No.12459777

Nothing. You do literally nothing. Move on anon. What do you get out of it? A fleeting feeling of redemption or satisfaction for getting back at them? If it doesn't work what happens? They'll be laughing at you for years to come as that pathetic guy that didn't know when to quit. Just don't do it anon.

>> No.12459795

i dont think they wanted me to quit because they posted about me to basically say no to them. plus they were having mental health problems, they might be clearer in the head now. its not just about getting back at them, its about leaving on my own note. i want to say it in a way they cant laugh at me

>> No.12459815

Wow, thanks for the useless context and proof of your insecurity.

"Hey I had fun. Sorry things didn't work out. See ya around."

>> No.12459819

saying nothing is always better

>> No.12459824
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What is it with /lit/ and faggots posting their blogs?

>> No.12459834

they insulted me afterwards but not directly and i want them to feel stupid for leaving because of their 'mental health' which is something i couldve helped with.
ive said nothing and nothing has happened.

>> No.12459840

They confuse blogging with "literature" or "philosophy."

>> No.12459847

At least you're lifting and doing physical activity. The body is the first thing you need to start with. It's what everything else is built on. On the other hand, the reason why "Go Lift" is thrown out as advice so often is because it's the easiest thing you can do to improve your chances of making it. The progress and success that comes with lifting is much more linear than almost any other activity you can undertake.

As for the one girl, I wouldn't sweat it too much. Worrying about one particular girl that it didn't work out with is stupid. It's like if a batter in baseball were obsessed with one type of pitch thrown by one particular pitcher and let that get in the way of his overall batting average. You can't hit every pitch, so you should focus on the ones you can hit. Even if you're good looking and successful you're not going to have a perfect batting average when it comes to women. Some will just dislike you or be indifferent to you for whatever reason.

I'm not sure whether you really want book recommendations here or recommendations about "making it" (i.e. being attractive to women). If you want an easier time with women, the best thing to do is to establish a solid social circle. This bypasses a lot of the difficult work that you usually have to perform before a woman lets you fuck her. You will no longer have to constantly qualify yourself to women; you will be pre-qualified by virtue of belonging to a social group, and one which the women in question have some connection to.

As for books, I'd have to start with the general recommendation of Aurelius' Meditations. For tips on how to commit fewer errors that cost you what you want (especially in social settings), check out the 48 Laws of Power. People on here may decry this particular book, but most guys on 4chan know nothing about social etiquette or finesse, and even less about influencing people. 48 Laws will teach you when it's best to shut the fuck up and stop being your own enemy in social interactions.

Also, on another note: if she gave you a BJ (even if she was drunk), why didn't you get playful and friendly with her in the morning when she was sober? You could have tried laying some groundwork for the next time you guys were gonna hang out.

>> No.12459850

"Hey I had fun. Sorry things didn't work out. See ya around."

>> No.12459860

isn't that a bit of a pussy way to respond to someone who's disrespected you? shouldnt i spotlight their mental health too?

>> No.12459876

>shouldnt i spotlight their mental health too

thats immature

>> No.12459894

Hey I had fun.
>acknowledging appreciation for the part of knowing the girl that was enjoyable. You're still hot, but fuck this mess.
Sorry things didn't work out.
>This is basically your fault you bitch, why are you so stupid? I could have helped you. None of the blame should be put on me you cunt, but here's a false apology anyway.
See ya around
>I really don't give a shit if I run into you at some point in the future, but like hell I'll ever beg for another chance and attempt to specify a date or attempt to talk about any of this shit with a dumb bitch like you.

It's all about context. And in the end, on the surface level, it seems like you're being the grown-up responsible one.

>> No.12459905

they insulted me and ghosted me, which is disrespectful, it was a waste of my time. of course i'm fucking angry.
youre apologizing for yourself whilst acknowledging her worth. dont say i'm not being grown up, thats unfair to say. i didnt even react to her when she was posting about me on social media.

>> No.12459924
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>wow hey u cheeky cunt, catch these fists when ur skitzo brain can handle this level of depressive episodes, just wait until my wifes son hears about this shit he's gonna make so many tiktoks about ur slutty braindead ass I didn't even think u were hot u thot. DAB OUT. BET.
Like, what the fuck do you expect from us anon? You're mad at a situation and aren't calm enough to properly examine the social dynamic. You should respect yourself and others more. Turn the other cheek and move on.

>> No.12459940

apart of me wishes I could tell them everything could work, another part of me wants to shun them for their irrational actions. they also spiraled me into confusion because they insulted me and then implied that their was a solution (being angry to them) and since i was angry to them i feel like something is left unsaid.

>> No.12459946


>> No.12459955

Wow, thanks for the mixed signals and proof that you don't know how to look at things from a third party perspective.

"Hey I had fun. Sorry things didn't work out. See ya around."

>> No.12459968

i have had every thought you have said. yes i'm confused. they probably see me as the soft nice guy since they literally requested for me to hurt them. saying what you say will get me either no response or a confirmation.

>> No.12459980

Jesus fucking Christ
Just drop it you fucking sperg

>> No.12459989

Yeah you're right. It's just that she is the perfect body I want. We share a lot of hobbies. I guess it's that most of the time hookups like this it's just two people attracted to each other with not much else in common. I guess that's the issue.

>Nothing went wrong, but nothing needed to go immediately right either. And that's okay, it's just sometimes hard to be comfortable with that outcome.

Yeah that's a good way of looking at it I need to embrace that I guess.

Bar hopping just to get practice is a good idea. I might get have to try that.

Will check out Meditations.
>why didn't you get playful and friendly with her in the morning when she was sober?
Was hungover and like I said earlier its hard for me to make conversation with women. I should have tried harder you're right. The weird part of is it was that we barely had spoken beforehand. So being so intimate in bed with her. Then waking up and making conversation seemed backwards to me. But yeah definitely should have...
Thanks for the post.

No a physical outdoor activity that she already takes part of occasionally.

>> No.12459997

alright i will deny my own feelings and potentially fuck up something that could be fixed because you called me a sperg .

>> No.12460003


>> No.12460031


>> No.12460032

>OP asks how not to be a sperg
>Proceeds to sperg out all over the thread
Is this thread art

>> No.12460124

He's not OP.

>> No.12460161


>be me at 15
>go to friends house for a sleepover, eat cereal while hes in his room
>walk into his room and find him dead on the floor
> start running back to the kitchen and screaming loud enough for everyone on the boardwalk to hear us
> mom runs into his room and dinds him sitting up scared as fuck
>turns out im retarded and dramatic
>she leaves and we make out and play with each others buttholes.

>> No.12460214

How does the skin of a woman feel like anon

>> No.12460380

Lol imagine believing the college meme

Don't worry/think too much about it. You should have just talked to the girl at the store. Women are cowards and they won't make the first move. This was traditionally a good thing, but as men descend into betahood it makes it harder to start relationships. If you are making good money in the trades don't go to college. It's standardized trash anyways.

>> No.12460384

Blogging is unironically better than philosophy

>> No.12460782

stop kidding yourself, there's nothing between you. you just used each other for your own selfish pleasure. that's not the basis of a relationship.

>> No.12460784


>> No.12461054
