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File: 932 B, 1200x720, 1200px-Flag_of_Germany.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12451442 No.12451442 [Reply] [Original]

what's the best way to go about it?

>> No.12451487

Move to Germany

>> No.12451508

specifically a small town in Germany/Austria where English isn't as widely spoken. You can easily get by in Berlin without speaking a word of German

>> No.12451510

>moved to Germany
>surrounded by Kanaken

>> No.12451528

>specifically a small town in Germany/Austria where English isn't as widely spoken.
It's usually where German isn't spoken either, dumb Saupreiß.

>> No.12451551

what's the best way to learn it on a wagecuck's budget.

>> No.12451561

Get a job in Germany

>> No.12451565

not an option
it hard to get visa for germany just to learn language

>> No.12451575

>getting a job in germany without knowing german

>> No.12451579

Kill yourself and hope to get reincarnated as a German.

>> No.12451592

Take some classes at your local community college or find a tutor.

>> No.12451909

Nah man they're letting anyone in, just show up at the gates

>> No.12452480

you're kidding nobody here

>> No.12452983
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>> No.12453000

That only works if you're brown.

>> No.12453184

I heard Bavaria is full of Nazis
I wanna live there

>> No.12453207

>I heard Bavaria is full of Nazis
that's an overexaggeration by leftist boomers.

>> No.12453214

>it hard to get visa for germany just to learn language
It's barely harder than getting a tourist visa, that is to say really easy.

>> No.12453221

But thats a good thing

>> No.12453243

I am a fan of Assimil courses. The audio is really good quality. You could find a torrent but it is only 65 usd. I've used 2 different editions of Assimil German but the newer one is way better.

>> No.12453273
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Last election was the first time AfD (which is really just an anti-immigrant softball club, let's be honest) gained anything in Bavaria and the Greens gained just as much lmao more like full of cucks

>> No.12453276

Saxony has much more actual Nazis and sympathisers. Bavaria is just liberal-conservative with heavy regional focus.

>> No.12453277

Is Tell Me More good for learning German?

>> No.12453330
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I've been learning German for three years and have become fairly proficient. Here are the resources I've used and can recommend (aside from university classes), listed roughly in the order that I suggest you use them (although many of these should be used at the same time - e.g. don't finish the Duolingo course before you start the Michel Thomas course - do them concurrently):

>Michel Thomas audio courses Total, Pro and Vocabulary (pretty easy to find a torrent of)
Slow German Podcast with Anik Rubens
>pic related - really good grammar book for A2-B2 level, plus they have also published a really good book for C1
>watch german children's shows such as Peppa Pig (Peppa Wutz) and Laura's Star (Lauras Stern). Move up to watching things like spongebob, fairly odd parents, etc. and eventually to adult shows
>read children's books such as the little prince (der kleine Prinz) and move up from there

Above all else I recommend either living in Germany for a while or finding native speakers. You'll never get very far in the language without practicing speaking it with someone who can speak german fluently. It's not only the fastest and most effective way to learn, but the only real way to break through to a B2/C1 level. Studying grammar and vocab just isn't enough

>> No.12453481
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Pic relates makes good use of cognates. This is a good exercise book for mid-level students. Also, I go on /int/ a lot, which has its own idiosyncrasies because of their chanese dialect.

>> No.12453696

Germany has a rich past, but will it continue to produce? I don't see a much of a point to learn German if not.

>> No.12453715

>but will it continue to produce?
the way things are going now, it will continue to produce mulatto babies lmao

>> No.12453740
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>> No.12453748

yeah, the cuckservative party lead by a lesbian former goldman sachs employee is going to make germany great again.

>> No.12453756

they never learn
all "nationalist" parties are controlled opposition, so that any kind of civil unrest has a safe outlet
true nationalist groups are locked up and silenced

>> No.12453768

>tfw sat through 3 hours of Lohengrin last night
>reflecting upon the rich and glorious history of Germany
>so many great thinkers, writers, musicians, military men, ect.
>look at Germany today and cringe
Hitler almost wasnt kidding when he called the Germans the master race, they really were an incredible and industrious people
But they're fucking flushing all that down the drain for some good boy points
Its tragic to watch

>> No.12453787

lingvist.com is very good

>> No.12453857

Incel retards loves to shit on Duolingo, but I think it's a decent place to begin.

>> No.12453868

Go to Germany, do something illegal and get put in German jail for a few years.

>> No.12453934

Is she really a lesbian?

>> No.12453943

Using now, can confirm bruder

>> No.12453953

Honestly Spanish and Chinese are worthless, meanwhile German is the language of Business, Engineering, and Science in Europe.

>> No.12453971

Yeah, it's a good accessory. Certainly won't teach you an entire language on its own but it won't hurt

>> No.12454269

Nah. If you hang out with Germans, you find out that they’re pretty autistic.

They have most of the qualities Americans idealize but don’t live up to. Rigid, organized, curt to a fault, stubbornly individualist even when you’re clearly fucking nuts, and so idealistic they do dumb shit like let a bunch of refugees in on a flawed principle like “human rights” (which Hannah Arendt, a masterrace jew, called decades in advance.)

Germans spoiling their potential is part of their national character.

>> No.12454338

the typical german travels to australia (or, in some obscure cases, to new zealand) for a few months once he finished his high school education.
the typical german thinks hes a very intresting and open person for liking these few things EVERY OTHER GERMAN likes as well:
>travelling and experiencing new cultures (most important, by far, this checks a lot of boxes important for germans, like they are not afraid of new cultures so they cant be nazi, and that they have time and money to spend on such a hobby)
>going out with friends (is it really a hobby? actually not, but checks a few boxes as well, i have friends, im socially not maladjusted, i'm an outgoing person and not some creep etc.)
>some kind of sport (doesnt really matter which one, and usually depends on the location, for instance slack lining or some other obscure shit in berlin, hiking and more "normal" hobbies in bavaria.
Also important: germans LOVE american sports.
they watch the superbowl and have superbowl parties, some even play baseball and watch that shit. Even though they fucking DESPISE america. Actually, a german will talk shit about america whenever he gets the chance to, be it about american laws, american cars, american politicians. Its a real love-hate relationship there, and for me as a man from abroad, it was a very strange experience.
Whats intresting though is, they defend objectively shit countries, like india and china and what not, but only because they feel extremely superior to them.

>> No.12454427

I love German culture and history, but I find Germans themselves depressing to be around. Well, all the fascinating art, philosophy and history are probably bound up causally in how nauseating it is to be German.

>> No.12454431

A language will never stick unless you make an active effort to immerse yourself in it daily.

>> No.12454438

That's depressing

>> No.12454470

I remember once seeing someone post the name of a textbook for German that was similar to Lingua Latina in how it goes about teaching the language. Does anyone know what it's called?

>> No.12454492

He wants to learn German, not arabic.

OP, I'm german, just for perspective. Do what >>12453330 said. I'd also suggest that you bookmark a german newspaper, like Zeit, welt, FAZ or Züricher Zeitung. You'll have an easier time accessing german media if you're aware of what's happening here.

Once you are at the level where you can get most of what's in a news article, try to branch out. Consume more german media. If you're a fan of Age of Empires, watch "Rage of Empires" for example or try and get some books like Wolfgang Hohlbein or similar.

>> No.12454541

>try to become janitor
>passed up for a Greek with a phd in mathematics

>> No.12454547

This. Any Right-Wing movement that isn't explicitly calling for seizure of power outside of the law is un-ironically contropp.

>> No.12454650

Don't worry everyone hates usa

>> No.12455097

Imagine being such an asocial sheltered tub of lard, that having friends, doing sports and traveling seems like special hobbies of a particular group of people and not just normal universally practiced activities.

>> No.12455117

Bonus points for Germans not being german enough to this american man abroad.

>> No.12455149

>the best way

The one that works for YOU, ie. the one you'll stick with long enough to produce results and to actually learn something instead of wasting time on meme stuff like duolingo.

Like vidya? Play adventure games (lots of text, interactive, spoken language, etc). Watch movies, make profile on interpals and chat with german hambeasts, etc.

>> No.12455151

Im also trying to improve my German, my first language but it's faded. I want to listen to some simple audio books of things I've read before, but the only thing i can think of thats simple enough to understand would be Harry Potter or something, and i dont really want to do that. Suggestions?

>> No.12455178


>> No.12455308

Duhm? I'm Austrian

>> No.12455327

Do many Austrians consider themselves Germans?

>> No.12455346

Done that, what's next?

>> No.12455397

None. We consider Bavarians Austrians though.

>> No.12455400

Doubt.jpeg considering a little thing called the pan-German movement

>> No.12455438

How does that change you being autistic enough to consider sports and friendships to be something abnormal? You sound like some village retard from Kärnten that went to Berlin once, met 3 Piefkes in a sports bar and is now desperately trying to extrapolate this grand experience onto 80 million people.
>15 year old flyover amerigoblin with wikipedia telling people what their country is really like.jpg

>> No.12455778

If you learning it for Lit sake then you might as well give up. Germans are culturally dead and americanized.

>> No.12455782

based and karmapilled

>> No.12455897

How is that for a non-sequitor? Even if your foul statement would be correct -- which it is clearly not -- then there would be enough of German literature for more than one life-time.


>> No.12455919

It's the other way around. Austrians are backwater Bavarians with huge inferiority complex.
t. Mingara

>> No.12455930

Step 1. Minor or major in German at Uni.
Step 2. Get a job teaching English in Germany.

That's what I'm doing but there are probably other ways (although they may be slower and less effective).

Viel Glück!

>> No.12455951

How does that change you not having any reading comprehension? I hate wehraboos so much. you will never be german you stupid nazi

>> No.12455974

>say something extremely retarded
>n-no it's your reading comprehension
Nice one.
>be german
>stupid nazi
Okay, so you're actually a larping mutt. Too bad.

>> No.12455975


>be an exchange student in Berlin
>try to learn German
>learn Turkish instead

Yea, it won't work.

>> No.12456005

You're actually a dumbass.

>> No.12456016

Yeah, go larp elsewhere, tubbo.

>> No.12456025

Ich bin kein Ami, du Spastiker. Aber Du kannst anscheinend kein Englisch oder was ist Dein Problem mit dem Post? Fühlst Dich wohl getroffen, Malte-Sören?

>> No.12456060

I laid out what is my problem with your post. Do *you* have a problem with English?
>lmao Deitschn machn Sport, gehn aus und reisn wie merkwürdig huihuihui
Literally braindead Kaffschluchti.

>> No.12456257

Nation of tourists and beardrinkers. Dead inside since early 20th century. But for your fee fee sake, economically strongest in euro.

>> No.12456265


>> No.12456383

>makes a post about Germans hating Americans
>ends up fighting with some other autist in his native language about irrelevant mutt politics

>> No.12456401

you sound like a bitter homo that was never allowed to join the soccer games during school breaks.

>> No.12456646
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It's okay to be jealous.

>> No.12456702

Up until Sebald died in 2001 they’ve continued to have some good authors like Wolfgang Hilbig from East Germany. In fact it’s countries like England that are in want of real talent, while America for a few decades had the most insufferable literary circlejerk after the second world war and likely before it too

>> No.12457026

>for liking these few things EVERY OTHER GERMAN likes as well:
>>(is it really a hobby? actually not
>also completely ignoring the rest
Gib a Ruh, Sören.

>> No.12457084


>> No.12457142

Your post is literally "woah germans go out, do sports and travel - what madness!" and "they love american football because I say so". Get a grip on your inferiority complex.
>Sören Sören Sören
Better yet, go back to your containment cuckshed in /int/ and stay there posting about legger pidser and anime or whatever it is you, sub 80 iq autistic Hauptschüler, do all day.

>> No.12457150

Why are you so upset? Have I perhaps hit a nerve? No need to respond. We both know I did.

>> No.12457191
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>haha you replied to me I epic win

>> No.12457265
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she's openly lesbian. this is her partner.

>> No.12457276

I'm not american and I dont need to be german to know about germany
If nobody in Austria considered themselves Germans then Pan-Germanism wouldnt exist
Sounds like you've got some kind of insecurity complex
I know for a fact that to the outside world basically everybody just considers Austrians Germans.

>> No.12457313

You continue to prove how pathetic your reading comprehension is. I said that you were unreasonably upset. You post complete non-sequiters.
Based Piefke

>> No.12457336

Check out youtube for some audio books. If you've read it before, it should be ok to pick more difficult books like Lovecraft or Howard. Better Howard.
You could also try listening to german newsstations or similar.

But here's a secret tipp: If you want easy language, watch "Sendung mit der Maus". It's for kids, so ideal for non german speakers. Plus descriptive videos to go with the words.

>> No.12457353

Du hast über Leute gebitcht, die Sport treiben, mehr als Fußball mögen und Freunde treffen. Das ist sowas von Kellerkind, dass deine Mutter dich seit 1997 nicht mehr die Treppe raufwuchten konnte.

>> No.12457361

get a german gf

>> No.12457369

>>12457026 es geht um die Einstellung der Leute über diese Tätigkeiten, Duhmbrudi

>> No.12457387

>lul reading comprehension
>lmao umad
I bin a Baier. Dei deppertes Hirnschiss is halt zu bekloppt zu ignoriern. Jetzt schleich di, zrick zum epic-pidser-faden, geistig Kranka.

>> No.12457440


>> No.12457450

>asks locals a question about their view of themselves
>tries to argue based on wikipedia and cretinous logic
Jesus, you were born special, weren't you. Pan-Germanism is virtually non-existent today and has been since the end of WW2. Austro-Bavarians are ethnically German, but culturally rather distinct to the rest. Even in Bavaria there's a very strong "we are our own thing" attitude and the same distancing from "northern" Germans which earned it a reputation of being "Germany's Texas".
>I know for a fact that to the outside world basically everybody just considers Austrians Germans.
How the fuck does that matter for what Austrians think about themselves, you colossal imbecile? Top yourself.

>> No.12457458
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smells like kraut and tea in here

>> No.12457468

>based on wikipedia
why do you keep talking about wikipedia?
and why are you so defensive lol
I just asked a question and not even 1 post later you're hurling insults

>> No.12457503

Du hast über Leute gebitcht, die gerne Sport treiben, sich für mehr als Fußball interessieren und es mögen, sich mit Freunden zu treffen. Das sind völlig normale Dinge. Kannst dich gleich über Leute, die Brot essen aufregen.

>> No.12457525

>I just asked a question and not even 1 post later you're hurling insults
You asked someone far better equipped to answer a question, got a reply and then proceeded to argue like retard. You absolutely deserve to be called one.

>> No.12457527

Not the guy you're talking to, but is this the German equivalent of "bitched about?"

>> No.12457532
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Бцт тнaт's иoт тнe GOAT /liт/ laиgцagэ, aиoи

>> No.12457546

Not an equivalent, just straight calque. It's cool these days to litter German speech with needless anglicisms for some reason.

>> No.12457588

>the typical german thinks hes a very intresting and open person for liking these few things EVERY OTHER GERMAN likes as well
Du musst nicht auf stur tun. Es ist okay zuzugeben, dass man sich geirrt hat. Du bist hier anonym. Das wird dich nicht verfolgen.

>> No.12457630

Europeans have plundered each other for centuries. It's a honored tradition. But a translation could be jammern oder flennen.

Gott, du bist ein Idiot. Das sind Dinge die nahezu jeder aus einem westlichen Land macht und jeder tauscht sich über solche Erlebnisse aus. Wie von mehreren festgestellt, du bist ein autistisches Wrack. Gewisse Interessen, bzw. Themen gehören zum Grundgerüst menschlicher Kommunikation dazu. Die drei genannten sind einfache, unverfängliche Themen zur Einleitung, bevor man existenzielle Fragen angeht. Manche kommen nie soweit, aber dass ist nunmal so in der gaußschen Normalverteilung.

>> No.12457634

But nobody thinks about these "things" as "things", but you, retard. Your post is just /b/-tier autismal conjecture. And some even more autistic weaseling. Lass doch Mama etwas frische Luft in deinen Keller reinzulassen.

>> No.12457638

If you're a non native speaker, that's pretty good German, Anon. Just delete the zu in reinlassen at the end and its perfect.

>> No.12457651

>Just delete the zu in reinlassen
I don't have 4chan gold account, so I can't edit.

>> No.12457704

Funnily enough, I thought the exact same thing. Going to /lit/ is also just the pretentious thing Kraut would do.

>> No.12457713

Where nobody speaks German

>> No.12458065

I asked a nobody on 4chan who gave me an objectively incorrect response
I'm sure if I went to Austria I could find one person who considers himself German
It was a simple question, asked out of genuine interest, and you responded like a fucking asshole
Go fuck yourself kraut

>> No.12458099


>> No.12459602

Why do you want to learn dying language? Learn something useful instead.

>> No.12460284
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Vienna is a historically German city.

>> No.12460426

Taking German at Uni
Trying to find a German penpal or something, but they're all so fucking autistic

>> No.12460521

Okay, ihr hattet Recht und ich habe Unrecht.

>> No.12460528

Bavaria is just conservative, I think there are virtually no Nazis there. If you want to live among Nazis, move to rural Saxony or Brandenburg.

>> No.12460632

Yeah was ist los mit die Germans? They're either watery-eyed pansies that are a nightmare to talk to, or stone-faced automatons that breathe sarcasm

>> No.12460826

Aynen, Almanya'ya gitse bile annesinin bodrumundan çıkmayan otistik Berndler'le uğraşmayacağı için oranın hâlihazırda gayriresmi konuşma dili olmuş Türkçeyi öğrenmesi Almancadan daha işine gider

>> No.12460953

Give it a bit of time. German is a foreign culture for you. Learning the language is only part of what you need to learn to communicate with Germans. Any culture has their own rules and social norms.

>> No.12461057

Ein Dürüm mit alles, ohne scharf, Mehmet. Und zwar schnell.

>> No.12461109

>Foreign culture
Not really, I'm German. Just grew up in the states. I'd say Berlin is foreign though

>> No.12461177
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>grew up in the states
>I'm German

>> No.12461182

>"I'm German"
>Have German passport
Isn't that how it works?

>> No.12461185

Pretty poor bait.

>> No.12461187

It is, after WWII.

>> No.12461205

>German parents
>Born in Frankfurt
>Move to USA
>Not German
K. Pretty sure you'd say the exact same thing if it was the other way round though ;^)

>> No.12461216

>doesn't speak German on native level
>spent his formative years outside German culture
You're an American of German ethnic descent.

>> No.12461224

Are you this guy?>>12460632
You may have a german passport, but culturally you are not. The big difference between american culture and european ones is that you absolutely need to speak the language fluently to be part of the people in Europe.
"die Germans" is just wrong. It's "den Deutschen", so you have a grammar mistake. Which also explains why you react so estranged to Germans.