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1245211 No.1245211 [Reply] [Original]

I would've liked to have been in either Ravenclaw Or Slytherin.

>> No.1245213

Umm this thread just happened.

DFW is in Hufflepuff, Hemingway Gryffindor, etc, etc

>> No.1245216

Not which authors equal which Houses, but what house did YOU want to be in when you read the books.

>> No.1245217

What's Rand in?

>> No.1245229

In 1998 I wanted to be in Slytherin because I was 9 at the time and it seemed pretty cool. Hufflepuff was 'pussy', but now it just seems... not cool. Hehe.
Anyways, I probably still wanna be in Slytherin, they provide alot of the plot.

>> No.1245230

How is that even a question? She is greedy, a complete egotist, and speaks with a Russian accent.

>> No.1245231

Ravenclaw was cool, tehy were mai lit-fu's house and didn't really get much exposition.

>> No.1245236

Hufflepuf are basically the Switzerland of the 4 houses. And they have a Badger as they're avatar. How lame.

>> No.1245249

Hufflepuff = Not the brightest of the bunch
Gyffindor = Overrated
Slytherin = Badass
Ravenclaw = Pretty damn clever
I'd personally would go with Slytherin or Ravenclaw

>> No.1245260

I'd like to be in Ravenclaw but their colors are shitty. After that it'd be either Hufflepuff or Gryffindor. I can't be in Slytherin as I am biracial.

>> No.1245282

I think most of /lit/ would be ravenclaws who think they should be in slytherin, except for the tripfags who would be in hufflepuff and think they should be in slytherin.

>> No.1245291

ravelclaw or puff

>> No.1245297

wow lots of hating on hufflepuff

>> No.1245298

i fucked a married woman with kids can i be slytherin yet

>> No.1245300

Well Hufflepuff canonically get no respect.

>> No.1245306


>> No.1245311

Definitely Hufflepuff. The laid back stoners and misfits.

>> No.1245313

Holy crap you're right. She is the perfect Slytherin.

>> No.1245316

Only because I like their dungeon common room.
And green is really my color.

>> No.1245321

Really she sounds more like Durmstrang

>> No.1245348

Ravenclaw because I'm a smart bitch.

>> No.1245352
File: 164 KB, 524x524, 1275610227424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Best be joking, son.

>> No.1245374 [DELETED] 

why would post a picture of shamalama's horrible trainwreck of a movie?

>> No.1245378

>join Hufflepuff
>take part in the group orgies

>> No.1245386

I always imagined Hufflepuff to be people who are like very christian (not like the ones who go around yelling about how people are going to hell, but the ones who only think it loudly) and super committed to community service and dedicated. Not really smart but they're very committed. Usually very upbeat (in a sort of sickly way, almost like a smugness I'd say, but it lacks outward arrogance, actually that might be a prerequisite of smugness), like to organize outreach events, those kind of people.

Of course since this is Harry Potter, they wouldn't be christian but rather some sort of devil worshipping witch but the premise is still the same.

>> No.1245410


Skin colour had fuck all to do with Slytherin, your parents didn't even have to be pure blood. Snapes weren't.

>> No.1245417

You don't know that he could be from a mix of unambitious races like the polish/negro

>> No.1245419

I always imagined Hufflepuff as the friendly morons who are good intentioned but dumb as shit.

Slytherin are your stereotypical mean people

Gryfindor is your pretenious idealistic shitheads.

Ravenclaw are a bunch of indie faggots.

If I had to choose, I'd choose none of them. I'd be a fucking monk wizard. I fucking hate magic wands and all this cauldron bullshit. I wanna meditate on mountain tops, levitate and kill people with telekinesis.

>> No.1245420


That is exactly what Hufflepuff were about. They got retconned to being useless later on because JK was moist for only 2 houses.

>> No.1245421

I wanna be that wizard who pulls a gun when people challenge me to magick duels

>> No.1245423


I know there was at least one Negro in Slytherin.

>> No.1245433

Yes, but that was affirmative action.

>> No.1245440

Gryfindors remind me of those dumb Socialists who no shit all about politics and claim the Communist Manifesto and Trotskys/Stalin's biographies are they're favourite books and think they're the shit and are intellectually superior.

>> No.1245449

Yeah they're all about helping out the downtrodden, but they have no fucking clue what they're doing and they usually just make it worse

>> No.1245454
File: 19 KB, 350x392, DwightDeallwithit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hitler samefagging to make people hate Marxists
Nice try fascist scum, but not this time!

>> No.1245460

I always wanted to be in Ravenclaw. Never heard much from them in the books.

>> No.1245457

But....I'm a Liberal IRL.

>> No.1245461

We get to see they're common room in the last book and hopefully in the last film.

>> No.1245467

Yeah but unfortunately it was during that situation.

I liked the books so much because I felt like I was going to the school as well, the 7th book was hard for me to read because they weren't even going to school. Heh.

>> No.1245474

It was weird from movie 3 and onwards how they switched from school uniform to regular clothes.

>> No.1245491

a little i suppose, but the movies' aesthetics don't have that much consistency.

>> No.1245510

You've convinced me to be in Hufflepuff.
But, in all seriousness, I say Ravenclaw.
The Ravenclaw people seem pretty cool, and if they really are that smart I would like to chill with them.

>> No.1245512

Sabin Blaze or something like that.
He was black, I believe.

>> No.1245546

The pure blood thing was just Voldemort's dig and he wasn't even pure.

>> No.1245555

Hufflepuff is for retards, Slytherin is for dickheads, Ravenclaw is for cool guys who are nerds, Gryffindor is for cool guys who do okay in gym class. Don't let anyone convince you that there's more complexity to it than this.

>> No.1245558
File: 7 KB, 217x232, cho chang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ravenclaw, hands down. Smartest, best colors, decent quidditch team......

oh yea, and Cho Chang. Can you beat a beautiful Asian? I think not...

>> No.1245561

I never read Harry Potter.

I wasn't a gaigantic faggot.

>> No.1245604

>Can you beat a beautiful asian?
A beautiful anything else can

>> No.1245624

Mark Zuckerberg is a Slytherin, Priscilla Chan is prob a Ravenclaw

>> No.1245634


I know I'd be Hufflepuff, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Gryffindors are lolcows, Slytherin are angsty faggots, and Ravenclaws, though pretty cool, probably don't have all that much fun.

1. Where is this beautiful Asian of whom you speak? Oh, you meant the pic you posted. Oh, you're one of those faggots who has such a raging AZN fetish that you can't even tell when a girl is ugly if her eyes are tilted a cetain way. Oh. Yeah. Nice.

Honestly though I'd be mostly content with Hufflepuff because I think they'd be more accepting of underachievers and they wouldn't be on your tits all the time about studies or intrigue or HONOUR. I would be a little jealous of Ravenclaw, though.

>> No.1245641
File: 259 KB, 315x480, 1277425792567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the diference among the houses? the canonical one

>> No.1245651


Gryffindore was for douchebag go-getters
Slytherin was for Nietzsche fags
Hufflepuff was for fatties and weeaboos
Ravenclaw was for band-geeks

>> No.1245652

I'd be in Slytherin. Clearly.

>> No.1245655
File: 9 KB, 256x372, 1277414868119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Captain: I'm detecting large quantities of fanon here

>> No.1245662

Gryffindor all the way.

>> No.1245667

ITT: A bunch of kids who got teased too much in high school have decided to UNLEASH THEIR DARK SIDE and they think themselves dark, clever, manipulative, and ruthless and say oMg I'm sO sLyThErIn. You're not Slytherin material, you're a pussy who still wears Nightmare Before Christmas apparel.

>> No.1245668
File: 8 KB, 181x219, rave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I see someone likes Teen Titans here.

>> No.1245687
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>> No.1245704


I only said I'd be in Slytherin because my father was in Slytherin, and my grandfather, and so on back to the Norman Conquest. You're clearly too plebby to understand.

>> No.1245711

I wanted to be in Slytherin just to see what the story looked like from a perspective that didn't constantly suck Harry's cock

realistically I would probably go to Gryffindor; can't remember what Hufflepuff's like

>> No.1245722

Blaise Zabini. Spelling might not be spot-on, but I think it is.

>> No.1245747

so there is not a canonical explination? then this thread is pure fanboyism

>> No.1245752

When I read them-- and I only read four-- I wanted to be Gryffindor, because I was nine and it was cool to have attention paid to you.

Now, Ravenclaw.

>> No.1245759

I wanted to be in Gryffindor, but really I don't think I'd fit into any of them very well.

>> No.1245764
File: 16 KB, 240x323, forehead wrinkles BEFORE pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying waaaaaay too hard there bro, nobody itt is claiming anything close to that

>> No.1245771


We told you, in a blunt and equal-opportunity insulting fashion, what the houses represent. If you can't fill in the blanks, then go to fucking Wikipedia.

>> No.1245781
File: 372 KB, 700x394, 1277249780585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK then, im going to stick to this thread standars

i will provably will not enter to hogwarts and if i enter i will be expulsate in recorde time becouse im alpha as fuck

>> No.1246414

Ravenclaw. I didn't care for the war and not for the dark lord, I was just interested in the world and the magic just like the Ravenclaws as we saw in the last book when most of them left when they had the oppurtunity.