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/lit/ - Literature

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12454565 No.12454565 [Reply] [Original]

who here /bookish/

>> No.12454574

>wearing glasses = bookish
Where did this meme start? Tons of working-class joe six-packs wear glasses nowadays.

>school of life
Didn't even watch the video 2bh.

>> No.12454581

What is bookish? Is it the reading equivalent of "foodie"?


>> No.12454582

>bookish people
>(thing) person

I’m not sure there’s anything I cringe at this hard. I had a girlfriend who would say “oh I’m such a ____ person” depending on the conversation and it was infuriating as fuck all because it made me feel more like I was conversing with a social movement rather than a human being.

Give me a good reason I shouldn’t raise dogs on a farm alone with my books and piano until I die.

>> No.12454584

>you want to have sex with their minds
No. I just want to get my dick wet desu.

>> No.12454593

It’s some retarded fad. Have you ever noticed that people who are “literary” or “bookish” feel the need to advertise it through fashion? Sure, reading alone wasn’t satisfying enough for you so you had to go out and buy a ugly hipster knit beanie and horn rimmed glasses because you had some stunning realization after reading The Critique of Culture. Yet these are the exact same people that will turn around and forsake all their ill-formed opinions once they come across someone who is more successful than them. And they will do this without noticing that the success and superior articulation is a result of resiliance and genuine curiosity, not fashion and pop-fads.

Fuck this cancerous shit

>> No.12454595
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Say again.

>> No.12454603
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It's like satire but you know it's real. Like the dude is annotating a second-hand copy of Ulysses in the first shot.

>> No.12454623

>They are a diminishing breed

Fuck this pedestrian shit... There are more people reading today than there ever have been in history, and not just looking in terms of absolute numbers but also in proportion to the total population.


and wearing glasses makes most people look retarded.

>> No.12454632

I can't believe I'm agreeing with everyone's posts. SoL and de Button is pure ideology

>> No.12454636

Wow today lit was not stupid

>> No.12454644

literally the gayest fucking thing I've ever seen

>> No.12454651

wow thanks for the additional motivation to shoot myself

>> No.12454656


>> No.12454664


>> No.12454673
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>i'm sapiosexual

>> No.12454676
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he has to know what he is doing, nobody can be unironically this ideological

>> No.12454690
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>Of course I'm a bookish person. How could you tell?
This is one of the gayest videos I have seen in a very long time.
This has to be ironic.

>> No.12454697

The School of Life dude is a mega virgin. If you watched any of his videos, you’d notice that after explaining a concept he’d make an attempt to synthesize it with an experience or viewpoint of his.

>> No.12454709

Why is everything about sex with this guy? He needs to get laid already.

>> No.12454729
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>> No.12454763

He's obviously a semi-jew, and looks quite homosexual.

>> No.12454793

School of Life is unironically really harmful for its intended audience (young introverts looking for guidance and purpose.) It worships being a "weirdo" and that you're just "going to be misunderstood" and that all your romances will be "crazy flings" and other such invented "literati" nonsense. Literally earning money by playing up people's feelings of displacement and loneliness.

It's kind of sick desu.

>> No.12454825

Can you stop posting these? they're legitimately freaking me out

>> No.12454832

Do triangles scare you too?

>> No.12454833

yes, they used to bully me as a kid

>> No.12454836

Imagine making book-reading an identity. Just another symptom of late capitalist search for meaning through consumption of commodities.

>> No.12454844

im not bookish, i'm book-like.

>> No.12454846

i'd say i'm book-esque

>> No.12454852

>no connection to nature
>no connection to community
>no connection to history
>no connection to the fruits of your labour
>no connection to Spirit

>"yeah, i just looove reading books, idk how anyone can prefer watching mindless movies and tv shows theyre just like so shallow compared to books XD"

>> No.12454879

>>no connection to nature
>>no connection to community
>>no connection to history
>>no connection to the fruits of your labour
>>no connection to Spirit
How can I make these connections? I'm tired of being disconnected from useful things.

>> No.12454918
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"bookish" people treat reading like a fashion accessory

>> No.12454927

This. All you have to do is watch the thousands of different vapid booktubers who have never read anything older than they are. Or you can just look at the stack threads here where NPC anons literally just buy books because they are the current meme of the month and will never actually read them.

>> No.12454936
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he not bookish but he sure cute

>> No.12454988

Holy fuck you're mad

>inb4 you're the person I'm describing in the post

>> No.12454990

>>no connection to nature
Spend time in nature, in parks, outside of the city if it's at all possible, sit in your garden, buy some pot plants, etc.

>>no connection to community
This one is a little harder, and one that I haven't fully figured out yet. A good start is to keep your existing relationships healthy, even if its just to your family members / current friends (if you have any), and be pro-active in spending time with them. From there, you might find yourself just naturally going to more things. From what I can tell there's no real "big community events" these days (unless you're into normie stuff like sports or religion), so a modern-day community is going to be spread out over a wide area and require a bit of travelling, desu.

>>no connection to history
Go to museums, go to historical landmarks, learn about your history through the internet / books / libraries etc.

>>no connection to the fruits of your labour
If you're a wageslave, aim not to be a wageslave. If you're a NEET, aim to find work (or get educated in work) that will let you experience these fruits. Avoid retail and corporate sectors. Aim for public, humanitarian or small business sectors.

>>no connection to Spirit
Meditate, engage in art, get into nature (relates to the first point), talk to wise people, cut down on distractions (food, porn, video games, etc.), find groups of people interested in philosophy, Buddhism, mysticism, etc (although be warned there's a lot of quackery surrounding this and a lot to New Age nonsense too, but good groups do exist)

This list isn't exhaustive, but hopefully it'll give you some ideas anon

>> No.12455002

Why'd you capitalize the 's' in spirit. You're not using it in the Hegelian fashion as is evident from this post >>12454990

>> No.12455012

It just feels more "proper" than calling it just "spirit." I use it loosely as a term to refer to "God", "the Universe", "Life", "the Transcendent", "the Force" etc. Whatever word appeals to you most basically, just that "thing" that can't be explained by reason alone, but drives us anyway.

>> No.12455016

How dare you

>> No.12455026

>buy potted plants and meditate lol
peak bugman

>> No.12455064

No such thing. Cultural meme.

There is something appealing about pounding a bespectacled 6/10 butterface with curly red or blonde hair and a fat ass. Maybe it's the frustration we felt when those touted middle school grades as heavenly Enlightenment, slamming their test on the desk and proclaiming "Finished!", as the rest of the class continued to work silently.

>> No.12455072

>no pornography is in their honour

I'm getting Ready Player One flashbacks

>> No.12455075


>> No.12455108
File: 515 KB, 500x500, bongo cat SMASH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a big fucker with bigass shoulders
>overall physique oriented about training
>and that big fucking guy that shouldnt have brain is reading
now this is REAL sexiness of bookish people

>> No.12455121


>> No.12455138

>Or you can just look at the stack threads here where NPC anons literally just buy books because they are the current meme of the month and will never actually read them.
or the ones that get books by color so they can complete their "color-coded" bookshelf

>> No.12455170

your the person he's describing in the post

>> No.12455174

you okay anon i think the roids are getting to your head

>> No.12455175

Who here /nothadsexinyears/ and wants a nerd to remedy that?

>> No.12455181

This poor man is one papercut away from ending his life

>> No.12455185

A very bookian thing to say

>> No.12455454

just be yourself

>> No.12455455

oh fuck off school of life

>> No.12455464
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>> No.12455484

>So, fellow capitalist, what haven't we fetishized yet? What did we miss?

>> No.12455485

Haha you're such a "Give me a good reason I shouldn’t raise dogs on a farm alone with my books and piano until I die." person, anon!

>> No.12455489


>> No.12455499

>School of Life
isn't that One Dollar man's cult

>> No.12455500

No, that's a different bald Anglo, Stefan Molyneux.

>> No.12455515

>specifically going outside to read in public

Do people actually do this? I find reading in public too distracting to focus properly on what I am reading.

>> No.12455520
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>no pornography is in their honour

>> No.12455547

I read in libraries and bookstores to get out of the house

>> No.12455573

Post your worst School of Life video

>> No.12455594
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Capitalism and neoliberalism have commodified de-alienating yourself. None of this will work because it's the same way everyone "connects", it's connection as something you consume. Buying things and trying the same vague mysticism as Julia Roberts in that movie is, like >>12455026 points out, peak bugman.

You have to escape your context. Try going to clubs and meetups for things you wouldn't ordinarily care about, learn new skills your friends and family wouldn't encourage you to do. Get recommendations from people you meet doing that for other things to do. Avoid anything that seems to be consumptive and involves little actual skill.

For instance merely "spending time in nature" - fuck that, learn fishing, hunting, birdwatching, astronomy, join a running club, grow your own food in a community garden. You'll fix the community problem and the alienation problem if you get into something that takes skill and engagement because you have to talk to other practitioners to do it. Buying two bowls of petunias and remembering to water them won't fix shit.

Best of luck anon.

>> No.12455595
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>They might not know that they are lovable

lol. How about using people in the video who are actually ugly but bookish whom no one will love, like me?

>> No.12455602

That doesn't sound right. I'm pretty sure a few of my paperbacks are 100 years old.

>> No.12455627

Wtf I love reading now

>> No.12455645
File: 171 KB, 1105x934, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well what do you know
i found heaps

>> No.12455683

Based and freedompilled

>> No.12455714
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>just internalize capitalism completely goy, it'll just feel better that way!

>> No.12456036

>second-hand copy
How can you know this?

>> No.12456042

>he cute

>> No.12456064
File: 501 KB, 1102x967, 1462766425181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw read voraciously since 1st grade
>tfw 23yo khhv

>> No.12456065

hell yeah

>> No.12456117

>fuck that, learn fishing, hunting, birdwatching, astronomy, join a running club, grow your own food in a community garden
Do you do any of that?

>> No.12456217

Where do I find bookish girls? I doubt there are any in tinder.

>> No.12456225

Swear i never saw a guy giving so much work on videos about philosophers and all sorts of "great" people just to twist what they said to fit his narratives about sex and relationships.
The dude needs to be cut off from his balls. Everything he talks about leads to sex.

>> No.12456514

>this much american education
reading a lot damages your eyes faster

>> No.12456537


>> No.12456566


I hunt and fish.

>> No.12456704

Spooked and dunya-pilled.

>> No.12456745

I, too, am a manlet with narrow shoulders

>> No.12456746
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you mean no one attractive will love you? if you are a decent person, you can easily find someone.

>> No.12457183

>bookish people
Literally just dress well and wear glasses. Oh, and don’t be fat or ugly. Congratulations on your steady stream of vagina and/or dick.

>> No.12457251

>>no connection to community
>>no connection to history
>>no connection to Spirit

>> No.12457262

This looks like a Baki character wtf

>> No.12457317
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>Walking in a park in autumn
>Wearing tortoiseshell glasses
>Scarfs and hats
>Empathy and shit
>Liking someone who "doesn't know they're lovable"
>Setting yourself apart from the masses by obsessing over your sensitivity, distance, quiet affect, and mind, seeing "people like you" as a diminishing breed
I hate this saccharine bullshit, where's the passion? Where's the instinct? Seems somehow self obsessed and insecure at the same time, somehow they manage to be equally pathetic and manipulative with their world view.
I'm not mad, but this type of thing really bothers me. Can someone explain why this is so irritating?

>> No.12457324

russian CGI model, like a vocaloid for horny girls to follow on instagram

>> No.12457374
File: 221 KB, 753x1200, baki's dad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn you're right
he even has the same freakishly long legs

>> No.12457386
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I'm about as qualified as anyone to give advice on a chan board but I'll give it a shot, now with more books:

>No connection to nature
Spend time in nature. Get into some kind of outdoor hobby like hunting, trail running, bushcraft, ornithology, plant biology, etc. I grew up shooting on BLM land and transitioned into being an avid birder, it's lead me to make lots of friends I otherwise wouldn't have met and have some crazy experiences like canoeing down a river slough from twilight to midnight (with a full moon so bright I barely needed my lantern) looking at owls, ospreys, and herons taking care of their evening chores. The more details you notice about nature the more richness you appreciate in it, humans like complex fractal things and nature has plenty of those to keep you happy. At least learn types of trees and stop being treeblind, it will make your world much more interesting. Also, read stegner, terry tempest williams, even Edward Abbey to learn how people internalize nature. No need for any of that native american bullshit. Romantic poetry maybe.
>No connection to community
This one's tough in the modern age but I think ideally getting involved in a team sport (as a mid-twenties male, just go for beer-league or something. Join with a ride or die friend) and going to church or some kind of regular community service is the best approach. Me and my gf do farmers market volunteering through our church and neighborhood association and it's added people and complexity to my life, and helped me feel connected to my surroundings.
>No connection to history
Most relevant history isn't taught in schools. Read books on foreign policy around and after 9/11, learn the affairs of different world powers, and you'll see how events of today are part of a causal continuity.
>No connection to the fruits of your labor
If you still have yet to settle in a career, become a doctor. Medical professionals have an awesome time seeing people improve (or fail to improve) and benefit directly from their day-to-day tasks. I love medical school, which is a rare opinion to hear expressed but I believe a more common one to hold.
>No connection to spirit
Like I said, go to church. Take your interactions with people seriously. Take actions that a good man would take, including claiming responsibility for situations.
Cheers, hope that helped.

>> No.12457516

Labor /= Capitalism. Using energy to transform the world around you is the only happy task for a human being. Abundance of commodities is the source of all first world sadness.

>anon posits a solution to a problem
>"ye-ye-yeah but do you do that??"
disgusting and plebpilled

>> No.12457554

So raise a bunch of children instilled with values that don't make their personalities based on what ever seems fashionable at the time. Be the change you want to see in the world anon

>> No.12457590

because they are disingenuous. It is an affected, performative behavior modeled after what they think they would look attractive doing. Sincerity isn't sincerity if it isn't sincere, basically.

>> No.12457830

>reads (modern) novels
>"My frivolous moments are so profound guys!"

>> No.12457865
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What? It's factually wrong. He actually just made it up as he liked.

>> No.12457910

It's not real and its not satire, its a commercial for their soft porn videos (which are very real). But yes, it is still pure ideology.

>> No.12457985

A friend secretly filmed me talking to myself about Deleuze essays I’ve been reading and then sent the video to everyone he knew does this mean people will think I’m more sexy?

>> No.12458060

It was either really impressive or really cringy if he did that. If you bump into any girl he sent it to you could play it off as a joke.

>> No.12458066

YFA and Paulo Coelho readers are unironically like this

>> No.12458128

Do you realize that your advice and its underlying ideology are literally on the same level as SOL, if not even lower? At least SOL wouldn't tell you to "connect with nature" by buying a fucking plant in a pot.

>> No.12458269
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>bookish person

>> No.12458288


>> No.12458321


>> No.12458717

this shit is SO FUCKING GAY

it makes me want to never read a book again

>> No.12458962

Is it really a solution if he doesn't even do it himself? I'm legitimately not against the idea of getting into hunting, fishing, astronomy, etc. if your situation allows for it, and if it does more power to you, honestly, but what my gut feeling says is that for most people reading this thread (18-25 year old urban males without much in the way of finances / properties / networks / etc.) such ideas aren't actually all that practical, and only serve to make you feel worse when you don't magically finding yourself being a rugged bushwhacker after getting the idea that you want to be.

That's why I recommend buying pot plants and spending times in parks, because these are very real, tangible things an anon can do RIGHT NOW to help increase their sense of nature. You can make snarky comments about this just being "internalising capitalism" all you want, but that would just be a defence mechanism to cope with the fact that these things WORK and require you to be proactive, and if anything are the first step you need to take in order to actually end UP as a solitary lumberjack in rural Montana, if that is your goal.

Any long-term plan requires patience. Sitting on 4chan fantasising about how you're gonna be an awesome cross-country hiker once you just get out of the globohomo cities is a sure-fire is ensure that you won't ACTUALLY be an awesome cross-country hiker once you just get out of the globohomo cities.

>> No.12458974

Legitimately, what's wrong with pot plants?

>> No.12459020

he is strait up Jewish aristocracy.

>> No.12459068

I want that minute of my life back you absolute fuckface

>> No.12459079

I read in libraries and bookstores coz I'm POOR

>> No.12459131

>tfw 6 foot tall with broad shoulders and a good face and I wear glasses for my actually terrible vision and read books
Am I bookish?

>> No.12459227

>they look great around books
>they're quiet around the house
Are they selling them as pets or something?

>> No.12459294

In themselves, they're completely fine. But you need to be divorced from nature to a truly disturbing level to find something this banal strengthening your "connection with nature". It's ridiculous, caricatural, constructed. Much like "connecting with history" by looking at old pottery in a glass case.

>> No.12459320
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>> No.12459324

Based and Thoreaupilled. Anyone else have something like this as their ultimate goal?

>> No.12459327

Looking at old pottery in a glass case would unironically increase your sense of history though. Sure, going to visit a majestic old castle or ancient ruins would probably give an even greater sense, but the two aren't mutually exclusive. You can spend time hiking and fishing whilst ALSO having pot plants in your urban shelter. If you even notice in my original post, I even recommend getting out of the cities as a way to increase time in nature. Perhaps my sin was not being clear enough what I meant by that, in which case I definitely recommend camping, hiking, and so on. But on a very immediate, day-to-day level, getting plants is really a great way to give you a subtle reminder that there's more to reality than the man-made labyrinth we've constructed for ourselves.

>> No.12459333

>BLM land
I don't understand, you mean like Compton and Atlanta?

>> No.12460405


Please understand that while you make a better point here "do you do it yourself" with no further comment looks like a narcissistic defense. It looks like "snark", it looks like peak bugman.

>Is it really a solution if he doesn't even do it getting into hunting, fishing, astronomy, etc. if your situation allows for it, and if it does more power to you, honestly, but what my gut feeling says is that for most people reading this thread (18-25 year old urban males without much in the way of finances / properties / networks / etc.) such ideas aren't actually all that practical, and only serve to make you feel worse when you don't magically finding yourself being a rugged bushwhacker after getting the idea that you want to be.

You don't have the money to fish or hunt, you're in a big city? Do something else that fits your budget and location. The point is do something active, do something that develops a skill and requires a community. Do you know where and how other anons live for sure? Was anon supposed to infer, from one line, that your comment was really about his material situation? Giving you benefit on the doubt it was based on bad guesswork and never expanded on. How are we supposed to realistically understand your point from what you actually said?

>That's why I recommend buying pot plants and spending times in parks, because these are very real, tangible things an anon can do RIGHT NOW to help increase their sense of nature. You can make snarky comments about this just being "internalising capitalism" all you want, but that would just be a defence mechanism to cope with the fact that these things WORK and require you to be proactive, and if anything are the first step you need to take in order to actually end UP as a solitary lumberjack in rural Montana, if that is your goal.

I see where you are coming from here but you're wrong. Buying things without learning new skills or getting involved in a community is a trap, it's an easy way to feel like you're doing something without doing it. I get that you think buying pot plants is a first step to growing your own but honestly growing your own is the first step to growing your own.

Nobody is advocating sitting on this board and fantasizing instead of doing something. Alright, so you might not be able to get to a place where you can hunt or grow things. So start a hobby which is creative and non-consumptive which you can do within your means. Does your city have relatively cheap art meetups or classes? Go. Are there running meets in the parks? Go.So fucking what if you do badly or you're "not practical", you become practical by trying, learning, getting taught, feedback. By actually doing shit instead of buying a fucking bowl of petunias, breathing funny for 20 minutes a morning and calling it a day.